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The same is true with the birth of Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809 in
Shrewsbury, England. Died in Downe, Kent, England, 19 April 1882 at the age of 72 years.
Charles Darwin was the inventor of the theory of organic evolution in the sense that natural
selection is at the age of sixteen entered the University of Edinburgh to study medicine, but
he considered both medical and anatomical science that makes bored. Shortly thereafter he
moved to Cambridge to learn elements of office administration. Even so, hunt and ride horses
in Cambridge digemarinya much more than learning science. And even so, he was
nonetheless still able to captivate the attention of one of the Grand Masters are encouraged to A
participate in a voyage on board HMS investigation Beagle as a naturalist. At first her father T
objected to this designation. He thought, the trip just like that only a pretext for Darwin are I
reluctant to serious work. Fortunately, later the father could be persuaded, and approved the O
trip was a journey that ultimately proved to be most valuable in the history of European N

Darwin began to set sail aboard the Beagle in 1831. At that time he was only twenty-
two years. In the five-year voyage, the ship Beagle sailed the world, scour the coast of South
America in an exciting pace, explore the Galapagos Islands a quiet secluded, mengambah
islands in the Pacific, the Ocean Indonesia and the southern Atlantic Ocean. In perkelanaan it,
Darwin witnessed the many natural wonders, visiting primitive tribes, found a large number
of fossils, examine the various kinds of plants and animal species. Furthermore, he made
many notes about anything that passes in front of his eyes. These records are the basic
ingredient for almost all his work in the future. From these records are just ideas, and events
and experiences to be supporting his theories.

1. Travel by Beagle
Beagle survey took place five years. Darwin spent two-thirds of this time to menjelajani E
mainland. He investigates a wide range of geological appearance, the fossil and living V
organisms, and meet a wide range of people, both native and colonial society. He E
methodically collected a large number of specimens, many of them new to science. This N
confirmed his reputation as a naturalist and made it one of the pioneers in the field of T
ecology, particularly the understanding of biokoenosis. The records show a lengthy terincinya S
gift for building theories and form the basis for his work in the future, and provides an
anthropological understanding of social, political in-depth about the areas he visited.
In South America he discovered the fossils of an extinct giant mammals, megatheria and
gliptodon in layers that do not show signs of catastrophe or climate change. Occasionally he
mengangggap they are similar to species in Africa, but after the voyage Richard Owen
showed that the remains were from animals associated with the creatures living in the same
place. Three native missionaries returned by the Beagle to Tierra del Fuego. They have
diberadabkan in England for two years, but their relatives in Darwin's eyes looked "wild",
just above the animal. Within a year, the missionaries had returned to their hard lives and
primitive, but they were more like him and do not want to go back to the civilized world. This
experience and Darwin's rejection of slavery and other inhumane treatment are seen in places
Other places, such as mistreatment of the natives by the colonists. While on the ship, Darwin
suffered seasickness. In October 1833 he got a fever in Argentina, and in July 1834, while
returning from the Andes Mountains to Valparaso, he fell ill and was forced to stay in bed for
a month. Since 1837 Darwin repeatedly suffered from abdominal pain, vomiting, severe
boils, palpitations, tremor and various other symptoms. All of these symptoms especially
affected him at times when she feels depressed, such as when attending meetings or dealing
with disputes about the theory. The cause of the disease is unknown in Darwin's lifetime, and
attempts to take care not had much success. Speculation has recently mentioned that in South
America, Chagas' disease because he was exposed to insect bites, causing many problems
lately. Other causes may include problems of psycho-biological and Mnire's disease.
2. Careers in science, theory formation
When I was in cruise, Henslow carefully strengthening his former pupil's reputation by
giving a number of naturalists terpilh access to fossil specimens and printed copies of
Darwin's geological writings. When the Beagle returned on 2 October 1836, Darwin has
become well known in scientific circles. He visited his family in Shrewsbury and his father
developed the savings to Darwin can be a scientist who is supported by its own funds. Then
Darwin went to Cambridge and Henslow persuaded to work on botanical descriptions of
modern plants he had collected. After that Darwin traveled to institutions in London to find
the best naturalists available to describe the other collections for publication in a manner. E
Charles Lyell who was eager to see Darwin on October 29 and introduced him to an V
anatomist Richard Owen on the rise. After working on a collection of fossil bones of the
Association of Surgeons of Darwin in his kingdom, Owen caused great surprise by revealing
that some of it comes from the rats and similar animals which have destroyed the giant
crawling. This increases the reputation of Darwin. With the enthusiastic support of Lyell,
Darwin was the first to submit a paper to the Geological Society of London on January 4,
1837, and said that the soil of South America are slowly rising. On the same day Darwin
presents examples of mammals and birds to the zoological Society of London. Mammalian
animals were taken by George R. Waterhouse. Although the birds seem to like the new
thinking came later, John Gould, an expert on birds reveals that what was thought to Darwin
as "Wren", blackbirds, and finches are somewhat different from the Galapagos were all
finches, but each each is a different species. Others in the Beagle, including FitzRoy also
been collecting these birds and more careful with their records, to allow Darwin discovered
the islands where each species was derived.

