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A Comparative Study of MOODLE with other e-Learning Systems

Sheo Kumar #1, Anil Kumar Gankotiya#2 Dr. (Mrs.) Kamlesh Dutta#3
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women National Institute of Technology
Ghaziabad, India Hamirpur, India,

Abstract E-learning provides the opportunity for student to sharing and multiplayer online games. After this pioneer
interact electronically with each other as well as with their which was turned off in 2006, hundreds of similar systems
teachers. This interaction can be via e-mail or on discussion were introduced. Major milestone happened in 1997 when
board or in chat rooms. Though recognizing that the world at WebCT 1.0 released and Blackboard was founded because
large will persist to use language and terminology in different these two LMSs attracted millions of users. These days,
ways, so the term of virtual learning environments (VLE) is
there are more than 150 different systems providing e-
used to refer the on-line interactions for a variety of kinds that
take place between students and teachers. There are many learning services. But after WebCT and Blackboard second
software systems available that provide VLE systems. This milestone was LMS Moodle. This was introduced in 1998
software is in both forms, commercial and open source and finally released in 2001. Moodle as Modular Object-
software (OSS). Moodle is one of the systems that have been Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment soon imposed
increasingly gaining worldwide popularity in e-learning system. itself as best solution and is becoming one of the most
This paper is focused on the Moodle Architecture and common used learning management system. Data obtained
comparative study of Moodle, thus we discusses comparisons from official Moodle statics sites confirms the mentioned
between different virtual learning management systems and fact. Moodle has an ability of tracking the learners progress,
presents some authentication plug-in that Moodle supports.
which can be monitored by both teachers and learners. This
The open source learning management, LMS Moodle has
been adopted by many people and organizations around the fact implicitly includes both security and privacy threats and
world because it offers a tightly integrated set of tools said to makes Moodle vulnerable system.
be designed from a social constructive perspective. Moodle has Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
been developed under the general public license and many of Environment) is known as a Course Management System
its components were developed without a specific design (CMS). Sometimes we also known as Learning
documentation including its security services. Management Systems (LMS) or Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE)) that provides educators tools to create
Keywords: Moodle, Moodle Architecture, Virtual Learning a course web site. It is used all over the world (193 countries)
Environment, Open Source Software, Authentication plug-ins .
by more of 400,000 registered users. Moodle is an open
I. INTRODUCTION source software e-learning platform. Moodle web page
provides developer information, roadmap, coding guide and
It is usually accepted that there are two major knowledge
Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) guide to access its
sharing system, the traditional system and the information
source code and it has a long list of developers. It does not
and communication technologies (ICTs) based system. One
provide a formal model for future development.
of the knowledge sharing system that emerged from the use
of ICTs is the electronic learning. E-Learning is a This paper is focused on the comparative study of Moodle,
technology based learning in which learning materials are therefore it discusses comparisons between different virtual
delivered electronically to remote learner via computer learning management systems, and presents some
network. E-Learning may cover a large set of application, Authentication plug-in that Moodle supports.
system and process, such as e-Learning System, Web Based
learning and computer based learning. Basically ICT can be II. MOODLE ARCHITECTURE
used along with traditional face to face education. But its This section will discuss Moodle architecture in order to
use can also create mixed mode or even full online mode. indicate weak and will focus worth points which could be
The primary learning management system or better possible threats and vulnerabilities. Covering many
computer assisted instruction system was introduced in 1960 collaborative and learning fields, Moodle is composed from
by university of Illinois and was called Plato[1] independent modules; plug-ins. In order to ensure better
(Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operation). understanding of a whole Moodle architecture, these
This system pioneered LMS key concept such as online modules will be presented in groups according to their
forums and message boards, online testing, email, chat
rooms, picture languages, instant messaging, remote screen
978-1-4244 -8679-3/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

