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Covert Art by Tamas Baranya

Mutant Cannibals
The True Nuclear Family

Cannibalism is an ancient and dark sin and most cultures throughout me have considered the act unforgiv-
able. To knowingly consume the esh of ones own kind is rarely about survival, but perversity. Even in the
wasteland, to consume human esh, even in mes of famine, is to commit a great atrocity.
---St. Horowitz

The events of the Long Night have le% many

scars and I fear there are some twisted creatures
who wish these wounds to never heal.
---William Father-Speaker, Ancestor Shaman to
the Garretts

Cannibals are not natural creatures. They are cre-

ated by deviant act and possibly by ill-birth, but
few raonale creatures will eat their own spe-
cies. In the wastelands, cannibals come from two
primary sources. The most common and short-lived are those wastelanders who cannibalize the dead or liv-
ing in order to stave o hunger and death. Once done some of these wastelanders literally develop a taste
for human esh and seek ways of acquiring more, either by murder or through grave robbing. Eventually,
their needs get the be&er of them and they are exposed as monsters. They are quickly hunted and destroyed
by vengeful wastelanders. These cannibals are aberraons and though deadly are hardly signicant threats
on their own. They may even form small groups of like-minded individuals, but again these groups rarely last
long. However, there is an insidious threat that stalks the dark places of the wasteland and causes raiders
and se&lers alike to shiver in the beds. These are the cannibal clans.

The history of cannibal clans stretches back to the dark years of the Long Night. Without the protecon of
the government, many Last Americans were forced to eat the dead to survive. Seeing an easy way to live
without hunng and scavenging, these cannibals connued their gruesome ways, even a/er the discovery of
more palatable food sources. As the years passed and the Long Night receded, these warped and demented
survivors were slowly pushed into the recesses as the se&lements emerged and civilizaon slowly reasserted
itself. Over the coming century these cannibals turned into deformed mutants that, upon close inspecon,
could never pass for human.
The cannibal clans are diverse and extremely individualisc. The
majority tend to be composed of a single family long since inter-
bred, willingly or unwillingly, and share a common ancestry.
Even in groups made of several families, their bloodlines are
mixed. Mang among the clans is ad-hoc and few pairings are
long term. In the absence of any outside purges, cannibal clans
can signicantly increase their numbers within the span of a
decade or two. Each clan is led by the strongest of their kind and
the birth order of each member determines their place in the

family hierarchy. Later generaons or those with more crip-
pling deformies tend to have less power than their elders,
though those with a penchant for violence have a way of gain-
ing presge.

In the greater wasteland, cannibals survive by raiding local

se&lements under cover of darkness or by waylaying individu-
als or small caravans. They rarely a&ack a well-equipped foe,
but in lean mes hunger may drive them to desperaon. A/er
the ba&le, they will take capves, preferably alive for fresh-
ness, but corpses will do in a pinch, and will search their fallen
foes for anything of value. Relics and heavy weaponry are es-
pecially prized, but these are rarely understood and seldom used. The weapons used by the clans tend to
simple and easily maintained, though some experienced elders of the group may be more procient in the
upkeep of more complicated weapons. Once home, the clans divvy up the spoils, add capves to their lar-
ders, which are nightmarish to say the least, and usually celebrate their victories with a feast. The menu is
be&er le/ unsaid.

Mutant Warband Purchase Table

Model Type Special Abilities
Revered Mother and two skills/one mutation; one
Mama Leader 80
Pa Leader 80 Three skills/one mutation; one detriment
First-Born Elite 45 Two skills; one detriment
Gran-Gran Elite 48 Psychic and Psychic Battery; one detriment
One skill and Cannibal Ambush; no detriments or
Petunia Elite 45
physical mutations
Rank and
Younger 20 None
Rank and
Degenerate 15 One detriment and Rag-Tag ability
Rank and May take a Giant Rat, Rad Roach, Trog, Razor Rat-
Critter Varies
File tler, or Wastewolf
Tiny Specialist 45 Big, Rotted Mind, and Dumb; Huge ability
Foundling Specialist 27 One mutation; one detriment
Psycho Specialist 30 Brute and Fearsome Reputation and
Elder Specialist 35 Up-Armed and one skill; one detriment

