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Effect of 8-hour intermittent orthodontic force on

osteoclasts and root resorption
Tomoko Kumasako-Haga,a Tetsuro Konoo,b Kazunori Yamaguchi,c and Hidetetsu Hayashid
Kitakyushu, Japan

Introduction: The duration of force application is an important factor in optimizing orthodontic tooth move-
ment with less root resorption. It has previously been shown that the amount of tooth movement achieved
by 8-hour intermittent force application exceeds what would be the expected by the duration. The purpose
of this study was to compare osteoclast recruitment and the extent of root resorption in response to an 8-
hour intermittent force regimen with those from a continuous force. Methods: Rat molars (n 5 110) were as-
signed to 3 groups: 8-hour intermittent force, continuous force, and control. A coil spring that exerted 40 cN of
force was suspended between the maxillary first molars and the incisors. At 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, osteoclast
numbers, osteoclast surfaces, and root resorption were quantified histomorphometrically in the undecalcified
sections and statistically analyzed. Results: At the mesial sites, osteoclast numbers in the intermittent force
group were 100.5% of the continuous force group, and osteoclast surfaces in the intermittent force group were
68.2% of the continuous force group. At the mesial sites, root resorption of the intermittent group was approx-
imately 30.0% of the continuous group (P \0.01). Conclusions: Our results show that an 8-hour intermittent
force efficiently recruits osteoclasts while causing minimal root resorption. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

of the applied force.3 Continuous force is applied in

ne goal of clinical orthodontists is to efficiently
move teeth while limiting root damage. Root orthodontic treatment with multiple bracket systems.
resorption is an undesirable side effect of or- However, functional appliances, headgear, and inter-
thodontic treatment. Since Ketcham1,2 first reported maxillary elastics can be used to exert intermittent
the problem, many studies have clarified various factors forces. Intermittent force systems decline to zero
affecting root resorption related to orthodontic tooth when a removable appliance is removed.3,4
movement. Oppenheim5 suggested that intermittent force was
The relationship between root resorption and bio- suitable for tooth movement, because it provided
mechanical treatment factors such as magnitude, dura- a rest period to allow reconstruction of the periodontal
tion, direction, and type of force (eg, intermittent and tissues. Reitan4,6 and Brudvik and Rygh7 suggested
continuous), and amount of tooth movement is unclear. that discontinuation or reduction of orthodontic force
It is important to control risk factors to prevent root stops active root resorption and starts the healing pro-
resorption. These factors can be controlled by the ortho- cess. Recent studies indicated that the rest period in
dontist. Orthodontic forces can be classified as continu- tooth movement with intermittent forces might allow
ous, intermittent, and interrupted based on the duration the resorbed cementum to heal and prevent further re-
sorption.8-12 Maltha et al13 reported that an intermittent
From Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan.
Postgraduate student, Department of Growth and Development of Functions, force (16 hours per day) resulted in significantly less
Division of Orofacial Functions and Orthodontics. root resorption than a continuous force in dogs. They
Assistant professor, Department of Clinical Communication and Practice, stated that teeth in the intermittent force group moved
Division of Comprehensive Dentistry.
Professor and head, Department of Growth and Development of Functions, over a shorter distance, and this might also explain the
Division of Orofacial Functions and Orthodontics. less severe root resorption. On the other hand, a risk fac-
Research fellow, Department of Growth and Development of Functions, Divi- tor of root resorption is the amount of tooth move-
sion of Orofacial Functions and Orthodontics.
Partly supported by a grant in aid (14571959) from the Japan Society for the Pro- ment.14,15 However, there is little information on the
motion of Science and the Support Committee of Kyushu Dental College. direct relationship between the amount of tooth move-
Reprint requests to: Tetsuro Konoo, Department of Clinical Communication and ment and root resorption, compared with intermittent
Practice, Division of Comprehensive Dentistry, Kyushu Dental College, 2-6-1
Manazuru, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu, 803-8580, Japan; e-mail, tetsuro@ and continuous forces in the same experimental system. In our previous studies, we generated effective tooth
Submitted, December 2007; revised and accepted, April 2008. movement by applying intermittent forces in rats using
Copyright 2009 by the American Association of Orthodontists. a standard force by modifying the method of King
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.04.019 et al.16 Konoo et al17 reported that a 1-hour intermittent
278.e2 Kumasako-Haga et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 2009

