Thesis For Defense

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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Social media sites are increasingly attracting the attention of students by

their affordances and reach. Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook,

YouTube and other kind social media sites have attracted millions of users

including students, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily

practices. There are hundreds of social media sites, with various technological

affordances, supporting a wide range of interests and practices. Social media

also vary in the extent to which they incorporate new information and

communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, blogging, and photo/video-

sharing. (Boyd & Ellison, 2007)

These social media sites let those who use them create personal profile.

In the University of United States of America connecting with other users of the

sites. Users can upload photographs, post what they are doing at any given

time, and send personal or public messages to whomever they choose. Social

media sites seem to be growing in popularity rapidly, especially among young

like students and adults (Pempek, Yermolayeva, & Calvert, 2008).

In Ghana West Africa, the Internet revolution changed the information

world regarding sharing, speed, storage and retrieval of information in whatever

form regardless of the persons location. Through the Internet several web

technologies emerged, and one technology that is making waves regarding

information sharing and communication are the social media sites. The

evolution of social media has cut across all facets of society with its positive

and negative impacts. Social media has transformed and impacted on

communication, learning, research and education in general. Social media sites

have become the most modern and attractive tools for connecting people

throughout the world (Aghazamani, 2010)

In Los Angeles, California, social media have become prominent parts

of life for many young people today. Most people engage with social media

without stopping to think what the effects are on our lives, whether positive or

negative. Society becoming more concerned with Facebook "friends" than we

are with the people we interact with face-to-face in our daily lives. (Nick

McGillivray, 2015).

However, internet usage statistics for the world, there were

3,739,698,500 estimated Internet users with a penetration rate of 49.7 % as at

March, 2017.Also, the estimated population of Asian 2017 was 4,148,177,672of

which 1,874,136,654 were Internet users. The penetration of Internet on the

continent was 45.2% By March, 2017, the number of Facebook users in the

Asia was 559,003,000. In Philippines, the number of internet users as at June

2016 was 54,000,000 with 52.0 % Internet penetration. Out of the total Internet

uses in the Philippines, 2,000,000 users were on Facebook (Internet World

Statistics, 2017).

In the Philippines, Facebook is hands-down the most popular and most

effective social media, says (Martel Soliven, 2001), adding that it uses a

persuasive strategy since it can persuade people or students to participate

and interact. Facebook was also recently named as the top website in the

Philippines on Alexa Website, growing over 1,000 percent from January to

September, in terms of Web traffic, or the amount of visitors and visits a website


Social media in the Philippines including students also showed the

highest level of engagement in Social Media sites averaging 5.5 hours per

visitor in February, with visitors frequenting the social media category an

average of 26 times during the month. (Sarah Radwanick, 2010).

Based on the result of our interview in Philippine College of Technology

in Davao City. About the level of social media awareness and the study habit

of students, there's a lot of student that is aware what are the negative effect of

overusing of Social media to their study. Even if they know the negative effect

overusing of social media, they still spent most of their time using social media

than giving more time and important to their study and school projects. 7 out of

10 students spent 3-4 hours of using social media and 1-2 hours of studying,

while 3 of the 10 students spent 5-6 hours of using social media and spent 1

hour or nothing to study. In, addition. There are more PCT student who are

more involve in their social lives on social media than their lives on school and


Social media continues to evolve. Today there are numbers of site where

users can interact with each other and share information. The influence of social

media on Students mentality is unquestionable today. One thing has been

established by all of them. Social media sites may affect students mind in

unique way depending on what kind of information is shows to them.


Statement of the Problem

This study determines The Level of Social Media Awareness and The

Study Habit of Grade 11 and Grade 12 of Philippine College of Technology, this

study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of social media awareness among senior high

school according to their:

1.1 skills;

1.2 attitudes and behavior;

1.3 passion and interest;

2. What is the effects of social media awareness among Senior

Highschool when it comes to their study habits according to:

2.1 Overusing the social media sites;

2.2 self-consciousness;

3. Is there relevant thing in the social media why student is more active

in the social media world than studying and interacting people

around them?

4. Why does social media becoming more widen susceptible in todays

world and exposed especially to the students?


Statement of Hypothesis

Theres no relationship between the Level of Social Media awareness of

student according to their skill, attitudes/behavior and interest/passion and their

Study Habit for the school year 2017-2018.

