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DePaul University Consulting Project - ICS 394


Group Members:
Jim Breslin (Team Leader)
Greg Bret-Harte
Joce Carrera
Elizabeth Ebert
Alec Johnson
Cesar Lopez
Claire Raphael

Table of Contents:
Executive Summary. 2
Overview.. 3
City and Suburb Demographic Research ... 4
Organization Research . 6
Albany Park.. 6
Back of the Yards.. 9
Belmont-Cragin.. 10
Cicero. 12
Gage Park .. 13
Humboldt Park .. 16
Little Village 19
Melrose Park 22
Pilsen.. 26
West Town . 27
Social Media and Web Presence Strategy.... 29
Company Brochure .... 32
Referral Program Suggestions . 34
Final Thoughts . 36
Appendix A.. 37
Appendix B.. 47

Executive Summary
Between April and June of 2017, our team, formed through Professor Levi Baers ICS 394
course at DePaul University, led a consulting project with the ABC Legal Justice Center,
focusing primarily on building a marketing strategy plan for the business. In talking with
Jane Doe, the LLCs founder, we discovered that the business receives most of its clients
through referrals. This led us to shape the bulk of our marketing plan around finding areas
and organizations within the city of Chicago and its surrounding suburbs in which the ABCs
brand image could be expanded to.
Based on the business target client, we began our research by investigating areas that
have a large amount of Spanish-speaking immigrants, high Latino populations, and/or high
crime rates/statistics. This lead us to narrow our scope down to ten primary areas: Albany
Park, Back of the Yards, Belmont-Cragin, Cicero, Gage Park, Humboldt Park, Little Village,
Melrose Park, Pilsen, and West Town.
Within each of these areas, we researched organizations such as nonprofits, schools,
community centers, churches, etc. that would provide ABC Legal opportunities to expand
their brand image and receive client referrals over the coming years. Each of these
organizations in one way or another provides resources to Spanish-speaking immigrants
and the Latino community in general, or acts as a place where many of the ABCs target
clients come together.
For example, the Western Suburb Action Project and the Pilsen Alliance, social justice
organizations that work to strengthen the Latino community and provide assistance to
immigrants of all standings, are two examples of organizations that we included in our
report. In total, we provided twenty-four great organizations for ABC Legal to connect with,
along with detailed descriptions concerning their mission and values, background,
upcoming/yearly events, and contact information.
As part of our marketing plan for the ABC, we also worked on various other projects to help
expand the business brand. We thoroughly examined the companys social media and
general web presence and provided various suggestions and examples for them to follow
in the coming year. We also created two brochure designs, based on an outline provided by
Ms. Doe, including a Spanish version of each of them, as the vast majority of the business
clients are Spanish-speaking. Finally, we also provided an outline of ideas and suggestions
for a referral program that ABC Legal could adopt in the future to encourage current and
former clients to refer others to the business.
Overall, we believe that our team has put together a marketing plan that will be able to
expand ABC Legal Justice Centers brand image to a wider range of areas in Chicagoland,
and allow for a greater number of client referrals in the coming years.

About ABC Legal Justice Center:
ABC Legal Justice Center (ABC) is a law firm run by Jane Doe. It focuses primarily on
immigration and landlord/tenant disputes. Jane offers affordable legal counsel with a
holistic focus on the client. She focuses on connecting clients with any resources that they
may need, even beyond legal help. ABC is a member of the Justice Entrepreneurs Project
(JEP). JEP aims to provide high quality legal counsel that is accessible to everyone. Jane
accomplishes this by offering payment plans and flexible payment options. Currently, most
of her client base is made up of referred clients, a substantial portion of which were
referred through JEP.

Needs the Business Has:

Jane was looking to expand her client base, as well as to improve the quality of her clients
(i.e. clients that are more than just a single consultation and who will refer other clients).
Jane was looking to expand her client base while focusing on being a part of the
community. Jane was very clear that cold calling was not an ideal option for expansion.
In addition to expanding her client base, Jane was looking to expand her overall brand
image, as she did not yet have a clear marketing plan/strategy for the business. Essentially,
she was open to any solutions or ideas that would help her target clients become aware of
her business and its services.

Our Solutions:
In order to expand Janes client base, our team decided to compile a list of organizations
that could refer clients to Jane. We decided to focus on organizations that had a strong
sense of community, as well as organizations that focused on the Latino community, as
they more often bring together a large number of Spanish-speaking immigrants - Janes
target client. Within each of the twenty-four organizations that we found, we provided
potential contacts as well as upcoming events that had potential for Jane to involve herself
with and therefore expand her business.
In the interest of growing Janes overall brand image, we examined ABCs online presence.
This included providing advice on how to better utilize her Facebook page, which is
currently her main form of interacting with clients. We alse created two sample brochures
(in both English and Spanish) that Jane can utilize when talking with/reaching out to
potential clients. In addition, we recommended a referral program to help encourage
current clients to suggest or refer ABC Legal Justice Center to their friends and family.

City and Suburb Demographic Research:

ABC Legal has had a heavy presence in
predominantly Latino neighborhoods among
high levels of crime. These communities are ideal
because they have a large presence of target
customers. Target customers are those who
have been victims of crimes, Spanish-speaking,
or recently married immigrants petitioning for a
visa. A majority of clients come from Logan
Square, mostly undocumented, which is why ABC
Legal is seeking to branch out to other areas of
the city. 90% of the companys target market is
comprised of people with immigration needs. Given the current political climate, the
demand for immigration based legal help is on the rise. ABC Legals training program for
these individuals is also gaining interest. 18% of Chicagos total population is estimated to
be made up of Latino immigrants, roughly 1.8 million. Although the growth rate has slowed
down, in previous years the immigrant community was growing at a 5% rate per year. ABC
Legals growth and expansion potential looks considerable based on the analytical data.

In order to exploit the current situation, our team conducted market research on various
areas of the city and its surrounding suburbs. Our main areas of interest were those
districts that offered high percentages of Hispanic-based communities, Spanish-speaking
homes, steep crime rates, and lower household incomes. We used a variety of analytical
and statistical tools such as Point2Homes and Statistical Atlas to recover information on
these areas. The result of this search was astounding, given the fact that ABC Legal had not
yet tapped into many of the areas found. According to the Huffington Post, Chicago is the
second most racially segregated city in the United States. In fact, more than one in every
five Hispanic area residents live in predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods, the sixth
highest such percentage of large metros.1

After gathering the necessary data, we found a considerable amount of neighborhoods

that fit our requirements. However, we narrowed it down to the ten most solid areas in
order to reduce the disarray of information. Out of these ten areas, over half had Hispanic
populations above 70% and crime rates more than double the national average.

