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To identify the characteristics of the infiltration rate of water into soils in the field.


At the end of the course, students should be able to apply the knowledge and skills they have
learned to:
a. Understand the concept of infiltration of water into soils.
b. Understand the factors which influence the infiltration rates.

The volume of water used during each measured time interval is converted into an
incremental infiltration velocity for both the inner ring and annular space using following
equations; VIR = VIR / (AIR . t) where, VIR is the inner ring incremental infiltration velocity
(cm/hr), VIR is the volume of water used during time interval to maintain constant head in
the inner ring (mL), AIR is the internal area of inner ring (cm2) and t is the time interval
(hour). For the annular space between rings, calculate as follows; VA = VA/(AA.t) where
VA is the annular space incremental infiltration velocity (cm/hr), V A is the volume of water
used during time interval to maintain constant head in the annular space between the rings
(mL), AA is the area of annular space (cm2) and t is the time interval (hour). The infiltration
rate calculated with the inner ring should be the value used for results if the rates for the inner
ring and annular space differ. The difference in rates is due to divergent flow.

a. Two stainless steels rings measure 12 and 24 diameter x 20 high.
b. Marriotte tube.
1. Ring was driven into the soil using driving cap on the top which is wood block used to
absorb the energy from a sledge hammer after a test site selected and the soil surface
prepared. The outer ring was inserted by moving the wood block around the edge of the
driving cap. The ring was inserted to a depth that (a) prevent the test water from leaking
to the ground surface surrounding the ring, and (b) deeper than the depth to which the
inner ring has been driven. A depth of about 15cm is usually adequate.
2. Once the outer ring was placed, the inner ring was centered inside the large ring and has
been driven to a depth that prevents leakage of water the ground surface surrounding the
ring. A depth of about 5-10 cm usually adequate. The outer and the inner ring were
leveled. The soil surrounding the wall of the rings should exempt of excessive
disturbance. In case extensive cracking or heave were observed, the rings should be reset
to a different location using a technique that will minimize such disturbance.
3. There are three ways to maintain constant head (water level) within the inner ring and
annular space between the two ring, manually controlled the flow liquid, the use of
constant level float valves, or the use of mariotte tube. The latter option was preferred
one since it auto-regulates water flow to the ring. A pair of water bottle was used to filled
both rings with water to the same desired depth in each ring. The water flow from the
mariotte tube than has been initiated. As soon as the fluid level becomes constant, the
water level in the inner ring and in the annular space has measured (and recorded) to the
nearest 2 mm using a ruler or a tape measure. The water level has maintained at a
selected head (level) in both the inner ring annular space between rings throughout the
test to prevent flow of water from one ring to the other.
4. The volume of water that was added to maintain a constant head in the inner ring. The
annular space during each timing interval was determined by measuring the change in
elevation of the water level in the appropriate graduated mariotte tube. For average soils,
the volume of water used to maintain the head recorded at every 5 min intervals for at
least 6 hours, or until a relatively infiltration rate has achieved. The appropriate reading
frequency may be determined only through experience and may be more frequent for
high-K materials.
TABLE 6.1 : Infiltration rate experiment results
Inner (mm)
Time, t (s) Infiltration Capacity (mm) Infiltration Rate (mm/s)
start end
0-60 13.6 13.8 0 0
60-120 13.8 14.0 0.2 3.3310-3
120-180 14.0 14.0 0 0
180-240 14.0 14.1 0.1 1.6710-3
240-300 14.1 14.2 0.1 1.6710-3
300-360 14.2 14.2 0 0
360-420 14.2 14.3 0.1 1.6710-3
420-480 14.3 14.3 0.1 1.6710-3
480-540 14.3 14.4 0 0
540-600 14.4 14.5 0.1 1.6710-3
600-660 14.5 14.5 0 0
660-720 14.5 14.6 0.1 1.6710-3
720-780 14.6 14.6 0 0
780-840 14.6 14.7 0.1 1.6710-3
840-900 14.7 14.7 0 0
900-960 14.7 14.8 0 0
1. Plot a graphs of
a. Infiltration capacity versus time
b. Infiltration rate versus time
2. From the graph in 1(b), please identify the basic of infiltration rate.
- From the graph in 1(b) that have been identified after this test was done at G3, we can
see the basic of infiltration rate is begin from time of 300s until 840s with the reading
of 1.6710-3 infiltration rates. So, this is the value of infiltration basic rate for the
chosen place, G3.
3. Sketch a graphs of infiltration rate versus time for the three different characteristics of
a. Dry soil.
b. Wet soil.
c. Saturated soil.

Explain each of the graphs.

From the graph of infiltration rate versus time for dry soil that have been
sketched, we can see that the value of infiltration rate (mm) for this soil is the most higher
compared to the infiltration rate for wet and saturated soil. But, the value of time (s) taken
for water infiltrate into the dry soil is the most late compared to the other type of soils.

Then, from the graph, we can observe the value of infiltration rate (mm) for the
wet soil is the second higher compared to the dry and saturated soil. Then, the value of
time (s) taken for water infiltrate through the wet soil is the second late compared to the

Lastly, from the graph identified, we can see that the value for infiltration rate
(mm) for the saturated soil is the lowest compared to the dry and wet soil. The value of
time (s) taken for water infiltrate into the saturated soil is the most faster than the others.
What we can conclude from this part of lessons, we are able and learned how to identify
the characteristics of the infiltration rate of water into soils in the field. This is because, for
the different types of soil, the infiltration rate of water into soils is not same. Besides that, at
the end of the course, students are able to apply the knowledge and their skills that they have
learned to understand the concept of infiltration of water into soils and also can understand
the factors which influence the infiltration rates.

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