purpose or use. From this perspective, there are six groups and other databases as sources for user information.
of modules are [2]- Discovering and fixing all security-related bugs in these
modules becomes crucial in any LMS development.
A. Communication modules Intruders mostly attack modules in this group, often using
B. Productivity modules any known method and vulnerability. All encountered
C. Student involvement modules threats should be taken into consideration in implementation
D. Administration modules of authentication and other related modules.
E. Course delivery modules
F. Curriculum design modules E. Course Delivery Module
Course delivery modules are usually only authorized by
A. Communication Module
administrators and teacher for use and are probably second
These modules are backbones of all intra and extra most vulnerable group of modules. Representative modules
communication features. These modules include file in this group are helpdesk module, online grading tools,
exchange, internal and external email discussion forums, course management module, students tracking module and
and real time chat. Among other possibilities, while using finally automated and testing modules. Beside Omni-present
discussion forums, users can include in their post, images authentication attack threats, discussing course delivery
and direct URLs and different attachments. This feature, as modules, we will focus on integrity attacks while these have
well as file exchange feature which allows assignment the purpose of unauthorized data change. Course
submission, should be taken into consideration and observed management module and online grading module should be
as possible week point for a few threats. Due to possible considered to be security safe on possible integrity attacks in
insecure communication intruder could come into particular.
possession of any data that is sent in any private
communication channel. Furthermore, insecure direct object F. Curriculum Design Modules
reference could allow intruder to come into possession of
This is finally last group of modules, used in curriculum
any document he is not authorized for.
creation. Customization modules and course templates are
main representatives. As last group of modules presented,
B. Productivity Modules
they also have least negative impact as result of possible
These modules include search module, calendar module, attacks. Data changes reflect on curriculum design are easily
help module, progress and review modules. While these recognized and attackers usually do not have any particular
modules seem not to be threats, one issue must to be interest in compromising these modules, while they work is
annotated. Information leakage has to be firmly banned, usually acknowledged as more or less damaging or malign
because otherwise anyone can see important data, or search joke.
results he is not authorized for. For example student could
see (accidentally or with purpose) grades of his colleagues. III. COMPARATIVE STUDY BASED ON FEATURES
Besides this insecure direct object reference, information AND CAPABILITIES OF LMSS
leakage could also cause problems. Learning Management Systems have many features and
abilities expected from e-learning, forums, content
C. Student Involvement Module management, quizzes with different kinds of questions, and
a number of activity modules [3]. Table I below shows, the
Student involvement module includes workshop module
comparison has two answers, Y or N, Y means the product
and group work module, along with student portfolio
has the feature and N means the product does not. LMSs, as
module and self-assessment. After performing any earlier
e-learning systems, have many features and capabilities but
mentioned illegal action intruder could either come into
in order to make simpler and simplify the comparison, Ajlan
possession of others data or change student or group-
and Zedan [4] have divided these features and capabilities
relevant data on server. In addition, any system side threat
into three parts, which are Learner Tools, Support Tools and
should also be carefully taken care of.
Technical Tools, as in Tables II, III and IV.
D. Administration Modules
Administration module must probably be most carefully A. Learners Tools
considered and paid attention to, because gaining access into These tools hold three kinds of tools, which are
these modules results in having access in all other modules. Communication Tools, Productivity Tools and Student
The well known authentication, course and user Involvement Tools. Each kind of Learner Tool contains
authorization, registration integration and any other hosted various features [5] and capabilities, and each product has
services module goes into this group. The authentication some of them, as in Table 1.
modules allow Moodle to use POP3, NNTP, LDAP, IMAP

TABLE I. COMPARISION BETWEEN THE SOME LMS These phases contain three kinds of tools, which are
Administration Tools, Course Delivery Tools, and Content
Development Tools; all kinds of Support Tools have
features and capabilities, as in table II.

We can see in Table II, the comparison between the VLE

products is based on Support Tools. In this phase, all
products have all features and capabilities except eCollege,
Dokeos 2.1.1 and The Blackboard Learning System (V.7).
This means that Moodle and the other remaining products
are strong on Support Tools.
C. Technical Specification Tools
These tools hold two kinds of tools, which are
Hardware/Software tools and Pricing/Licensing [6]. All
kinds of Support Tools have some features and capabilities,
as in table III The Costs feature is different from other
features because if the product has no cost, it means that
product has an advantage and we calculate it as Yes (Y). For
example, in table III Moodle has two N and we calculated N
of cost as Y, so in the final score Moodle has missed just
As we can see in Table I, the comparison between the one feature.
VLE products is based on Learner Tools. Four products are TABLE III. COMPARASION BETWEEN SOME LMSS BASED ON
shown to be the best with almost the maximum number of TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TOOLS
features - 15 out of 16 features or capabilities of Learner
Tools. These products are Moodle, Desire2Learn, ANGEL
Learning Management Suite, and Sakai. The Claroline 1.6
product has the minimum features and capabilities of
Learner Tools, missing 5 out of 16 features and capabilities.
KEWL, eCollege and The Blackboard Learning System
platforms have missed 2 out of 16. Moodle is the best with
three products missing only one feature. Overall the best
OSSs are Moodle and Sakai respectively, which missed 1
out of 16 Learner Tools.
B. Support Tools


We can see in Table III, the comparison is based on
SUPPORT TOOLS Technical Specifications Tools. In this phase, the best
products are Moodle 1.8, Sakai 2.3.1 and OLAT, which
have missed only 1 out of 8 Technical Specifications Tools,
and then Desire2Learn 8.1, The Blackboard Learning
System and Dokeos 2.1.1, which missed 2 out of 8. The
weakest products are KEWL and Claroline 1.6, which
missed 4 out of 8 Technical Specifications Tools.

