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Review Article

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 0, 1--7

Ocular adverse effects after facial cosmetic procedures: a review of

case reports
derberg,1 &
Lucas H. Ricci,1 Samia V. Navajas,1 Paula R. Carneiro,1 Stephanie A. So
Caroline A. Ferraz, MD, PhD
School of Medicine, Anhembi Morumbi University, Laureate International Universities, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
Department Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Anhembi Morumbi University, Laureate International Universities, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Summary To review indexed literature concerning adverse ocular effects of the most common
aesthetic facial procedures (light-emitting therapy, dermal fillers injection, and
botulinum toxin). Literature search using three online databases PubMed, SciELO,
and Capes selecting case reports, series of cases and reviews, with no language
restriction, published in a period of the last twenty years (19952015). After reviewing
48 case reports and most recent reviews, the authors found the most common ocular
adverse effects of dermal fillers were related to vascular occlusion; light-emitting
therapy was associated with pigmented tissue damage leading to anterior uveitis and
iris atrophy, and ptosis presented the higher relative risk associated with botulinum
toxin. Even though ocular adverse effects are not very frequent, some of them can lead
to permanent ocular dysfunction and visual impairment. Professionals involved in
cosmetic procedures should be aware of the risks.
Keywords: intense pulsed light, radiofrequency, dermal fillers, botulinum toxin, facial
cosmetics, ocular effects

demonstrated in the past.2,3 In most cases, the lack of

ability of the physician is the main trigger to those
The demand for cosmetic procedures, such as the use events.4,5 They could be avoided when professionals
of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, has become have the knowledge of potential risks, ensure an ade-
increasingly popular. A recent study1 about trends in quate protection, such as safety goggles, trained proce-
cosmetic procedures in the United States revealed that, dures, experienced technique, and professional
according to American Society of Plastic Surgeons judgment,6 preventing an irreversible effect.
report, there has been a 680% increase in the cosmetic
use of botulinum toxin type A and a 205% increase in
soft tissue fillers from 2000 to 2012 among plastic sur- Methods
geons, with 6.1 million and 2.0 million procedures, A critical literature review of articles was performed.
respectively, being performed in 2012. Study analysis was conducted using three online data-
Ocular events are not often described, but it pos- bases PubMed, SciELO, and Capes selecting case
sesses great clinical relevance, as it has been already reports, series of cases and reviews, with no language
restriction, published in a period of the last twenty
Correspondence: Lucas H. Ricci, Rua Dr. Almeida Lima, 1.134, S~ao Paulo, years (19952015).
SP 03164-000, Brazil. E-mail: lucholder@hotmail.com For this study, the articles that described ocular
Accepted for publication January 17, 2015 adverse effects after (1) light-emitting procedures, (2)

2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

Ocular effects after cosmetic procedures . L H Ricci et al.