force could stimulate osteoclasts, but tooth movement In the continuous and intermittent forces groups,
did not occur. Hayashi et al18 reported that the tooth mesial movement of the molars was performed as de-
movement induced by 8 hours of intermittent force scribed by King et al.16 A nickel-titanium closed-coil
was 65.9% of that induced by a continuous force; this spring (Ultra Light, 75 mg, 9 mm, Medika, Tokyo,
exceeded the expected amount that was predicted by Japan) was placed between the molar cleats and the in-
the duration (33.3%) of force application. Therefore, cisor hooks. The initial force was 40 cN.
we concluded that 8-hour intermittent force is more ef- In the intermittent force group, the coil spring was
fective for orthodontic tooth movement compared with placed at 8 AM and removed at 4 PM every day for a total
continuous force. But the reasons for effective tooth force application time of 8 hours.18 In the continuous
movement, root resorption, and osteoclast recruitment force group, the same amount of force was applied
caused by continuous and intermittent forces were not throughout the experiment. In the control group, no
clear. In addition, few studies have been done on the spring was used. The rats in the continuous force and
direct relationship between the amount of tooth control groups were also anesthetized twice per day in
movement and root resorption with intermittent and the same way as the intermittent force group. The exper-
continuous forces in the same experimental system. imental period was 14 days.
We recently examined the molecular changes of an Of the 110 teeth, 96 molars were studied histologi-
8-hour intermittent force on cultured human periodontal cally when the devices did not fall off. The rats were
ligament (PDL) cells and showed that it induced the ex- killed at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days under anesthesia by de-
pression of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB capitation. Each subgroup consisted of more than 6 mo-
ligand (RANKL), which plays an important role in lars. The maxilla was dissected into 2 halves, fixed in
recruitment of osteoclasts to the PDL.19 10% formalin for 24 hours, dehydrated in increasing
The purposes of this study were to investigate the re- concentrations of ethanol, and embedded undecalcified
action of continuous and intermittent forces, and to in methyl methacrylate.20 The embedded tissues were
compare the severity of root resorption and the effec- sectioned parasagittally at the mesiodistal aspect of
tiveness of bone resorption induced by 8-hour intermit- the first molars in 4- to 5-mm thickness, by using a micro-
tent and continuous forces. tome (Leica Microsystems, Werzlar, Germany), and
mounted on gelatinized slides. Each section included
crown, root, periodontal membrane, and adjacent alve-
MATERIAL AND METHODS olar bone. Alternate sections were stained according
The experimental protocol was reviewed and ap- to the Von Kossa method with a tetrachrome counter-
proved by the Animal Care Committee at Kyushu Dental stain.
College in Japan. Fifty-five male Sprague-Dawley rats Paradental and interradicular alveolar bones imme-
(35-41 days old) were acclimatized for at least 2 weeks diately adjacent to the PDL of the distobuccal and me-
under the experimental conditions. During the experi- siobuccal maxillary first molar roots were sampled.
mental period, the rats were maintained on a 12-hour We selected parasagittal sections from areas that dem-
light/dark cycle and fed a diet softened with tap water onstrated radicular pulp to the apical third of the roots;
and powdered feed (Clea Japan, Tokyo, Japan). multiple nonoverlapping fields at 400 times were then
The rats were weighed and anesthetized with an in- sampled from the mesial and distal sides of the roots.
tramuscular injection of ketamine (Nomopain, Daiichi All parameters were scanned by using a CoolSNAP
Pharmaceutical, Montvale, NJ; 33 mg/kg) and xylazine CCD camera (RS Photometrics, Tucson, Ariz) mounted
(Celactal, Bayer Yakuhin, Osaka, Japan; 67 mg/kg). Or- on a light microscope (Olympus Optical, Tokyo, Japan).
thodontic cleats were bonded bilaterally to the occlusal The outlines of the root surfaces, root resorption areas,
surfaces of all acid-etched maxillary first molars with and osteoclast surfaces on the alveolar bone were traced
orthodontic adhesive materials. A band with a soldered and measured by an image analysis system (Scion
hook was fixed to the maxillary incisors. All mandibular Image, Scion Corporation, Frederick, Md), and the
first and second molars were extracted to prevent occlu- numbers of osteoclasts on the alveolar bone were
sal interference. The mandibular incisors were reduced counted.16,17 Osteoclasts were identified based on char-
slightly to prevent band damage. At this point (66 days acteristic morphologic criteria, including residence on
old), when the rats were allowed to recover for 2 weeks, the bone surface and presence of Howships lacunae.
110 molars of 55 rats were randomly divided into con- Using the methods of King et al16,21 and Parfitt et al,22
trol (30 molars of 15 rats), continuous force (40 molars we calculated 3 parametersosteoclast numbers, oste-
of 20 rats), and intermittent force (40 molars of 20 rats) oclast surfaces, and root resorption. Osteoclast numbers
groups. (osteoclast numbers per length of bone surface)
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kumasako-Haga et al 278.e3
Volume 135, Number 3

