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Polymorphous Light

Clinic Aspects and Pathogenesis
Alexandra Gruber-Wackernagel, MDa, Scott N. Byrne, PhDb,
Peter Wolf, MDa,*

 Polymorphous light eruption  Polymorphic  Photoantigen  Immune suppression  Cytokines
 Chemotaxis  Photoprotection  Skin cancer

 PMLE is the most common form of photodermatosis, with a prevalence of up to approximately
20%, particularly among young women in temperate climates.
 PMLE is characterized by pruritic skin lesions of variable morphology, occurring in spring or early
summer on sun-exposed body sites; although PMLE lesions are self-limited and nonscarring, pa-
tients can experience significant discomfort and loss of quality of life.
 A resistance to ultraviolet radiationinduced immunosuppression (ie, a physiologic phenomenon in
healthy subjects) and a subsequent delayed-type hypersensitivity response to a photoantigen have
been suggested as key factors in the disease.
 Standard management is based on prevention through medical photohardening with UVB radiation
and protection by broad-band sunscreens and clothing, and treatment of symptoms with topical
and/or systemic steroids.
 Novel prophylactic and/or therapeutic treatment includes substances with antioxidant and anti-
inflammatory properties or those that interfere with melanization in the skin, DNA repair, or vitamin
D pathway.

INTRODUCTION few days if further exposure is avoided.1,2 As sum-

mer progresses and after repetitive exposures to
Polymorphous light eruption (PMLE) is the most sunlight, many individuals experience a hardening
common photodermatosis, with a prevalence of effect. This means that skin lesions are less likely
up to approximately 20%, particularly among to occur, or may be less severe than they were in
young women in temperate climates.15 Several early spring, which permits patients with PMLE
hours to days after the first exposure to an intense to tolerate prolonged sun exposure.1 Whereas
dose of sunlight in spring or early summer, pruritic, PMLE lesions are described to occur usually in
nonscarring lesions of distinct morphology appear spring or early summer after the first intense sun
on sun-exposed skin. These usually subside in a exposure,1,4,6 Rhodes and colleagues5 found

Funding Sources: P. Wolf was supported by the Oesterreichische Nationalbank Anniversary Fund project no.
13279 and FWF Austrian Science Fund no. KLI 132-B00.
Conflict of Interest: None.
Research Unit for Photodermatology, Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Graz, Auenbrug-

gerplatz 8, Graz A-8036, Austria; b Cellular Photoimmunology Group, Infectious Diseases and Immunology,
Department of Dermatology, Sydney Medical School, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, The University of Sydney,
676, Blackburn Building D06, Darlington, New South Wales 2006, Australia
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Dermatol Clin 32 (2014) 315334
0733-8635/14/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
316 Gruber-Wackernagel et al

that most patients suffered from flares during sum- of the skin to UV radiation (UVR) during winter,
mer holidays. Sun-exposed areas, particularly making patients sun-sensitive in spring, may be
those that are normally covered during the winter, of paramount importance in the disease.12 In
such as the upper chest, the neck, and the contrast, in a multicenter survey of countries on
extensor aspects of the arms, are most affected.1,2 the Mediterranean Sea to Scandinavia, Rhodes
Presumably because of daily sun exposure and and colleagues5 found a prevalence of PMLE in
thus continuous natural hardening, the face and 18% of Europeans with no correlation between
the hands of patients with PMLE are typically PMLE incidence and increasing latitude. Although
spared.7 PMLE was found to be common across Europe,
the highest prevalence was observed in the most
HISTORY southern city (Athens, 19.5%) and the lowest in
the most northern (Turku/Finland, 13.6%).
PMLE was described in 1942 by Epstein under the
name of prurigo aestivalis.8 He first hypothesized CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
that PMLE represents a form of delayed-type hy-
persensitivity (DTH) response to photoantigens.8 As the name of the condition implies, the skin le-
sions are of variable morphology, including
papular, papulo-vesicular, plaque, erythema multi-
forme (EM)-like, and insect bitelike (strophulus)
General Epidemiology
forms (Fig. 1).1,2 The most important differential di-
Similar to other autoimmune disorders, PMLE pre- agnoses are solar urticaria, photosensitive ery-
dominantly affects females and shows a mean dis- thema multiforme, and lupus erythematosus.13
ease onset in the second to third decade of life.1,2 However, in an individual patient, lesions are
However, symptoms may also begin in early child- usually monomorphic.1,2 Indeed, in a 7-year
hood or late adulthood.1,2 Onset during childhood follow-up evaluation of 114 patients with PMLE,
is less commonly seen in PMLE (20% of patients) Jansen and Karvonen14 found that 76% of patients
than in actinic prurigo.4 Women are affected 4 reported consistent lesion morphology during the
times more often than men.1,2 follow-up period. Most patients with PMLE experi-
PMLE can affect all skin types and races, ence a chronic course with little tendency to
including Africans, Asians, and native Ameri- remit.14,15 However, 64 patients (57%) described
cans.4,9,10 Rhodes and colleagues5 reported the a diminution of sun-related skin complaints,
highest prevalence of PMLE (33.4% of women, including 12 patients who reported total remission
28.6% of men) in people with skin type I (Fitzpa- from sun sensitivity during the previous 2 years.14
trick classification), declining in skin types II Mallorca acne (see Fig. 1D),16 characterized by
(30.8%, 15.0%) and III (18.9%, 7.9%), with sub- acneiform lesions in sun-exposed areas of the up-
jects of skin type IV or higher showing the lowest per chest, and juvenile spring eruption,15,16 which
prevalence (11.2%, 4.0%). However, in a recent presents with localized pruritic papulovesicular le-
study from Detroit comparing pattern of photoder- sions of the ears in young boys, may be subtypes
matoses between African American and white of PMLE that share a pathologic relationship.17,18
patients, Nakamura and colleagues10 reported Sometimes postherpetic erythema multiforme
that PMLE was diagnosed in 86% of the African can mimic juvenile spring eruption (see Fig. 1F). In-
American and 54% of the white patients; this is dividuals with skin phototypes IV to VI most
consistent with the result of an earlier study from commonly present with the pinhead popular
the same institution.11 variant.19 Solar purpura has been described as
PMLE has a wide geographic distribution, but is another rare variant of PMLE, with skin changes
seen more frequently in temperate climates.1 The predominantly on the lower legs (see
incidence rate of PMLE in the United Kingdom, Fig. 1E).2025 In addition, a mild variant of PMLE,
for instance, is approximately 15%, compared called benign summer light eruption, and another
with less than 5% in sun-drenched Australia.3 variant, called PMLE sine eruption with intense
This difference is most likely attributed to the var- pruritus on sun-exposed skin but without visible
ied amounts of UV light in these geographic re- skin changes, have been reported.2628 Recently,
gions, rather than to cultural, dietary, or ethnic the existence of a localized variant of PMLE limited
factors. The observation that PMLE increases in to the elbows has been suggested.29 Systemic
prevalence and severity toward higher northern symptoms, such as headache, fever, chills, and
latitudes, with greater relative differences in UVB nausea, are rare but may be associated with
between summer and winter, may indicate the PMLE4,30; it is unclear whether systemic symp-
importance of UV adaptation. Loss of adaptation toms are directly related to PMLE itself or rather
Polymorphous Light Eruption 317

