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Lockes English I: Survey of Literature Syllabus

"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance;
one cannot fly into flying." Friedrich Nietzsche

Instructor Information:
Email address:
Room: 233/429
Course Overview:
Welcome to English I! I am so excited to meet you all and work with you this year. Throughout the course of the
year, we will center our reading of literature around the theme of identityindividual, community, societal, and
global. Who are we? What defines us? Do the same things/people/stories/experiences define all of us? It will be our
journey to answer theseand many morequestions together as you grow as a student, person, and community
member this year. We will sharpen our skills in writing and grammar through a variety of forms, focusing on
argumentative, rhetorical, narrative, and literary analysis essays. Our survey of literature will encompass a variety of
novels, short stories, poetry, Shakespeare, and nonfiction. Each unit will be assessed with a quarter exam with
additional assessments throughout the year. All of the assessments, assignments, and texts we will utilize will help
you strengthen your ability to read critically, write persuasively, and speak deliberately.

Required Materials: three-subject notebook, loose-leaf paper, pens, pencils, and one (consistent) place to write
your assignments down.

Online Resources:
Class Website:
No Red Ink:
Turn It In:
Class Library:
Google Classroom:

Each assignment will have its own point-value. The assignment-specific information will be available to you when
the assignment is introduced. The final percentage is determined by the total points youve earned, divided by the
total points available. Larger assignments such as tests, projects, or presentations will be worth more points than
smaller assignments such as quizzes, homework assignments, and in-class work. Your grade will be based on:
- Teacher and self-evaluation of skills
- Formal and informal reading/writing assignments
o Assignments: blogging, annotations of text, in-class presentations, peer editing, etc.
o Essays: cold-reads, take-home writing assignments
o Projects: research paper
- Participation
Grade scale:
100-90 = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69-60 = D 59-0 = F
Late Assignment Acceptance Policy: For smaller assignments like bell ringers and short writing pieces, I will
accept late work the next day for half credit. Any time afterwards, I will give you no credit.
You will receive one letter grade off for every day the large assignment is late. After five days, you will receive 50%
of the grade. Depending on the circumstance, revision of work for a revised grade can be an option after discussing
with me in person.
Attendance Policy: Please come to class every day on time. Attending class every day is the only way to succeed.
Cutting class results in a zero on any work for that day and a contact home to parents. In the event of illness, the
student should follow school policy and present a signed excuse upon return to class. You are responsible for any
assignments you may have missed while absent. Get the work that you missed from the class folder on the
Student Conduct Expectations:
Together we will cultivate an atmosphere of respect and a safe environment for learning. Please:
Be respectful at all timesto yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your school.
Come to class prepared: homework done; book and supplies at the ready.
Do not speak when a classmate or a teacher is speakinglisten carefully.
Be an active participant. SPEAK UP. TAKE NOTES. ASK QUESTIONS.
Refrain from eating in class; drinking water is fine. Please clean up any mess you make!
Every day, phones will go into their zip lock baggies. You may only use them if requested.

Academic Plagiarism Policy: Students who cheat on any assignment, in or out of class, will fail the given
assignment. Plagiarism is the taking of another persons words, phrasing, or ideas without giving the appropriate
credit in writing through such means as using parenthetical citations, quotation marks, and works cited information.
Please refer to Lanes handbook about more extensive definitions of plagiarism. It is your responsibility to ask for
clarification on citing material if you are unsure about how to do so. You will be required to make an account on

Contacting Me: Speaking to me directly will usually be the quickest solution to any question/concern you might
have. I am available to reach during the school day; I also am available after school on most days. The best way to
contact me is through email at I will usually get back to you within 24 hours. I am not likely to get
back to emails sent after 8PM within the same day. *CC your parents on all emails that you send to me. You
should contact me first about an assignment before having your parent contact me for you.

Remind: Include your first and last name. Text so that we can contact each other. I will not have your number and
you will not have my number. If you do not have a phone, make sure to do this process with an email account.

No Red Ink: In order to improve grammar, you will be responsible for completing roughly :30 of No Red Ink every
other week. You will be responsible for signing up and completing No Red Ink on your own. Go to,
use your first and last name, and use the classroom code.

Computer Labs: There are many computers throughout the school that you can use. Locations include: the library,
255, 135, 132, and I will schedule time for us in other computer labs.

Bathroom/Water Pass: There are two bathroom/water passes. Please be respectful of the privilege.

Eating in Classroom: If you leave food on the floor or desk, then you can never eat in class ever again. If you make
a bunch of noise or are distracting with your snacks, you may not eat in class ever again.

Student and Parent/Guardian Agreement

English I: Survey of Literature Mr. Locke

I have read this syllabus and understand the policies, procedures, and expectations for English I: Survey of
Literature. As a student of this class, I accept my responsibilities as a coopering member of this class. As a
parent/guardian, I am aware of the attendance policies and late work policies and will support the expectations
placed upon my son or daughter in order to help him/her achieve his/her academic goals.

Student Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________

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