To showcase some of the information we were able to attain, we will use Little Village and
Back of the Yards as examples. The areas have hispanic populations of 88% and 51%
respectively, along with certain crime rates striking at 5 times above the national average.


Little Village (South Lawndale) is home to the

largest Mexican community in the Midwest.
Located in Chicagos Southwest Side, its Hispanic
population makes up 88% of its estimated 72,000
residents, as we can see from the Racial & Ethnic
Background chart to the right. The neighborhood
crime rate is also one of the highest in the city
and exceeds the national average risk level by
more than double.

Back of the Yards is an industrial and
residential area in Chicagos
Southside. Out of its estimated
64,000 residents, about 51% are of
Hispanic origin with Spanish serving
as the primary language in 45% of
the total homes. As seen through the
Crime Rate & Statistics chart to the
left, their total crime rate is almost
triple the national average and it
continues to be one of the most
violent areas of the city, particularly when it comes to robbery, murder, and personal

Further neighborhood specific information will be discussed in the following section,

immediately preceding the researched organizations within each area. All demographic
information, charts, tables, and graphs for each area can be found in the appendix section
of this report, beginning on page 37. We have also provided an Excel document with all of
our findings in a shared Google Drive folder for Jane to examine and access digitally.

Organization Research
From the areas of the city and suburbs that our team researched, we then began to
investigate organizations that involve themselves with or provide aid to Spanish-speaking
immigrants and/or the Latino community in general. The organizations include a wide
variety of businesses, schools, community centers, and nonprofits throughout Cook
County. While Ms. Doe wanted us to limit the amount of religious organizations we
recommend, we still included a few that specifically provide ample resources to Latino
immigrants and the Hispanic community.
As for the setup of the following portion of our report, each area begins with a brief
summary of demographics and facts concerning the area, followed by the organizations
themselves. Each organization is broken down into five sections: Description,
Upcoming/Yearly Events, Potential Contacts, Location, and Website(s). Each of these
sections should provide Ms. Doe] with an idea of what the organizations are all about as
well as methods of connecting with them, whether that is through upcoming events, a
specific person, or an email/phone number to contact.
Overall, we believe that each of the following organizations will provide the ABC Legal
Justice Center with many new avenues to acquire referrals for new clients in the coming
two years.

Albany Park
Albany Park is an ethnically diverse neighborhood on the Northwest side of
Chicago. Albany Park is made up of 51% Latino population, 29% white, and 4% African
American. The majority of the Latino population is from Mexico. It is known as one of the
most diverse neighborhoods in the entire country. It is rated a 221 total crime risk (as
compared to the United States average of 100), and an alarmingly high robbery risk of 522
(again compared to the United States average of 100). It is also home to the Koreatown of

The Albany Park Autonomous Center, or Centro Autnomo:

Description: This organization is essentially a community center, which really
focuses its time and energy onto Latino-focused issues, specifically immigrant
struggles.They offer ESL classes, which have grown greatly in the past few years.
They strive to bring a political focus to the community as well. They aim to re
establish collectivity, especially given the current political and economic state of the


Upcoming/Yearly Events: They host regular ESL classes for fifty to eighty students
multiple times a week. They also have classes on a wide variety of subjects, from fun
to practical. They have programs for students to finish high school. In addition they
have many volunteer opportunities promoted on their website, which would be a
great way to verbally market Jane.
Potential Contacts:
Phone: (773) 583-7728
3460 W. Lawrence Ave
Chicago, IL 60625

Theodore Roosevelt High School:
Description: TRHS is a high school located within the neighborhood of Albany Park.
It has a very large population of Hispanic students and offers a very inclusive view of
education. They offer special assistance for their undocumented students.

Upcoming/Yearly Events: The local school council meets monthly. During these
meetings they discuss administrative details about the school as well as certain
organizations that the school community works with. This could be a good
opportunity for ABC Legal to promote their mentorship program, as it could connect
Jane with students who are interested in pursuing a career in law. Their parents and
family members may also require special legal assistance, as many are

Potential Contacts:
Phone: (773) 534-5000
Katherine M Chuu
Assistant Principal
Phone: (773) 534-5000 ext. 4-5014
Maria Griffin
Culture & Climate Coordinator

3436 West Wilson Avenue

Chicago, IL 60625

Albany Park Multicultural Elementary School/Academy:

Description: APMA is an elementary school and junior high that is located in the
Albany Park neighborhood. APMA specifically aims to embrace cultural diversity
instead of letting it divide. Collectively, their student speak over 40 languages.
Upcoming/Yearly Events:
A Parent Advisory Council Meeting is held monthly
Bilingual Advisory Council is held monthly
Potential Contacts:
Phone: 773-534-5108
Fax: 773-534-5178
Ms. Garcia
School Secretary/Business Manager

4929 N. Sawyer Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625


Albany Park Community Center:

Description: APCC is a community center that aims to support members of the
community as they choose their own path. They celebrate diversity and provide
many services including education programs, business programs, workforce
training, counseling, technology and a food pantry.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: They host citizenship classes as well as many other
seminars on a weekly basis. They also have programs for housing resources, which
Jane could potentially speak at, especially when it comes to her clients dealing with

landlord issues. Their monthly food pantry is also a great way to involve the
business in the Albany Park community as many of those that they serve may be
those in need of potential legal assistance.
Potential Contacts:
Number for Citizenship Classes
(773) 509-5650
General Number
(773) 583-5111
Gisele Hennings
Housing Resource Lead
(773) 433-3244
5101 N. Kimball, Chicago IL, 60625

Back of the Yards

Back of the Yards is an industrial and residential area in Chicagos Southside. The name
comes from its particular location in which it was once home to the famous Chicago Union
Stock Yards. The Union Stock Yards was the meatpacking district of Chicago which was
founded in 1865. The district operated as a processing area, managed by a group of
railroad companies for over a century. For decades it was the center of the American
meatpacking industry eventually coming to an end in 1971.2 Since than, Back of the Yards
has shifted from being primarily industrial to now serving as as a predominantly residential
neighborhood. Out of its estimated 64,000 residents, about 51% are of hispanic origin with
Spanish serving as the primary language in 45% of the total homes. Annual household
income is relatively low compared to other Chicagoland neighborhoods, and the total crime
rate is almost triple the national average. The highest levels of risk in the area are personal
crime, murder, and robbery (robbery being more than six times the national average).

Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council (BYNC):

Description: The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council (BYNC) is one of the
oldest non-profit community organizations in the United States. Founded in 1939,
the organization was designed to support its residents, business owners, union


officials, and more. Even though the organization operates out of the Back of the
Yards neighborhood, their services stretch out into bordering communities such as
Brighton Park, McKinley Park, and New City. With issues such as social
disorganization, unemployment, poor housing, and juvenile delinquency plaguing
the community, BYNC continues to fight for those in need by organizing residents
and bringing social services and economic resources to the community.
Upcoming/Yearly Events:
Each month, they hold an SSA #13 Commissioners Meeting at their BYNC Office,
with the two upcoming meetings taking place on June 21, 2017 and July 11, 2017,
both at 8:30 am. The BYNC also holds a large, yearly festival called Fiesta Back of
the Yards with rides, games, and food celebrating the community and Latino
culture. This could be a great way for Jane to acquaint herself with the community.
This year it takes place on June 10 and 11, but will also be hosted around the same
time in 2018 as well.
Potential Contacts:

Cynthia Munoz
Administrative Assistant

Gisela Nevarez
Special Events Coordinator

Jim Gonska,
Special Projects Director

1751 W 47th Street, 2nd Floor

Chicago, IL 60609

Recently Belmont-Cragin has begun to house young professionals but historically the
population is mainly split between Latinos and an older polish population. The median
household income is lower than Chicagos and the overall Latino population is higher than
Chicagos. About 23% of the people in Belmont-Cragin either speak very little English or

none at all. Crime in Belmont-Cragin happens at anytime of the day making the crime rate
higher than Chicagos. More information on the demographics can be viewed in the
Northwest Side Housing Center:
Description: NSHC is a nonprofit organization that seeks to empower the
community. They do this by providing a variety of services including, housing
counseling, foreclosure prevention, financial education, first-time homebuyer
classes, community organizing, and rental counseling . They meet with people who
are not comfortable buying a home yet and provide them with financial instructions.
This could offer Jane a chance to provide legal guidance to the community,
especially with her background in landlord/tenant law.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: They currently do not have any events coming up but
they are offering the housing classes again in June and looks as though they will
offer more throughout the year. For example they had a Celebrate Home
fundraiser that raised $80,000 dollars and a gardening workshop last month in May.
Many of these events are advertised on their Facebook, so we recommend liking
their page and having one of Janes interns regularly checking their page to see what
events are coming up.
Potential Contacts:
General Phone Number:
(773) 283-3888

General Email:
5233 W. Diversey Ave Chicago, IL 60639
General Website:

LISC Chicago:
Description: Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago connects
neighborhoods to the resources they need to become stronger and healthier. Even
though they are located downtown they do a decent amount of work in Belmont
Cragin. They work with NSHC very closely on their events along with other nonprofit
organizations around Chicago. This is a good organization for Jane to be connected

with because they have connections with a lot of different communities in and out
of Chicago.

Upcoming/Yearly Events: While they do not currently have any events on their
calendar, they are constantly having workshops and benefits through the
organization. For example, they had a large benefit with their donors in mid-May
and held an economic workshop for the community around the same time. As with
the Northwest Side Housing Center, a lot of this information is on their Facebook, so
regular checks there into events could be beneficial.

General Phone Number:
(312) 422-9550


135 S LaSalle St, Suite 2230, Chicago, IL 60603



General Website:

The Town of Cicero is one of the oldest and largest municipalities in the State of Illinois and
the only incorporated town in Cook County. It has a population of over 84,000 people with
87% being Hispanic and a majority of homes being Spanish speaking. Crime rate is above
average in all categories with property risk being one of the leaders.
Corazon Community Services
Description: Corazn Community Services mission is to improve the quality of life
for children, youth and families through holistic social services offered in a culturally
sensitive environment. On their homepage they list crimes that have occurred in the
area and how their services have helped locals in the area.
Upcoming/Yearly Events:
They list events that are going to be occurring in the current month as well as the
next. In the months of July and August they have a Break the Violence Movement
Night every other Friday night promoting the end to violence in the community
allowing community members to come together in a safe environment. They also

offer a variety of family-friendly events during the summer such as soccer and
basketball tournaments. These could be beneficial to expanding Janes brand image
by involving herself and ABC Legal in one or more events.
Potential Contacts:
General Phone Number:
(708) 656-1400
5339 W. 25th St. Cicero, IL 60804

Gage Park
Gage Park is a largely working class neighborhood on the southwest side of Chicago. While
originally an Irish and Eastern European neighborhood, it has shifted to an overwhelming
Hispanic population over the past 30 years, currently making up 91% of its 270,000 person
population. It is also the home of many Latino immigrants, with over 85% of households
speaking Spanish. Its crime rates are also above average, with the threats of robbery,
assault, and personal crimes being the highest. The area is also overwhelmingly Catholic,
with many of its residents being parishioners of St. Gall Catholic Church.
United Neighborhood Organization:
Description: United Neighborhood Organization is a nonprofit that leads the
transformation of the Hispanic community towards an educated, powerful, and
prosperous citizenry by engaging and challenging it to redefine its potential and its
legacy throughout Chicago, as well as the country. It performs various grassroots
initiatives in these areas, especially in the realms of street violence and
overcrowding of schools.
While they perform work all over the city, the organization has a particular presence
within Gage Park, most specifically through the UNO Elementary Soccer Academy
that they run. There, they host a variety of different events and volunteer
opportunities for the Hispanic community as a whole, which would connect ABC
Legal to a variety of individuals in this immigrant-heavy area of the city, particularly
through the sport of soccer.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: The UNO is constantly looking for volunteers to help out,
not just at their Gage Park location, but all around the City. Their largest yearly
event, Carrera de los Muertos, actually takes place in Pilsen, but it brings together
the Hispanic community from all over the city. It is a 5k race that promotes the

health and wellness of the communities. It also features a large variety of

entertainment and food to go along with its traditional Day of the Dead setting. This
year it takes place on Saturday, November 4th, starting at 8 am but will continue
throughout the day.
Potential Contacts:
Claudia Ayala
Volunteer Contact
General Organization Phone Number:
(312) 432-6301
Gage Park Soccer Academy Phone Number:
(312) 455-5450
Organization Headquarters:
1655 S Blue Island Ave, Chicago, IL, 60608

UNO Elementary Soccer Academy:
5050 S. Homan Ave, Chicago, IL 60632
Organization Website:
Charter School Website:

St. Gall Catholic Church:
Description: The St. Gall Catholic Church is a parish in Gage Park that does a large
amount of work for both Latino immigrants as well as the Latino community in
general. While we know that ABC Legal wishes to shy away from more
religious-focused organizations, we believe St. Gail is involved in so many great
areas that it is definitely something they should look into partnering with.
The church runs its own community center that organizes its Food Pantry for those
in the community who are in extra need. Their Past. Migratoria program offers
many different resources for immigrants of all statuses, including leading the path
to citizenship as well as educating the general public on the importance of accepting
the respecting all immigrants of all backgrounds. They also offer domestic violence

assistance and support. Due to the relevance of these areas to ABC Legals mission,
we recommend connecting with the organization through its many events and
volunteer opportunities.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: A great regular event that ABC Legal could get involved
with is their St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry which takes place every Wednesday
from 10pm to Midnight. Their large, yearly event is also their Kermes celebration,
which is an originally Dutch celebration that has been blended with the Hispanic
culture of Gage Park. It takes place every August, with this year placed between
Friday August 4th and Sunday August 5th. ABC Legal can utilize this activity to either
volunteer with the organization or just enjoy the festivities and become acquainted
with the Gage Park community.
Potential Contacts:
General Front Office Info:
(773) 737-3113
General Food Pantry Number:
(773) 737-3113
Rosalba Ascencio
Immigration Resources
(630) 223-6710
5511 S. Sawyer Ave, Chicago, IL 60629
General Website:

Chicago Park District - Gage Park:
Description: The Chicago Park Districts Gage Park provides a large amount of
resources and opportunities to participate in fun activities for the Gage Park
community. Their facilities total about 30 acres and features two gymnasiums, an
auditorium, a fitness center, and a multi-purpose clubrooms. They also do a lot for
the Hispanic community in general, offering many events to celebrate their heritage,
particularly through Hispanic Heritage Month in September and October each year.
Overall, because the Gage Park community fits all areas of ABC Legals target
consumer - high Latino population, a large amount of Spanish-speaking immigrants,
and high crime - it would be well worth the companys time to get involved in this
center for the community, as they host a number of fun events throughout the year.

Upcoming/Yearly Events: As mentioned above, the large one is Hispanic Heritage

Month, which takes place each year between September 15th and October 15th,
and the Park District does multiple events a week for all ages of the Latino
community. This summer, their park will also host several community events,
including Movies in the Park, Shakespeare in the Park, and a performance of Los
Potential Contacts:
Leobardo Pulido
Park Supervisor
(312) 747-6147
2411 W. 55th St. Chicago, IL 60609
Gage Park Website:
General Chicago Park District Facebook:

Humboldt Park
Humboldt Park is rooted in deep, proud Latino tradition. The streets are decorated in
vibrant murals and have multiple displays of Puerto Rican heritage. A quarter of Humboldt
Parks residents are of Puerto Rican descent and due to this concentration, the main stretch
of Division street boasts Spanish Colonial architecture as well as authentic cuisine. The
Puerto Rican Peoples Parade is one of the highest attended Latino celebrations in the
country and held at the heart of this neighborhood every summer. It is also home to a
picturesque 219 acre park that builds community through sporting events and a beach.
Latin United Community Housing:
Description: LUCHA was founded in 1982 by residents of Humboldt Park, West
Town and Logan Square in order to combat gentrification, preserving affordable
housing for the people that had built up a strong community. LUCHA has helped
more than 68,000 low-to-moderate income families rent decent and affordable
housing, obtain Section 8 rental assistance, and purchase good homes. They also
help improve dilapidated buildings, make emergency repairs, update homes to
become more energy efficient, help members of the community obtain adequate
insurance coverage, and beautify their neighborhoods. LUCHA is a 501(c)3
non-profit organization, meaning Jane and ABC Legals time and expertise in housing
law would be very useful towards them. It would also be a great organization to

build a relationship with, as they serve people in the low to moderate income
brackets - ABCs target client.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: Each October, the nonprofit holds a Masquerade Ball
fundraiser at the Stan Mansion. This could be a great opportunity for Jane to get
involved with the organization and build connections with their employees and
those that they help in the community.
Potential Contacts:
James Miletello
Phone: (773) 276-5338

John Marshall Law School is also listed as a partner, so we suggest using your
network within the school to potentially get involved further with the company.
3541 West North Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647

Kelly Hall YMCA:

Description: Kelly Hall YMCA is a staple of the Humboldt Park community. It is a a
nonprofit organization committed to academic readiness, character development,
youth safety and violence prevention and fitness and healthy living, operating since
2009. Kelly Hall YMCA currently serves 1,700 people with their programs as well as
offers a place in the community for people to enjoy hot nutritious meals. The
organizations main purpose is to keep children off the street, and they accomplish
this by offering many after school programs. Due to the size of this organization, it is
very easy to get involved in.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: The YMCAs website includes a variety of volunteer
opportunities that ABC Legal can involve themselves in, including:
Youth Sports: Coach a youth sports team, referee a youth sports game, or
keep score
Join one of the Ys local boards and committees
Assist with special events, such as 5K walks/runs, triathlons and Healthy Kids
Help out with youth swim lessons
Participate in community fundraising campaigns
Serve as a member experience greeter

Assist with the maintenance and landscaping of buildings and facilities

Provide administrative or clerical support
Be a role model for youth through the Ys Black and Latino Achievers
Program (Saturday program during the school year)
Share a special skill, such as music, art, performing arts or a foreign language
Potential Contacts:
Stan Lewis
Executive Director
(773) 866-1220
824 N. Hamlin Chicago, IL 60651

Spanish Coalition for Housing:
Description: The Spanish Coalition for Housing strives to help the community
through comprehensive counseling, education and housing resources necessary for
Latinos and other low-to-moderate income families in the Chicagoland area.
Through the counseling, the members are able to learn competence and
responsibility in meeting their financial and housing needs. Since 2007, the coalition
has seen a 996% increase in clients seeking foreclosure prevention. They also
expanded their financial education, renter and landlord education programs to
promote financial stability and prevent foreclosure before it starts. Janes expertise
in housing law as well as her ability to speak both English and Spanish would be on
great display through participation with this organization.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: They host a variety of bilingual events and workshops
including the following:
First time homebuyer education
Foreclosure prevention workshops
Financial education workshops and landlord education workshops
Potential Contacts:
General Phone Number:
(773) 342-7575
1922 N. Pulaski Chicago, IL 60639