Fig. 1. Clinical forms of PMLE and variants. (A) Plaque type of PMLE. (B) Papular type of PMLE. (C) Vesicular type
of PMLE. (D) Mallorca acne. Insert shows higher magnification. (E) Purpura solaris. Insert shows higher magnifi-
cation. (F) Postherpetic erythema multiforme mimicking juvenile spring eruption.

result from an accompanying (severe) sunburn re- and quality of life during spring and summer
action. Indeed, systemic UV exposure can lead to months.33 Other scores are more related to the
the production and release of many cytokines, severity of the disease over the season.3942
including interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6, known for their
endogenous pyrogenic activity.31,32 Relation to Lupus Erythematosus
In some cases, the photosensitive cutaneous
Quality of Life
manifestations of lupus erythematosus are virtually
Patients with PMLE experience significant indistinguishable from PMLE.4346 The presence of
discomfort and loss of quality of life during spring antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in patients with lupus
and summer months.3338 High levels of anxiety was an early criteria used to distinguish PMLE
and depression can occur in PMLE.34 Young pa- from lupus; however, several studies have demon-
tients in particular, as well as patients with facial strated that patients with PMLE may also have
involvement, may need psychological manage- elevated ANA titers in the absence of other
ment.34,37 To quantify disease severity, PMLE apparent lupus symptoms.14,15,4749 The reported
severity scores have been established, based on high prevalence of PMLE in patients with lupus,
questions concerning the occurrence of the rash together with the clustering of PMLE among
318 Gruber-Wackernagel et al

first-degree relatives of patients with subacute PMLE. The skin infiltrate of PMLE is composed
cutaneous lupus erythematosus and chronic cuta- mainly of activated Ia1 (HLA1) CD41 T cells
neous (discoid) lupus erythematosus, suggests a resembling the histopathologic characteristics of
shared pathogenic basis for PMLE and cutaneous DTH reactions.52 In 1984, Moncada and col-
lupus.45,46 PMLE lesions may precede the devel- leagues53 found a predominance of T-helper (Th)
opment of lupus,45 and progression of PMLE to cells and cells expressing high levels of Ia antigens
lupus has been proposed, although long-term in the dermal cell infiltrate, suggesting that an
follow-up studies of patients with PMLE have not abnormal immune response is responsible for the
shown an increased rate of transition to lupus.14,15 tissue damage in PMLE. These features support
the original hypothesis of Epstein in 1942 that
induced antigens.8 In 1989, Norris and col-
The histology of PMLE is nonspecific and depends leagues54 observed in immunohistochemical
on the clinical morphology (Fig. 2). In the papulo- studies that UVB exposure of PMLE skin resulted
vesicular type, spongiotic microvesicles are seen in an initial influx of CD41 T lymphocytes up to
together with subepidermal edema and a mixed, 72 hours in early lesions, followed by CD81 T cells
predominantly lymphoid perivascular infiltrate in in established lesions, consistent with a cellular-
the superficial and deep dermis.17,50 In contrast, mediated immune reactivity underlying the patho-
in the erythema multiforme type of PMLE, vacuolar genesis of PMLE. The predominantly lymphocytic
alterations of cells and liquefaction degeneration perivascular cellular infiltrate was associated with
at the dermo-epidermal junction may be present.17 increased numbers of dermal macrophages and
Recently, a potential histologic variant of PMLE dendritic cells (DCs), as well as epidermal Langer-
with unusual neutrophilic infiltration, resembling hans cells (LCs) 5 hours after UV exposure. An
photodistributed Sweet syndrome, has been immunologic basis for PMLE is further supported
reported.51 by similarities to DTH in the expression of endothe-
An enhanced immune response has long been lial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1, intercellular
thought responsible for the pathogenesis of adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell
adhesion molecule-1.55,56 These results further
support the concept that PMLE is not simply an
aberrant reaction to UV exposure and provide
additional insight into the underlying immunologic
basis of PMLE.55,56