dermal fillers, and (3) botulinum toxin injection were lasers can cause more intense reactions when com-
considered. pared to alexandrite and ruby lasers, as the first one
Two hundred and sixty-seven articles were found, possess a wavelength approximately 3.5 times higher
and only 88 attended to the criteria above, comprising than the last two.
48 different patients. The keywords used were divided Ocular effects are not common, but possess remark-
for each topic above as follows: able clinical repercussion. Unlike other procedures,
 intense pulsed light, ocular effects, diode laser, ra- radiofrequency techniques do not require safety goggles,15
diofrequency, accidental laser, and laser exposure; but ocular and vision injury is yet widely reported.
 Facial fillers, dermal fillers, facial aesthetic proce- Frequent immediate responses after the procedure
dures, facial substances, hyaluronic acid, and ocu- include ocular pain, photophobia, and conjunctival
lar effects; hyperemia.
 Botulinum toxin, toxin A, aesthetic procedure, dip- Recent and main complications described were uveitis,
lopia, and ptosis. pupillary distortion, cataracts, visual field defects, macu-
lar hole, iris atrophy, posteriors synechiae, vitreous hem-
orrhage, and foveal photocoagulation.1525 Lin et al.22
Results and discussion
reported a woman with traumatic macular hole in the
The three most common procedures are divided in top- right eye after the attempt to remove freckles with alexan-
ics ahead. For each topic, it was designed two tables drite laser, evolving with immediate central blurred
with case reports and series of cases according to the vision. Lin et al. and Carrim et al.18,26 reported patients
selected procedure and the respective ocular event. with pigment dispersion and temporary increase in intra-
Botulinum toxin injection was the exception, once ocular pressure associated with eyebrow epilation with
there are already recent major revisions about it, as alexandrite laser, while Gunes et al.27reported endothelial
detailed in its specific topic. keratic precipitates. Yalcindag and Uzun16 and Sheik
et al.28 reported patients developing anterior uveitis after
treatment with alexandrite laser, in the first, and diode
Light-emitting procedures
laser, in the last. Sheiks patient also presented an altered
These techniques had an increase in popularity in electroretinography, suggesting a defect in photoreceptors
recent years7 with a tendency to go on, mainly of peripheral retina.
because of its good results (in skin imperfections, as it It was possible to note that the most frequent ocular
has been already documented,8,9 as well as corrections effects were related to alexandrite laser, and the most
of periocular defects, like vascular abnormalities10,11) serious complications were due to diode laser.17,1922,29
and the several reports of professional errors.12 Longer Bells phenomenon and the eventual thin skin of the
wavelength lasers such as the 810 and 1064 nm Nd: eyelid were demonstrated to be the main risk factors to
YAG; intense pulsed light and monochromatic excimer ocular damage.30,31 Besides that, people with low
light (308 nm), fractional lasers, and radiofrequency amount of melanin in iris stroma possess a lesser dense
devices have all been used safely for hair removal, pig- layer than those with dark eyes, resulting in a thin
mentary abnormalities, resurfacing and skin tightening membrane better allowing laser penetration and, thus,
in ethnic skin, respectively. These procedures interact posterior structural lesions.18,26,32
through photochemical, photothermal, and photome- Nanni et al.14,33 were among the first to call atten-
chanic reactions producing great results and, sadly, tion to adverse effects after laser procedures. Profes-
severe adverse effects when not adequately handled. sional errors can be (and must be) distinguished from
adverse events, once the first is preventable.34 The
Laser devices errors include lack of report, inaccurate information to
In clinical practice, several laser systems are currently the patient, inadequate laser technique, and incorrect
in use, such as alexandrite, diode, ruby and neodym- diagnoses.35 The first attempt to correct these problems
ium: yttriumaluminumgarnet (Nd:YAG) laser,13 was developed with the aid of German Society of Laser
associated or not with carbon suspension. Other sys- Dermatology36.
tems are being used in periocular surgeries, such as
erbium: YAG lasers. The difference between the types Intense pulsed light
of laser is essential. The shorter the wavelength, the IPL is another common procedure used nowadays. It
less deep effects it can cause,14 affecting only the consists in a flash lamp that emits bright beams of
superficial area of the skin. That way, erbium: YAG light in brief pulses, through a small crystal slit, and,

2 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Ocular effects after cosmetic procedures . L H Ricci et al.

unlike lasers (with monochromatic beams), it reaches lenses,35,40 possibly made with stainless steel, so that
different high lengths of amplitude and a broad spec- the energy of IPL can be dispersed.42
trum of light waves. Although it is a technique based All mentioned case reports and series of cases are
on light, patients usually has a false assumption that, presented in Tables 1 and 2.
unlike laser devices, there is no vision adverse
Dermal fillers
The iris absorbs the length of this kind of light, lead-
ing to degradation of melanosomes and pigmented Due to its satisfactory results and minimally invasive
lesions.39 That way, iris is highly vulnerable to IPL approach, this procedure has been widely reproduced
damage, resulting in inflammation, atrophy, loss of in aesthetic medicine. Several substances have been
pigmentation, synechiae, and pupilar distortion.4043 considered according to its final aspects, such as autol-
Lee et al.40 reported two patients with continuous ogous fat, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), polyalkyli-
photophobia and ocular pain, associated with pupillary mide and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers, polylactic and
deformity enough to difficult regular activities. In three hyaluronic acid, and the collagen itself. Although com-
case reports, sectorial iris lesion was noted, with pupil- plications are not often described, in recent years, some
lary deformity and localized reduction in pupil dilation. adverse effects presented a great impact in those proce-
Synechiae and iris atrophy with possible muscular dures, heightening the possibility of late or immediate
lesion, with no evidence of cataracts or increased intra- iatrogenic vision loss.4446
ocular pressure, were described.4143 In general, the mechanism of ocular dysfunction, in
Also, periorbital treatment with IPL may perma- this case, lies on arterial occlusion events, probably
nently affect pigmented ocular structures. The short related to retrograde flow due to applied pressure when
time period of 1 h between IPL exposure and the initial injecting the filler, as demonstrated before,47,48 result-
presentation indicates that the IPL exposure was the ing in vision loss and ophthalmoplegia. During the pro-
direct cause of damage, targeting the iris. The thin iris cedure, it is possible to hit small vessels unwillingly,
after IPL sector and pupillary abnormalities demon- due to the extensive anastomotic connection between
strated especially with pharmacologic dilation suggest the circulation of external and internal carotid systems.
permanent structural damage due to photo ablation of At that point, the pressure of injection (for a moment,
the iris dilator muscle. higher than patients systolic arterial pressure) is
As prevention, just like laser devices, all patients enough to reverse the blood flow from supratrochlear,
should use opaque glasses with lateral protections supraorbital, and dorsal nasal arteries back to ophthal-
during procedures in the neck and facial region. mic branches, such as central retina artery, posterior
For periorbital procedures, it is recommended scleral ciliary arteries, and even ophthalmic artery itself.49,50
Table 1 Case reports: light-emitting procedures