represented the number of osteoclasts on the bone sur-

face from the alveolar crest to the root apex. Length
of bone surface was the distance in millimeters from
the alveolar crest to the root apex. Osteoclast surface
was the length of osteoclast surface per length of bone
surface as a percentage. Root resorption (root surface
with cratering per length of the root surface) was the
surface with cratering, representing the entire root sur-
face adjacent to the alveolar bone including the craters,
as a percentage.

Statistical analysis
The mean and standard error of the mean were calcu-
lated for each time and group. Root resorption data were
compared across groups and times with analysis of
variance (ANOVA). When ANOVA indicated significant
differences, pairwise (Tukey-Kramer) comparisons were
performed between groups and times. Osteoclast number
and osteoclast surface data were compared across groups
and times with Steel-Dwass test.

In the control group, there were no time-related
changes in osteoclast number and osteoclast surfaces
on either the mesial or the distal surface (Figs 1 and 2).
Osteoclast numbers on the mesial surface increased Fig 1. Changes in osteoclast numbers per alveolar bone
in the continuous force group and reached a peak at day surface at the mesial (A) and distal (B) surfaces. A, The
5 with significantly (P \0.05) higher numbers than at control group showed no significant time-related
day 1 (Fig 1). Furthermore, the osteoclast surfaces on changes. There were significant time-related changes
the mesial surface increased over time, reaching in the intermittent force group, with day 1 different
a peak at day 14 (Fig 2). The osteoclast numbers and from days 5, 7, and 14 (P \0.05). There were significant
surfaces at days 3, 5, 7, and 14 were significantly time-related changes in the continuous force group, with
day 1 different from days 3, 5, 7, and 14 (P \0.05). There
(P \0.05) higher than at day 1 (Figs 1 and 2).
were significant group-related changes in the intermit-
The osteoclast numbers and osteoclast surfaces in- tent force group, different from the control group at
creased on the mesial side by 1.86% and 9.32% at day days 7 and 14. There were significant group-related
14, respectively. The continuous force group had signif- changes in the continuous force group, different from
icantly (P \0.05) higher osteoclast numbers than did the control group at days 5, 7 and 14. B, There were
the control group at days 5, 7, and 14 (Fig 1). On the no significant time- or group-related changes in the dis-
distal surfaces, there were no significant time-related tal surfaces.
changes in the continuous force group (Figs 1 and 2).
There were no significant differences between the con-
tinuous force and the control groups. The osteoclast numbers on the mesial surfaces in the
Osteoclast numbers increased on the mesial surface intermittent group were significantly (P \0.05) higher
in the intermittent group over time and reached a peak at than in the control group at days 7 and 14 (Fig 1), and
day 7 (Fig 1). The osteoclast surfaces on the mesial sur- the osteoclast surfaces on the mesial surface in the inter-
face increased and reached a peak at day 7 (Fig 2). The mittent group were significantly larger (P \0.05) than
osteoclast numbers and surfaces at days 5, 7, and 14 in the control group at days 5, 7, and 14 (Fig 2). On
were significantly (P \0.05) higher than at day 1 the distal surfaces, there were no significant time-re-
(Figs 1 and 2). The osteoclast numbers and surfaces in- lated changes in the continuous force group (Figs 1
creased on the mesial side by 1.88% and 6.36% at day and 2). There were no significant differences between
14, respectively. the intermittent force and the control groups.
278.e4 Kumasako-Haga et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 2009