Significant of the Study

This study discusses the issue of how student is todays world that full

of technology deals with it. To show and know the level of students social media

awareness. This study will help to know how students nowadays use social

media in their daily life. To see if social media really affects the study habits of

students of Philippine College of Technology.

Through this study, students will become more aware of the

disadvantages of social media. Not only knowing the disadvantages of social

media. The result of the study will provide some insights and information on

how students will balance their social life in virtual world to their academic, on

how to have a better self-discipline in studying even though you are still

involving in social media.


Definition of Terms

1. Level of Social Media Awareness In this study, level of social

media awareness measures how student being aware of the positive

and mostly the negative cause of social media.

2. Social Media Awareness In this study, social media awareness is

where we can know more about social media, the positive and negative

of it.

3. Social Media In this study, life in virtual world is what social media

means, where nowadays students are the most active of it.

4. Study Habit In this study, this study habit show/means how the

students study or behave in education and academic.

5. GR.11 and Grade.12 In this study, the senior high school student

that our study will going to base on. They are our respondents.

6. Philippine College of Technology where our study are being

conducted, school in Dr. Gahol Drive, Garden Park Village Davao


Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable



Figure 1: The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Above the figure shows the social media awareness to grade 11 and

grade 12 deals in dissimilar practices but points out on one goal which to know

the possible effects of social media to the study habits of Senior High school in

Philippine College of Technology. Students who like to spend time in the social

media sites can be lead sometimes to overusing and they already forgot to do

their homework or to study their lessons.

Therefore, if we focus more on our studies and learn to listen things we

can help us to understand or to become aware using social media sites


Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework: Uses and Gratification Theory

According to Straubhaar et atal (2014) Uses and gratifications

perspective dominates thinking about media consumption and behavior. This

theory assumes on active audience. In other words, users actively seek out

media that meet their needs for knowledge, social interaction, and diversion.

They further argued that is possible to become so deeply involved with our

favorite media activity that it acts like addictive drug. It is within this premise that

can this addiction influence study habits of the students?

Uses and gratification theory was used to provide a framework rather a

guideline for this research. Uses and gratification observes that audience are

not passive and do not accept the contents whatever media transmit without

question. They select media according to their choices and needs. Consumes

of media have a composition of motivating needs seek to satisfy the needs they

select or reject any kind of media and its content through different kinds of

experience. Some media selections may indeed be made on basis of needs of

gratification, other kinds of exposures are based on personal, social, cultural,

and emotional considerations that guides the people in what they choose to

consume from the media De Flur(2010).


Review Related Literature

Student have become prone to frequent functions in mood and self-

control. If one student posted about relationship with someone, then some

people will also do the same thing. This action attracts more public attention.

Inside in the virtual world you can be more beautiful just because of the site that

can beautify your face. It often produces stress, anxiety or fear about their

identities as people. Also leads to depression. (Abshishek Karadkar,

Correspondent, 2015.)

Based on the study of BOYD (2007). There so numerous argument

could make about the possible risk of adolescent using social media

/networking. It is important to know and to take out the benefits of the website

and as well. Some schools used websites such as social media to promote the

education. It makes the students to be updated with the lessons and to take

answer assignment, and social networking site makes the student alarm and

offer help to the needed.

According to PICARD (2009). Social media tools provide an easy,

affordable way for students to take part in discussions larger groups of students

and draw attention to issues and topics that are interesting that can only form

on the internet.

According to HERMIDA (2010). Claims that social media tools created

new modes of organizing knowledge that rely on large, loosely organized

groups of students working together electronically. Hermida also suggests that

social media enables millions of people to communicate instantly, allowing then

to share and discuss event that he asserts leads to an expression of collective


According to Leach (2009) Claims that a great strength of the social

media is its ability to encourage the formation of community while giving voice

to anyone digitally connected.