Mama is the stern yet nurturing matriarch of her twisted clan. She indulges
her evil brood as only a mother can and protects them to her last breath, de-
spite the havoc they may wreak. Not a planner by any means, Mama lets her
ospring run wild and only becomes involved when the family is threatened
by outsiders. In the presence of interlopers, Mamas rage is born of a moth-
ers desperaon to protect her young. Likewise, in her presence her children
became inspired and will go to great lengths to both defend and impress Ma-
ma. As suits the perverse nature of the family dynamic, Mama may have any
number of suitors and mates. These may be of an incestuous nature, further
corrupng the bloodline, or be taken from capves. Feuds and ghts within
the family for Mamas aecon are common and she is loath to intercede.
Such acvies a&er her and keep the family strong.
Name Type Defense Wounds
Mama Mutant 6 OO
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 6 6 6 7
Accessible Skillsets All, except Smarts.
May choose up to two skills; may swap out one skill for a muta-
tion. May start with up to one detriment.
Special Abilities Revered Mother all Youngers, Degenerates, and Foundlings
gain the Confident skill if within if within 6 inches and have line
of sight to Mama.
Barter Cost 80

Where Mama loves her children in her own fashion, Pa is a vile creature that
cares only for his own wants and needs. Cruel and capricious, Pa will lead his
kin on raids for vicms and spoils and has no compuncon on sacricing his
children if the need arises This has caused several cannibal clans to have only a
single patriarch or matriarch, the other long since killed and eaten over disa-
greements regarding the fate of the clans children. Families with only a Pa
leading them will develop a parcular level of cruelty as the malevolence of the
father infects his children and drives their perverse behavior. In the absence of
a mother gure, it is best le/ unsaid on how these types both treat their vic-
ms and expands their numbers.
Name Type Defense Wounds
Pa Mutant 6 OO
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 6 6 6 7
Accessible Skillsets All.
May choose up to three skills; may swap out one skill for a muta-
Special Abilities
tion. May start with up to one detriment.
Barter Cost 80

Every family has their favorites and the First-Born are the most beloved chil-
dren of Mama and Pa. As the inial ospring of the cannibal brood, the First
-Born maintain powerful posions in the family hierarchy. The younger chil-
dren submit to them and will fulll any desire the First-Born may have, ei-
ther for food, labor, or worse. On wasteland raids the First-Born will act as
leaders of their lessers and will also get rst pick of spoils and vicms, a/er
Mama or Pa of course. In less degenerate clans, the First-Born may even
have aecon for their Youngers and treat them with some respect. In their
generosity they may cajole and threaten the younger children instead of
simply killing and eang them. Such kindness is short-lived though as mercy
and kindness in all cannibal families is viewed as a weakness and the First-
Born may have to fend of a&acks from emboldened rivals.
Name Type Defense Wounds
First-Born Mutant 6 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 5 5 5 6
Accessible Skillsets Leadership, Melee, Marksmanship, and Survival

Special Abilities May choose up to two skills. May start with one detriment.

Barter Cost 45

Petunia is not like the other cannibals. She is an inhuman monster on the inside, but on the outside she is
quite lovely; beauful actually. Free of the blemishes of her kin, Petunia uses her looks and savvy to visit
se&lements and outposts to lure vicms into cannibal ambushes. She also fences the loot of their vicms and
buys whatever necessies the clan cannot make or steal. Petunia enjoys a special posion in the family and
she knows and aunts it. She is Pas favorite and she can get away with murder, literally! Among her other
kin, she is sll quite popular and it is unusual for others to cross her. Being cut o from supplies or risking
Pas wrath is not worth it. Mama, on the other hand, is jealous of the a&enon Petunia receives, and is open-
ly hosle to her. Petunia knows just to give the matriarch a wide berth.
Name Type Defense Wounds
Petunia* Mutant 6 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 5 5 5 6
Accessible Skillsets Agility, Marksmanship, and Smarts
May choose up to one skill or mutation. May not willingly take
any detriments or physical mutations.

Cannibal Ambush At the beginning of each game, the opposing

player must roll a D10. On a 5 or lower nothing happens and the
Special Abilities game continues as normal. On a 6 or higher the warband has been
ambushed and the player must choose three models, one of which
must be Elite. These models are not set up with the rest of the
warband and instead come on from the players board edge during
the Clean-Up Phase of Turn 3. They will activate normally during
the next turn.
Barter Cost 45

*Restricted: A warband may only ever have one Petunia.

