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28th July
Nelson Central School
201 0 We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and
family of Nelson Central School.
Juliette Plank
Juliette Plank’s last day of work for us was Friday 23 July.
Juliette has taken up a position with the Cawthron Institute
after working 16 months for us. She did a great job as
Finance Officer and we wish her well in her new position.
Shirle y Whitmore
A special welcome to Shirley Whitmore who has taken
over from Juliette Plank as the school Finance Officer.
Shirley is a Chartered accountant with experience in the
corporate and voluntary sectors. Her most recent job was
Branch Coordinator for the NZ Institute of Charted
Accountants. Shirley has a husband and two teenage youngsters. It is St Bakhita orphanage and you can find
children. some information about it on the internet. Almost all the
youngsters live in a single bunk room. The youngest is four
A Story to Start the Te rm – with thanks to Hazel R and the oldest about seventeen. One of the engineers here
(Room 5). managed to fix their electric keyboard that had dangerous
The Whispering Falls wiring exposed. The children often speak three languages,
It was frosty Sunday morning, Dad, Ben the tramping club T etun- the language of Timor Leste, Portuguese- they ruled
and I were at the car park ready to walk to the Whispering T imor Leste for about 400 years, and they all speak English.
Falls. “Is everyone here?” Dad called “ Yip,” some people At St Bakhita’s Orphanage, the children know how to sing
said so we set off. It was as cold as Antarctica. Five Pokareare ana, and they can also sing the New Zealand
minutes later we were all at the swinging bridge. T he National Anthem in both Maori and English. This is
water was shimmering with light as we walked across. because Kiwi police and army have been visiting them for
You were only allowed to have five people going on the years. Some of your donated clothes have ended up here.
swing bridge at a time. The bridge swung from side to
The other is a 200 bed Church hostel for girls ranging in age
side but not enough to make people giddy. We trod all the
from the start of high school until the end of University.
way to a sunny spot beside the river. We stopped for a
Many of these girls are not orphans but move here from
couple of minutes “ Can we go now?” I whined. “Once
rural districts for education. These girls sleep in bunkrooms
everyone’s ready,” Dad replied. Finally we trod off. As
of about forty beds. During the troubles, 22,000 people
we walked further we heard some quiet splattering in the
stayed in the grounds as it
bush. On the way there was a small waterfall. We
functioned as an Internally
splashed to the other side.
Displaced Persons Camp.
Re ve rend Hamish Kirk The food here at HPOD where I
Many of you will recall that earlier in the year the School am based is awesome. You can
Community Group donated several items left over from the
have as much of what ever that you
school Gala to T rinity Church and that Reverend Hamish
like. Normally there is a choice of
Kirk was going to take them on his placement to T imor three meats, plus a fish dish, three
L’Este to distribute amongst the villages there. You will be
or four hot vegetable choices, a
comforted by the news that Hamish and the donated goods
salad bar with around twelve
have arrived and are being distributed. I have reprinted containers of colds, like salad,
below an email received late last week from Hamish.
beetroot, beans etc. And then there
Hello everyone. Bon Dia! Maromak tulun ita, Maromak is pudding. And then there is
hela ho ita. “ Good morning. The Lord bless you, God be pudding again! T hey say an
with you.” Army marches on its stomach. There are also three Phys Ed
The warmest greetings from T imor Leste. Daytime classes a week taken by a proper Physical T raining
temperatures are around 35degC here most days and the
air-conditioning in my room is set to cool down to 25degC. Our weekly newslett er is kindly
Even at night the room temp is still cooler than outside. sponsored by –
I have been busy interacting with two local orphanages.
The main one is a small place up the river with 32

7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n – Pho ne 03 548 4972 – F ax 03 548 4483 – E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

Principal: Secretary: secretary@nelsonc BOT Chairman: Davi d Johns ton Website:
Instructor and then individual gym most other days. All
this exercise helps you make wise eating choices.
Ate Logo (see you later)
Padre Hamish Kirk

Te rm 3 dates & e vents

26 July – 5 Aug Life Education T rust educator in the
26-29 Parent-Teacher interviews Aim High!
29 July NMIT ELT O group to visit with Kowhai Prices Pharmacy and The Nelson Mail
Syndicate and Te Pouahi
30 July Deputy Principals Christine, Freya and strongly believe “our youth are our
Dianne meet 1-4 to draft annual plan for managing the future” so once again we’re showing our
school enrolment scheme support for this concept with the “Prices
3 Aug ICAS English
12 Aug Numeracy Professional Development all Pharmacy Aim High Awards”
staff – after school We have $10,000 to give away to students between the
17 Aug BOT meeting ages of 8 and 18 in the Nelson/Tasman region who want
17 Aug – 10 Sept – Freya to represent NZ in the Canoe to Aim High in any given area of achievement - sports,
Water Polo World Championships in Milan study, the arts, volunteering - the categories are wide
17 Aug ICAS Maths open. You don’t have to be the best in your area of
24 Aug Winter Sports Tournament achievement; you just need the will to Aim High.
13-24 Sept Staff appraisal interviews
15-16 Sept Numeracy Coordinator in classrooms For more information and entry forms you’ll need a copy
Te rm 3 finishes Friday 24 Se ptembe r of The Nelson Ma il from 10th - 24th July 2010. The
extended information flyer can be seen by going to
Te rm 4 starts Monday 11 Octobe r – and clicking on
19 Oct BOT meeting
competit ions. Re me mber to enter, you must use an
26 Oct Prospective families/students meeting
26-27 Oct R5-6 camp original Ne lson Ma il entry form.
28-29 Oct R3-4 (+y3 R14) camp The Aim High Awards are designed to benefit not only
16 Nov BOT meeting the recipient but a lso a not-for-profit organisation of
7 Dec BOT meeting their choosing - the sa me a mount will be donated to the
Te rm 4 finishes Thursday 16 De cembe r appropriate organisation.
Public Holidays During Te rm Time The Nelson Ma il inform us that papers are available by
Labour Day - 25 October (Monday) phoning or e mailing Anna Aiken at The Nelson Mail, 546
Dr Paul Potaka 2891 or anna@nelsonma They are 1/2 price if
PRINCIPAL you order 5 or more.
Next Monday marks the s tart of our NCS
Food For Thought s ponsor ed event. The
money rai sed w ill help suppor t the
dev elopment of a school at the Centre for
Chi ldren's Happi ness (CCH) orphanages i n
Cambodi a. From thi s and other events w e are
ai mi ng to rai se enough money to buy shoes,
exerci se books and tex t books for the
chi ldren.

