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Implementing Audio-over-IP from an

IT Managers Perspective
Presented by:

A Partner
IT managers increasingly expect AV systems to be integrated with enterprise
data networks, but they may not be familiar with the specific requirements
of audio-over-IP systems and common AV practices. Conversely, AV
professionals may not be aware of the issues that concern IT managers
or know how best to achieve their goals in this context. This white paper
showcases lessons learned during implementations of AoIP networking on
mixed-use IT infrastructures within individual buildings and across campuses.

NETWORKS CONVERGE AS IT such as Cisco and Microsoft. AV experts

MEETS AV do not need to become IT managers to
As increasing numbers of audio-visual do their jobs, as audio networking relies
systems are built on network technology, only on a subset of network capabilities,
IT and AV departments are starting configurations, and issues.
to learn how to work together. As AV
experts come to grips with the terminology Similarly, IT managers are beginning
and technology of audio-over-IP, IT to acquaint themselves with the issues
specialistsgatekeepers of enterprise associated with the integration and
networksare beginning to appreciate implementation of one or more networked
the benefits that AV media bring to their AV systems into enterprise-wide converged
enterprises. networks. Once armed with a clear
understanding of the goals and uses
This shift means that the IT department of these systems, IT managers quickly
of any reasonably sized enterprise discover that audio networking can be
commercial, educational, financial, easily integrated with the LANs for which
governmental, or otherwiseis they are responsible.
now ultimately responsible for the
implementation and management of the AUDIO OVER IP: WHAT IT
AV systems within the environment. IT MANAGERS NEED TO KNOW
managers may even make purchasing Early AoIP technologies were designed to
decisions for that equipment, in overcome limitations in bandwidth and a lack
consultation with AV experts. of adequate standards for real-time media
delivery, resulting in systems that were
While AV and IT professionals may deliberately not compatible with data net-
understand each others technologies well works. Fortunately, those days are long past.
enough to interact and collaborate on a
project or even on a daily basis, neither Modern AoIP systems such as Dante are
is expected to be an expert in the others based on common IT standards, enabling
discipline. AV experts clearly benefit them to run alongside data traffic on
from having a basic working knowledge networks comprised of readily available
of IT, and many are availing themselves conventional switches and cables. To the
IMPLEMENTING AUDIO-OVER-IP of training and certification opportunities other network members and components,
from trade bodies such as CompTIA and these audio devices behave like any other
InfoComm, as well as from manufacturers node, making implementation, operation,
and management of such a network a AoIP systems rely on standards and
familiar task to the IT staff. methods that restrict their operation for
the most part to LANs, due to the use of
multicast for synchronization and discovery.
AV experts clearly benefit from having a The IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol
basic working knowledge of IT. (PTP) is an example of a multicast-based
standard that is widely used in AoIP
solutions such as Dante. By themselves,
multicast protocols are restricted to use
STANDARDS within LANs and do not extend to wide
While countless standards and common area networks; fortunately, there is no
methods exist for many aspects of enterprise functional reason for Dante multicast to
networking, AoIP generally relies on a small be shared between subnets, and so this is
subset of standards that can easily be easily managed.
understood and utilized by IT managers.
Multicast, Unicast, and IGMP An IT specialist observing an AoIP network
Snooping will quickly find that large amounts of audio
Many network managers are wary of data are sent using UDP instead of the
excessive use of multicast, and for good more common TCP. UDP differs from TCP
reason. Left unmanaged, multicast traffic in that it does not perform error checking
will hit every node on a LAN all the time, or resend data, making it fast and ideal for
potentially overloading devices on slower real-time media. This helps the network to
link speeds. Contrast this with unicast, in behave well and greatly reduces latency
which network messages and data are and error-correction traffic.
simply sent from one device to another.
QoS (Quality of Service)
Multicast is absolutely necessary as a part How do audio networking protocols ensure
of AoIP, as it is used to send sync, timing, that time-sensitive data stays on time
and discovery messages to all devices at when a network is heavily loaded with
once. It may also be used to carry audio competing traffic? Standards provide our
itself when that audio is going to multiple solution with QoS enabled in switches.
destinations simultaneously, and some QoS, which uses priority flags to make
protocols rely upon multicast exclusively for sure that audio and timing data are always
audio streams, such as the AES67-2015 at the front of the line, is commonly
high-performance interoperability protocol. implemented in AoIP systems. Note that
time is generally only a problem when
Knowing that multicast is required, an traffic loads are quite substantial.
IT manager can easily configure IGMP
Snooping on the switches connected to It should also be noted that the AVB AoIP
audio devices. IGMP Snooping ensures protocol requires special AVB compliant
that only devices that request multicast switches in lieu of using QoS.
traffic actually receive it, thus reducing
unwanted traffic. IP Addressing
IMPLEMENTING AUDIO-OVER-IP While early AoIP (or Audio over Ethernet)
LANs and WANs solutions sometimes required static IP
As the section above explains, real-time addresses, this is no longer the case.
Modern AoIP solutions all respect DHCP, AoIP systems add some necessary
and most are designed to function perfectly overhead as this data is packetized into
well with self-assigned IP addresses as efficient streams. In a Dante network,
well, allowing the easy creation of stand- audio is packaged into UDP audio
alone audio networks where no DHCP flows of 4-channels each that consume
server is present. approximately 6 Mbits/sec, leading to an
easy rule of thumb for approximations.
Just as with other common network For example, a typical conference room
endpoints, DHCP is strongly might require as many as 16 audio
recommended. Static IP addresses are channels, for a combined bandwidth
rarely necessary in AoIP and are likely to requirement of ~24Mbits/sec, or 2.4% of
cause problems due to human error. the capacity of a gigabit link.

