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0 Kementerian 6 Ministry of OQ igh SNS Nea incusty f ) 3 BALAI RISET DAN STANDARDISASI INDUSTRI PALEMBANG > PALEMBANG INSTITUTE FOR INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND STANDARDIZATION Pengantar Puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas tersusunnya profil ini sehingga kami dapat memberikan informasi tentang kemampuan pelayanan teknis Balai Riset dan Standardisasi (Baristand) industri Palembang. Baristand Industri Palembang merupakan salah satu Unit Pelaksana Teknis di lingkungan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri, Kementerian Perindustrian, yang ‘mempunyai tugas melaksanakan riset dan standardisasi serta sertifikasi di bidang industri. Semoga profil ini dapat memberikan informasi yang diharapkan dan dapat membuka peluang untuk bekerja sama dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing produk industri, Dr. Ir. Hari Adi Prasetya, M.Si Kepala Baristand Industri Palembang g<-,°* Preface With great blessing of God the Almighty, we finally published this profile so we can share technical services information from Palembang Institute for industrial Research and Standardization Palembang Institute for Industrial Research and Standardization isa technical unit of the Ministry of industry's Research and Development Agency, whose duty is to carry out research, standardization, and certification in industrial ld Hopefully, this profile could give all the information needed which leads to collaboration opportunities in order to increase the products competitiveness. Dr. It, Hari Adi Prasetya, M.Si Head of Palembang Institute for Industrial Research 607 a j Sejarah ae _ Brief History Palembang Institute for‘ Research and. Standardization, which is formerly known as Palembang. Institute for Industrial Research and Development, The Institute was first officially announced in 1981 hasad on the Ministry of Industry Decree No. 1 Sas Mogist 26, 1980 the Ministry of Industry and Trade Decree’ No. 784/MPP/Kep/ 11/2002 dated November 29, 2002 and finally became Palembang Institute for Industrial Research and Standa‘dization based on Ministry of industry Regulation No. ‘49/MIND/PER/6/2006. in implementing ts duty and function, this institute is supported by structural official and functional group. > Kegiatan Utama _— Main Activities The main activities of Palembang Institute for Kegiatan utama Baristand Industri Palembang adalah: Industrial Research and Standardization are as follows: Riset dibidang bahan baku, bahan per peralatan/mesin, dan produk sesuai kebi industri kecil dan menengah serta pengembangan —_teknologi pencemaran industri 2 Pengujian aneka komoditi/ produ. ‘ 1. Research activities in the term of raw materials, pecs auxiliary materials, process, equipments/machines, and products according to the requirement of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) as well as 1g the technology of industrial pollution prevention and control 3. Sampling dan pengujian limbah industri ing of various commodities/products,. 4. Sampling dan pengujian udara/emisi gas. ‘and testing of industrial waste. 5, Sertifikasi system mutu stan produ. 6, Pelatihan teknologi: proses/produk dan industri, 7. Raneang bangun ‘dan perekayasaan peralatan industri, pling and testing of he air/gas emission. i of quality management system and ‘on process/product technology and industrial engineering of industrial machines and Jasa Teknis Technical Services 1. Product certification serice providing certification for industries which product has complied the Indonesian, national standard (SNI) ZService of quality management system SNI ISO 9001:2008, providing quality management sytem Certification services for industries that had already applied SNI SO. 9001:2008, 3. Testing and monitoring services 4 Various types of agricultural and industrial products b. Food and beverage © Surface water, artesian well water, drinking water and feed water d. Measuring ambient air, emitted gases (static and dynamic) and noises © Liquid and solid waste including hazardous waste 4.Des and engineering of industrial tools, 4. Food and beverage industries b. Construction material industries 5. Setting-up design of waste water treatment installation (IPAL) Training services Process/product technology and _—_ industrial management Food processing, such as producing nata de coco ugget, soy sauce, VCO, durian dodol, krupuk kemplang (fish crackers), etc Production of rubber goods, such as: footstep, door guard, baloon, souvernir, rubber gloves, et Quality management sytem SNI ISO/IEC 1702522008 and SNI 150 9001:2008 Sampling of solid, liquid and gas material as well as testing them. Research Products Be REPUBLIK INDONESIA 6 Kementerian iy Perindustrian BALAI RISET DAN STANDARDISASI PALEMBANG Jl. Perindustrian I No. 12 Km. 9, Sukarame, Palembang 30152 Indonesia Phone / Fax : +62 711 412 482 Exmail: http://baristandpalembang Facebook : Baristand Industri Palembang

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