Student become easily sidetracked by multiple social media sites,

especially when they are easily accessible to their phones. However, the

surveyed has been given to high schoolers, the biggest repercussion is an hour

of two of lost sleep which has no major effect when not systematic. The second

major consequence is cyberbullying which is regularly discussed when

discussing social media and teenagers because it is so prevalent. (Alana

Nunez Garcia, 2016)

All of students, they be experienced some type of FOMO or Fear

missing out. Students said their anxiety or stress levels are at its high when

viewing photos of their peers having a fun and compare themselves or their

lives to the photos. The students realized its easy to portray a different version

of themselves on the internet yet still felt pressured to look as though theyre

living it up in college. (Katlyn Tally, 2014)


It has become a big issue that must students who use social media networks

group think they are unable to depend on their original thoughts thinking that

the views of others have more value than thesis. When given assignments or

exam, must students will not be able to tackle them independently and will have

seek to help from media networks. Some students will even find it hard to study

to due to easy access to various information on these platforms. Many students

feel lovely as a results of social media impact. The effect is more evident to

student who have grown up in places where they can access to web quickly

than those who have less or no access. The habit of interacting through

electronic mean makes harder to interact with people face to face. They

communicate through the social media but are poor communicators in the

social world. (Lisa Griffin, 2017)

According to, (Rouis, Limayem & Salehi-Sangari, 2011) successfully

make the observation that extent of cognitive absorption determines the

frequent and duration of social media usage. However, they add level of

cognitive absorption is in turn define self-control and other personality factors.

While multi-tasking skills do nothing to reduce frequency

Students who get involved in activities on social media sites while

studying results in reduction in their focus of attention. This causes reduction in

their academic performance and concentration to study well. The more the

student spend socializing in person with others. This reduces their

communications skills. They will not be able to communicate and socialize

effectively in person with others. Students start relying on the computer


grammar and spelling check features. This reduces their command over

language and their creative writing skills. While searching and studying online,

get attracted to using social media sites and sometimes they forget why they

are using internet. This wastes their time and sometimes students are not able

to deliver their work in specific time frame. They get low grades in school due

to look of the desired information and writing skills. The students motivated level

reduces due to the use of these social media skills. They rely on the virtual

environment instead of guiding practical knowledge from the real world. (Guest

Blogger, Marketing, Networking, 2012)

While Social media are not often used in classrooms yet the potential for the

educational impact of the social media sites on academic achievement is

recognized and well reported ( Beach and Doers Stevens, 2011)

Confirmed the possibility that social media sites can have a positive on the

student achievement notice that collaborative nature of social media sites could

have a positive effect on the development of civic engagement in students.

Furthermore, in other study supporting the positive impact of social media sites.

(Forkosh-Barch and Hersh Kovitz,2012)

Concluded that twitter could increase student engagement and improve grades

in educationally relevant ways and so was a useful tool in education. In the

conclusion of their study on the usefulness of the educationally focused social


media sites Ning and Brady et-at, (2010) reported that, for majority of the

students, social media sited provide significant learning benefits their causes.

Mohandi and Ubaiodullar (2010) Indicate that social media can enhance

language, particularly second language, learning since they social interaction,

ethnicity, feedback and learner autonomy found in social media sites are also

the key of successful language learning, and that teacher should consider

Social Media sites as engaging option.

It is impossible to understand social cultural change without knowledge of the

way media work as environments. Social Media ecology is the study of the

personal and social environment created by the use different communication

technologies (McLuhan, 2007)

Facebook allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old to become a

registered user of this website. User must registered before using the site, after

which they may create a personal profile, add other user to become friends,

exchanges messages, and receive automatic notification when they update

their profile (Robleyr, 2010).

Social status is also a very important part of SNSs (Social Network Site)

because it is plays a role in how each individual is viewed on their profile by

others (Tufecki, 2008).


Online news consumers receive and send news through social media

tools such as twitter, blogs, Facebook, YouTube, and search engines. These

tools elevate the public and become more active in terms of social media and

their study habits. (Picard, 2009)

Though, many arguments can be made the possible risk of adolescent

social media. It is important to point out the benefits of these websites as well,

many schools have started to use these sites to promote education. Keep

student up to date with assignments and offer help to those in need. (Boyo,


High school students all over the world have been negatively affected by

social media sites. Despite the positive effects of social media, there are mostly

negative effects of social media sites are associated with. Facebook and other

sites have a huge influence on teenagers. The over use of these sites leads to

all sorts of problems including anxiety, depression and cyber bullying. An ideal

for further research would be to take a look at a larger target audience to get

wider variety of results. This would have also helped me to get a more accurate

picture of the data. In order to do this, I could research both younger and adult

audiences. Research has proven that social media has many negative impacts

on the lives of high school students. (Trever Mayes, 2012)

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