Waveband Aspects
The UV waveband action spectrum for PMLE in-
duction is quite broad. Most patients with PMLE
are sensitive to UVA, but lesions can be induced
with UVB alone as well, whereas some patients
are sensitive to both wavebands.1 The observation
that most patients with PMLE exhibit a sensitivity
to sunlight through window glass and the lack of
protection from pure UVB-absorbing sunscreens
in most patients with PMLE substantiate the role
of UVA in triggering the eruption.13,57,58 Patients
with PMLE also report that a sunburn is not
mandatory for the development of a PMLE skin
rash. This, together with the higher incidence of
PMLE in subjects living in temperate areas where
the levels of UVA are higher during the spring
and autumn,3 also supports the importance
Fig. 2. Histology of PMLE. Hematoxylin-eosin staining
shows subepidermal edema and a mixed, predomi- of UVA.
nantly lymphoid perivascular infiltrate in the superfi- Patients with PMLE do not exhibit an abnormal
cial and deep dermis. Note slight vacuolar sensitivity to develop (physiologic) erythema on
alterations of cells and liquefaction degeneration at UV exposure and show a normal value when
the dermo-epidermal junction. tested for their UVB-induced or UVA-induced
Polymorphous Light Eruption 319

minimal erythema dose (MED). Epstein first re- PATHOGENESIS

ported that rather than a single exposure, repeated Genetics
daily exposures of the same skin area to UVA or
Genetic factors seem to play a role in
UVB are necessary to provoke PMLE lesions in
PMLE.1,46,6568 Two studies have investigated
situ.59 This concept underlies the basis of photo-
the genetics of PMLE in greater detail and the re-
provocation in current clinical practice, a method
sults of these twin studies suggest that a polygenic
that is widely accepted as a highly effective way
model may explain PMLE inheritance.65,66 For
of reproducing PMLE to confirm the diagnosis.
instance, a family history of PMLE in first-degree
The aim is to provoke the pathologic reaction by
relatives was present in 12% of affected twins,
repeatedly exposing the skin at predilection sites
compared with 4% in unaffected twins, providing
in circumscribed areas to increasing suberythemal
evidence of familial clustering.66 More recently,
or near erythemal doses of UVR. UVA or UVB
a reverse link to a glutathione-S-transferase
alone4,48,60,61 or solar-simulated UVR (Fig. 3)62,63
GSTP1 allele was reported as the first genetic as-
can all be used to photo-provoke PMLE. Various
sociation in PMLE, supporting a potential role for
protocols are used but in general the principles
reactive oxygen species in the pathogenesis.69
of photoprovocation are as follows: 2 symmetri-
However, this observation could not be confirmed
cally located test areas, preferably on previously
in another study.70
involved skin, are exposed daily for 4 to 5 days
to UVA or UVB radiation. The time and site of pho-
Potential Antigens in PMLE
toprovocation are critical; exposure of previously
uninvolved skin may yield false-negative results, A critical factor in the pathogenesis of PMLE is the
whereas the same may occur when the test is effect of UVR on skin components. It has been hy-
done too late in a season (ie, late spring or sum- pothesized that in genetically predisposed sub-
mer) because of tolerance induction through natu- jects, UVR induces a modification of particular
ral photohardening.4 Therefore, photoprovocation cutaneous molecules that renders them immuno-
is best performed before the beginning of the genic (Fig. 4). The best evidence for this comes
sunny summer season, preferentially in early from experiments in which epidermal cells derived
spring. Depending on the method, PMLE lesions from the skin of patients with PMLE were exposed
can be reproduced in 60% to 90% of affected sub- to high doses of UVA or UVB radiation. That these
jects, most of whom exhibit sensitivity to UVA and UV-irradiated cells can stimulate autologous pe-
UVB.4,48,6064 To assess the severity of PMLE in ripheral blood mononuclear cells strongly sug-
the test areas of patients, a specific score has gests that an immune-sensitizing agent is
recently been introduced. Ranging from 0 to 12, induced by UVR in PMLE skin.71 Although conclu-
the score is based on lesion area, degree of skin sive identification of the antigen remains elusive,
infiltration, and severity of pruritus in the test that 10% to 20% of the adult population in West-
field(s).62,63 ern countries report symptoms of PMLE5 suggests
that the putative (photo)antigen should be
Given its importance in autoimmune processes,
such as lupus, heat shock protein 65 (HSP65) has
been suggested as a possible photoantigen in
PMLE lesions.72 Using skin biopsies from experi-
mentally induced PMLE lesions, McFadden and
colleagues73 showed a significant increase in
HSP expression by epidermal keratinocytes and
dermal endothelial cells 1 hour postirradiation.
Dermal dendritic cells also upregulated HSP from
5 hours to 6 days post UV. However, no increase
in HSP65 labeling was observed in healthy
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is commonly
observed within EM lesions (see Fig. 1F), which
like PMLE, is suspected to have an etiology
Fig. 3. Results of photoprovocation in a 44-year-old involving cell-mediated (auto)immune reactivity.
female patient. Typical papular PMLE is present in However, although the reactivity in EM manifests
the test area after repeated suberythemal exposure itself against pertinent antigens like HSV, the
to solar-simulated ultraviolet radiation. PMLE antigen remains unidentified.17,74 Reports
320 Gruber-Wackernagel et al

Box 1
Abnormalities in proposed models of potential
significance for the pathogenesis of PMLE

Abnormality (model or method)