VLANs Bandwidth may also be managed with the

Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) are selective use of multicast. AoIP solutions
an easy way to keep traffic segregated such as Dante use unicast UDP for audio
while still allowing an AoIP network to flows by default, but when the same
share physical infrastructure with an audio channels are being sent to multiple
existing IP network. An overload or error devices, unnecessary duplication of data
on one VLAN has no effect on the others is occurring. Dante allows audio channels
on the same switch. As long as the VLAN to be placed into user-defined multicast
has sufficient bandwidth and support for flows, thus eliminating this duplication on a
multicast traffic, there isnt a problem for selective basis.
most AoIP systems.
VLANs are often useful for delineating BEST PRACTICES
responsibilities. An AV manager may The examples below illustrate some of the
wish to keep traffic on a VLAN in order situations that different AV groups have
to clearly define which problems belong encountered and explain how solutions
to the AV staff and which belong to the were found, with the help of IT, using
IT staff. The downside is this very lack of common tools and methods.
integration with the broader network, which
may limit some uses of the audio network Using VLANs to Separate Venues at
throughout a facility. Fortunately, this is Willow Creek Community Church
easily addressed as requirements change. Constraining AoIP traffic within VLANs
can provide benefits in management and
BANDWIDTH security for audio networks. According
IT managers, of course, need to understand to Kurt Donnan, Infrastructure Manager
the real bandwidth requirements of AoIP, at Willow Creek Community Church near
especially if they are new to the technology. Chicago, where the campus encompasses
This knowledge will help them to configure five venues, including a 7,200-seat main
systems with adequate headroom in the auditorium, One of the issues that we
most effective manner. had is that each of our multiple venues
had to be on a separate VLAN so
IMPLEMENTING AUDIO-OVER-IP The majority of audio used in professional that they werent colliding. The problem
settings is PCM, sampled at 48 kHz was that the people running audio in one
and a bit depth (word length) of 24 bits. venue could see the audio devices at the
Kurt Donnan, Infrastructure Manager at Willow Creek Community Church, configured the VLANs in the Activity Center to enable wireless communication between
the Yamaha mixing consoles and mobile devices running the StageMix controller app.

others, as they shared a common LAN equipment. I had to build a path to land
for other purposes. The implementation that access point so that the iPad could
of VLANs allowed the AoIP systems at talk to the board. Solutions of this type,
different locations to remain hidden from combining robust security with specific
one another. types of access, are easily implemented
once IT understands the needs of AV.
Using VLANs to Allow Wireless
Control at Willow Creek Community Using VLANs to Implement Security
Church At the University of Oxfords Blavatnik
Wireless control presents another common School of Government, AV data and AV
challenge. As Donnan explains, the control are distributed over two separate
centralized Aruba wireless LAN controller VLANs (of a total of 30), enabling strict
at Willow Creek Church initially ensured control of access by users and devices.
that someone connecting an iPad with We have a network access control
a Wi-Fi access point to remotely control system here, which means we can tag
the soundboard would land on the same equipment into two separate networks,
subnet as the board. But as the audio whether they are user networks, AV
network expanded into the churchs other networks or whatever, and can also restrict
IMPLEMENTING AUDIO-OVER-IP venues, he says, I had to start building access to the AV networks down to our
VLANs, because we run wireless on IT and AV people, explains Matt Treavis,
different subnets than our wired audio Head of Information and Communication
Technology. Robust data security is and on schedule. If anybody was talking to
essential in a facility that has hosted me about doing a converged network I would
conferences and events with the likes make sure that the AV people understand
of the Duke of Cambridge, former UN the specifications of the AoIP protocol and
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and other that they have access to them. Having those
major political figures, Treavis says. conversations quite early would be good.

In the case of the Blavatnik School of

If anybody was talking to me about Government, the AV supplier built the
network offsite because of restricted
doing a converged network I would access during the buildings construction,
make sure that the AV people Treavis says. If youre doing that then you
can end up with a situation where, when
understand the specifications of the you bring it into the live environment, you
AoIP protocol. run into problems with access control lists
Matt Treavis, Head of Information and Communication Technology and other bits and pieces that need some
further diagnosis between the AV and the
IT guys, he cautions. People do need
Using Existing Ports for Audio to think about the cultural differences
Everywhere between IT and AV and how they plan for
Anyone implementing an AV network it, and maybe get that sorted out up front.
as part of an enterprise-wide mixed-use
infrastructure should consider the key CONCLUSION
benefits of a converged network, says While Oxford University and Willow Creek
Treavis. We have about 2,000 ports, and Community Church are quite different in
every port in the building is live, so we have terms of the scope of their IT and their
the flexibility to route AoIP data anywhere work cultures, they share a common
in the building. As a supplement to the platform of tools and capabilities through
installed AV systems, additional equipment IP networking standards that allow each to
can be set up and quickly configured in any deploy AoIP in a manner that suits distinct
space within the facility. If you have data needs and concerns.
points flooded throughout the building, and
all of your VLANs are presented on every As AV moves toward networking as
switch cabinet, then you have that ultimate a commonly accepted practice, AV
flexibility, he says. We can go anywhere professionals and IT specialists will find
that there is a data point and we know we themselves working together more closely.
can make it work. People coming from AV will develop a
toolkit of networking skills, and those in IT
Best Practices: Planning around will become familiar with the needs of AV
Differences between IT and AV services Both parties have a vested interest
Treavis, who came to work at the school from in success for the enterprise. Fortunately,
a corporate IT environment shortly before the development of audio networking
the present AV system went live, stresses on top of robust standards means that
that thoughtful planning and conversations technical barriers are few in number, and
IMPLEMENTING AUDIO-OVER-IP between IT and AV can go a long way toward only a mutual understanding of goals is
making the final commissioning go smoothly required to overcome those obstacles.

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