Study Light device Type of procedure Ocular events

Brilakis et al., 200420 Diode laser Laser eyebrow epilation Iris atrophy and nuclear cataract
Herbold et al., 200521 Laser Laser eyebrow epilation Iris atrophy and subcapsular cataract
Lin et al., 200522 Alexandrite laser Laser eyebrow epilation Macular hole
Carrim et al., 200526 Alexandrite laser Laser eyebrow epilation High intraocular pressure, pigmented dispersion
Sheikh et al., 200728 Diode laser Periocular epilation Uveitis and visual field defect
Hammes et al., 200715 Alexandrite laser Wine port stain treatment Posterior synechiae, pupillary distortion,
iris sphincter dysfunction
Pang et al., 200843 Intense pulsed light Pigmented skin lesion treatment. Anterior bilateral uveitis
Javey et al., 201042 Intense pulsed light Pigmented skin lesion treatment. Bilateral anterior uveitis, poor pupillary motility
pupillary distortion
Hong et al., 201039 Intense pulsed light Periocular facial treatment Punctate epithelial erosions and corneal pigment
deposition from contact lenses
Passos et al., 201141 Intense pulsed light Facial cosmetic treatment Iris atrophy, anterior uveitis, posterior synechiae
Elkin et al., 201130 Alexandrite laser Laser eyebrow epilation Iritis and iris atrophy
Lin et al., 201118 Alexandrite laser Periorbital cosmetic treatment Irregular oval pupil, poor pupillary motility, glare in
dim light and problems with dark adaptation
 et al., 201316
Yalcndag Alexandrite laser Laser epilation eyebrow Anterior uveitis
Chen et al., 201424 Laser Facial cosmetic treatment Inferior retinal burn and vitreous hemorrhage
Alaminos et al., 201425 Alexandrite laser Facial hair removal Foveal photocoagulation with macular injury

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Ocular effects after cosmetic procedures . L H Ricci et al.

Table 2 Series of cases: light-emitting procedures

Study Number of cases Type of procedure Main ocular events

Shulman et al., 200917 3 Eyebrow epilation/diode laser Iritis, posterior synechiae

Lee et al., 201140 2 Pigmented skin lesion Anterior uveitis and pupillary distortion
treatment/intense pulsed light
Parver et al., 201229 6 Eyebrow epilation with several Anterior uveitis, pupillary distortion, increased
kinds of laser intraocular pressure, posterior synechiae,
and transillumination defects
Gunes et al., 201527 2 Eyebrow epilation/alexandrite laser Anterior uveitis and endothelial keratic precipitates.

When considering different substances, a number of damage was also observed in three patients57,60 due to
cases can be mentioned, all related to arterial occlu- cerebral vessels embolism.
sion, with visual impairment being transitory or even More recently, other substances started to demon-
permanent. The events appear to be more related to strate potential benefits, as well as similar adverse
applications in the forehead,51,52 glabella,53,54 or peri- effects. For hyaluronic acid, unilateral vision loss is
ocular sites,55 no matter the substance. Other risk fac- already well documented,51,6165 and a case of bilat-
tors also include technical aspects, such as professional eral vision loss is already presented.66 Treatment with
experience and material management.56 hyaluronidase has been performed in other aspects67
Fat tissue injection is one of the oldest methods for but no definitive result for vision recovery is known.
facial filler procedures, deserving a special part for For calcium hydroxylapatite, vision effects are also
comment. During the review, five cases5760 were ana- described68,69 and only one patient recovered sight
lyzed and compared. In all of them, visual effect after treatment with corticosteroids.68 For the remain-
occurred immediately after the procedure and the ing substances, vision impairment was related to
patients did not regain their vision. Further neurologic polymethylmethacrylate51,53,69 and bovine collagen.70