Immune sensitization against autologous UVR-
modified skin antigens (cell proliferation
Heat shock protein 65 as a possible
Resistance to UV-induced immune suppression
(CHS model)87,88
Impaired UV-induced immune tolerance (CHS
Resistance of LCs to UVR (immunohistochemical
Reduced cytokine expression related to LC
migration and Th1 suppression (TNF-a, IL-4, IL-
10) in UVB-irradiated PMLE skin (immunohisto-
chemical staining)123
Decreased skin infiltration of neutrophils after
UVB irradiation (immunohistochemical
Abnormal but reversible (after photoharden-
ing) chemotactic response of neutrophils to
chemoattractants (LTB4, fMLP) (flow cytometry,
shape change assay)119
Abnormal T regulatory cell infiltration of the
Fig. 4. Immune resistance to UVR in PMLE. (A) UVR skin (immunohistochemical and immunofluo-
hits a molecule in the skin that leads to the formation rescence staining)62,141
of a photoantigen. In patients with PMLE, an immune
response is mounted against such a photoantigen Altered systemic cytokine levels in PMLE, modu-
that results in the formation of PMLE. (B) In healthy lated by photohardening (in particular IL-1b)
subjects, such an immune response is abrogated by (multiplex bead-array immunoassay)183
simultaneous immune suppression induced by UVR. Decreased 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 serum levels
(enzyme immunoassay)172

of patients with PMLE who are free of PMLE symp- Abbreviations: CHS, contact hypersensitivity; LC, Lang-
erhans cell; PMLE, polymorphous light eruption; UV,
toms while taking the antiviral acyclovir,75 as well ultraviolet; UVR, ultraviolet radiation.
as cases in which PMLE episodes are followed Adapted from Refs.62,73,8789,105,117,119,123,141,172,183
by recurrent EM,76 led to the suggestion that
HSV may be the photoantigen in UV-exposed
PMLE skin. However, polymerase chain reaction molecules, such as proteins and DNA, creating
and Southern blot hybridization failed to show new or potentially altered skin components that
HSV DNA in PMLE skin samples, in contrast to the immune system may recognize as foreign.
presence in 32% of EM lesions.77 Thus, a direct Although these photoantigens have the potential
immune response to HSV antigens in the skin is to provoke (auto)-immune reactivity, the immuno-
unlikely to be involved in the pathogenesis of suppressive properties of UVR may ensure that
PMLE.77 this adverse reaction is prevented in healthy sub-
jects who do not have PMLE.7880
Three decades ago, the immunosuppressive
General Immunologic Aspects
properties of UVR were demonstrated by Fisher
The exact etiology and pathogenesis of PMLE are and Kripke.81 Exposure to UVR before tumor inoc-
unknown, but a resistance to UV-induced immune ulation caused immunogenic skin tumors that
suppression and subsequent immune reaction to would normally be rejected by nave recipients to
UV-modified skin are suggested (see Fig. 4; grow progressively.81 In addition to the suppres-
Box 1). UVB radiation modifies cellular organic sion of antitumor immune responses, UVR also
Polymorphous Light Eruption 321

inhibits cell-mediated immune reactions gener- together with the emigration of LCs out of the
ated during allergic contact dermatitis.78,80 In epidermis, is another hallmark feature.90 UVB radia-
healthy human subjects, the ability of contact aller- tion causes a temporal change in the cutaneous
gens to generate strong T-cellmediated immune cytokine milieu, and the microenvironment
responses is significantly suppressed by becomes favorable to the development of type 2
UVR.8286 In addition to the failure to sensitize helper (Th2) celllike immune responses.91
and mount a primary immune response, immuno- Exposing skin of healthy individuals to UVR in-
logic tolerance develops as individuals treated in duces LC migration from the epidermis to the
this way cannot be resensitized against the same draining lymph nodes,92,93 and it is thought
hapten even when topically applied at a later that these DNA-damaged DCs are responsible
time point. This UV-induced tolerance is hapten for inducing immunologic tolerance.9497 IL-1b,
specific, as the sensitization against another non- TNF-a, and IL-18 release can modulate LC migra-
related hapten is not affected. tion out of the skin.98104 Early work by Kolgen and
Thus, PMLE may be the result of reduced UV colleagues105 showed that in patients with PMLE,
immunosuppression or tolerance induction to UVB radiation failed to deplete CD1a1 epidermal
either aberrant antigen formation or increased im- LCs,105 indicating this defect as a key event in
mune reactivity to a universal cutaneous antigen. PMLE. This same group later demonstrated
Two studies found that compared with healthy that in healthy human skin, UVB-induced LC
controls, patients with PMLE displayed no sign of depletion is mainly caused by migration and not
an increased reaction to contact sensitization. by apoptosis.106 Concurrently with the depletion
However, patients with PMLE demonstrated a of CD1a1 LCs after UV exposure,
functional resistance to UV-induced immunosup- CD361CD11b1CD1 cells appear in the dermis
pression, favoring a DTH response to potential and infiltrate the epidermis in healthy subjects
UV-induced antigens under certain circum- who do not have PMLE.107 These CD11b1 macro-
stances.87,88 The work by van de Pas and col- phagelike cells play an important role in the induc-
leagues87 revealed that there was a narrow UV tion of immune suppression and tolerance after
dose-response window for this resistance to UVB irradiation.78,108,109
immunosuppression, with a significant difference Neutrophils expressing CD15 and CD11b also
found between groups irradiated with 1 MED of migrate into human skin after UV irradia-
solar-simulated UVR, but not those exposed to tion.55,110113 Teunissen and colleagues110
0.6 or 2 MED. The highest UVR dose of 2 MED showed that UVB radiation induces a transient
used in this study was highly immunosuppressive appearance of IL-41 neutrophils in normal human
in both patients with PMLE and controls, leading skin. This suggests that the presence of neutro-
to almost complete (90%) immunosuppression.87 phils and IL-4, a strong Th2-polarizing cytokine,114
More recently, Koulu and colleagues89 showed favors the development of Th2 over Th1 responses
that UV-induced tolerance to a contact allergen in UVB-exposed skin. This is relevant because IL-4
is impaired in PMLE. In their study of 24 patients is shown to be involved in UV-induced suppres-
with PMLE and 24 healthy sex-matched and sion of both DTH115 and CHS.116
age-matched controls, they found that both Kolgen and colleagues105 found that exposure
groups had a diminished contact hypersensitivity to high doses of UVB recruited a different macro-
response to diphenylcyclopropenone if they were phage subset into the skin of patients with
earlier exposed to solar-simulated UVR.89 How- PMLE. Whereas macrophages that infiltrated the
ever, only 1 (8%) of 13 patients with PMLE skin of healthy volunteers were mostly CD68 nega-
compared with 6 (55%) of 11 controls exhibited a tive, the few CD11b1 cells that managed to infil-
state of UV-induced immunotolerance toward the trate the skin of patients with PMLE were all
same allergen 10 to 24 months later.89 It was CD68 positive.105 This finding is consistent with
concluded that the impaired propensity to UVR- that found by Schornagel and colleagues117 who
induced allergen-specific immunotolerance may demonstrated in an immunohistochemical study
promote recurrent PMLE.89 that UVB exposure of PMLE skin fails to recruit
CD11b1CD68 neutrophils. As neutrophils pro-
duce a variety of immunosuppressive cytokines
Cell Migration Patterns and Cytokines
(IL-4 and IL-10) and can regulate immune reac-
UVR-induced suppression of contact hypersensitiv- tions,110,113,118 these studies have led to the sug-
ity (CHS) in healthy subjects78 involves the release gestion that the observed decreased infiltration
of cytokines, particularly tumor necrosis factor of neutrophils after UVB irradiation of PMLE skin
(TNF)-a, IL-4 and IL-10. The infiltration of a subset leads to activation of the skin immune response
of HLA-DR1/CD11b1/CD1a macrophages, rather than suppression.117 The abnormal cell
322 Gruber-Wackernagel et al

