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Chapter 8 User Management and System Security 1

Chapter 8 User Management and System


In this chapter, you will:

Understand the KingView user management configuration process
Understand the KingView system security configuration process

Section 1 User Management


KingView has an inbuilt security system, which provides the user with options to secure the
running system by setting access levels to objects in the picture. You can allocate priority access
to certain users and set up security zones for particular operators. As long as users priority is
higher than the priority of the graphic and the user has access to the security zone that the
graphic is in, the user can access the graphic.

Setting Security Zones and User Options

Priority is graded between 1 and 999, 1 is the lowest priority and 999 the highest; every
operator has a priority number. The System has 64 security zones; users can select multiple zones
(excluding nothing). This means that the any user has access to multiple security zones. Set
security zones and priority levels as follows:
1. From the project catalog display zone on the left side of the TouchExplorer window
select system configuration and then user configuration, the dialogue box for user and
security zone configuration will appear as figure 8-1 shows:
Chapter 8 User Management and System Security 2

Figure 8-1 Dialog of user and security zone configuration

2. Click Security Zone in this dialogue box to open the security zone configuration
dialogue box as figure 8-2 shows:

Figure 8-2 Dialog of security zone configuration

Select security zone A and use the modify button to change the security zone name to:

2. Click confirm to close the dialogue box, then from the User and Security Zone
Configuration dialogue box select new, you can then configure the user group in the Define
User Group and User dialogue box as figure 8-3 show:
Chapter 8 User Management and System Security 3

Figure 8-3 Dialog for defining user group

Set up the dialogue box as follows:

Type: user group
User name: reaction workshop user group
Security zone: nothing
3. Click confirm to close the dialogue box. Then in the User and Security Zone
Configuration dialogue box select new again and configure the user in the Define User and
User Group as figure 8-4 shows:

Figure 8-4 Dialog for defining user

Set the user password as: master

4. Use the same method to setup two other operators, the user property settings are:
Chapter 8 User Management and System Security 4

Type: user
Join user group: reaction workshop user group
User name: Administrator
User password: operator
User comment: uppermost option
Log on: 5
Priority: 200
Security zone: ReactionWorkshop

Operator 1:
Type: user
Join user group: reaction workshop user group
User name: operator 1
User password: operater1
User comment: common option
Log on: 5
Priority: 50
Security zone: ReactionWorkshop

Operator 2:
Type: user
Join user group: reaction workshop user group
User name: operator 2
User password: operator 2
User comment: common option
Log on: 5
Priority: 150
Security zone: nothing
5. Click confirm to close the dialogue box and complete user configurations.

Setting the Security Zones and Options of a Graphic

A graphic has the same protection properties as a user, the priority levels are between 1-999,
and it has 64 security zones. Open the monitor and control picture made before, define the
quit button to quit the KingView running system (You should use function Exit (0) to quit
running mode). It might be the case that you do not want all logged in users to have the right to
use this button for an actual system. You can set the security level so that the administrator is
the only user in the reaction workshop user group to have this right.
1. Open the picture monitor and control center in the project browser window,
Chapter 8 User Management and System Security 5

double-click the quit button in the picture, you can then set the priority of the button in the
Animation Links dialogue box: 100, security zone: Reaction Workshop.

Figure 8-5 Animation link of button

2. Click OK to close this dialogue box. The security zones and button settings are now
3. Select save all pictures from the file menu to save your modifications.
4. Then select switch to View from the file menu to enter the running system, and run
the picture monitor and control center. Click Log In from the Special menu in the running
system interface, and the Log In dialogue box will popup as figure 8-5 shows:

Figure 8-6 Dialog for user login

When the administrator logs in, the system quit button in the picture can be used, the
administrator can this button to quit KingViews running system. When operator 1 or operator 2
logs in, the system quit button cant be used. The reason for this is although operator 1s
security level includes the zone containing the button, operator 1s priority number is smaller
than that of the button and therefore operator 1 cannot use the button. Operator 2 on the other
Chapter 8 User Management and System Security 6

hand has a higher priority number than then button but does not have access to the zone, which
contains the button, and therefore operator 2 cannot use the button either.

Session 2 System Security

Project Encryption

KingView can encrypt projects in their development stages to prevent any other engineers
from altering them. To open an encrypted project you have to use the correct password, which is
set by the user, thus the rights and interests of project developer are protected. Project
encryption is carried out as follows:
1. From the tool menu in the TouchExporer window select project encryption, the
Encryption Manage dialogue box will appear as figure 8-7 shows:

Figure 8-7 Dialog of project encryption

Set the project password to: eng.

2. Click Confirm to close the dialogue box; the system will automatically encrypt the
3. The development system of KingView will now ask for a password before opening the
project again, input eng, and the project will open.

Note: password cant be lost, otherwise you have no idea to find password.
Chapter 8 User Management and System Security 7


1. Configure two users who can operate different graphics.

2. Understand how to carry out project encryption.

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