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Naf EL Ammara=This type of Nafs is evil he always to bad things he follow shaytan
and to what shaytan like to do. He dont respect others and he always hards other
persons feelings. He never follow Allah.

Naf E Lawamma=This type of is good but he to some bad things and later he
understand his miss take and became aware of it. This person often regret and
repents Allah for forgiveness . He tries had correct his wrong actions.

Naf EL Mutmainnah=This type of Nafs satisfies Allah and does his best to get
closer to Allah. He always follow Allahs words to what Allah wants. He follows the
how Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) life and acts to people. He always takes
pleasure in doing good acts. He would have reached the highest spiritual status
and nearness to ALLAH.

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