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Pinch Pot (Function) - Creating

Name:___________________________ Class: 3D 1 Hour:_____

Criteria Advanced Proficiency Proficiency Partial Proficiency Developing Proficiency Not able to
10 8 5 3 assess
Sketching: Did you Student created at least Student created three Student created less Student began to make Not present.
create three different three detailed sketches sketches for their final than three sketches for sketches for their final
sketches and have them for their pinch pot. Also pinch pot. Five their final pinch pot. pinch pot, but the
stamped? included more than five vocabulary words Less than five sketches are unclear, or
vocabulary words labelled correctly in the vocabulary words student did not finish.
VA:Cr1.1.Ia labelled correctly in the margins. You showed labelled in the margins.
margins. You showed your work to a peer and You may or may not
your work to a peer, circled the best idea and have gotten them
circled the best idea, and had Mrs. Estabrook or stamped.
had Mrs. Estabrook or Miss Johnson stamp it.
Miss Johnson stamp it.
Forms: Did you create Student created at least Student created three Student created three or Student made 1-2 pinch Not present.
multiple forms that are three detailed and detailed pinch pots. The less pinch pots. The pots pots. The pots are not in
visibly in relationship to thoughtful pinch pots. three pots are in are in relationship with relationship with each
each other? The three pots are in relationship with each each other using other.
relationship with each other using texture, texture, form, or
other using texture, form, or concept. concept.
form, or concept.
Surface Texture: What Student went above and Student utilized a Student somewhat Student began to explore Not present.
technique did you use beyond in utilizing a texture-creating utilized a a texture-creating
to create texture on the texture-creating technique in depth on all texture-creating technique, but it is
outside skin of your technique on all three three forms, and shows technique, but material unfinished.
forms? forms, and it is clear the understanding of the understanding could
student understands the material. have been pushed
(carving: additive or material. farther.
subtractive, burnishing
sgrafitto, relief...etc)

Function: What is your Student went above and Student created a Students pottery piece The pottery piece does Not present.
pottery used for? It its beyond in ensuring the pottery p
iece to be used does not fully indicate not i ndicate function.
function meaningful to physical pottery piece for some f unction. function, or is u
you? can be used for some
Craftsmanship: Is the Presentation is fully Presentation is mostly Presentation is not The presentation shows Not present.
presentation clean, developed with a developed with a developed with clean no attempt at good
edges tidy and fully professional, finished professional, finished edges. Overall sloppy craftsmanship.
developed? look. Overall clean look. Overall clean design.
design. design.
Creating Score: _____________/ 50

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