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8th Grade Language Arts

Room 230
Teacher: Ms. Fairbee
Phone: (757) 850-7422

Hello and welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! Below contains important information
in order to help get this year off to a great start! Please read thoroughly with your student and
have them return the signed portion to me by Friday September 8th. I look forward to a very
productive year!
Writing composition and grammar skills will be major focuses for this class. Students will
be required to use a Writing Notebook in order to respond to prompts and receive effective
feedback in order to prepare them for their SOL in March. This notebook will be used in class on
a weekly basis and may need to be taken home to complete assignments. Students are to bring
this notebook with them to class everyday, along with any other required supplies.
I encourage you to communicate with me at any time if you need to. Whether it is a
general question or a larger concern, I am committed to supporting you with whatever you need.
Support from you is also gravely important to the success of your student. Lets work together in
order to ensure this success
My class number and email are located at the top of this page. My weebly site is Here you can get an idea of our weekly agenda and any assigned
homework as well as links to any of our class sites such as Google Classroom and NOREDINK.
Both of these recourses will be used frequently for work inside and outside of the classroom.

Grading Categories
-Practice: 20%
-weekly warm ups, vocabulary classwork/homework, reading passages, NOREDINK
practice assignments
-Minor Assessments: 35%
-vocabulary quizzes, essays, NOREDINK quizzes
-Major Assessments: 40%
-major tests; final drafts of essays
-Critical Skills Assessment: 5%
Student and Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement Form
Ms. Fairbee will hold her students to high expectations in order to foster a safe and
effective learning community. Please read and sign that you acknowledge these expectations and
will make your best effort to uphold them. Parents/Guardians please read and sign that you will
help your student to reach these expectations each day.

1. I expect my 8th graders to be on time and prepared with proper supplies everyday.
(pencils/pens, writing notebook, chrome book, binder, etc.)
2. I expect my 8th graders to follow all of the rules and guidelines set forth by Hampton City
3. I expect my 8th graders to respect their peers as well as themselves at all times.

I,_________________________________________________________(print student name), have read and

understood the class expectations set before me. During class discussion, I have asked any
questions of it that I needed further explanation. I understand that by signing and returning this
form I am agreeing to meet the expectations listed.

(Student Signature)

(Parent/Guardian Signature)

Parent/Guardian best form of contact:

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