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ENGL 2327 Syllabus (2016SP) 1


5001 N. MacArthur Blvd.
Irving, Texas 75038-3899

Campus Course Syllabus: English 2327 (Spring 2016)

Liberal Arts Division Office: A-310

Phone: (972) 273-3480
Call the office for hours of operation.

This course syllabus is intended as a set of guidelines for English 2327. Both North Lake College and
your professor reserve the right to make modifications in content, schedule, and requirements as
necessary to promote the best education possible within prevailing conditions affecting this course.

Professor Information

Professors Name: Alex Kurian Email:

Office Location/Hours: K311 M/W 11-Noon Office Phone: 972-273-3201

TR 930-1030AM
F By Appt
Course Information

Course Title/Credit Hours: ENGL 2327 (3 Credit Hours)

Offered at BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC

American Literature I
This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Core Curriculum course selected by the
colleges of DCCCD.

Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302.

Course Description: A survey of American literature from the period of exploration and settlement
through the Civil War. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to
their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from among a diverse group of authors for
what they reflect and reveal about the evolving American experience and character. For repeatability
purposes, students who take English 2326 should not also take English 2327 or 2328. Coordinating
Board Academic Approval Number 2314025112

Course Number-Section: English 2327-73001

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Class Meeting Time: M/W 930-1050AM

Required Textbooks

Baym, Nina, ed. Norton Anthology of American Literature, Package I. Package 1: Vols. A & B /

Beginnings to 1865. 8th ed. New York: Norton, 2011. ISBN 978-0-393-91309-5

---. Companion Website to Norton Anthology of American Literature.

Recommended Textbooks & Software

Fowler, H. Ramsey, and Jane Aaron. The Little, Brown Handbook. 13th ed. Boston: Pearson Prentice

Hall, 2014. Print. ISBN: 321986504

Turnitin. Turnitin Originality Checker. Computer software. Turnitin Originality Checker. Turnitin, n.d.

Web. <>.

Program Level Outcomes

ENGL 2327 supports the following learning outcomes from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board (THECB):

1. Communication Skills - to include effective development, interpretation and expression of

ideas through written, oral and visual communication

Written: Process and produce effective written communication adapted to audience,

purpose, and time constraints.

2. Critical Thinking Skills - to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis,
evaluation and synthesis of information
3. Social Responsibility to include intercultural competency, knowledge of civic
responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global
4. Personal Responsibility - to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences
to ethical decision-making

Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes

ENGL 2327 supports the following learning outcomes from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
Board (THECB):

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1. Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events,
and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or
2. Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social,
political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the development of characteristic forms or styles of expression
during different historical periods or in different regions.
4. Articulate the aesthetic principles that guide the scope and variety of works in the arts and
5. Write research-based critical papers about the assigned readings in clear and grammatically
correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature.

Student Learning Outcomes

All students at the course level will participate in various activities to assure the Board approved
general education curriculum are met:

1. Analyze, compare, and respond to literary works as expressions of social, political, cultural or
religious values, and, using at least two secondary sources, identify key ideas, authors, and
works, significant to historical or cultural events that founded those values. Students will
demonstrate 70% proficiency as measured by the English Writing Rubric. [P.L. 1, 2, 4; C.L. 1,
3, 5]
2. Prior to the midterm, students will demonstrate knowledge of characteristic forms or styles of
expression during various historical periods and articulate the aesthetic principles that guide the
scope and variety of works. Students will demonstrate 75% proficiency as measured by the
revised English Literature Analysis Rubric. [P.L. 1, 2; C.L. 3, 4]
3. Write research-based analytical paper of at least six pages and citing at least six sources in clear
and grammatically correct prose, using various critical approaches to literature. Students will
demonstrate 75% proficiency as measured by the English Research Rubric. [P.L. 1, 2; C.L. 2,
3, 4, 5]
4. Using specific references from the assigned texts, students will demonstrate the capacity to
integrate prior knowledge that will articulate how the literature studied in the course has
influenced his or her worldview. Students will demonstrate 70% proficiency as measured by
the English Writing Rubric. [P.L. 1, 2, 3, 4; C.L. 1, 2, 4]