areas in the control group were about 5% and 10% at

the mesial and distal sides, respectively (Fig 3).
In the continuous force group, root resorption
rapidly increased at the mesial (compression) side to
39.49% at day 14. It was significantly (P \0.01 or P
\0.05) higher at day 14 than that at days 1, 3, and 7
(Fig 3 and Table). However, root resorption gradually
decreased at the distal side and was significantly
(P \0.01 or P \0.05) lower at day 14 than at days
1 and 3 (Fig 3 and Table).
The continuous force group had significantly (P
\0.01 or P \0.05) greater root resorption than did the
control group at days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 (Fig 3 and Table).
In the intermittent force group, root resorption at the
mesial side increased to 15.31% at day 14, but there was
no significant time-related difference (Fig 3 and Table).
Root resorption decreased over time at the distal side,
but there were no significant differences between days
1 and 14 (Fig 3 and Table).
There was no significant difference in root resorp-
tion on the mesial surface at any time between the inter-
mittent and control groups.
Root resorption at the mesial side was significantly
(P \0.01) less in the intermittent group than in the con-
tinuous force group at days 3, 5, 7, and 14 (Fig 3 and Ta-
ble). Root resorption at the mesial side at day 14 in the
Fig 2. Changes in osteoclasts at the mesial (A) and intermittent force group was significantly (P \0.01)
distal (B) surfaces. A, The control group showed no lower than that at all days in the continuous force group
significant time-related changes. There were significant (Fig 3 and Table). It was 29.9% of that in the continuous
time-related changes in the intermittent force group, force group. There was no significant difference at the
with day 1 different from days 5, 7, and 14 (P \0.05). distal side between the continuous and intermittent
There were significant time-related changes in the
forces groups (Table).
continuous force group, with day 1 different from days
3, 5, 7, and 14 (P \0.05). There were significant group-
related changes in the intermittent force group, different DISCUSSION
from the control group at days 5, 7, and 14. There were
significant group-related changes in the continuous Among experimental animals, rats are useful and
force group, different from the control group at days 5, easy to keep in large numbers. They are comparatively
7, and 14. B, There were no significant time- or group- inexpensive, need little living space, can be housed eas-
related changes in the distal surfaces. ily for long times, and are easy to handle. For these rea-
sons, we could obtain larger samples for fewer
There was no significant difference in osteoclast individual differences with demonstrable statistical dif-
numbers and surfaces on the mesial surfaces at any ferences.
time between the intermittent and the continuous forces There are morphologic and physiologic differences
groups (Figs 1 and 2). At day 14, osteoclast numbers in in alveolar bone and PDL between rats and humans.
the intermittent force group were 100.5% of the contin- The alveolar bone is generally denser in rats than in hu-
uous force group, and osteoclast surfaces in the inter- mans.23 Root formation and histologic changes in the
mittent group were 68.2% of the continuous force periodontal tissues after orthodontic treatment appear
group. On the distal surfaces, no significant differences to be faster in rats than in humans, although the princi-
were found at any time between the intermittent and pal mechanisms are the same.23 Because of the high
continuous forces groups (Figs 1 and 2). turnover rate, this bone is a good model to study bone
There was no significant time-related difference in modeling and remodeling activities,24 and we could ex-
root resorption in the control group at either the mesial amine and discuss periodontal changes over a short
or the distal root surface (Table). The root resorption time. In addition, the literature from 1981 to 2002
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kumasako-Haga et al 278.e5
Volume 135, Number 3

Table. Comparison of root resorption at the mesial and distal sides between groups at each time point with the Tukey-
Kramer test
Control Intermittent force Continuous force

Day 1 3 5 7 14 1 3 5 7 14 1 3 5 7 14

Mesial root resorption

Control 1 *
3 *
5 *
7 *
Intermittent force 1
7 * *
14 *
Continuous force 1
3 *
7 *
Distal root resorption
Control 1
Intermittent force 1
Continuous force 1
3 *

*P \0.05; P \0.01.

indicated that rats were used in 57% of animal studies force. To allow comparison among studies, we also
about orthodontic tooth movement.23 used a force of 40 g. Osteoclast numbers and osteoclast
Degree of force, duration of force application, direc- surfaces indicate bone resorption activity. In this study,
tion of force application, and distribution of force are the effectiveness of tooth movement was estimated by
believed to be significant factors for effective tooth these parameters, which increase at the compression
movement. King et al16 examined tooth movement us- surface and histologically demonstrate orthodontic
ing various forces (20, 40, and 60 g) in rats. They dem- tooth movement.
onstrated that effective tooth movement of rat molars For effective tooth movement and to prevent root
required a force of 20 to 40 g, and that its velocity did resorption, hyalinized tissue of the PDL should be
not increase if the force was greater than 40 g. In previ- removed. Most orthodontic root resorption has been
ous studies, Konoo et al17 and Hayashi et al18 used 40 g correlated with removal of hyalinized tissue of the
of continuous and intermittent forces for mesial move- PDL.25-30 Less hyalinized tissue has been considered
ment of the maxillary first molars in rats. In these stud- a factor that leads to less risk of root resorption. On the
ies, the degree and the direction of force were compression side, orthodontic force produces sustained
standardized, and the effect of duration of force applica- pressure, occluding the PDL arterioles and causing their
tion on effective tooth movement was tested. They collapse and necrosis of the PDL, a process termed
found that 8-hour intermittent force provided more ef- hyalinization.31 Intermittent force periodically falls
fective tooth movement compared with continuous to zero when removable appliances are taken out, so
278.e6 Kumasako-Haga et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 2009