On February 17, 1837, Lyell used his presidential address at the Geographical Society
to present Owen's findings to determine the date of Darwin's fossils, and suggests the
inference that the species of animals that have been pu nah was related to species of the
existing now in the same place. At the same meeting Darwin was elected to the Society's
Council. He has been invited by FitzRoy to contribute a paper in the Journal based on his
field notes as part of the natural history of the captain of the Beagle voyage report. Now he is
immersed in writing a book about the geology of South America.
At the same time he was speculating on transmutation in his Red Notebook which
telha commencement on the Beagle. A start of another project to get the reports of experts on
his collection published as a series of publications Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle
(Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle), and Henslow used his contacts to arrange the
provision of 1,000 from the Treasury for sponsoring it. Darwin completed writing his
Journal around 20 June when King William IV died and the Victorian era began. In mid July
he started the book notes "B" was the secret of transmutation, and developed the hypothesis
that in which every island of the Galapagos Islands has its own kind of tortoise, it all comes
from one species of turtle and has adapted to the island different islands in different ways. E
Even on the basis of secular, Darwinian theory lead to major changes in the way they E
think of humans in terms of the particulars of their world (the human race it seems) as a N
whole no longer occupy a central position in the natural scheme of natural creatures as they T
had akukan. Now we must see ourselves as just one part of the many creatures and we S
acknowledge the possibility that once a date will be displaced. As a result of the investigation
results of Darwin's view of Heraclitus who said, "Nothing is permanent except change"
becomes more widely accepted. Successful theory of evolution as a general explanation of
the origin of humans have been more solidified confidence in the ability of science to answer
any questions the physical world (although not all human problems and human). The term of
Darwin, "The strong defeating the weak" and "struggle for life" had become a part of our
vocabulary. Re-
Indeed, Darwin's theory will be explained as well though such as Darwin had never ORI
lived in the world. Moreover, measured by what Wallace has been generated, it is quite
contain the truth, more than anyone else that the particulars contained in this book list.
However, the writings of Darwin that has revolutionized biology and antropolgi and he who ATI
has changed our view of the place of humanity in the world. ON

Title Charles Darwin Biography

A brief summary Charles Darwin was born in England 1809. He was a naturalist
who studied plants and animals by observing them.

In 1831 he began a 5 year journey on a ship called The Beagle and

visited many countries.

He died on 19 April 1882.

Name : unsa farrichatun aliya

Class :x-7
Major Earthquake in Yingxiu

On Monday, May 12, 2008, 14:28 am sharp, in Yingxiu, Wenchuan, Sichuan Province
Ngawa, destructive earthquakes on and off with the power of 8 and 7.8 resulted in 68 dead About 15 million people living in affected areas. It was the deadliest earthquake
to hit China since the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 which killed at least 240,000 people, and ORIE
the strongest earthquakes since 1950 in countries Chayu, which registered 8.5 on the Richter NTA
scale in magnitude. This is the deadliest earthquake of all time 19.
Is a large-scale destruction. Electricity and water are being cut. Gas leak also caused damage
to gas pipes. The roads in total chaos. The roads are also scary and sad to see such a march by
hundreds or even thousands of injured danmati.Orang who were trapped was really moaning
in pain.
Upon hearing this news was earth shattering Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao,
who has an academic background in geomechanics, quickly rushed down within 90 minutes
to understand the dire situation and to oversee the rescue workers. China's health ministry
also deployed more than 50 000 soldiers and armed police to help. Because of the difficulty
in finding people in rural areas, the national disaster committee asked for help all over the
world to ask the world to come to assist in the rescue.

Mr. Lee, a rescue worker, said that it was heavy and tiring and difficult to remove the
debris because they are composed of many buildings collapsed. A schoolboy aged 15. E
Learning in primary schools. He told briefly about how he managed to survive after listening N
to the teacher's advice. He felt sad but proud of her teacher as a teacher ensure that students
have passed before he went away sadly, his teacher died a few giant boulders constantly hit to
the head teacher is causing him to bleed severely and to be aware.
Alder Red Cross said that while medical centers face three problems. Three tents inventory
shortage problems, and medical manpower. He said that the people hurt constantly
transported in large-scale, seek help, which resulted in shortages of medical supplies are not
enough tents because there are more than 4.8 million homeless.
Soon, after that, the police chief asked for an interview. He asked for more volunteers and
advise people not to worry because it will only result in more expense to provide helper. He
also praised the victims for their diligence in maintaining a good struggle to survive despite
the very bad situation.
The State Council also declared three days of national mourning period for quake
victims starting from May 19, 2008; National Flag and Regional Flags of Hong Kong and E
Macao were raised at half mast. This is the first time that the period of national mourning has
been declared for something other than the death of a chief of state, and many are calling the N
biggest screen mourning since the death of Mao Zedong At 14:28 CT on May 19, 2008, a T
week after the earthquake, the Chinese community held a moment of silence. People stood
silent for three minutes and the fire police sirens, and horns of vehicles, ships and trains
sounded. Cars on the streets of Beijing stopped. The people cheered spontaneously explode
"China jiayou" and "Sichuan jiayou" afterwards.
All in all. I think the whole world that the rescue team did a great job especially the ORI
helpers, volunteers, doctors and nurses on the screen. I think they are to be commended in ENT
their skill execution, valor and their courage as they do not give the victim over. Instead, they
provide the best in saving people's lives despite the sad situation.

Title Major Earthquake

A brief summary The earthquake had occurred Monday, May 12, 2008, 14:28
am sharp, in Yingxiu. Resulted in 68 thousand people dead.
Ministry deployed 50,000 troops and police to help search
for victims. State board also declared three days of national
mourning. Damage occurs anywhere. Rescuer provide the
best in saving the life of society even though the situation is
still deplorable.

Name : unsa farrichatun aliya

Class : x-7

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