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14 discussion
Monday, May 15, 2017 11:27 AM

Lisa and Bob, potential business associates, met at a bar and grill
regarding a new business venture they had been planning. Lisa
brought a typed of copy of a contract, listing specific responsibilities
and financial commitments that would be a part of the business
venture. They both discussed the business venture under a nice meal.
Since Lisa does not drink alcohol, she did not order any alcoholic
beverages. Bob does and started off with a few drinks and
throughout the night, increased them quite a bit to the point that he
was so intoxicated he realized the smart thing to do was not do
drive. He left his car at the restaurant and had Uber take him home.
Bob also signed the contract that Lisa brought.
1. Is this a valid contract that can be enforced why or why not?

This is a valid contract as there is a valid offer and acceptance, clear

set of terms and conditions and also financial consideration. Even
though Bob can claim that he was drunk, he needs to show proof on
why it should not be enforced or how the drinking specifically
affected his decision.

(a) If Bob signed the contract right before Uber picked him up, is the
contract voidable? in other words, can it be disaffirmed (renounced).

Bob could have a defense on this but he needs to prove why it

should be voided. For example he needs to show proof that he was
taken advantage of, if it is a fair contract it is harded to void.
(b) How about if Bob signed the contract before his drinks arrived?
should be voided. For example he needs to show proof that he was
taken advantage of, if it is a fair contract it is harded to void.
(b) How about if Bob signed the contract before his drinks arrived?

Then it is completely fine, no questions about being voided. It is a

valid contract. He was completely sober when he signed it so it
means he agreed to it.
3. What about if Bob was a minor and sober and signed the contract?
(a) Is the contract valid?
No, as a minor you can void a contract within reasonable amount of

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