migration patterns of PMLE and consequences concluded that the reduced expression of
are depicted in Fig. 5. neutrophil-derived TNF-a, IL-4 and IL-10 in UVB-
The reason why immune-suppressive neutro- irradiated PMLE skin is responsible for both
phils might fail to be recruited into PMLE skin is reduced LC migration and a failure to suppress
not entirely clear. In both patients with PMLE and Th1 responses in these patients. In contrast,
healthy controls, the expression of adhesion mole- Wackernagel and colleagues124 found that there
cules (ICAM-1 and E-selectin) on endothelial cells was no significant difference in UV-induced cell
is critical to this migration; both are increased migration (CD1a1 LCs, CD11b1 cells, CD681
6 hours after UVB irradiation.117 Furthermore, cells) or cutaneous cytokine expression (TNF-a,
neutrophil chemotactic responses to IL-8 and IL-1b, IL-10, or IL-12) between patients with
CD5a, as well as the expression of cell surface PMLE and healthy controls. Explanations for the
markers involved in adhesion and chemotaxis, is apparent differences in the results of these 2
similar in patients with PMLE and healthy con- studies may include spectra (narrowband UVB in
trols.117 In contrast, Gruber-Wackernagel and col- the Kolgen and colleagues123 study vs solar-
leagues119 reported that patients with PMLE have simulated UV in the Wackernagel and col-
an impaired neutrophil responsiveness to the che- leagues124 study), dose (6 MED vs 1, 2, and 3
moattractants leukotriene B4 and formyl- MED) and kinetics (4872 hours vs 624 hours).
methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine that is restored A number of other cell types also may play a role
after photohardening. Leukocytes also may be in PMLE, including plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs). The
stimulated to enter skin tissue following the local pDCs are identical to the natural-type I IFN-
release of lipid mediators, such as platelet- producing cells,125 a rare CD41/major histocom-
activating factor (PAF)120,121 as well as leukotri- patibility complex II1 population that is capable
enes.122 Importantly, photochemotherapy as of synthesizing extremely high amounts of type I
used for photohardening has been shown to be IFN on viral infection.126 In addition to their clas-
able to downregulate PAF.121 Kolgen and col- sical antiviral and antiproliferative effects, type I
leagues123 proposed that a lack of infiltrating neu- IFNs like IFN-a also perform important immuno-
trophils may explain the reduced expression of modulatory functions, including the promotion of
TNF-a, IL-4, and to a lesser extent, IL-10 in UV- Th1 cell survival and differentiation, the develop-
exposed PMLE skin. There were no differences ment of autoantibodies, and, thus, the promotion
in the expression of Th1-related cytokines (IL-12, of autoimmunity.127129 Farkas and colleagues130
interferon [IFN]-g and IL-6). The investigators first reported that pDCs accumulate in chronic

Fig. 5. Abnormal cell migration patterns in PMLE. Exposure to UVR leads to decreased neutrophil infiltration into
the skin of patients with PMLE compared with healthy subjects. This lack of neutrophil infiltration (caused by
decreased chemoattraction) is associated with reduced IL-4 and IL-10 production and release. In addition, mast
cell infiltration is inhibited, whereas LCs are resistant to UV-induced migration triggers. Overall, this results in
a nonimmune suppressive cutaneous microenvironment and subsequent DTH response to photoantigens in pa-
tients with PMLE but not healthy subjects. CXCR4, C-X-C motif receptor 4; VDR, vitamin D receptor.
Polymorphous Light Eruption 323

