Research Rubric

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Research 5 4 3 2 1


Depth of The text The text displays The presentation of While structured, the The text rambles
Argument displays an logical progression ideas is coherent, text presents a and presents a
engaging, of thought which but the argument is confusing progression confusing and
logical utilizes adequate unoriginal or does of ideas. A paper with incoherent
progression of use of language to not follow from the several major flaws. progression of ideas.
thought and convey ideas which cited material. A A paper that is
precise and build on one paper with several flawed beyond
elegant use of another. A paper minor flaws or some repair.
language. Ideas with minor flaws. major flaws.
are cohesive
and flow into
one another. A
paper with
virtually no

Analysis / Information is Could benefit from Information is taken Information is taken This paper is purely
Evidence taken from more relevant from sources with from sources with summary and lacks
credible sources sources but still enough some interpretation, any analysis or
with in-depth establishes a sound interpretation and but not enough to original
interpretation/ foundation of evaluation to develop more than a interpretation. A
evaluation to background develop a clear limited analysis or paper that uses little
develop a information. The argument. Said to no sources
Authors voice is
compelling authors voice is sources are whatsoever and
present. A paper that
analysis and confident and questionable. A paper presents unoriginal
uses some sources
synthesis. This somewhat that uses few sources content. No credible
and presents a
analysis displays a compelling. and presents sources.
sufficient amount of
clear, independent Presents unoriginal content. No
its own content.
voice. A paper interesting, synthesis.
Submission could
that uses several original content.
benefit from more
relevant sources.
credible sources.
but presents
plenty of content
on its own.

Relevance The text The submission The text The topic attempts to Topic is irrelevant
addresses is relevant to a addresses deal with relevant and untimely, and
current and wider audience, relevant issues subject matter but does nothing to
relevant issues in but may be but is too does not add to build on existing
its field while still overspecialized. specialized for a existing knowledge. ideas.
presenting to a The submission wider audience.
more general adds fresh The analysis is a
audience. The content to its synthesis of
submission adds discipline. existing ideas but
groundbreaking offers few
content to its original ideas or
discipline. observations.

Mechanics The text follows The text displays Demonstrates some The text displays The text illustrates
standard written competent use of proficiency with limited understanding inaccuracies in
English written English standard written of English conventions standard English
conventions and conventions and English conventions and limited use of conventions that
shows a mastery of moderate and APA, MLA, etc. discipline-specific impede
discipline-specific understanding of style. Problems with requirements.Several understanding. A
discipline-specific discipline-specific problems with APA, paper with so many
Follows APA,
requirements. requirements and MLA, etc. style. A technical errors that
MLA, etc. style
Minor issues with several technical paper with technical it cannot be fixed
conventions. A
APA, MLA, etc. errors. errors throughout. without extensive
paper with little to
style conventions. effort. No in text
no technical errors.
A paper with citations or proper
minor technical reference page.

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