crease significantly compared with the continuous force

group. Intermittent force controlled by magnitude and
direction can reduce root damage.
The osteoclast numbers and osteoclast surfaces at
the mesial sides in the continuous force group did not in-
crease at day 1; the increase began at day 3, and osteo-
clast numbers peaked at day 5. This finding is consistent
with previous reports with similar methods.21 In this
study, the significant increases of osteoclast numbers
and osteoclast surface in the intermittent force group
were from day 5, and those in the continuous force
group were from day 3. Those findings showed that sig-
nificant increases of osteoclast numbers and surfaces
stimulated by 8-hour intermittent force are delayed
compared with continuous forces.
Osteoclast numbers and osteoclast surfaces indicate
bone resorption activity. In our study, osteoclast num-
bers at day 14 in the intermittent force group were
100.5% of the continuous force group, and osteoclast
surfaces at day 14 in the intermittent group were
68.2% of the continuous force group. These results indi-
cate that intermittent forces stimulated the same osteo-
clast numbers as did continuous forces, although the
size was small. Duration of force application (8 hours)
in the intermittent force group was one third (33.3%)
of the 24 hours in the continuous force group. The oste-
oclasts stimulated by 8-hour intermittent forces ex-
ceeded the expected value predicted by the duration
Fig 3. Changes in root resorption rate at the mesial (A)
(33.3%) of the force application.
and distal (B) sides.
Hayashi et al18 reported that mesial tooth movement
with an 8-hour intermittent force of 40 g was 65.9% of
the pressure of the PDL arterioles stops. This phenome- that with less than 40 g of continuous force at day 14. In
non allows recovery of blood flow and probably cessa- our study, root resorption at the mesial side of the inter-
tion of expansion of the hyalinized area.32 Preventing mittent force group was 29.9% of the continuous force
hyalinization of the PDL and prompt removal might pre- group at day 14. It suggested that 8-hour intermittent
vent further resorption.10,11,13,33 Reitan6 reported that force produced more tooth movement but not more
intermittent forces caused hyalinized tissue in less ex- root resorption than the predicted value (33.3%).
tensive areas and in less time compared with continuous In this study, intermittent forces caused less root re-
forces. In the above reports, intermittent force is be- sorption compared with continuous forces at each time
lieved to produce less root resorption than continuous point. Accordingly, we suggest that intermittent forces
force. In this study, root resorption with 8-hour intermit- reduce the severity of root resorption. However, one
tent forces was significantly less than that with continu- should also consider that the intermittent force pro-
ous forces at days 3, 5, 7, and 14. duced less tooth movement than did the continuous
On the other hand, intermittent force might cause jig- force at each time. It is generally recognized that in-
gling. Physiologically, rat molars moves distally.16,18,24 creases in tooth movement cause severe root resorption.
When a tooth stops moving mesially, distal relapse Therefore, it is necessary to compare root resorption at
movement will be subjected to jiggling force. Jiggling similar levels of tooth movement. According to Hayashi
is generally recognized as the primary risk factor for et al,18 tooth movement with 8-hour intermittent forces
root resorption.12 However, Alwali et al34 indicated at days 14 and 7 were almost the same as tooth move-
that the headgear and jiggling do not significantly ment with continuous forces at days 7 and 3, respec-
shorten the root in humans. Although intermittent force tively. Root resorption amounts on the mesial side
was recognized as the jiggling force in our study, root with intermittent forces were 15.3% at day 14 and
resorption in the intermittent force group did not in- 11.9% at day 7, whereas those with continuous forces
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kumasako-Haga et al 278.e7
Volume 135, Number 3

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