Practicum - Internship Proposal

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Internship Proposal

200 Hour Practicum Dr. Lauren Ormsby, Ripley Central School District

400 Hour Internship Mr. Joshua Liddell, Chautauqua Lake Central School District

St. Bonaventure University

School Building Leadership Program

EDL 599 A+B


Adam Erickson

I. Introduction

Dr. Margaret Jones-Carey,

I am writing this proposal in request to start my internship experience during the summer

of 2017 semester. For my 200 hour practicum experience, I will be working with Dr. Lauren

Ormsby of the Ripley Central School District. This portion of my internship will be at the

elementary level. To accomplish my 400 hour internship experience at the high school level, I

will be working with Mr. Joshua Liddell of the Chautauqua Lake Central School District.

II. Philosophical Perspective

I am eager and excited to embark on this next stage of my journey to become an

educational leader. It is my passion to bring a daily enthusiasm for learning and helping others to

achieve their highest standards.

This internship experience will allow me to reflect the mission, vision, and core values

that comes with being an educational administrator. Utilizing my site-supervisors experiences, I

can model the type of administrator that I want to be. I want my administrative duties to be a

direct reflection on my core values. Maintaining professional norms and ethics are critical to a

successful internship experience.

Working in two separate districts will help me in gaining the knowledge and

understanding of how to successfully work with students from different demographics and

cultural experiences. Being guided by Dr. Ormsby and Mr. Liddell, I will gain the administrative

tools needed to become a strong and positive instructional leader. This will assist me in creating

a strong learning system, proper instructional practices, using effective assessment systems and

surrounding myself with effective learning supports. In addition to the internship experiences, I

will use this role as an administrator in training to help enhance my current relationships with

both district communities.

Learning to become a more efficient operator and manager of the educational system is

another area I want to ensure that I gain exposure to during this internship. I will apply the

knowledge learned in my educational leadership course in data intake, communication,

management, operations, and legal compliances during this internship. I aspire to develop a

professional culture and an atmosphere that creates a positive workplace. I want to be a fair, just,

and motivating leader to all those that I come in contact with. I want to reflect on my progress

and my leadership abilities in this internship position to ensure that I am becoming an

administrator that I can be proud of.

III. Program Descriptions

200 Hour Practicum, Elementary

During my practicum portion of my internship, I will be working with Dr. Lauren

Orsmby and the Ripley Central School District elementary school. My major task will be

working with Dr. Ormsby and her staff in organizing, managing, and running the Eagle

University, located at Ripley Central School and Thunderbird University, at Chautauqua Lake

Central School. These programs are summer enrichment programs that require the administration

to work with students, teachers, staff members, transportation directors, as well as financial and

grant based data and information.

I will be working with Dr. Ormsby at the Ripley Central School location, as well as

projects at Chautauqua Lake Central School.

400 Hour Internship, High School

The next portion of my internship will be working with Mr. Liddell at the secondary

level. In addition to the high school administration duties, I have been granted the role of

Assistant Athletic Director, working to organize, manage, and facilitate many athletic projects

that will be started over the summer. Two big projects that I will be working on are redesigning

and developing our school districts weight room and fitness area, along with the construction

and development of two scoreboards for our baseball and softball fields.

During this portion, I have been put in charge with reaching out to various athletic

representatives to arrange meetings to go over project plans, develop and create handouts, as well

as recording notes about the meetings.

IV. Competencies/Behaviors

To satisfy the requirements for this internship, I will model my tasks and activities to

align with the required Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) standards.

Standard 1: Mission, Vision, Core Values

For this standard, I am going to ensure that the Eagle and Thunderbird University

programs are working in conjunction with the mission statements of Ripley Central and

Chautauqua Lake Central schools. In addition, I will also compare and contrast the mission

statements from each district. This will help me in developing my own philosophy of a strong

mission statement and set of core values that I can instill as an administrator.

For the high school experience, I will also try to develop a mission statement that can

best reflect on the moral goals and standards expected out of the athletic department. I will

review this and work on strengthening it to best fit the needs of a contemporary student-athlete.