Little Village
Little Village (South Lawndale) is home to the largest Mexican community in the Midwest.
Located in Chicagos Southwest Side, its hispanic population makes up 88% of its estimated
72,000 residents. Although average annual income is about $33,000, Crains Chicago
reported that local businesses in Little Village generate around $900 million per year.3 The
neighborhoods commercial area stretches for two miles down 26th street and is the
second-highest-grossing shopping district in the city behind Michigan Avenue.4 Spanish
makes up 88% of the language spoken at home making it an attractive neighborhood for
ABC Legal to operate in. The neighborhood crime rate is one of the highest in the city and
exceeds the national average risk level by more than double. The three major criminal risks
in Little Village are robbery, murder, and personal crime risk.
Enlace Chicago:
Description: Enlace Chicago convenes, organizes, and builds the capacity of Little
Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and
social access.5 Enlace promotes positivity by working closely with the community on
projects that produce a safe and healthy environment for all residents. Some of
their major areas of focus are educational advancement and economic
development. Enlace also firmly believes in community power through collaboration
and effective leadership that helps bring the community together in the battle for
social justice.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: Enlace has regular events involving working with their
various community gardens. They have very flexible hours for anyone wishing to
help out in this area. This could be a great opportunity for Jane to connect with
those involved in the organization and the Little Village community in general. The
company also host a variety of other volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Potential Contacts:
Katya Nuques
Executive Director

Fanny Diego
Associate Director


Docia Buffington
Development Director

Livier Gutierrez
Violence Prevention Director

General Phone Number:
(773) 542-9233

2756 S Harding Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60623

Community Activism Law Alliance (CALA):

Description: The mission of the Community Activism Law Alliance (CALA), is to
unite lawyers and activists in a collaborative pursuit for justice by leveraging legal
services to benefit the most marginalized communities and individuals. They want
to shake up the legal service industry by encouraging collaborative efforts between
lawyers and communities working together.
Over the years, CALA has gained a number of partners that help with the goal of the
organization. The organizations model is community focused, in which it involves
neighborhood residents in all aspects of its movement. By using free local spaces
and community volunteers, CALAs lawyers perform at a high level while also being a
benefit to the organizations partners.
Potential Contacts:
Lam Ho
Executive Director & Founder

Antonio Gutierrez
Program Administrator


Perla Tirado
Staff Attorney

General Contact:
P: (312) 999-0056

405 W. Superior St. 7th Floor #506

Chicago, IL 60604

Instituto Del Progreso Latino:

Description: Institutos mission is to contribute to the fullest development of Latino
immigrants and their families through education, training, and employment that
fosters full participation in the changing US society while preserving cultural identity
and dignity.

The organization focuses on those individuals full of dedication and potential but
who have been kept down by the traditional systems of education in our country.
Instituto believes the path to success is through education, and use it as a way to
help individuals reach their goals in life. For those students enrolled, services are
extended to their family such as financial counseling and college bound transitional

Upcoming/Yearly Events: The organization has a variety of volunteer opportunities

on their website that ABC Legal can involve themselves with. This includes
Community Navigator volunteers that help in leading the path towards citizenship
for many immigrants in the Latino community, which is concurrent with Janes
strengths as a lawyer.

Potential Contacts:

Dr. Ricardo Estrada

Vice-President of Education & Programs

General Contact:
T: (773) 890-0055


2520 S Western Avenue

Chicago, IL 60608

Melrose Park
Melrose Park is a suburb of Chicago on its west side, with a population of over 30,000. It
has a relatively large Hispanic population, at about 72%, as well as a high number of Latino
immigrants. Over 67% of families speak Spanish at home. Its crime rate is, for the most
part, average or below average, however it does have a slightly higher rate of property
crime risk.

Western Suburb Action Project:

Description: The Western Suburb Action Project is a community-based social
justice organization that works to engage community members to act through their
faith and values to address issues that affect them, their families, and neighbors
with the mission to build stronger communities where all residents can live dignified
lives regardless of their race, socioeconomic or immigration status.
Overall, this nonprofit does a lot to specifically help immigrants of varying statuses,
including its citizenship program that has assisted over 1,200 people gain
citizenship, as well as its program to register new voters in Melrose Park, as well as
other Western suburbs including Stone Park, Maywood, Bellwood, Northlake, and
Franklin Park. They also have a history of working with other organizations and
lawmakers to pass various pro-immigrant legislation. This includes helping to gain
bipartisan support for the Driver Licenses for All Legislation, which allows
undocumented drivers to drive without the fear of being stopped and potentially
deported. They also helped pass the DREAM Act as well as blocking the expansion of
the Secure Communities program that has been responsible for the deportation of
thousands in Illinois. Overall they are very involved in helping Illinois immigrants just
as ABC Legal is.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: While they currently do not have any specific events
listed on their website, they do regularly offer volunteer opportunities within their
Citizenship Program and their Voter Engagement Project. Contact information for
these opportunities are listed below.
Potential Contacts:

Mony Ruiz-Velasco
Executive Director

Estela Vara
Citizenship Program
(708) 410-2000

Maria Albarran
Voter Engagement Project
(708) 410-2000
3415 W North Ave, Suite D, Melrose Park, IL 60160
Main Website:

Description: HispanoFest is a non-for-profit organization that hosts an annual
three-day festival and parade each September in Melrose Park, celebrating Hispanic
culture. It is run and planned by volunteer community members and businesses of
the community. Bringing together culture, ethnic foods, and entertainment from all
around Latin America, it is the largest Hispanic festival in the Western Suburbs, with
an average attendance of 225,000 people.
In its 20-year history, the Festival has also provided over 140 scholarships to college
or trade school students of Latino origin in the suburbs. These, along with funding
for the Festival, primarily comes through local businesses with Latino origin or
background. Overall, they do a lot for the advancement of the Hispanic Community.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: Obviously, the Festival itself is the primary event that the
organization puts on. However, this provides the opportunity for ABC Legal to help
with volunteer with its setup and/or make donations to its scholarship funds.
Potential Contacts:
General Phone Number:
(708) 296-7006

1000 N. 25th Ave. Melrose Park, IL 60160
General Website:

Governors Office of New Americans Welcome Center/Our Lady of St. Carmel:

Description: The Office of New Americans is an organization run through the
Governor's Office that provides a wide range of services for recent immigrants,
primarily from Latin American countries. They have six different Welcome Centers
throughout the state, primarily in areas heavy in Hispanic populations, with their
Melrose Park office run through Our Lady of St. Carmel Parish.
They provide services such as health screening, job training, legal aid, and help
finding college aid or mortgages. The Office also covers the DREAM Fund initiative
which provides scholarships to college students who are the children of immigrants.
Overall, the Office and the Parish itself do a lot for Latino immigrants and would
definitely be somewhere that has a large number of potential clients for ABC Legal
Justice Center.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: Our Lady of St. Carmel offers several programs and
events through its Parish, although many are more religious-based. Despite this,
there still several more community-based events that they host, specifically the Our
Lady of St. Carmel Feast.
The Feast is a large-scale, multiple day festival that will take place this year from July
13th through July 16th. It features a wide variety of live music, food, a car show, and
a dog/puppy rescue. As their website suggests in multiple sections, they are
constantly looking for volunteers and sponsors for the event and therefore it could
be something that ABC would partner with.
Potential Contacts:
New Americans Welcome Center
(708) 345-3632 ext. 301
Fr. Miguel Alvarez, C.S.
(708) 344-4140

