World History II q1 Project Guideline 444444

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World History II:

Unit 1 Project Guideline

Group Member(s): Daran, Tanwarat, Tanyatorn ,and Jiratchot

Product Title: Scarp Book
Type of Product: Book

Your Selected Revolution, Historical Figures, and Ideologies/Movements:

Revolution: American Revolution
Historian Figures: John Locke and Thomas Hobbes
Ideologies/Movements: Lockeanism, Hobbesianism, and Rational

Research Questions (at least 2-3 questions):

(What do you hope to learn? Make sure it is not straightforward/simple. Look at the ru-
-How could rational, lockeanism, hobbesianism lead to American revolution?
-What are the nuances between the influences of John Locke and Thomas
- Why did 13 colonists engage these movements for rebellion against England?
- Who was the king of the Great Britain during the revolution?
- Who was the leader of 13 colonists?
- Where was the congress in America?

Product Description:
(Make sure it is clear what the product will look like, what it will include, and how it will
be organized.)
We will make a scrapbook with a beautiful design and a lot of detail. This interest-
ing product will surely conduct to attract readers while reading through it. The
scrapbook will be created to look different from others and can be opened in
many ways. The scrapbook generally is the decoration of a stack of papers
folded by the thick paper with brilliant ornament. The stack of papers will show
the important information of American Revolution followed by the historian fig-
ures and ideologies.

How the product demonstrates the connection between your selected topics and
the goals/essential understandings of this unit:
World History II:
Unit 1 Project Guideline

This product has illustrated the connection of the selected topics by showing
out the influences and ideas from John Locke and Thomas Hobbes which even-
tually led to the big reformation during that chaotic period. These two historians
were English philosopher who came up with Enlightenment and modern politi-
cal philosophy in addition. Our group members have aimed to interpret these
philosophers coming up ideas for political changes.

(What ESLOs does your project relate to and how?)
In this project, ESLOs is so essential because we will use almost every path in
ESLOs which are Strategic learners, Innovative thinkers, Articulate communica-
tors, Morally intelligent persons, Altruistic global citizens, Leaders of the future.
Firstly, in strategic learners, we plan to find the information without wasting
time and we use our phone or laptop to gain information and work. Next, we ap-
ply what we know to diagnose, assess, and neutralise the problem, creative and
not plagiarism, and use laptop to find the idea to make a good quality product
which are in the path of Innovative thinkers. For Articulate communicators, we
may be listen, write, and speak for different purposes and use different methods
to communicate. After that, we hardworking and caring a work, use computer
and laptop in the correct way, and encourage honesty, justice and peace in the
community which are in Morally intelligent persons. Next, in Altruistic global cit-
izens, we respect their different of each other. Lastly, in Leaders of the future,
we use technology to solve problems as a group, build teamwork to finish the
project, and accept the decisions of each other while we work.

VARK Learning Strategies:

(What is your individual VARK learning style and how do you plan to do your research
based on the style?)
Regarding to the recent VARK test, the result has shown my learning style tell-
ing visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic with the scores. Among these four
learning styles, the most suitable style for me is auditory learning style which
scores the highest. Moreover, based on, I could use its benefits to research in-
formation about American Revolution, analysing and summarising it for our pro-

Starter sources/references:
(Sources that you will begin with in your research for your project.)
World History II:
Unit 1 Project Guideline


Learning Plan:
(This is a daily plan of what you will do each day for the rest of the quarter.)

What You Plan to Do Things to Sub- Due Date

Day 1 We will think and choose the - -
Day 2 We also still thinking about our - -
Day 3 We think about what we are going - -
to do
Day 4 We will decide our project - -

Day 5 We will do our project proposal - -

Day 6 We also do project proposal Proposal 18th August

Day 7 We will search the information - -

that related to our topic
Day 8 We will search the information - -
that related to our topic
Day 9 We will search the information - -
that related to our topic
Day 10 We will search the information, - -
and start making product

Day 11 We will summary the information - -

and continue making product
World History II:
Unit 1 Project Guideline

Day 12 We will summary the information - -

and continue making product
Day 13 we will continue making product - -
and start writing the information
Day 14 we will continue making product - -
and start writing the information
Day 15 we will submit the product Product Presen- 8th September
Day 16 we will submit the learning Learning Rec- Day 1 of that
method ords Week
Day 17 we will plan to write the reflection - -

Day 18 we will write the reflection - -

Day 19 we will write the reflection - -

Day 20 will will submit the reflection Reflection 21st September

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