Course Outline, Exams and Assignments, and Evaluation Procedures

Students will take a minimum of three exams and write at least two essays that require documentation
and research. Along with the major research paper, students may be required to write shorter papers on
a specific literary concept and/or give an oral presentation of their research to the entire class. Some
instructors also require frequent postings to the Discussion Board and responses to writing prompts via

The following table lists the major assignments, a description of each, required readings, and due date
for each assignment:

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See Appendix A for detailed course calendar.

Evaluation Procedures

The grade earned in this course is a combination of the following individual grades:

Unit Examinations (3) 100 points each

Social-Personal Responsibility Research essay 100 points
Research project 100 points
Final Examination or Instructor Option 100 points

An A requires 550-600 points; a B, 500-549 points; a C, 450-499 points; a D, 400-449 points; and an
F, 0-399 points.

An A requires 90-100%; a B, 80-89%, a C, 70-70%, a D, 60-69%; an F, 0-59%. A grade of D or higher

is required to earn a degree from North Lake College.

Institutional Policies for Student Success

Academic Dishonesty

The Student Code of Conduct prohibits academic dishonesty and prescribes penalties for violations.
According to this code, which is printed in the college catalog, "academic dishonesty," includes (but is
not limited to) cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and collusion."

Academic dishonesty may result in the following sanctions, including, but not limited to:

1. A grade of zero or a lowered grade on the assignment or course.

2. A reprimand.
3. Suspension from the college.

Check Appendix A for your professors policy re: academic dishonesty.

Notification of Absence because of Religious Holy Days

If you will be absent from class for the observance of a religious holiday, you must notify your
professor in advance. You are required to complete any assignments or take any examinations you
miss as a result of your absence within the time frame specified by your professor. Please refer to the
Student Obligations section of the DCCCD catalog for more explanation.

Requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act

North Lake College provides academic accommodations to students with disabilities, as defined under
ADA law. It is the student's choice and responsibility to initiate any request for accommodations. If
you are a student with a disability who requires such ADA accommodations, please contact North

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Lake College's Disability Services Office in person (A430) or by phone at 972-273-3165.

Stop before You Drop

If you enrolled in college-level courses for the first time in the fall of 2007, the Texas Education Code
51.907 allows you to drop no more than six courses during your entire undergraduate career unless the
drop qualifies as an exception. The Counseling/Advising Center will give you more information about
allowable exceptions.

Once you have accumulated six non-exempt drops, you cannot drop any other courses with a W.
Therefore, you need to exercise caution when dropping courses in any Texas public institution of
higher learning, including all seven of the Dallas County Community Colleges. More information is
available at

Drop Policy

If you are unable to complete this course, you must officially withdraw by Thursday, April 14, 2016.
Withdrawing is a formal procedure which you must initiate; your professor cannot do it for you.

Financial Aid Statement

If you receive any form of financial aid, you should check with the Financial Aid Office prior to
withdrawing from classes. Withdrawals may affect your eligibility to receive further aid and could
require you to repay the financial aid for this semester. If you fail to attend or participate after the drop
date, you are also subject to this policy.

Counseling Services

If you are a currently enrolled student, you are eligible for free counseling services. You may
schedule an appointment by calling 972-273-3333 or going to A-311. For additional information go

The Academic Skills Center (ASC)

The ASC provides a variety of services designed to help students develop and improve their writing
and language skills. In the ASC, we have:

The iRead Lab which offers individual and small group tutoring, as well as workshops, to help
current students improve their reading, study, and test taking skills.

The ESOL lab, with computer access, is open for students to work on assignments or

Free tutoring for students enrolled in foreign language courses at North Lake.

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The Writing Center to help students clarify writing tasks, understand instructors requirements,
develop and organize papers, explore revision options, detect grammar and punctuation errors,
properly use and document sources, and improve their writing skills.

