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17 Unexplained mysteries of the world

1- Human remains in a mysterious liquid. Lady Dais is a 2,000-year-old

mummified corpse from the Han dynasty. When she was found, her skin was
still soft and her joints could still bend. She was buried in a mysterious liquid
that scientists cant replicate and her corpse is by far the most well preserved
corpse in human history.

2 - Different blood types. Today we really dont give blood types a second
thought. We know that humans have different blood types but no one knows
exactly why.

3 - The mysterious thundercloud in the Australian outback. Almost every

afternoon from September to March each year, a thundercloud forms on the
Tiwi Islands in Australias Northern Territory. It has been the subject of various
meteorological studies and is thought to be caused by sea breezes.

4 - Human/alien skeleton. A skeleton approximately 6 inches long was

discovered in Chiles Atacama Desert 12 years ago but it wasnt extraterrestrial.
After recent testing at Stanford University, it was discovered that the skeleton
was in fact a mutated humanoid.

5 - Planes go missing all the time without a trace. When Malaysian Airlines
Flight 370 went missing last year people collectively lost their minds, but planes
go missing more often than you think. In the last 70 years, nearly 90 commercial
airliners have vanished without a trace.
6 - Australian prime minister vanishes without a trace. Harold Holt was the
Australian prime minister for 22 months when he went swimming at Cheviot
Beach and disappeared, probably after being eaten by sharks. His body was
never found.

7 - A gorilla replies to a question about death. Koko was a gorilla that was
taught sign language in order to communicate with humans. After being asked
where gorillas go after death, Koko replied by signing comfortable, hole, bye.

8 - The Kepler telescope has spotted 1,200 possible worlds. One out of every
37 stars may contain an alien earth which is able to sustain life. These findings
point to the real possibility that there are billions of life-giving planets in our
galaxy alone.

9 - The dancing plague of 1518. In Strasbourg, France a mysterious dancing

plague took hold of the town which lasted over a month. During this time,
people died due to exhaustion in a dancing frenzy that has never been
adequately explained.

10 - Brain injury causes one man to become a musical genius. After suffering a
brain injury, one man received Acquired Musical Savant syndrome which
basically gave him the ability to become a great pianist. The man felt compelled
to sit at a keyboard a few days after the incident.

11 - The Voynich Manuscript. This 240-page book was written in the 15th
century in a secret language that is completely unknown. It has been read by
many professional cryptographers but none have been able to decipher it.
12 - Rare motorcycle is found behind a wall. The Traub is the rarest motorcycle
in the world. In 1968, it was found behind a wall in Chicago and still runs to this

13 - The cure for being Stereoblind. For 67 years one man lived with a condition
known as Stereoblindness which is the inability to experience depth perception.
After going to a 3D movie, his brain was suddenly able to process the images to
perceive depth.

14 - Animals cause city to evacuate. In 1975, the city of Haicheng, China was
evacuated after dogs and various other animals started acting strangely. Over
90,000 residents were evacuated from the city because of this strange
phenomenon and hours later a 7.3 magnitude quake leveled 90% of the city.

15 - The alien virus. The Pandora virus is considered to be of extraterrestrial

origins because scientists have not been able to identify 93% of its genetic
makeup. It was discovered underwater off the coast of Australia,

16 - Devils Kettle Falls. The Devils Kettle Falls run along Lake Superiors north
shore and have puzzled people for generations. One side of the falls connects
up with Lake Superior which is normal but the other is a deep hole and
scientists are unsure about where the water goes and what lies beneath.

17 - The Great Attractor is sucking our galaxy towards it The Great Attractor is a
dark matter that is so dense it is pulling many galaxies including our own Milky
Way towards it at a speed of 14 million miles per hour.

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