cutaneous (discoid) lupus erythematosus and sys- inflammatory responses by stimulating the
temic LE skin lesions and that their density posi- production of proinflammatory cytokines and che-
tively correlated with the high number of type I mokines,145 or by suppressing cytokine release
IFN-inducible protein MxA1 cells (a surrogate (TNF-a) from monocytes and macrophages.146
marker for IFN-a and IFN-b in such lesions). AMPs may also act as chemoattractants for
Increased levels of type I IFNs are often found in effector cells, including neutrophils, monocytes,
patients with lupus and correlate with disease macrophages, dendritic cells, and lymphocytes,
activity and severity. In light of these findings, and as activators of dendritic cells that modulate
Wackernagel and colleagues131 investigated T-cell activation and function.147150 It was
whether pDCs populate the skin of UV-exposed demonstrated that AMP (defensins) can contribute
patients with PMLE and participate in PMLE path- to immunosuppression via induction of regulatory
ogenesis. Microscopic examination of the immu- T cells.151 Felton and colleagues152 suggested
nohistochemically stained sections confirmed the that dysregulated UVR induction of these proin-
presence of CD681/CD1231 pDCs in most spec- flammatory proteins may play a role in the patho-
imens obtained from LE (10/11 [91%]) but in none genesis of certain immune-mediated diseases
obtained from patients with PMLE. The complete caused by sunlight. Whereas nonirradiated skin
absence of pDCs in PMLE skin lesions suggests from both healthy individuals and patients with
that these cells are not involved in cutaneous im- PMLE had no abnormalities in AMP expression,
mune modulation of PMLE. UVR induction of AMPs occurred in an atypical
Mast cell is another immune cell that is required manner in those with PMLE, with greater upregula-
for UV-induced immune suppression, as mast tion and altered expression of AMPs, particularly in
celldeficient mice are resistant to the effects of the early stages of the development of PMLE le-
UVB.132 Mast cells are responsible for transmitting sions.152 Thus, it has been suggested that dysre-
the suppressive signal generated in UV-irradiated gulated AMP expression following UVR152 could
skin to the immune system.133 UVB exposure in- play some part in the relative failure of photoimmu-
duces a recruitment of mast cells into irradiated nosuppression that is described in PMLE.88
skin sites, followed by migration of these cells to
the draining lymph nodes, required for the activa-
Hormonal Factors
tion of regulatory cells.133,134 When this migration
is blocked, UV-induced immunosuppression133 Compared with men, women are relatively resis-
and subsequent development of skin cancer135 tant to the immunosuppressive effects of UV,
are prevented. It has been confirmed in humans requiring more than 3 times the amount to achieve
that UVB exposure induces a similar recruitment the same level of immune suppression as men.86
of mast cells into irradiated skin sites.134 A recent Although this may explain why men are more likely
study has suggested that low mast cell numbers in to get skin cancer,153,154 it may also explain the
the skin of patients with PMLE may play a role in disproportionately higher incidence of PMLE
the pathogenesis of PMLE.136 This is consistent observed in women. The exact mechanism is un-
with results in mast celldeficient KitW-Sh/W-Sh clear, although the female hormone 17b-estradiol,
mice that were recently tested as a photodermato- which can prevent UVR-induced suppression by
sis model.137 Indeed, mast cellderived cytokines, limiting the release of immunosuppressive IL-10
such as IL-10, may contribute to the recruitment of from keratinocytes,155,156 is likely to be involved.
other immune cells, like Tregs, that could poten- This hypothesis is supported by the ground-
tially protect against autoimmunity.138140 In breaking study of Widyarini and colleagues,157
PMLE, a low Treg infiltration of the skin has been who showed that signaling through the estrogen
observed, further supporting the potential role of receptor (ER) protects women from UV-
mast cells in this disease.62,141 induced immune suppression. These investigators
showed that blocking ERs significantly exacer-
bated the immunosuppression caused by solar-
Antimicrobial Peptides
simulated UVR, suggesting a natural role for the
Although UVR suppresses adaptive T-cell medi- ER in photoimmune protection.157 Meanwhile,
ated immune responses,142 its simultaneous topical application of the 17-b-estradiol to mice
induction of innate immune mechanisms, particu- provided dose-dependent photoimmune protec-
larly antimicrobial peptides (AMP), may serve to tion, which could be inhibited by an ER antagonist.
counteract any potential increased risk of cuta- This protection has been attributed to its antioxi-
neous infections.143 These small peptides guard dant activities,158 as well as inactivation of the
the body-environment interface and have potent downstream actions of cis-urocanic acid,157 a
antimicrobial activity.144 They can also modulate key UV-induced photoproduct with potent
324 Gruber-Wackernagel et al

immune suppressive capabilities.157 Despite all demonstrated that a single exposure to