Alexander Sanchez
Business Manager
(708) 345-3632
1115 N. 23rd Street, Melrose Park, IL 60160
Welcome Center Website:
Parish Website:
Parish Facebook:

North American Center for Mexican Advancement (NAIMA):

Description: NAIMA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to the
development and implication of initiatives that foster cooperation and lead to the
advancement of all people of Mexican descent, and society as a whole.
The organization essentially does a lot for the Mexican community as a whole,
through integrating social, educational, civic, and economic initiatives within Melrose
Park as well as the Chicagoland area as a whole. Because of this, they often host a
variety of activities and events and offer many opportunities for those in the
community to get involved and volunteer. In general, as it believes in many of the
same values as ABC Legal, it could be very beneficial to partner with and/or get
involved with NAIMA in the coming years.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: The organization offers many events throughout the
year, with their Community Program and Services Expo being their largest, with
this years upcoming Expo being their 9th annual. There, NAIMA offers attendees
direct links to Mexican governmental organizations and agencies, family activities,
sports, educational opportunities, medical services, citizenship counseling, and
employment opportunities. The Expo also hosts more specific events such as film
screenings and filmmaker Q&As of educational documentaries such as A Day
Without Mexicans as well as a childrens soccer league titled the Melrose Cup.
Potential Contacts:
General Phone Number:
(708) 571-0025
1708 W Main St. Melrose Park, IL 60160

General Website:

Pilsen is located on the Lower West Side of Chicago. It is three miles southwest of the
Chicago Loop. It has a population of over 47,000 people, of which 78% is Hispanic, with a
majority of the families speaking Spanish. Its crime rate is, for the most part, average or
above average, with Robbery and Assault as the highest.
Pilsen Alliance
Pilsen Alliance is a social justice organization committed to developing grassroots
leadership in Pilsen and neighboring working class, immigrant communities in Chicagos
Lower West Side. They work for quality public education, affordable housing,
government accountability and healthy communities. Their goals include using
innovative community education tools and programs, direct action organizing
campaigns and advocacy initiatives reflecting the popular education philosophy of
building social consciousness for personal and social collective transformation.

Upcoming/Yearly Events:
The Pilsen Alliance has monthly events around the community. It doesnt look like
they have anything set up yet for the month of June but at the end of May they had
a March against McDonalds for unfair wages and working conditions. Their
Facebook page is full of promotions for events like this that support the Pilsen
community. Like several of the other organizations, we suggest Jane or an intern like
their Facebook page and keep an eye on their posts to find exciting and important
events in the area.
Potential Contacts:
General Phone Number:
(312) 243-5440
General Email:
1744 W. 18th St. Chicago, IL 60608

General Website:

West Town
On Chicagos Northwest side, you will find youthful, creative energy in West Town. The area
has a population of approximately 138,7888 with a pretty even mix between males and
females. Out of that population 17% didnt finish high school. Overall, the crime rate is 137
points above average. Robbery is 413 points above average, while property crime risk is
above average by 68. Relevant to our study, 29.3% of the population is Hispanic. The
Chicago River is to the east, the Union Pacific railroad tracks are to the south, the former
railroad tracks on Bloomingdale Avenue are to the North, and they have an irregular
western border with Humboldt Park.
Spanish Action Committee:
Description: Cambios Sociales Positivos: After the Puerto Rican riots in 1966, the
Puerto Rican community of Humboldt Park, West Town in the City of Chicago, gave
birth to a social change movement. The movement came about by the organizing
efforts of a community based organization called the Spanish Action Committee of
Chicago (SACC).
SACC is one of the oldest Puerto Rican organizations in the City of Chicago. SACC
was founded by Juan Diaz, a community activist, and other community residents, to
effectively and constructively focus attention on and resolve the needs, problems
and aspirations of Chicago's Hispanic community. SACC continues this tradition
today, by creating Positive Social Changes for Chicago's Hispanic community
through its community programs and services.
Upcoming/Yearly Events: They are constantly looking for volunteers as part of
their various programs, including GED, housing, and food programs as well as voter
registration and education classes. Any of these could be a good way for ABC Legal
to involve themselves with the West Town community.
Potential Contacts:
Yvette Martinez
(773) 292-1052
2452 West Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622


Casa Central Family Center:

Description: Casa Central is a nonprofit that transforms lives and offers community
support, with a special focus on Hispanics. Their network of social services propels
children and youth, individuals and families, and seniors toward self-sufficiency and
a higher quality of life, especially those of low income.

Upcoming/Yearly Events: They are constantly looking for volunteers in a number
of different areas. Generally it involves working with children. Some programs
include arts and crafts creation, reading to younger children, administrative help,
tutoring, special event planning, resume building, and job readiness workshops.
Many of these could be beneficial to expanding Janes brand to West Town.

Potential Contacts:
General Phone Number:
(773) 645-2300

Volunteer Email:

1343 N California Ave Chicago, IL 60622


General Website:



Social Media and Web Presence Strategy:

One of the most important things to remember when working on a business social media
page is that it is essentially a home base where anyone, including potential clients can
come to find information about the business. It is therefore important to make sure that
basic information about the business and its services are present on all platforms. Jane
wants her audience to be able to have easy access to important resources, but it is
important that she has the right type of information on each platform. Facebook, LinkedIn,
and a website are three very different sources of information that Jane should organize in
specific ways to ensure her potential customers are learning what they need about her and
her business.

To start off, a great resource for potential clients are allowing others to post reviews to the
page. From the looks of it, this has been going very well for ABC Legals page, and therefore
we suggest that Jane keep this up. However, another easy way for her Facebook page to be
an asset is to engage with the companys current and potential clients. We noticed that
several people have left comments on a few of Janes posts and have yet to receive a
response. Simply taking a few minutes to respond can go a long way in strengthening
relationships with clients. Therefore, we suggest that once or twice a week Jane should look
through all recent posts and respond accordingly to any comments left by clients. If they
are asking a more detailed question, ABC Legals response should be something along the
lines of, Thank you for your comments/questions! For more information regarding this
matter, please email Jane at Thank you!