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) for students to submit papers to our writing tutors
electronically and get feedback within 24-72 hours. The OWL can be accessed through
o After logging on to eCampus, click on the Community Tab at the top.
o Type Owl in the search field and click Go.
o Next, click on the double drop-down arrows next to NLC-OWL2, and then click on
o Once enrolled, students can receive services from the OWL.

The Blazer Internet Lounge with 12 computers, additional open seating, and WiFi Internet

For more information or to schedule a tutoring appointment, come by A-332 or call 972-273-3089.

Department of English Policies for Student Success

Attendance Policy

The correlation between attendance and success in the course is strong because class participation is
part of the learning process and can affect the final course grade. You are expected to arrive on time
for all classes. If you miss all or part of a class, you should not expect your professor to repeat a lecture
given during your absence. Check Appendix A for your professors policy because some professors
deduct points when students miss class or are late to class. Absences and/or tardiness can affect the
grade you earn in this course.

Policy on Late Papers

You are expected to hand in papers on time. Your professor is not required to accept late papers, and
no late paper will be considered for full credit unless you discuss with your professor why the paper
will be late prior to its due date. Check Appendix A for your professors policy on accepting late

Academic Integrity

Throughout this course, you will pursue your studies with integrity and honesty; this means you will
provide the appropriate credit for any words, thoughts, ideas, and data that are not your own.
Plagiarism includes the following:

Failure to cite the source of any material borrowed from an outside source properly, including
failure to use quotation marks, paraphrases, and bibliographic information.

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Submitting any assignment that you did not write for this class without consulting your
instructor (this includes assignments written for another class, essays purchased online or
written by someone else).

If you are caught plagiarizing, you will receive a zero, but for any subsequent incidents, you will fail
the course and be reported to the dean.

Student Responsibilities

1. Attend all classes.

2. Read the textbook selections that are assigned and be prepared to discuss them.
3. Hand assignments in on time and in the format designated by your professor.
4. Ask for help when needed.
5. Do not expect your professor to repeat a lecture given during an absence.
6. Visit the Writing Center (A-332) or meet with your professor when you need help or when you are
directed to do so by your professor.

Classroom Etiquette

1. Follow your professors rules for acceptable classroom behavior.

2. Arrive on time.
3. Remain the entire time.
4. Turn off and put away all personal electronics.
5. Practice active listening (i.e., one voice at a time).
6. Treat your classmates and professor with respect.

Your professor will use and provide Learning Activities customized for your course.

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Appendix A: Professors Personal Policies

Grading System:
3 Unit Examinations @ 100 points each ...............................300 points
1 Comparative Analysis Essay @ 100 points.........................................100 points
1 Research Essay @ 100 points..................................................100 points
1 Final Exam @100 points (optional)........ ....100 points
Total....500 points

Grade Computation:
450-500 total course points = A Final Course Grade
400-449 total course points = B Final Course Grade
350-399 total course points = C Final Course Grade
300-349 total course points = D Final Course Grade
0-299 total course points = F Final Course Grade

Coursework Polices:
Unit exams will be handwritten (in PEN). Exams done in pencil will not get credit.
The comparative analysis essay and the research essay must be typed to receive credit. I will go over
specific formatting issues in class.
Do not throw away any assignments I grade/sign until final grades for the semester have been given.
In order to turn in an assignment late, it must be an emergency situation and appropriate documentation
related to the emergency will be required. These will be considered on a case by case basis.
Comparative analysis essay and research essay must be submitted to and e-campus (you
must still bring a hard copy to class).
If I have to submit your essays to and e-campus for you, there will be a letter grade penalty
(provided you have brought the hard copy to class on time).
Essays are due by the end of class on the due date.
If you leave anything in my mailbox in the Liberal Arts office (A310) make sure it is time-stamped. DO
NOT leave anything under my office door.
Once an exam/essay is graded and returned to you, you have one week to ask me questions or clarify
anything regarding the grade you have received. After a week, no questions/clarifications will be

Further Info on Assignments:

Unit exams will be done in class and consist of multiple choice, short answer, and one essay type
question (you will be permitted to use your text/notes for the essay question).
The final exam will be comprehensive and follow the same format as the unit exams. The final exam
can used to replace/make up one unit exam grade.
Comparative analysis essay should follow MLA format and be 2-3 pages (double spaced).
Research essay should follow MLA format and be 6-8 pages (double spaced).
I will give you topics to choose from for each essay. Any essay that does not come from these topics will
not receive credit.
Turning in a rough draft for the essays is optional. It is an opportunity for me to go over your essay before
you turn it in for a grade. I DO NOT allow rewrites or revisions of essays once they are graded.

Behavior Policies:
Pay attention while lecture/class is taking place and be courteous in the way you deal with others.

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If I find that electronic devices are being used for something other than what pertains to the class, I reserve
the right to ask you to turn it off and not bring it to class again.
If you bring food/drink please clean up after yourself.
Please refrain from any behavior that interferes with the learning process.

Attendance Policy:
Attendance will be taken within the first 5-10 minutes of class. After that, you are considered late.
If you arrive late, you will be given attendance credit, provided you are present for at least of the
class (the same applies if you leave class early).
If you arrive on time, but leave class for any reason and later return, it will also be counted as a half
absence (provided you are present at least the time).
You are allowed 4 absences for the semester, regardless of the reason (I do not distinguish between
excused/unexcused absences). After 4, 10 points per absence will be deducted from your total semester
points. Use your absences wisely!
Do not expect me to repeat an entire lecture for you. If you do miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to
find out what was done/covered that day.
If you have any extenuating circumstances (e.g. health or work) that will affect your performance in the
class, make sure you talk to me about it ASAP, to see if we can work something out.
If you ever want to know your progress/standing in the class, ask me (I will not come after you!)

Plagiarism: Any student found guilty of plagiarism or cheating will automatically get a zero for the exam/essay,
and if it occurs more than once, will fail the course.

Weekly Calendar (I reserve the right to modify as necessary)

Week 1
1/20/16 Introduction to Course
Week 2
1/25/16 The Iroquois Creation Story [pp.21-25]
1/27/16 Christopher Columbus [pp.34-38]
Week 3
2/1/16 Christopher Columbus [pp.34-38]
2/3/16 Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca [pp.43-51]
Week 4
2/8/16 Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca [pp.43-51]
2/10/16 Hernan Cortes [pp.54-59]
Week 5
2/15/16 Sioux [pp.111-114]
2/17/16 Unit I Exam
Week 6
2/22/16 William Bradford [pp.121-138]
2/24/16 William Bradford [pp.121-138]
Week 7
2/29/16 John Winthrop [pp.165-177] [Due: Comparative Analysis Essay]
3/2/16 John Winthrop [pp.165-177]
Week 8
3/7/16 Cotton Mather [pp.327-33]
3/9/16 Benjamin Franklin [pp.455-463]

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Week 9
3/14/16 Spring Break
3/16/16 Spring Break
Week 10
3/21/16 Benjamin Franklin [pp.455-463]
3/23/16 Thomas Jefferson [pp.659-667]
Week 11
3/28/16 Unit II Exam
3/30/16 Discussion of Research Paper
Week 12
4/4/16 Olaudah Equiano [pp.687-699]
4/6/16 Olaudah Equiano [pp.687-699]
Week 13
4/11/16 Washington Irving [pp.25-41]
4/13/16 Washington Irving [pp.25-41]
Week 14
4/18/16 One-on-one conferences for Research Paper [Due: Rough Draft of Research Paper]
4/20/16 Lydia Maria Child [pp.199-204] [Due: Research Paper]
Week 15
4/25/16 Fanny Fern [pp.905-908 & pp.914-915]
4/27/16 Harriet Jacobs [pp.920-942]
Week 16
5/2/16 Harriet Jacobs [pp.920-942]
5/4/16 Unit III Exam
Week 17
Date TBA Final Exam

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