Standard 2: Ethics and Professional Norms

In accomplishing this standard for the internship, I will take a hands on approach to the

daily tasks as an administrator. I will be working with the teachers of the Eagle and Thunderbird

University programs to ensure there is a positive learning environment, without disruptions. I

will use this internship to enhance my communication with students and parents, developing my

professional expression. I will use ethical and moral judgment in all situations of discipline that

may occur during my internship experience.

Working with the athletic department, I will ensure that this standard is met by having the

way I conduct myself, as well as the way I manage and organize meetings to be a direct

reflection on who I am. To express my beliefs and passions in a positive and constructive way

will build coaching camaraderie between the different coaches and sports.

Standard 3: Equity and Cultural Leadership

Dealing with students who come from different backgrounds will be a valuable

experience in learning how to ensure that all stakeholders are treated fairly, respectfully, and

with understanding. Being involved with Eagle and Thunderbird University will allow me to

experience organizing and executing programs that give students equal opportunity. I will also be

involved in working with grants that help fund this program. Being hands-on with this program

will help me to develop future programing to run for all students.

Standard 4: Instructional Leadership

Gaining the experience needed to be a strong administrative leader will be aided through

this internship. For the Eagle and Thunderbird University programs, I will be coordinating with

the other administrators to review lesson plan submissions by the teachers, and working to

ensure that they will be successful for the students.

Standard 5: Community and External Leadership

Communication will be an important area of growth that I hope to achieve with this

internship experience. I will be the voice for many of the events held during the course of Eagle

and Thunderbird University, as well as during my duties for the secondary experience. I will

integrate various forms of communication to help ensure strong communication is being

achieved with my school community, faculty, staff, as well as other administrators. This will be

accomplished by having frequent meetings, and developing various forms of communication that

allow important information to reach all parties that are involved with my internship experience.

Standard 6: Operations and Management

I will be working closely with the supervisors from various areas of the district (grounds,

transportation, financial), as well as other individuals that have a connection to the district that

are not district employees. This will help me in establishing strong time management and

communication skills that will keep events running smoothly. I will be exposed to these tasks

during meetings, and creating solutions to problems that may arise.

Standard 7: Human Resource Leadership

The exposure that I am anticipating to human resources would be in the hiring or

evaluations of the teachers of the Eagle and Thunderbird University programs. In addition, with

my secondary internship experience I will be sitting on interview committees for teaching

positions that need to be filled for the upcoming school year, as well as any future coaches that

will be added in the athletic department. These interviews will be occurring throughout the

internship experience.

In addition, I will be evaluating the teachers for Eagle and Thunderbird University. I feel

giving feedback to your teachers is a very important experience, for there will be many

challenging evaluations that I will surely have in my years of administration.

V. Means of Evaluation

The overall timeline of this internship will start in May and conclude in August. Many of

the activities that I am going to be engaged in are set up in the months of May and June, while

the overall observation and management will be in July and August.

Eagle and Thunderbird University will be monitored by Dr. Lauren Ormsby. She will be

my main site-supervisor for this portion (200 hours) of the internship. The secondary placement

and athletic director portion of the internship will be under Mr. Joshua Liddell. He will be my

main site-supervisor for this portion (400 hours) of the internship.

VI. Evaluation Tools

To ensure that I am in compliance with the competencies and behaviors for this

internship I will the following evaluation tools.

Examination of interns reports (daily, weekly, monthly)

Conferences with University Supervisor

Conferences with Site Supervisor(s)


Site Supervisors evaluation

University Supervisors evaluation

Other relevant information

Final report analyzing the total internship experience.

Reflections of target competency areas.

VII. Summary and Conclusions

In conclusion, this internship experience will be utilized to help me grow and get a hands-

on approach to the responsibilities of an administrator. These daily duties are ones that you

cannot receive in a classroom setting, and I need to be exposed to, in order to gain the knowledge

and ability to apply that knowledge in a real-life setting.

The experiences that I will be doing for my internship will prepare me for the many

phases and roles of administration. Some of these roles will deal with management,

communication, finances, discipline, teacher evaluation, and community outreach. I am eager to

begin this portion of my education, and I know that sometimes, the best learning experience

comes from faltering initially. Thus, surrounding myself with Dr. Lauren Ormsby, Mr. Joshua

Liddell, and working with Dr. Margaret Jones-Carey, I will have a support system to turn these

setbacks into learning experiences that will translate to knowledge and my ability to become a

successful future administrator.


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