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Tools for the Actor THE 122, 002

T/TH 11:00 - 12:50, Annex 5

Prof. Lisa Brescia (417) 836-6391

Craig 394A
Office Hours: MW 2:00-4:00 PM, T 2:00-3:00 PM or by appointment

Required Text: Freeing the Natural Voice by Kristin Linklater

The Viewpoints Book by Anne Bogart & Tina Landau

Statement of Purpose & Course Objectives: This course is an introduction to the

fundamental tools of the actor: physical awareness, vocal awareness, and ensemble
collaboration. Through our work in this laboratory, it is our goal to:

1. Train the body and voice in an effort to build up strength and potential in
2. Increase awareness of physical, mental and vocal habits and develop tools
to build a more neutral, malleable and available instrument.
3. Foster listening and collaboration, both audible and physical.

Required Productions: Students in THE 122 are required to see all MSU Department of
Theatre and Dance productions.


Absences equal to the number of 4 contact hours (2 classes) are permitted. Thereafter,
the student's grade will be lowered by 5% per each additional class absence. Students
who miss class due to University, College, or Departmental sponsored events will be
allowed to make up missed work and will not be counted absent when the instructor is
provided with appropriate documentation. Students should provide this documentation
prior to the event. If you are ill, you will need to bring proof in the form of a signed
Doctor's note. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY. After 2 absences your final grade
will be lowered 5% for each additional day you miss.

Tardiness: BEING LATE FOR CLASS IS UNACCEPTABLE. 2 Lates = 1 Absence

We will begin to work when class begins. This means that we are ready to get on our feet
to warm-up, move, and/or participate in any class discussion right at 11:15.

Sitting Out/Observing Class: If illness or injury prohibits you from feeling able to
participate in class, I recommend observing your class work from the side. You will
not get full participation credit for observing, BUT you will not be marked absent
either. Observing is a powerful part of learning and it will keep you relatively on
track with the progression of our work this semester.

Statement on cell phone policy:

As a member of the learning community, each student has a responsibility to other
students who are members of the community. When cell phones or pagers ring and
students respond in class or leave class to respond, it disrupts the class. Therefore, the
Office of the Provost prohibits the use by students of cell phones, pagers, PDAs, or
similar communication devices during scheduled classes. All such devices must be turned
off or put in a silent (silent, NOT vibrate) mode and ordinarily should not be taken out
during class. Given the fact that these same communication devices are an integral part of
the Universitys emergency notification system, an exception to this policy would occur
when numerous devices activate simultaneously. When this occurs, students may consult
their devices to determine if a university emergency exists. If that is not the case, the
devices should be immediately returned to silent mode and put away. Other exceptions to
this policy may be granted at the discretion of the instructor.

Leaving Class: This course is a professional training course, therefore we will be

treating it as a professional rehearsal period. In professional rehearsals, there is a ten
minute break for every two hour rehearsal period. Since our class is one hour and fifty
minutes long, we may be working for the full class period without a break. If you
absolutely need to leave the class to use the restroom or for any reason, you must ask
permission. I do not want a revolving door.

Email: I will be communicating through MSU email and Blackboard. Please check it
regularly (i.e. daily). Not receiving an email in a timely manner is not an excuse. You
are responsible for all information sent out via email.

Sexual Harassment: Any inappropriate behavior; emotional, physical, or verbal, will

not be tolerated.

Attire: Come dressed to move IN SOLID COLORS, with no images or text on your
clothing (no graphic tees or patterned fabrics). These clothes should be
workout/movement clothes. No dangly jewelry; you may be asked to remove any
jewelry if I see an encumbrance for you or your classmates. No hats, no jeans. We will
be working barefoot.

Yoga Mats and Paperback(s): If you have an aversion to lying on the floor, please
purchase a Yoga Mat and bring it to class. It is not required, but may be helpful. Please
bring a paperback book (or books) to class for Constructive Rest (for under your head).

Statement on disability accommodation:

To request academic accommodations for a disability, contact the Director of the
Disability Resource Center, Meyer Library, Suite 111, 417-836-4192 or 417-836-6792
(TTY), Students are required to provide
documentation of disability to the Disability Resource Center prior to receiving
accommodations. The Disability Resource Center refers some types of accommodation
requests to the Learning Diagnostic Clinic, which also provides diagnostic testing for
learning and psychological disabilities. For information about testing, contact the
Director of the Learning Diagnostic Clinic, 417-836-4787,

Religious accommodation:
The University may provide a reasonable accommodation based on a persons sincerely
held religious belief. In making this determination, the University reviews a variety of
factors, including whether the accommodation would create an undue hardship. The
accommodation request imposes responsibilities and obligations on both the individual
requesting the accommodation and the University. Students who expect to miss classes,
examinations, or other assignments as a consequence of their sincerely held religious
belief shall be provided with a reasonable alternative opportunity to complete such
academic responsibilities. It is the obligation of students to provide faculty with
reasonable notice of the dates of religious observances on which they will be absent by
submitting a Request for Religious Accommodation Form to the instructor by the end of
the third week of a full semester course or the end of the second week of a half semester