this, the role of oral hormonal contraceptives is solar-simulated UVR is highly immunosuppressive
controversial,159,160 and there is no clear link be- in all study subjects tested. Irradiating a small area
tween their use and PMLE. In light of these gender of skin with a single exposure of 3 MEDs of solar-
differences, further studies are needed to address simulated UVR completely suppressed CHS both
the question of whether resistance to UV-induced locally (12/12 volunteers) and systemically (10/12
immune suppression lowers the skin cancer risk in volunteers).84 In a subsequent study, the same
patients with PMLE. group175 reported that sensitivity to sunburn is
associated with susceptibility to UVR-induced
Vitamin D suppression of cutaneous cell-mediated immu-
nity.175 Whereas a single suberythemal exposure
Beyond its effect on bone metabolism, calcium,
of either 0.25 or 0.5 MED suppressed CHS re-
and phosphorous homeostasis, vitamin D exerts
sponses in skin types I and II by 50% and 80%,
profound modulating effects on the immune sys-
respectively, 2 to 4 times as much solar-
tem. It can suppress T-cell activation, alter
simulated radiation (or 1 MED) was required to
cytokine-secretion patterns, modulate cell prolif-
suppress CHS by 40% in skin types III/IV.175 This
eration, interfere with apoptosis, and even induce
enhanced sensitivity of skin types I/II for a given
regulatory T cells.161 Several studies have shown
level of sunburn may play a role in their greater
a link between the incidence of Th1-mediated
susceptibility to developing skin cancer.175 It is
autoimmune diseases, latitude, sun exposure,
difficult to reconcile this observation with the prev-
and vitamin D insufficiency.162,163 It has been pro-
alence of PMLE among different skin types re-
posed that impaired vitamin D homeostasis can
ported from the European study, where the
contribute to the autoimmune process, and that
highest prevalence of PMLE is in people with
vitamin D is an environmental factor that can
skin type I, declining in skin types II and III, with
modulate the immune system affecting the devel-
subjects of skin type IV or higher showing the
opment of autoimmunity.162 Reduced serum
lowest prevalence.5
25-hydroxyvitamin-D (25[OH]D) levels, which are
Other studies in fair-skinned people have sug-
used to classify vitamin D status, have been
gested that only 40% (12/32) of the studied sub-
observed in several autoimmune diseases and
jects could be classified as susceptible to UVR
are a suspected risk factor for the development
immunosuppression.80 In a 1990 study, Yoshikawa
of autoimmunity.164,165 However, whether this
and colleagues80 compared healthy human volun-
cause and effect is due to low vitamin D levels
teers with patients who had a history of nonmela-
or insufficient amounts of sunlight exposure re-
noma skin cancer for their capacity to develop a
mains a contentious issue.166 Similar to natural
CHS response to dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB)
sunlight exposure, phototherapy of patients with
following exposure to acute, low-dose UVB.
psoriasis induces vitamin D production through
Whereas approximately 60% of healthy volunteers
the skin and increases serum 25(OH)D to normal
developed a vigorous CHS response to a given
levels.167170 As observed in other autoimmune
dose of DNCB painted on the UV-irradiated test
diseases,171 patients with PMLE have significantly
site (designated UV resistant), more than 90%
lower 25(OH)D serum levels than healthy con-
of patients with skin cancer exposed to UVB and
trols.172 This is consistent with a recent report in
DNCB failed to develop CHS. Almost half of these
which patients with increased photosensitivity
UVB-susceptible patients remained unrespon-
were also found to be at high risk for low vitamin
sive, implying that they had been rendered immu-
D status.173 This is perhaps not all that surprising
nologically tolerant to the antigen. Hence, a
considering that basic photoprotective measures,
patients susceptibility to the immunosuppressive
such as avoiding sun exposure, are highly effective
effects of UVB radiation is a risk factor for skin can-
in preventing PMLE. Nevertheless, photoharden-
cer development.80 If patients with skin cancer
ing with 311-nm UVB phototherapy significantly
have a general increased susceptibility to UV-
increased vitamin D levels, leading to speculation
induced immune suppression, this may make
that boosting levels of vitamin D may be important
them less likely to develop PMLE. Such a hypothe-
in ameliorating the adverse effects of PMLE.172
sis is supported by the work of Lembo and col-
leagues,176 who reported a reduced prevalence of
Relation to Skin Carcinogenesis
PMLE in people with skin cancer (including basal
Solar UVR is a major environmental cause of skin cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and/or
cancer, and patients with skin phototypes I and II melanoma) of 7.5% compared with 21.4% for con-
are at greater risk for skin cancer than darker trols. They also found a trend for decreased skin
skin types.174 In 1998, Kelly and colleagues84 cancer prevalence in patients with PMLE compared
Polymorphous Light Eruption 325

with gender-matched and age-matched controls be administered to patients with PMLE. The ther-
(4% vs 7.1% respectively).176 These combined apy works by significantly reducing subsequent
studies provide strong support for the idea that PMLE eruptions that would occur during the sum-
resistance to UV-induced immune suppression is mer months or on vacations in areas with high sun
a likely risk factor for PMLE. exposure. The phototherapeutic modalities used
for hardening include broadband UVB (290
MANAGEMENT 320 nm), narrow-band UVB (311 nm), or psoralen
Prevention plus UVA photochemotherapy.1 Photohardening
is usually given 2 to 3 times per week for 4 to
Prophylaxis is an important therapeutic approach 6 weeks with suberythemal doses. The treatment
to PMLE (Table 1), and mild cases respond well stimulates the naturally occurring phenomenon of
to basic photoprotective measures, such as avoid- hardening and aims to induce photoadaption by
ing sun exposure, the use of broad-spectrum sun- using small, carefully regulated UV doses without
screens with high UVA protection capacity, and inducing eruption.1,2 However, not rarely, mild ep-
wearing protective clothing.177 Bissonnette and isodes of PMLE can occur during periods of med-
colleagues178 investigated the influence that the ical photohardening (Fig. 6). If so, there may be a
type of sunscreen and the amount of applied sun- need to pause photohardening for a few days
screen had on protection against PMLE. The re- before it can be re-continued.
sults showed that when applied at 2 mg/cm2, The mechanisms underlying the photoharden-
none of the patients developed PMLE when high ing effect include melanization in the skin, thick-
UVA protection sunscreen was used, whereas ening of the stratum corneum, and/or
73% exhibited PMLE when low UVA protection immunologic changes induced by UVR.1,179181
sunscreen was used.178 At 1 mg/cm2, 33% and As described previously, the eruptions experi-
80% of patients presented a PMLE reaction with enced by patients with PMLE may arise because
the high and low UVA protection sunscreen, of disturbed cell-migration patterns.105,117 Another
respectively.178 These results show that a high way in which photohardening may work is to
SPF sunscreen with a corresponding high UVA restore the normal immune cell migration following
protection factor is able to protect most patients exposure to UV.105,182 For example, successful
from the development of UV-induced PMLE reac- hardening therapy increased the migration of LCs
tion even at low concentration application.178 from the epidermis 48 hours after exposure to 6
MED of UVB.105 More recent work by Janssens
and colleagues182 showed that before hardening
In spring, just before the first intense sun expo- therapy, UV-induced LC depletion and neutrophil
sure, prophylactic medical photohardening can influx were impaired in patients with PMLE

