Newton's Law Exercise

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BPK PENABUR Physics Name

Class Date
BILINGUAL-Newtons Law Exercise
Part I: Fill in the blanks below to state Newtons three laws of motion:
Newtons 1st Law - All objects will remain at _________, or will continue to move at a constant ________________ in
the same ______________ unless acted upon by an unbalanced __________. This property is called ______________.

Newtons 2nd Law -Unbalanced forces cause an object to ______________________. This can be stated
mathematically by the formula:

Newtons 3rd Law -Every action produces an equal and opposite ________________. When one object exerts a force
on another object, the second object pushes back with the same amount of _______________.

Part II: Use Newtons 2nd Law of motion to solve each problem. Show your work (with proper units!)

1. How much force is needed to accelerate a 100 kg skier at 2 m/s 2?

2. What is the force on a 1000 kg elevator that is falling freely at 10 m/s 2?

3. What is the acceleration of a 50 kg object pushed with a force of 500 Newton?

4. A force of 250 N is applied to an object that accelerates at a rate of 5 m/s 2. What is the mass of the object?

5. A 5 kg block is pulled across a table by a horizontal force of 40 N with a frictional force of 8 N opposing the motion.
Calculate the acceleration of the object.

6. A force of 200 N is exerted on an object of mass 40 kg that is located on a sheet of perfectly smooth ice.
a. Calculate the acceleration of the object.

b. If a second object identical to the first object is placed on top of the first object, what acceleration would the 200 N
force produce?

7. Describe the motion of the car shown in the graphic to the right. Assume the
car is moving forward. Is it speeding up or slowing down?

8. Find the net force on each box.

9. You weigh a bear by making him stand on four scales as shown. If his weight is 1 500 N, what is the reading on the
fourth scale?

10. A bicycle takes 8 seconds to accelerates at a constant rate from rest to a speed of 4.0 m/s. If the mass of the bicycle
and rider together is 100 kg calculate:
a. acceleration of the bicycle

b. net-force acting on the bicycle

c. distance covered by the bicycle

11. For each of the following interactions, identify action and reaction forces (action-reaction pairs):
a. A hammer hits a nail

b. Earths gravity pulls down on you

c. A helicopter blade pushes air downward

d. You pat your friend on the back

e. A wave hits a rocky shore

12. When a heavy football player and a light one run into each other, which player hits the other with more force?
Explain. Which one is hurt more by the collision? Explain.

13. You dribble a basketball while walking on a basketball court. List and describe the pairs of action and reaction forces
in this situation.

14. When an F-14 airplane takes-off an aircraft carrier it is literally catapulted off the flight deck. The planes final speed
at take-off is 80 m/s. The F-14 starts from rest. The plane accelerates in 2 seconds and has a mass of 30 000 kg. What is
the total force that gets the F-14 in the air?

15. A sports car accelerates from 0 m/s to 40 m/s, in 4 seconds. The car exerts a force of 12 000 N. What is the mass of
the car?

16. A sled is pushed along an ice covered lake. It has some initial velocity before coming to a rest in 100 m. It took 20
seconds before the sled and the rider come to a rest. If the rider and the sled have a combined mass of 70 kg, what is the
magnitude and direction of the stopping force? What do we called this stopping force?

17. A car is pulled with a force of 10 000 N. The car mass is 1 250 kg. But the car covers only 300 m in 10 seconds.
a. What is expected acceleration of the car from the 10 000 N?

b. What is the actual acceleration of the car from the observed data?

c. What is the difference in accelerations?

d. What force caused this difference in acceleration?

e. What is the magnitude and direction of the force that caused the difference in acceleration?

18. What force does the car exert if its mass is 1 000 kg and the car goes from 5 m/s to 15 m/s in 100 meters?

19. A stalled car is pushed with a force of 300 N from rest. How far does the car travel in 20 seconds if its mass is 1 000

20. A 1 000 kg car is resting at a stop light. The car moves with a force of 1 500 N for 10 seconds. Then the car travels at a
constant velocity for 10 seconds. Finally the car stops with a force of 3 000 N. How much distance is traveled by the car
during this journey?


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