Emergency response statement:

At the first class meeting, students should become familiar with a basic emergency
response plan through a dialogue with the instructor that includes a review and
awareness of exits specific to the classroom and the location of evacuation centers
for the building. All instructors are provided this information specific to their
classroom and/or lab assignments in an e-mail prior to the beginning of the fall
semester from the Office of the Provost and Safety and Transportation. Students
with disabilities impacting mobility should discuss the approved accommodations
for emergency situations and additional options when applicable with the
instructor. For more information go to and

Statement of nondiscrimination:
Missouri State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution, and
maintains a grievance procedure available to any person who believes he or she has been
discriminated against. At all times, it is your right to address inquiries or concerns about
possible discrimination to the Office for Institutional Equity and Compliance, Park
Central Office Building, 117 Park Central Square, Suite 111, 417-836-4252. Other types
of concerns (i.e., concerns of an academic nature) should be discussed directly with your
instructor and can also be brought to the attention of your instructors Department
Head. Please visit the OED website at

Statement on academic dishonesty:

Missouri State University is a community of scholars committed to developing educated
persons who accept the responsibility to practice personal and academic integrity. You
are responsible for knowing and following the Universitys academic integrity policy
plus additional more-specific policies for each class. The University policy, formally
known as the Student Academic Integrity Policies and Procedures is available online at and also at
the Reserves Desk in Meyer Library. Any student participating in any form of academic
dishonesty will be subject to sanctions as described in this policy.
Note to instructors: Please be aware that the academic integrity policy requires that a
student who is charged with academic dishonesty in a course be allowed to continue
attending class and fulfilling course requirements while they exercise their right to appeal
allegations of academic dishonesty. The student should receive a grade of Incomplete
in the course if an appeal from an allegation is still in progress at the end of the semester,
or if the allegation of academic dishonesty is brought forward at the end of the
semester. The grade of Incomplete remains on the transcript until the appeal is
Note to instructors: Some academic programs, especially graduate programs, may have
published policies regarding additional sanctions for academic dishonesty. All program-
specific sanctions should be included in course policy statements.

Student Vouchers: Each Theatre and Dance major receives free entry into department
productions. Students receive a packet of vouchers each semester. These can be picked
up in the main office, room 355. Each voucher may be redeemed 10-6 M-F only at any
MSU box office. Lost vouchers cannot be replaced.

Dropping a class:
It is your responsibility to understand the Universitys procedure for dropping a class. If
you stop attending this class but do not follow proper procedure for dropping the class,
you will receive a failing grade and will also be financially obligated to pay for the class.
For information about dropping a class or withdrawing from the university, contact the
Office of the Registrar at 836-5520.

* This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor.

Grading Breakdown:
Art is subjective. That is a fact. However, in an educational environment, it is important
to have some means of evaluation - for both practical reasons (your university grade) and
personal reasons (your growth as an actor).

Readings/Discussion/Prompts (15%)
Journal Entries (15%)
Poem Work In-Class (10%)
Poem Presentation (10%)
Le Coq Movement Series (15%)
Participation (35%)
You must ACTIVELY participate in class daily.

TOTAL - 100%

* I will be grading on a +/- scale.

Participation Points:
Expectations for Participation Level 1: 8.5-10%
Almost always actively engaged and focused on the work we are doing in class
Almost always participates in discussion with respectful and insightful questions
and feedback
Almost always actively investigates the work instead of zoning out or "phoning
in" the exercises
Never disruptive to students working in class
Superior growth in understanding and application of Voice, Movement and
Ensemble work introduced in class

Expectations for Participation Level 2: 7-8.5%

Sometimes engaged and focused on the work we are doing in class
Sometimes participates in discussion with respectful and insightful questions and
Sometimes actively investigates the work instead of zoning out or "phoning in"
the exercises
Almost never disruptive to students working in class
Adequate growth in understanding and application of Voice, Movement &
Ensemble work introduced in class

Expectations for Participation Level 3: >7%

Rarely actively engaged and focused on the work we are doing in class
Rarely participates in discussion with respectful and insightful questions and
Rarely actively investigates the work instead of zoning out or "phoning in" the
Occasionally or often disruptive to students working in class
Minimal growth in understanding and application of Voice, Movement &
Ensemble work introduced in class

Please review the Attendance / Tardiness policy above to note how absence(s) and
tardiness will affect your grade.

Final Grading Note:

While this work is highly subjective, it should not be confusing and I maintain an open
door policy. Please always feel free to see me if you have any questions or concerns.
You will meet with me at midterms to discuss progress and your participation grade at
that time. We will make sure we are on the same page and if improvements need to be
made, what direction those improvements need to take.

Classroom Rules

In this room we are always LISTENING and FOCUSED on the work at hand. I
encourage you to resist the urge to whisper (no side chat), fidget, doodle, or day dream.
While you are in this room, I encourage you to be IN THE ROOM.