While looking through the ABCs Facebook page, it is also clear that Jane has two separate
audiences: high school/college students and adults in need of legal services and training.
While it is great that Jane focuses on many areas, it is very important to make sure that
there is a common focus in order to keep an active and engaged social media audience on
both sides. To improve this, one option would be to chose one audience to specifically
target with posts so that potential clients have a better idea of what the ABC Legal Justice
Center is about. However, we know that Jane does a lot with her mentorship program
through the Center, and so we believe she can keep both audiences, but in order to do so it
will take a bit of work and dedication. With businesses like this, it is important that the bulk
of content posted is original (i.e. pictures, videos, calls to action, etc.) and not just links to
articles or external videos. These posts can be done by either Jane or one of the interns
that she has working with her.

To start off with her student audiences, specifically high schoolers, whenever Jane speaks
somewhere or volunteers at a student-centered event, she should post a video or pictures
from the event, but most importantly she needs to tag the school or organization. This is
because students who follow the school or organizations page will see the post and they
will be able to more easily connect with Jane and the ABC if they are interested. Therefore,
they will also remember who Jane is and can potentially go back on their organizations
page to find her.
We also suggest that for this audience, the Facebook page should post links to information
about opportunities such as scholarships and volunteer events that could benefit the
students. However, it is important that Jane (or an intern) includes a short sentence or two
with the post explaining why she believes it is important to them as well as any connections
she may have to it. In these posts it may also be beneficial to add questions with the
images/videos to involve her followers. For example, for the After School Matters program
application, Jane can state Attention all high school students, what are your plans for
summer 2017? Check out the After School Matters application to find out how you can stay
involved and make some money this summer! It would also behoove the Facebook page to
include three or four hashtags with each of these posts, as it makes it more likely to show
up on peoples feed, based on Facebooks algorithm. For example a scholarship post could
include #scholarship, #Latinoscholarships, #education, etc.
As for the more immigrant-focused audience, posting whenever Jane goes to visit or speak
somewhere and whenever she is hosting an event open to her clients/followers would be a
great example of what to post, as it gives them an idea of who Jane is and what she and her
business are offering. A great method of posting for something like this would be to have
three posts: one a week before it is happening, one three days before, and one the day of.
This allows for more of the ABCs followers to have a chance of seeing one of the posts as
well as reminding them to attend the event. For this audience, it would also be beneficial to
include information about things like a referral program (which we have highlighted in a
later section) or any short term achievements like being interviewed by a news anchor. All
of these posts should again have hashtags and should have an image of some kind -
whether that is a picture of the event, an image of Jane herself, or a graphic design that can
be easily and quickly made on a site like

In its current form, Janes LinkedIn page is looking very good, doing exactly what it is
supposed to do. It is very important to remember that LinkedIn is geared more towards
professional connections rather than clients - that is what a Facebook page and a website
are for. Because of this, it would be beneficial for Jane or an intern, in a fashion similar to
our ideas for Facebook, to go through her feed once or twice a week in order to like,
endorse, and comment on connections posts. This will help build and strengthen business
connections, as well as promote ABC Legal Justice Centers brand image. Lastly, it is

important to remember that once the company website is complete, that Jane needs to
include a link to her page, so as to promote interested parties to see what she is up to.

Janes future website should relate in many ways to her Facebook and LinkedIn, so as to
maintain a consistent image and audience. Therefore, the website should include an
About Me tab that has links to both her LinkedIn and Facebook pages. However, it is also
important that she put all of her contact information and locations for people to access
easily without clicking to the external links. For example, this information could rest at the
bottom of each page as part of the footer, so that no matter where a client looks, they will
be able to easily locate it.
It would also be beneficial for her main home page to include posts of upcoming events
that she will be hosting or participating in over the coming weeks, so that followers have
easy access to this information. Another alternative to this would be to include a calendar
of events that also highlights which of Janes two offices she will be in on a day-to-day basis.
As discussed above, we suggest an intern update these posts and/or calendars, as we are
fully aware that it can be a time consuming process that Jane does not have time for.
However, it is important for these to be up to date and as accurate as possible so that
clients know that the websites information can be trusted. We understand that Jane has
someone working on her website to make it as professional as possible, but we want to
encourage her to have it up and running within the year, since a website is an important
aspect of a business, especially one with this much success.

Another easy way for Jane to keep in contact with her clients is to create an email
newsletter. This can be as simple or as complex as Jane would like it to be, but we are
suggesting she keep them on the shorter side and send them out about once a month.
Anything more than this, may cause subscribers to ignore or send the message to spam.
This newsletter would focus on her audience that is likely not on social media, particularly
an older demographic (50 plus). It can include upcoming workshops, current events, fun
public events that Jane will be attending, and a section for Jane to talk about what she is up
(with her art for example) in order to add a personal touch. Jane does a lot of great things
in her community as a Latina lawyer, we want her to be comfortable sharing her
accomplishments and show off why she is the right pick for those clients looking for a
lawyer that cares about them. This newsletter should do exactly that.


Company Brochure:
As a business that thrives off of local engagement and word of mouth, it is essential to have
a physical touchpoint where potential customers can gather information on the origins of
Janes practice and the services she is offering. The key driver of differentiating between
other firms is found in Jane's commitment to treating her clients like family. We believe that
this commitment has to be reflected from the first interaction potential customers have,
and be maintained throughout their experience. That being said, we found that a brochure
containing all essential information, in a warm-friendly tone, is going to be a strategic move
Jane could pursue in order to expand her marketing efforts.

For the brochure itself, we put together a condensed version of an outline that Jane sent
us, which sums up the services she provides as well as the person she is and what she
stands for. We essentially divided the outline into a few parts, including sections about
Jane, the ABC itself, the services they provide, and a where to contact the company. We
created two different designs, to give a wider range for Jane to choose from. We also made
a Spanish version of each, as the majority of her clients are Spanish-speaking.

Conveying a warm tone is the top priority when reaching out to customers with this
brochure, because Jane is dealing with a market that is extremely emotionally sensitive.
When people find themselves in this sort of a situation, they seek help from people that are
not only trustworthy, but to whom they can relate. Coming from an immigrant family, Jane
obviously knows about the delicate situations her clients find themselves in, and can
therefore successfully reach them. All of these reasons are what pushed us to include an
About Jane section in the brochure.

As much as the tone needs to be warm and convey a family-oriented message, there needs
to be an underlying feeling of confidence as well, which is what we placed in the About
ABC Legal Justice Center section of the brochures. Potential customers need to know that
Jane is not only going to look out for them with passion and relatability, but also with her
very fitting qualifications. By showcasing some of her most remarkable achievements, she
is making people feel she is well equipped, both with passion and skill, to go to war and
take their side in the trenches. Jane is clearly somebody who not only cares about her
communitys rights, but is also very interested in pushing them forward as active citizens
and entrepreneurs, and we believe we have accomplished conveying this in this section of
the brochure.