Long since lost to senility and insanity, Gran-Gran has a tenuous grasp on reality, but
despite this she remains a force in the family due to her strong psychic ability. Her re-
laon to Mama and Pa is assumed to be of parent and child, but her unknown age
leaves this in doubt. As with Mama, Gran-Gran loves her family to a fault and will
commit deplorable acts to keep them safe. Beyond being protector of the clan, she
also acts as counselor, though her mutaon has le/ her quite unhinged and her ad-
vice is o/en twisted in riddles and meaningless symbolism. When le/ to her own de-
vices Gran-Gran will wander about the clans holdings seeming at random or will sit in
one place and interact with objects only she can see.

Name Type Defense Wounds
Gran-Gran Mutant 6 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 5 5 6
Accessible Skillsets Marksmanship, Smarts, and Tenacity
Starts with the Psychic and Psychic Battery mutations. May start
Special Abilities
with one detriment.
Barter Cost 48

Rank and Files

Youngers are the lesser children of the clan, a horrible mixture of
brothers, sisters, cousins, and other incestuous relaonships.
There is a pecking order based on order of birth, but only
strength and the capacity for violence, truly ma&er to the Young-
ers. Many youngers are the true born children of Mama, but oth-
ers may be ospring of the First-Born or capves, or may even be
children stolen from se&lements. Regardless, they are more of a
mass of unwashed mutants, than a true family.

Name Type Defense Wounds

Younger Mutant 6 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 4 5 5
Accessible Skillsets Melee, Ranged, and Survival

Special Abilities None

Barter Cost 20

The inbreeding of the cannibals causes many horrifying eects
among the children of the clan. The worst of these are the de-
generates who are born with terrible malformaons and other
debilitang mutaons. These deformies may include twisted,
excess, or missing limbs, blindness, hunched backs, scaly skin,
painful boils, etc. Degenerates are at the bo&om of the family
pecking order and even the Youngers push them around. In
ba&le, the degenerates are pushed forwarded and used as shock
troops by the family. Out of all of Mamas beloved children, they
are considered the most expendable.

Name Type Defense Wounds

Degenerate Mutant 6 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 4 5 5
Accessible Skillsets Melee, Survival, and Tenacity

Special Abilities Must start with one detriment and has the Rag-Tag general ability

Barter Cost 15

The territory of the cannibal clans a&racts many of the wastelands more loathsome creatures. The area will
o/en contain half-eaten carcasses, trash, and other refuse from the various family raids, which creates the
perfect breeding ground for wasteland scavengers. Some members of the clan seem to have an anity for
these creatures and they will make them pets of a sort and will even take them on raids. In the case absence
of more rened cuisine, the cannibals are not above eang their erstwhile pets.

Cri&ers do not have stats listed here. Instead, the player may choose to eld a Giant Rat (17 BS), Rad Roach
(15 BS), Trog (20 BS), Razor Ra&ler (23 BS), or Wastewolf (20 BS), using the stats and opons presented in the
Creatures of the Wastes secon of the TNT main rules. Barter Scrip cost for each creature in indicated in pa-
renthesis. A warband may not have more Cri&ers than Youngers.

Inevitably the child-minded Tiny is one of Mamas favorite children and in fact is
quite popular with most other members of the family as well. Tiny is not a name
for a parcular child, but is parlance for any member of the family who is huge,
dumb, and has the mental capacity of an over-eager toddler. Standing at least 7
feet tall and made of not much else but muscle, Tiny cares li&le for the polics
of the family and is willing to smash skulls with his bare hands to whoever is
nice to him or oers him food. Tiny knows only his familys love and sees no
moral quandary with their despicable acts. In fact to the family, Tinys only fault
is his dimwi&ed nature and easy distracbility. When on raids a family member
must stay close to Tiny and remind him which vicms need to be pulped.
Name Type Defense Wounds
Tiny Mutant 7 OO
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 6 3 6 5
Accessible Skillsets Brawn, Melee, and Tenacity
Starts with the Big mutation*, the Rotted Mind detriment, and
Special Abilities the Dumb general ability. This model may have the Huge gen-
eral ability for 25 BS.
Barter Cost 45

Not all members of the cannibal are the progeny of Mama, Pa, or any other family
member. Somemes infants and young children are brought in from the outside
and inducted into the clans ways. This can include captured humans and mutants
from raids, but the most important are those that are found. Many se&lements kill
mutants outright and mutants born to these communies are le/ to die of expo-
sure outside the se&lement walls. When possible these foundlings are rescued by
the cannibals and are raised with the other children. Unlike most other mutant
cannibals, the foundlings possess actually useful mutaons and are set above most
other children. Knowing they have been abandoned by the outside world, found-
lings embrace their new heritage and grow to accept the ways of the cannibal.