Table IV shows that Atutor, while strong in features and C. Remote Authentication Dial In User Service(RADIUS)
usability, has serious architectural Limitations and, although
some features in Atutor warrant further investigation, it may RADIUS [8] is a networking protocol that provides
be that candidates will option for Moodle. Moodle has a centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
good architecture, implementation, inter-operability, and (AAA) management for computers to connect and use a
internationalization, and also has the strength of the network service. RADIUS is a client/server protocol that
community. It is free and its Accessibility is average. On the runs in the application layer, using UDP as transport. The
other hand, it has limitations, notably lack of SCORM the Virtual Private Network server, Remote Access Server,
support, and its roles and permissions system is limited. the Network Access Server, and the Network switch with
However, these limitations can be fixed, and are part of the port-based authentication, are all gateways that control
project roadmap [5]. access to the network, and all have a RADIUS client
component that communicates with the RADIUS server.
D. Comparative Study Based on the Technical Aspect of The RADIUS server is usually a background process
the LMS Plateform running on a UNIX or Windows NT machine. RADIUS
The comparison between the systems is based on serves three functions.
technical categories [4]. All LMS systems will be compared To authenticate users or devices before granting
with the Moodle system as part of our study. Some of the them access to a network,
technical aspects of e-learning are shown in table IV. It
displays a comparison between Moodle and two VLE To authorize those users or devices for certain
systems. Moodle has a good architecture, implementation, network services and
inter-operability, and internationalization, and also has the
strength of the community. It is free and its accessibility is To account for usage of those services.
average. On the other hand, it has limitations, notably lack
of SCORM support, and its roles and permissions system is D. Internet Message Access Protocol
limited. However, these limitations can be fixed, and are
part of the project roadmap. IMAP [9] is an Application Layer Internet protocol that
allows an e-mail client to access e-mail on a remote mail
server. IMAP supports both on-line and off-line modes of
IV. MOODLE MANAGES DIFFERENT operation. E-mail clients using IMAP generally leave
AUTHENTICATION PLUG-INS messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them.
In this section we present different plug-ins that manages This and other characteristics of IMAP operation allow
authentication for Moodle. All authentication plug-ins that multiple clients to manage the same mailbox. Most e-mail
Moodle support are briefly discuss below [5]- clients support IMAP in addition to POP to retrieve
messages. However, fewer email services support IMAP.
A. Email Based Self Ragistration
IMAP offers access to the mail store. Clients may store local
Email confirmation is the default authentication method. copies of the messages, but these are considered to be a
When the user signs up, choosing their own new username temporary cache.
and password, a confirmation email is sent to the user's
email address [5]. This email contains a secure link to a E. Post Office Protocol(POP)
page where the user can confirm their account. Future logins
POP3 [10] Pull Service (PPS) is a plug-in for Email
just check the username and password against the stored
Architect Email Server. Its main function is to retrieve
values in the Moodle database.
emails from specified email accounts of other POP3 servers
and forward those emails to specified local users of Email
B. Central Authentication Service
Architect Email Server.
CAS [7] is a single sign-on protocol for the web. Its
purpose is to permit a user to access multiple applications F. Lightweight Direvtory Access protocol(LDAP)
while providing their credentials only once. It also allows
LDAP [11] is a protocol defining a directory service and
web applications to authenticate users without gaining
access to that service. LDAP is based on a client-server
access to a user's security credentials, such as a password.
model. LDAP servers provide the directory service, and
The CAS protocol involves at least three parties- a client
LDAP clients use the directory service to access entries and
web browser, the web application requesting authentication,
attributes. The LDAP protocol also defines a simple method
and the CAS server. It may also involve a back-end service,
for authentication. LDAP servers can be set up to restrict
such as a database server, that does not have its own HTTP
permissions to the directory. Before an LDAP client can
interface but communicates with a web application.
perform an operation on an LDAP server, the client must
authenticate itself to the server by supplying a distinguished

name and password. If the user identified by the V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
distinguished name does not have permission to perform the Moodle is a kind of e-learning system and it is now
operation, the server does not execute the operation. widely used all over the world by companies, independent
educators, schools, institutes, universities, and home
G. Shibboleth schooling parents. It has great potential for creating a
The Shibboleth [12] System is a standard based, open successful e-learning experience by providing an abundance
source software package for web single sign-on across or of excellent tools that can be used to enhance conventional
within organizational boundaries. It allows sites to make classroom instruction in any e-learning system. This paper
informed authorization decisions for individual access of has made a comparative study between Moodle and other e-
protected online resources in a privacy-preserving manner. learning systems, and this was based on two kinds of
comparison. The first phase was based on the Architecture
H. Network News Transfer Protocol(NNTP) of Moodle and other e-learning system, and the second
phase was based on the technical aspects of Moodle and
NNTP [13] has the effect of broadcasting every message other e-learning system. From this paper, we aimed to
to every site, in contrast to email protocols which send discover the best and most suitable choice of e-learning
messages to specific sites, and HTTP, which only transfers system. we have succeeded in finding that optimal e-
the information on demand by the reader. An NNTP server learning platform, and it is Moodle. This paper has
is set up by its system manager to know about some (at least presented the work that has been done to date. The future
one) nearby servers. With these servers, there is an work is to work hard within Moodle and authenticate it. To
arrangement that they will pass news to each other. create more secure and reliable learning environment, it is
Sometimes this arrangement is limited to certain news essential to remove all the security flaws of the Moodle. In
groups. Articles can be passed in both directions, and the this paper, we focus on the authentication attack. This work
servers compare article message-id headers to see whether can be extended by addressing other security issues of the
they have any new news for each other. Moodle.

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