In this room we use "I STATEMENTS." Instead of "You're not making sense," we
say "I didn't understand." Instead of "You know when you get on the bus and don't have
money and feel embarrassed," we say, "when I get on the bus and I don't have money and
I feel embarrassed..."

In this room there is NO EYE ROLLING. I encourage everyone to curb the impulse
to dismiss an exercise or an idea before it starts and instead enter bravely and openly.
You don't have to like everything we do, but I do ask for you to TRY everything we do
with enthusiasm.

In this room we always show RESPECT FOR OTHERS. We do not speak with
hatred or malice. We listen attentively when others are speaking. We make this room a
place where everyone feels safe.

BE MINDFUL AND WISE. In this room we will be following our impulses with
freedom and bravery. However, if an impulse might cause you or a peer bodily harm (ie.
"I really want to punch this wall"), simply check in with this rule. "Is this mindful? Is
this wise?" Or, "Would I hurt myself or others?" If the answer to that final question is
"yes," then perhaps you can funnel that impulse into a different action.
22 Substitute Instructor: Welcome, Class Schedule Information
Assignment DUE 8/29: READ FTNV pgs 7-12, Answer prompts
Assignment DUE 8/29: Self-evaluation paper - Between 350-500
words. Answer the following questions:
1) When I think about my movement abilities, what do I
consider my strengths? What do I want to work on? What
is my experience with movement training (if any - dance, yoga, sports,
2) When I think about my vocal abilities, what do I consider my
strengths? What do I want to work on? What is my experience
with vocal training (if any)?
24 No Class - Continue work on written assignments

29 Introduction / Syllabus Review / Discuss Reading / Const. Rest

(Mat, Book)
(Bring both to class, printed out. Single-spaced, typed, 12 point font.
For all reading assignments and answers to my prompts, AND YOUR
JOURNAL ENTRIES, this is the format to be used throughout the
Assignment for 9/5: READ FTNV pgs 13-17, Answer prompts
ONGOING Assignment: Journal Entries (2 entries due every 2
weeks - Must be typed and handed in at the start of class on the due
date. Two entries, typed with 12 pt. font, should total a full page.
Possible topics (in case you need inspiration):
1) Reflections on your work in class - self-evaluation, not class criticism
2) What do you notice about how you move?
3) What do you notice about your voice?
4) What realizations arise based on the reading assignments - about
acting, the body, the voice, yourself?
31 Warm-up / Ensemble Plateau Exercises


5 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Ensemble Plateau Exercises

Assignment for 9/12: READ FTNV pgs 18-25, Answer prompts
7 Warm-up / Elements, Energy Levels

12 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Energy Levels in Groups

Assignment for 9/19: READ FTNV pgs 39,47,48, Answer prompts
14 Warm-up / Linklater's Preparation for the Work (26-27)
19 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Le Coq Movements/Breath
Assignment for 9/26: READ FTNV pgs. 50,51, Answer prompts
21 Warm-up / Plateau / Le Coq Movement/Breath

26 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Le Coq Movement/Breath

Assignment for 10/3: READ FTNV pgs 85,97, Answer prompts
28 Warm-up / Plateau / Le Coq Movement/Breath


3 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Emotional Physicality Exercise

Assignment for 10/10: READ FTNV pgs 110-112,140, Answer
5 Warm-up / Le Coq Movement/Breath / B. Dilley

10 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Le Coq Movement/Breath / B. Dilley

Assignment for 10/17: READ FTNV pg 267, Answer prompts
Assign: Poems, Begin research and memorization

17 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / B. Dilley / Music Movement / Review

Assignment for 10/24: READ TVB pgs 3-13, Answer prompts
Continue to memorize poems
19 Mid-Semester Evaluations

24 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Tools to Physicalize Text

Assignment for 10/31: READ TVB pgs 5-20, Answer prompts
Continue to memorize poems
26 Warm-up / Le Coq review / JOURNAL ENTRIES DUE
Continue to memorize poems

31 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Viewpoints

Continue to memorize poems
2 Warm-up / Viewpoints
Continue to memorize poems

7 Discuss Reading / Warm-up / Viewpoints

9 Warm-up / Viewpoints / Review Le Coq Movements
Assignment for 11/14: Review Poem (Must be fully memorized)

14 Warm-up / Poem Work (must be fully memorized by today)

16 Warm-up / Poem Work / Le Coq Movements Review
Assignment: Begin to devise Le Coq Movement Series

21 Warm-up / Poem Work / Clown / Le Coq Movements Review

Assignment for 11/28: Devise Le Coq Movement Series, Physicalize


28 Warm-up / Le Coq Presentations

30 Warm-up / Le Coq Presentations

5 Warm-up / Poem/Prose Work 2
Assignment: Students who are prepared to do poem presentations on
12/17, please volunteer to work on Thursday this week.
7 Warm-up / Poem/Prose Work 2 JOURNAL ENTRIES DUE

December (Date TBD): Final Exam - Poem Presentations

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