Aside from the tone, the content really needs to make sure it is hitting all the right points,
and addressing anticipated FAQ. Aside from knowing that they can trust Jane with their
cases, potential customers need to know right away specifically what additional services
are being offered, if any at all. Taking information from Janes outline, we therefore
included a Services We Provide section, which is broken off to the side on each version
(one of which can be viewed to the left). It quickly lists all of the other services/tools one
might have access to when going into the ABC Legal Center.
Contact information is also one of the most important pieces of information which needs
to be included in a brochure. In this day and age, it is no longer enough to just put a phone
number, email, or address. Instead, one must also indicate that they are active on social
media. Because of this, in one of the back pages of each version, we were sure to include
Facebook and LinkedIn logos, indicating to readers that they can very easily find the
company on both sites. Also, once the business website is completed, that address should
also be included in this section, with it best fitting under the social media logos.
The very front of the brochure is where we want to exhibit all of the factors that were
discussed above: family treatment, honesty, relatability, confidence, and successful
outcomes. We therefore took some sound bites from Janes outline and made them
taglines such as Your Dream is Our Dream and Building a better life for you and your
family. We feel that the cover, along with Janes inspiring words successfully convey these
messages and can take a potential customer from oblivious to interested, and from
interested to picking up the phone.
PDFs and Word documents of each of the four versions can be found in the shared drive,
so that Jane can print them and make any necessary edits via the Word document.


Referral Program Suggestions:

Referral programs are a great way to attract
new clients by taking advantage of the most
effective form of advertising and
word-of-mouth. Historically, ABC Legals most
valuable clients have been introduced
through personal recommendations.
Implementing such program would increase
new client traffic while capturing those who are most beneficial to the firm. The following
program suggestions are designed to get current clients involved in advocating for the
organization through incentives that favor them.

Two Types of Referrals:

Experience-Based Referrals - These are referrals that arise because of direct experience
working with your firm. Think of clients or other professionals that you may work with on a
project as the source of this type of referral. The strategy here is to get as many people as
possible to ask them about your firm.

Reputation-Based Referrals - These referrals come from folks who have not worked with
you directly but are familiar with your firm and its reputation or expertise. They may know
someone who has worked with you. They may be familiar with the content you produce. Or
these folks might be aware that you specialize in certain industries or a certain type of
service but lack any real knowledge of your reputation. Think of these as referral sources or

Types of Referral Programs:

Gift Card Option: Giving away gift cards is best in the form of a Visa, Mastercard, or
American Express. People can use them anywhere that accepts credit cards which is
essentially like giving away cash, without the liability.

For every 10 referrals, the referrer receives a $10-$15* gift card.

For each referral that sets up a consultation with ABC Legal, the referrer receives a
$25-$50* gift card.
For each person that goes through with a case, the referrer receives a $50-$100* gift
*Dollar amounts would vary based on what the business could afford or choose to spend.

Contest Option: Contests are a fun way to get people involved through competition.
Offering grand prizes to top performers makes it more attractive and helps stimulate
interest in the program.
Ongoing quarterly referral contests
The person with the most referrals at the end of the quarter receives a $100 gift
Second & Third prize winners each receive $25* in gift cards/cash.
*Dollar amounts would vary based on what the business could afford or choose to spend.

Mutually Beneficial Option: When both the referral and referrer benefit from trying out
the service, it makes it less of a sales pitch and more into taking advantage of a deal.
Influential companies like Uber, Amazon, Airbnb, & Paypal have all used similar forms of
programs that encouraged people to try out their services.
For each referral that sets up a consultation, they get it free or at a discount, and the
referrers will also get a free or discounted consultation.

Seasonal Discount/Cash Options: During holidays and certain seasons, people are on the
lookout for special deals. Implementing a limited time deal, persuades people to take
advantage of the offer before its gone.
During holidays or special seasons referrers get double the cash for each referral
option above.
During holidays or special seasons referrals get 2x the discount or free consultation
amount listed above.

People could learn about the referral program through your newsletter, a social media
post, and/or word-of-mouth.

Social Gifting: The person referring clients gets nothing, but the person being referred
gets a special deal. The idea is that when given a chance, people will do good for others.
When deciding who to refer a friend to, your firm would be more attractive to others
because of their friend gets a discount without costing you having to give anything to the

Final Thoughts:
Based on ABC Legals preference for growth driven by personal references, the data
presented previously in this document will be a useful reference for future business
decisions. The community research provided to ABC Legal will assist in increasing the law
firm's client base as well as further Janes commitment to improving the community for low
income families. Knowing locations of the city that will appreciate the usefulness of Janes
skill set, an experienced immigration legal expert who speaks both Spanish and English, will
allow for a targeted approach that will maximize the efficiency when considering client
acquisition to time spent acquiring that client.

The referral program ideas will help enhance former clients initiative to recommend ABC
Legals services in the future. Humans are generally selfish, making their decisions driven
by self interest. By offering the option to increase their own well being, these former clients
are more likely to drive more business to ABC legal regardless of their personal experience.

The social media program and company brochure presented by the group will allow the
referral basis of ABC Legal to grow more efficiently. Referrals are an usually high
percentage method of client acquisition due to people often operating based on emotion
and trusting people they know. However, having an easy to navigate paper copy of
organizational facts and a more informational and increased web presence will provide
more validity to recommendations of ABC Legals services. Both the social media growth
and the brochure also help in the acquisition of new clients that do not originate from
referrals due to the professional and more organized presentation of Janes business
profile. The increased internet presence will also allow Jane to communicate with
individuals more efficiently regarding internships, scholarships, and charitable events.

Overall, we believe that all of the above-mentioned materials that are a part of this
marketing plan will provide a solid strategy and path for Jane to follow in the coming years
and should therefore help her new business continue to quickly grow.

Before we conclude, we would just like to say thank you to Jane for allowing us to work with
you and put our consulting skills to the test. We have learned a lot from this experience
and we greatly hope you will get a lot out of our information and suggestions.


The Team

Appendix A:
Albany Park:


1B: 1C:



Back of the Yards:


2B: 2C:





3B: 3C:





4B: 4C:



Gage Park:

5A: 5B:




Humboldt Park:

6A: 6B:




Little Village:


7B: 7C:



Melrose Park:


8B: 8C:



Pilsen (Lower West Side):


9B: 9C:



West Town:


10B: 10C:



Appendix B:
This section, which included several brochure designs, has been removed at the request of
the client to ensure privacy of information.

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