Table 3 Case reports: dermal fillers

Study Substance Site of injection Area of embolism

Schanz et al., 200262 Hyaluronic acid Glabella Left dorsal nasal artery
Peter and Mennel. 200263 Hyaluronic acid Glabella and cheeks Superior temporal artery
Silva and Curi. 200469 PMMA Glabella Central retinal artery and anterior
and long posterior ciliary arteries
Kubota and Hirose. 200568 PMMA Dorsum of the nose Central retinal artery
Allali et al., 200658 Autologous fat Glabella Branches of ophthalmic artery
Kang et al., 200754 Autologous fat Glabella Posterior ciliary artery
Kwon et al. 201070 Collagen Left nasal septum Left retinal artery, left distal facial
artery and distal middle cerebral artery
Sung et al., 201084 Calcium hydroxylapatite Glabella and nose base Multiple conjunctival vessels
Yoon et al., 201060 Autologous fat Glabella Left internal carotid artery
Lee et al., 201059 Autologous fat Forehead Left ophthalmic artery and left middle cerebral artery
Lee et al., 201155 Autologous fat Periocular Ophthalmic artery and left middle cerebral artery
Kim et al., 201161 Hyaluronic acid Nose base Central retina artery
He et al., 201365 Hyaluronic acid Glabella Central retina artery

Table 4 Series of cases: dermal fillers

Study Substances Number of cases Site of injection Area of embolisms

Feinendegen et al., 199857 Autologous fat 2 Nasolabial folds, lower lip, Left middle cerebral artery,
chin and periocular region retinal and choroidal arterioles,
left ophthalmic artery
Hsieh et al., 201467 Calcium hydroxylapatite 2 Glabella and nasal bridge Central retinal artery and
chorioretinal vessels
Carle et al., 2014 Hyaluronic acid, autologous fat, 3 Forehead Central retinal artery and
bovine collagen, and PMMA retinal arterioles

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Ocular effects after cosmetic procedures . L H Ricci et al.

No specific treatment is available, being the mecha-

nism of injury the same for every substance. Early rec-
ognition is one of the best goals in vision recovery, Botulinum toxin treatment, chemical peeling, laser pro-
once retinal ischemia can become irreversible after cedures, and dermal fillers have become key tools in
90 min49and, thus, requiring a rapid treatment of rep- the prevention and treatment of facial aging. An
erfusion.50,71 understanding of the associated complications is essen-
It is also important to quote a different complication, tial to the safety of patients.
other than visual loss. In a lower frequency, periocular Complications of botox were mainly ptosis and
masses have also been described. In this case, however, resolved spontaneously.
the position of the mass was the inclusion criteria for In general, laser procedures tend to cause uveal
this review, once similar formations can occur in any damage, cataracts, and retinal lesions due to its action
region that had the injection procedure. on pigmented epithelium. Thermal effect is also sug-
Narthoo et al.72 presented three cases of periocular gested and could be the cause of macular hole.
mass after procedure with hyaluronic acid and poly- Even though intense pulsed light is not considered a
alkylimidefillers. For every case, histopathology con- laser, the pigmented iris absorbs light in the same
firmed infiltrate of substance with or without foreign wavelength range of intense pulsed light, remaining
body reactions. Those events were consistent to what vulnerable to this procedure.
have already been described as complications, such as Iris atrophy, anterior uveitis, and cataracts were the
inflammation, granulomatous reactions, and migra- most found adverse effect. Macular hole was a rare but
tion.73,74 However, it is important to note that some present cause of vision loss.
cases may be hidden for a long period before first clini- The most severe complications were described with
cal signs, requiring a good history association, once it the use of dermal fillers, particularly autologous fat and
is already known the possibility of migration from dis- hyaluronic acid, that leads to arterial occlusion resulting
tant sites, and the necessity to considerate other etiolo- in irreversible vision loss and ophthalmoplegia.
gies, like orbital lymphoma. It is imperative for physicians to be aware of these
All mentioned case reports and series of cases are hazards and to use the appropriate protection and
presented in Tables 3 and 4. judgment to prevent ocular damage.

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