Prek4 - Jess Week 2

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Pre-K4 Press
M S . J E S S I C S C L A S S A U G U S T 3 1 - S E P T E M B E R 5


Wednesday we will visit the

library for the first time, where
the children will be able to
Coming up this week...
check out a book for the week.
Please ensure your child brings
their book back to school by
next Wednesday so that they
Welcome to week 2 welcome us to the week will focus on
make check out another one. of Pre-K4! This week pool for our first les- some fine motor skills
Wednesday is the EC Parent
we will continue our son on Friday, and including scissor han-
Evening from 6-8pm. Please focus on learning Ms. Joanie will give us dling, play dough and
meet in the ARC first. I look
about our new envi- a tour of the library aluminum foil activi-
forward to seeing you there!
ronment and the new and we will also be ties. Stay tuned for
Friday is our first swimming people around us. able to bring a special photos!
lesson with Coach Stephanie.
Please send in a labelled bathing
We have already spent book home. We
suit, towel, flip flops and goggles some time with Ms. have begun to learn
if needed.
Anne (Music & Move- more about the dif-
Please try to pack the needed ment) and Senora Gigi ferent areas of the
eating utensils for your child's
snack/lunch. We have a small
(Spanish), but this classroom and will
back up collection of forks and week we will meet now use the area
spoons if needed but if would
super helpful if they could bring
two new teachers. names as we begin to
their own. Coach Stephanie plan our work time.
(Maxxs Mom!) will Small group time this
School hats can be left in their
cubbys to ensure they have a

HighScope Highlight
hat each day. You are welcome
to bring it home at the end of
the week to wash etc.

You will notice that we plentiful materials means

keep a wide variety of art that each child can carry
materials and paints availa- out his/her plans without
ble every day. All materi- having to wait,. It also
als are stored at a level means children can make

where the children can many choices in terms of

easily collect/reach on materials they can use
their own. This is to help and combine their mate-

develop independence and rials to achieve their
self-help skills. Having goals.

A sneak peak at our learning last week...

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