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Creative 5 4 3 2 1

Innovative Thinking Presents an Presents an idea or Presents an idea or Presents an idea Presents no original
innovative idea or question that may question that is not or question that is ideas or questions and
compelling provoke thought fully developed. underdeveloped is not thought-
question to provoke and/or emotion. The piece makes or unoriginal. The provoking. The piece
thought and/or The piece few challenges to piece makes few strictly follows existing
emotion. somewhat existing ideas or attempts to conventions and does
The piece challenges existing conventions. challenge existing not experiment with
challenges existing ideas and conventions. content or form.
ideas and conventions but
experiments with said ideas and
content and form. conventions are not
fully developed.
Execution This work displays a This work displays This work displays This work This work displays
mastery of the an advanced a consistent level ofdisplays a rudimentary technique
technique and craft understanding of technique and craft minimal level of and lack of knowledge
of its medium. the technique and for its medium. technique and of the mediums
craft of the craft for its specific practices.
medium. medium.
Voice and Style The work shows a The work shows a The work shows a The work shows The work lacks a
coherent style while decent style and consistent style and little effort to distinct voice and is
incorporating a voice, but may not voice. Confidence is convey a strong stylistically bland. The
distinctive, be believable or attempted but not or confident style work lacks confidence.
authentic and distinctive in some entirely successful. or voice.
dynamic voice. The areas.
work is self-
Mechanics Little to no errors Few errors are There are a number Several errors are There are numerous
are present. Errors, present. Errors may of errors, some of present, most of errors that only detract
Grammar, syntax, form, if any, do not be intentional, but which may be which impede from the quality of the
etc. for written work. distract or detract may not be easily intentional, but understanding. work and impede
from the quality of understood by a many of which Intentional errors understanding.
Images/cinematography the work. They wider audience. impede do not serve a
/audio for visual and serve a purpose. understanding. purpose.
audial work.

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