Table 1
Treatment concepts for PMLE

Agent Mechanism
Sunscreens UVA1UVB photoprotection178
Photohardening Melanization in the skin1,179181
Restoring UV-induced LC depletion and neutrophil
infiltration into skin182
Restoration of an abnormal chemotactic potential of
Increasing 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 serum levels172
Chloroquine Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory
Oral Polypodium leucotomos extract Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects61,190
Nutritional supplement containing lycopene, Antioxidant effects191
b-carotene and Lactobacillus johnsonii
Topical DNA repair enzymes Potential elimination of an antigenic trigger63
Topical vitamin D3 Immunomodulating and -suppressive properties similar
to UVR62
Afamelanotide Melanization in the skin200

Abbreviations: LC, Langerhans cell; PMLE, polymorphous light eruption; UV, ultraviolet; UVR, ultraviolet radiation.
326 Gruber-Wackernagel et al

can be used for PMLE flares, or given to patients

prophylactically to prevent flares while they go to
sunny locations for winter vacation.185,186 In
cases with severe symptoms, treatment can
involve administration of azathioprine,187 antima-
larials,13,188,189 or thalidomide.13 These agents
also can be administered to prevent the symp-
toms of the disease. Their exact mechanism of
action in PMLE is not known.

Experimental Approaches
The standard and experimental prevention ap-
proaches for PMLE are listed in Table 1. Tanew
and colleagues61 recently investigated the effect
of oral administration of a hydrophilic extract of
Polypodium leucotomos (PL). This natural extract
from tropical fern leaves displays potent antioxi-
dant and anti-inflammatory properties that were
beneficial in the prevention of PMLE. In their study,
30 patients developed PMLE lesions after
repeated irradiation with UVA. Of these, 18 also re-
sponded to UVB. After PL treatment, 9 (30%) and
5 (28%) patients, respectively, were unresponsive
to repeated UVA und UVB exposure. In the re-
Fig. 6. Thirty-two-year-old female patient with PMLE. maining patients, the mean number of UVA and
(A) Provocation of PMLE during a course of photohar- UVB irradiations required to elicit PMLE increased
dening with 311-nm UVB irradiation after 14 expo-
significantly from 1.95 to 2.62 and from 2.38 to
sures, resulting in PMLE in the V-neck area. (B)
2.92, respectively.61 In a separate study on 25 pa-
Higher magnification shows typical papulo-vesicular
PMLE lesions. tients with PMLE, Caccialanza and colleagues190
found that the administration of PL extract resulted
in a relevant and statistically significant reduction
compared with healthy controls. Following suc- of skin reactions and subjective symptoms.
cessful phototherapy, normal cell migratory re- Together, these 2 studies indicate that oral PL
sponses were reestablished to levels that were treatment might be beneficial for the prevention
not statistically different from healthy controls.182 of PMLE. Along this line, Marini and colleagues191
Photohardening-induced normalization of sys- recently found in a randomized, placebo-
temic cytokine levels (in particular IL-1b) and controlled, double-blinded study that the symp-
neutrophil chemotactic responsiveness may be toms of PMLE could be diminished by a 12-week
the underlying key events of prophylactic efficacy treatment course of oral administration of a nutri-
(see Table 1).119,183 Furthermore, because tional supplement containing lycopene, b-caro-
patients with PMLE are less likely to develop UV- tene and Lactobacillus johnsonii.
induced immunosuppression, photohardening Another novel approach is the administration of
may result in sufficient immunosuppression that vitamin D3 analogs, such as calcipotriol. Topical
prevents the subsequent delayed hypersensitivity treatment with calcipotriol leads to a dose-
response to UV-induced antigen.8789 dependent decrease in the number and function
of epidermal LCs. This effect of calcipotriol on
LCs is comparable with that observed with the
Established Treatments
potent corticosteroid mometasone furoate.192 It
After eruption of PMLE lesions, topical corticoste- was also shown to be as powerful an immunosup-
roids and occasionally oral antihistamines can be pressant as UV exposure itself.192,193 Considering
used to reduce the inflammation, alleviate itch, that patients receiving phototherapy are theoreti-
and shorten the duration of the eruption.4,6,184 cally at increased risk of developing skin can-
Further PMLE treatment depends on the severity cer,194 the use of vitamin D analogs (rather than
of the disease and the impact of the treatment on UV) may be a promising, and potentially safer,
lifestyle.177,184 Short course of oral corticoste- prophylactic treatment for patients with PMLE.
roids (prednisone, 0.61.0 mg/kg for 710 days) To that end, we recently described how topical
Polymorphous Light Eruption 327

treatment with calcipotriol significantly diminished efficacy of photohardening therapy. New local
the appearance and/or severity of PMLE.62 In this treatment opportunities with agents with antioxi-
randomized, placebo-controlled, intra-individual dative and anti-inflammatory properties, those
trial on topical treatment with calcipotriol in that enhance DNA repair, or vitamin D have been
PMLE, 13 patients pretreated their skin test sites recently demonstrated. A better understanding of
twice daily for 7 days before start of phototesting the phenomenon of resistance to UV-induced im-
with solar-simulated irradiation. At 48, 72, and mune suppression, together with any potential
144 hours after the first photoprovocation expo- benefits (ie, reduced skin cancer risk) associated
sure, calcipotriol pretreatment resulted in a lower with PMLE, may help to develop novel strategies
PMLE assessment score, including affected to treat and prevent the disease but also to estab-
area, skin infiltration, and pruritus, in 58% to lish mechanistic links to photocarcinogenesis.
83% of the 12 patients with PMLE. Considering
all time points together, compared with placebo, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
calcipotriol diminished the PMLE assessment
score in all 12 photoprovocable patients.62 These The authors thank Werner Stieber, Department
results suggest a potential therapeutic benefit of of Dermatology, Medical University of Graz, for
topical 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D analogs as a his professional support in preparing the clinical
novel prophylactic treatment option in patients photographs for this publication.
with PMLE.
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