To fi nd out more about the orphanages go to If you have any queri es or i deas to support thi s event please pop i n and s ee Tracy i n Rm 11.

Food For Thought Events

Monday 2nd August
Social Skill
Whole School Assem bly pr esentati on
Permi ssi on letters sent home
for this
Wednesday 11th August
Last date for returni ng permi ssi on sli ps
Saturday 14th August
Food For Thought Day Sharing
Friday August 27th
Last Day for returni ng sponsor money
Trampoline for Sale Nelson Primary Schools Cross Country
Champs 2010
Frame is sound bu t will need new ma t. No Padding OF THE NELSON PRIMARY SCHOOLS CROSS
Mat size 1700 x 2600 mm (approx) FEATURE. GREAT PHOTOS (You’ll need to enter
Phone Sue 5466627 evenings the spaces)
Pictures can be ordered on-line
mode=thumbna ils&ImageRecord_10=Nelson
Primary Schools Regional Cross Country 2010


For four to eight year old Girls and Boys
Netball based skills sessions and fun
Saxton Stadium
Tuesdays from 3.30pm unt il 4.30pm
Starting 25th May 2010
$2.00 per child per session
For further information please contact
Trish: ph 547 4450
Date : 2nd Aug - 6th Aug or Trish@ne
Time : 8.30 - 9am, 12.30 -
1.30pm, 3 - 4pm
Venue : Library
Proceeds will go towards
buying more books. If you
would like to help please
see Val in the library.

Student Council News

Pyjama Day

Friday August 20th.

Gold coin donation
All proceeds got to Centre for
Children’s Happiness
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Money will be used to purchase
shoes. exercise books and text books.
Great Results for YOU and Nelson Central School

Maki ng
a If you are thinking about selling your property and you would like to help out Nelson
Central School as well as getting the best results, then look at this:
For every property that is sold through me, I will donate $100 to benefit the kids of
Nelson Central School.
Bjorn Bonten
Business - 544 2900
Call me today for an obligation free appraisal After Hours - 545 1535
Mobile - 021 034 9173

SMALL FERNS & LITTLE GIA NTS BASKETBALL At hletic s Nelson – Junior New s
Sma ll Ferns & Little Giants Basketball is an after school, For those interested in joining our w inter
skill based basketball progra m designed for Years 1 & 2 programme there is lots of information on the
and Years 3 & 4 as an introduct ion to basketball and a Athletics Nelson w eb-site or y ou can ring Dav e on
pathway to miniball. Players need no experience. The 547 1699.
lessons are taken by experienced staff on Mondays and T he Junior Points S eries Race 2, S aturday 31st July
will run for 8 weeks of Term 3, 2010 at Jack Robins Miyazu Park 3pm start.
Stadium, 104 Neale Ave, Stoke. Ngaw hatu Farm training runs are back!
DAY: Monday Monday Tuesdays – Ngaw hatu sw imming pool – 4pm sharp.
GROUP: Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Easy paced social running for all abilities (parents
TIME: 3.30 – 4.15 4.15 – 5pm welcome and helpful for superv ision)
DATES: 26 July – 20 Septe mber Directions: From Suffolk Road in Stoke turn up
Ngaw hatu Rd. Continue on through gate that say s
COST : $40.00
“No Entry ” until – y ou come to a car park next to the
For info contact Dallas Ward: Work: 547 6419 Mobile: cov ered sw imming pool. We meet here for a 4pm
0272976017, Ema il: start. Web-site:
Registration Form on Sports Noticeboard
Nelson Central Sc hool Basketball
NB: Ple ase che ck the draw for the bold and italic writing
to see if your team has 2 games to fill the bye spot. The re
is a one game bre ak.
30 JULY 2010
6pm Half Court

6 AUGUST 2010
Congratulations to Ben R and Lachlan M of Room 7
Time COURT 2 – RICHM OND END w ho were recently selected to attend the Great
4pm CENTRAL TIGERS – ENNER GLYNN HOTSHOTS Murray River Jamboree in Albury , Australia in
November. 20 boy s and 20 girls have been selected
FULL COURT from the associations w hich make up the Basketball
Nelson Netball Fut ure Ferns Draw 33 players attended trials in Nelson last month. 5
play ers from Nelson w ere selected. Nelson Giant
Se ction Two DRAW FO R WEDNESDAY 28/07/10
Mike Fitchett, one of the selectors, said they looked
Venue/ T eam 1 T eam 2 for natural ability, good fundamentals and players
w ho had a tactical feel w hich could inv olve other
Ct8 Stoke v Nelson Central School Stars
play ers in the team.
Se ction Three DRAW FO R SATURDAY 31/07/10
Well done Ben and Lachie!
Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2
Ct12 9:00am Nelson Central Sting v Richmond Stars

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