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OUCP Thesis Policies &Procedures

Page 1 of 1 Master Thesis Policies and Procedures
Spring 2017

Candidates have to pass by the OUCP in their branches to finalize any pending administrative, academic and financial issues
before starting the thesis submission procedure.
Once students file is ready (all pending administrative, academic and financial issues were solved), the OUCP-branch should
30 days send a request for an academic approval from the Thesis Coordinator in order to proceed with the defense process and an
AFC report from the OUCP director.
The accounting department in branch should send the thesis committee members dues to Miss Joumana Mouhareb.

After validating all proposal's requirements and academic pre-requisites , the Thesis Coordinator will send a list of approved
candidates that are elligble to defend their theses to the OUCP Director.
28 days

The accounting department Director Miss Joumana Mouhareb sends a list of the received dues to the OUCP Director .
26 days

Based on Miss Joumanas report and the Thesis coordinator list and the OUCP-branch request, an Administrative File-check
Clearance (AFC) is emailed from OUCP Director to the OUCP-branch, Thesis coordinator and student regarding the students
administrative status.
23 days

Thesis submission deadline (2 weeks before the defense date): The student should submit a printed AFC with the thesis.
N.B. : If the student does not submit the Administrative File-check Clearance (AFC) on the deadline, then the thesis is not
15 days submitted to a reviewer. Hence, the student cannot defend the thesis on the same semester, and has to postpone to the
next semester.

The Thesis Coordinator sends a thesis defense (first draft) schedule to the OUCP director.
N.B : An issued AFC doesn't guarantee the thesis defense to be scheduled.
7 days

The OUCP director sends a list of thesis committee members dues (based on the Thesis Committee members rates table
listed in page 7.) to the CBT for final approval, and then he forward it to the accounting department Director Miss Joumana
Mouhareb in order to prepare it on time.
5 days

The thesis coordinator signs a CCF Committee Clearance Form to all committee members who attended the defense.
N.B: When a thesis requires further modifications , reviewers & examiners will get paid but the supervisor CCF will be pending
until the next rectification.
All thesis committee members deliver the CCF to Miss Joumana Mouhareb in order to collect their dues.

1 Applicable for MS CSC, MS CCE, MBA

OUCP Thesis Policies & Procedures Spring 2017

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