Mom 22.9.16

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Supplier M/s Wanfeng Members Present 22.09.2016

Plant Bawal HMCL Wanfeng
Part Alloy Wheel Shakti Kumar Mr. Zhang

Model AAEA Mr. Sheng

Simulation & Trial for Elongation NG part due to Slag in Mr. Sandeep
Casting Mr. R. N. yadav

Mr. Sumit

Background:- Heat Treatment Validation Samples failled in Elongation (3rd Time); As per M/s Wanfeng NG Samples(Less Elongation- Refer HT process
validation sample report dated 17.9.2016) failled due to "Slag". As epr CAPA Operator sometime used Only one wire mesh due to which chances of Slag in

SR No. Observations/Points Discussed/Comments Actions to be taken Responsibility Target Date Status

Defect Simulation Trial:-

10 samples made with using Only one Wire Mesh - 5 Samples(Rr-IC) with Only Gate Wire Mesh and 5
Samples (Fr.-IC) with only Funnel Wire Mesh.
1 X-ray done in all 10 samples; Results are:- . . Done
Samples With only Gate Wire mesh :-- One Sample (4) Rejected due to Shrinkage out of 5.
Samples With only Funnel Wire mesh :-- Three Samples (1-B/H at Hub & Spoke ,3 & 4-B/H at Hub M/cing
face) Rejected due to Blow Holes out of 5.

Above 10 samples to be Heat Treated along with the trial of Heat treatment validation @ full load (Approx.
2000 Pcs) & Elongation to be be chancked in all samples.

Wire mesh Issue System to be implemented

(Wire mesh will be issued at the start of the
shift to each Operator & will be
Wanfeng 23.09.2016 Under Progress
Counted/Matching by Supervisor (I/c of 5 GDC
M/cs) at end of the shift & same will be
SOP/WI already available & displayed for using both Wire
3 Mesh to GDC area, but no assurance/Control system for recorded.
adherance to this WI.
If any Mismatch found in Wire mesh use &
Total production Qty. at Each GDC M/c, in that As & When
case X-Ray to be done for total production required.
Qty. from that Die/Mc. 100 %.

Vaccume Samples Checked after every Hour/Furnace, but Sample Cutting for DPT check to be done, at
4 Wanfeng 22.9.16 Under Progress
Sample Cutting for DPT check not Done. every two Hours.

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