Name Type Defense Wounds
Foundling Mutant 6 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 4 5 5
Accessible Skillsets Melee, Marksmanship, and Survival

Special Abilities Starts with one mutation. May start with one detriment.

Barter Cost 27

Blood Brother
All members of a cannibal family are twisted and malevolent creatures, but the
blood brother is a breed apart. Caring li&le for inter-family bickering, the blood
brother sets himself above such pe&y squabbles and only cares for inicng pain
and torture on his vicms. Blood brothers o/en wear ayed skins or other grisly
trophies and when not on family raids can be found torturing anyone they can
get ahold of, whether a capve or even a unlucky sibling. When raiding in the
wasteland, they wield vicious weapons such a power tools, chainsaws, and large
cleavers; the be&er to mulate their opponents. Needless to say, as they stride
forward awash in blood and gore it takes a brave wastelander to challenge them
in melee.
Name Type Defense Wounds
Blood Brother Mutant 7 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
6 6 2 5 5
Accessible Skillsets Brawn, Melee, Tenacity

Special Abilities Starts with the Brute and Fearsome Reputation skills.

Barter Cost 30

*If the warband is led by Pa, up to two Blood Brothers may be taken as Rank and File choices.

As a cannibal clan ages the younger generaons come to prominence, either by
eang the older family members or pushing them aside. Many elders, such as Ma-
ma, Pa, and Gran-Gran maintain their powerful status, but others are not so lucky.
These elders ability to survive decades of family inghng has made them parcular-
ly experienced and conniving. Their limited power, however, does not come from
their long history, as cannibals only respect strength, but from their collecon of
prizes and trophies taken from raids. The most valuable pieces of these hodgepodge
collecons are heavy weaponry or powerful relics and the family elders are not shy
about using them to keep from being eaten by those who think them weak.
Gramps Type Defense Wounds
Elder Mutant 6 O
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 4 5 5
Accessible Skillsets Marksmanship, Smarts and Survival
Starts with the Up-Armed general ability and may choose one other
Special Abilities
skill. May take one detriment.
Barter Cost 35

Sample Facon
We are what we are; the Good Lord does not make mistakes. We are His punishment for the hubris of the
Last Americans and we will consume the esh of their wayward children. Some call us cannibals, but truly we
are devils beyond good and evil. For us esh is salvaon and blood is redempon. All other sustenance is but
---Hezekiah Wormwood

In the Tri-State Wasteland, the Wormwood clan is a byword for terror. Operang out of a series of caves near
the border with the Highlands, the Wormwoods have waylaid small caravans and solitary travelers for years.
Several purges by various peacekeeper organizaons have resulted in the deaths of many of the cannibals,
yet their numbers never seem to dwindle. The clan has remarkable staying power and this is due in no small
part to the strength of Hezekiah Wormwood., the patriarch of the clan. A religious zealot, Hezekiah rules his
family through sheer terror and ruthlessly culls any who queson his ways or authority. The start of the clan
has been lost to me, and the woman who started the cannibal family with Hezekiah is unknown, but no fe-
male member of the clan is ever said to last long once chosen to be a consort of the patriarch. Luckily for the
clan, Hezekiah preaches a parcular lusty form of religion and birthings in the family are extremely high. Be-
sides the rapid reproducon of the faithful, Hezekiah also teaches that cannibalism is the purest form of wor-
ship and only by eang the esh of the living will the wasteland be fruiLul again.

10 Copyright 2013 Joseph McGuire

Miniature Acknowledgements

All recognized miniatures featured in this free supplement are from the below companies. We encourage
you to visit their websites and give them your patronage. The miniatures from Frothers UK were part of a
sculpng compeon and sadly are no longer available. We do encourage you visit their ne forum.

Mega Miniatures h#p://

Ramshackle Games h#p://

Wargames Foundry h#p://

Warlord Games h#p://

West Wind Producons h#p://

This Is Not a Test and all wri#en material enclosed herein is 2013 Joseph McGuire and Worlds End Publishing.
All featured miniatures are the intellectual property of their originators and no challenge is made to their ownership.

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