Battle at Tsushima

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Battle in the Tsushima Strait (southern Ver)

Shinano Maru located the russian baltic fleet and send wireless signal

Mikasa and the combined fleet prepairing for battle

and leaves port

Mikasa : "today's weather is fine but waves are high" and use her Z flag armband

then Mikasa order all ship to turn to their Helm aport

after Mikasa complete her turn she heard a Fire sound..

Then Fiji shout

Fiji : Mikasa-senpai watchout..!!

The abbysal hit Mikasa armour

Shikishima : Mikasa are you okay?

Mikasa : No problem.. where is the enemy?

Shikishima : we dont know ..

Mikasa : Asahi order all the Torpedo boats and Destroyers to find them

then Asahi order all Torpedo boats and Destroyers to split and search for Enemy

5 minutes later Mikasa hit by more then 5 large caliber shells

Fiji : Mikasa-senpai are you okay?

Mikasa : its just a flesh wound..

Mikasa's left armour Criple apart

then Asahi got a wireless (Should be: Radio. Wireless used only for WiFi) signal
from one of the torpedo boat

Asahi : Mikasa enemy at 9 a cloak

Mikasa : Order all Torpedo boat to make a line and launch all their torpedo..

Asahi : Roger..

Mikasa : All Cruisers and Auxilary's follow me!

then Mikasa encounter 3 PE type Battleships

Mikasa,Fiji,Shikishima and the cruisers open fire at The enemy battleships..

2 Battleships attemp to run

Then Mikasa Stab one of them and Shot the other with her Main gun

2 Enemy Battleship Sunk..

then Asahi Found the enemy Flagship.. and go after her with help of 5 destroyers

and Sunk Enemy Flagship and the other Ship from enemy Fleet Flee into the Fog

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