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A. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb

1. Coffee _____is______ (be) my favorite beverage.
2. Rice _________ (be) very good for you, even when you are sick
3. Influenza ____________ (cause) pain and fever.
4. Mathematics ______________ (create) problems for many students, but not for me!
5. Darkness ____________ (frighten) some people, but I dont know why.
6. Medical advice ___________ (help) people answer questions about their health.

Nota: recuerda poner la -s al final del verbo donde lo requiera, depende del sustantivo, para este caso es
como si fuese un it.

B. Complete each statement with a countable quantity. (note: more than one phrase of quantity may be
1. This soup is too salty. It has _a cup of _ salt in it!
2. She must be very thirsty. This is her third _______________ water.
3. My car has a big gas tank. It holds __________________ gas.
4. I ate ___________________ cheese and now I feel sick.
5. A club sandwich doesnt have two _____________ bread. It has three ______________ bread.
6. I like my tea sweet. Please put in _______________ sugar.

C. Complete each question with How much or How many.

1. _______________ bread do we need? I put two loaves in the shopping cart.
2. _______________ salt did you put in the beef stew? I cant eat it.
3. _______________ hot pepper do you like? This food is already very spicy!
4. _______________ spoonfuls of sugar do you want in your tea? Two, please.
5. _______________ oil should I put in this salad? A half cup?
6. _______________ cheese is there in the kitchen? I think we need to get some more.
7. _______________ slices of bread do you want? Only one, thanks.
8. _______________ cups of coffee di you drink? Your hands are shaking!

D. Write the plural form of the following count nouns

1. clam _______________
2. slice _______________
3. cup _______________
4. olive _______________
5. spoonful _______________
6. pear _______________
7. French fry _______________
8. Sandwich _______________
9. Vegetable _______________
10. Potato _______________

A. Write a or an. If the noun is a non-count noun, write X

1. He has _________ diabetes.
2. She would like to eat _________ pear.
3. _________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.
4. Would you like _________ appetizer?
5. Theres _________ egg on the shelf.
6. Does the restaurant serve _________ rice with chicken?
7. Wed like _________ water, please.
8. He always gives _________ good advice.
9. Lets go to _________ concert tonight.
10. My family loves _________ music.

B. Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative.

1. There is some coffee in the kitchen.

2. There are some beans on the table.
3. We have some leftovers.
4. They need some onions for the soup.
5. Shes buying some fruit at the market.
6. The Reeds want some eggs for breakfast.
7. I want some butter on my sandwich.
8. There is some chicken in the fridge.
9. They need some cheese for the pasta.

C. Complete each statement with some or any.

1. I dont want __________ more coffee, thank you.
2. There isnt __________ salt in this soup.
3. We dont see __________ sandwiches on the menu.
4. They need __________ sugar for their tea.
5. The restaurant is making __________ cakes for the party.
6. Its too bad that there isnt __________ soup.
7. I dont see __________ menus on the tables.
8. There are __________ eggs for the omelet.

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