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A Project Presentation

Online Auctioning System
Submitted By:
Khasetiya Kalpesh (1046)
Joshi Nirav (1044)
M.Sc. (CA & IT) Sem-III
Internal Guided By
Miss. Deepika J Patel

Submitted to
Department of Computer Science,
Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar - 384012

Sr. No Title
1 Abstract (Project Profile)
2 Existing System
3 Need for new System
4 Functional Specification
5 Hardware and Software Requirement
6 System Flow Chart
7 Timeline Chart
8 E-R Diagram
9 UML Diagrams
9.1 Use Case Diagram
9.2 Activity Diagram
9.3 Class Diagram
9.4 Sequence Diagram
9.5 Collaboration Diagram
10 Data Dictionary
11 Input Design
12 Output Design
13 Testing
14 Post Implementation Review
15 Future Enhancement
16 Bibliography
Project Profile

Project Title:- Online Auctioning System

Objective:- An Online Auction is service in which auction users can sell or bid for
antique products through the internet.

Front End:- ASP. NET with C# (.Net framework 4.0)

Back End:- MS SQL Server 2008

Other Tool:- Crystal-Report 10.5

Type of application:- Web-Application

Internal Guide:- Miss. Deepika J Patel

Developed by:- Khasetiya Kalpesh

Joshi Nirav
Time duration:- 90 Days
Existing System

The existing Auction System for antique Item is managed manually.

The user who want to sales there things or items by auction than he would announce for
that through the media or other way.

Bidders who need to buy there things than he attend the place of bidding.

It covers only limited Area.

Limited Bidders and Sellers.

Need for new system

The new site is Online Auctioning system is use in 'Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere'.

The Online Auctioning System" is online auction house so the Seller or Bidder doesn't
need to go anywhere, they can take part in the auction just sitting in the comfort of their
living room, be it during the day or night.

This site also acts as an open form where buyers and sellers can come together and
exchange their items.

It covers Large No of Sellers and Bidders.

Functional Specification
System Modules
Login Module include various utilities like User Registration,
Authentication, Change Password and Forgot Password.

Category Management :
This module provides all facilities to admin for managing the
Package Management :
This module provides all facilities to admin for managing the

Search :
Search Module Provides Category wise Search of items.

Auction :
In This Module Seller can Upload their Products for Auction,
Bidders can bid for the Products finally Admin decides the
Winner based on Highest Bidding Price.

Report :
Report Generation Module can generate reports of past Auc-
tions, Sellers and Bidders.
User Specification

Three type of user

1> Admin

1> Admin

Admin can manage user and product.

Admin can manage category.
Admin can send the update to the seller and bidder.
Admin can manage biding.
Admin can manage package.
Admin can generate the whole system work report.
To Conti..

2> Seller

Seller can upload auction product.

Seller can set the starting prize of the item.
Seller can view the bid information for there items.
Seller can bid for product.

3> Bidder

Bidder can also search the items.

Bidder can buy package for auction.
Bidder can view detail of product.
Bidder can bid on particular product.
Bidder can also modify the bidding prize.
Hardware & Software Requirements (Minimum)
Hardware Requirements (Minimum)

Server side:-

Processor :- 2.20 GHz

RAM :- 2GB

Hard disk :- 10 GB Free Space

Client side:-

Processor :- 2.0 GHz

RAM :- 1GB

Hard disk :- 4 GB Free Space

Software Requirements (Minimum)

Server side:-

Operating system :- Windows server 2003 or any

compatible server OS
Framework :- .Net framework 4.0

Web Server :- IIS 6.0

Front End:- ASP. NET with C# (.NET

framework 4.0)
Back End :- SQL server 2008

Client side:-

Operating system :- Windows XP or any compatible

Browser :- Internet Explorer 6.0 or any
System Flow Chart

Is Valid
( Admin) Yes No
( Bidder ) No
Yes Is
Manage User And Products ( Seller )

Manage Category Search Products for Auction Upload auction Product.

Send Updates to Seller and Bidder Purchase Package Set the time and Prize of Product

Manage Biding View Detail of Product View Bid Information

Manage Package Bid for the Products

Report Generation Modify the Bid Amount


Timeline Chart
3 Months
Activities Total days
15 Days 30 Days 45 days 60 Days 75 Days 90 days

Gathering (1 to 10)
Design (11 to 40)

Coding (35 to 65)

Testing (50 to 75)

Implementat 10
ion (75 to 85)

Documentati 90
on (1 to 90)

Total Days
E-R Diagram
M 1 P_ID P_des
User_name. M
Purchase P_name

1 1 1 M upload
ADMIN Manage

1 R_id



M C_name

Manage Category
Use-case Diagram for Admin
Use-case Diagram for Bidder
Use-case Diagram for Seller
Activity Diagram for Admin
Activity Diagram for Bidder
Activity Diagram for Bidder for Bidding a Product
Activity Diagram for Seller
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagram for Admin
Sequence Diagram for Bidder
Sequence Diagram for Seller
Collaboration Diagram for Admin

Online Auctioning Database

2:1:1:Update User Detail
3:1:1:Response for Manage Product
1:1:1:1:Login Successfully 4:1:1:Response for Manage Category
2:1:1:1:View User Detail 5:1:1:Response for Send Update
2:Manage User
3:1:1:1:View Product Information 6:1:1:Response for Manage Bidding
3:Manage Product
4:1:1:1:View Category Information 7:1:1:Response for Manage Package
4:Manage Category
5:1:1:1:Send Update Successfully 8:1:1:Response for Report Generation
5:Send Update to Seller &
6:1:1:1:View Bidding Information
7:1:1:1:View Package Information
6:Manage Bidding
8:1:1:1:View Report Detail
7:Manage Package
9:1:1:1:Logout successfully
8:Report Generation

Collaboration Diagram for Bidder
1:1:Registration Detail
3:1:Product Detail
4:1:Request for Purchase Package
5:1:Request for View Product Detail
6:1:Request for Bid for Product
7:1:Request for Modify Bid Amount

Online Auctioning Database

1:1:1:Respose for Registration
3:1:1:Search Product Detail
1.Registration 1:1:1:1:Registration Successfully 4:1:1:Respose for Purchase Product
2:Login 2:1:1:1:Login Successfully 5:1:1:Respose for View Product Detail
3:Search Product 3:1:1:1:View search Product 6:1:1:Respose for Bid for Product
4:Purchase Package 4:1:1:1:View Product Detail 7:1:1:Respose for Modify Bid Amount
5:View Product Detail 5:1:1:1:Purchase Package Successfully
6:Bid for the Product 6:1:1:1:Bid for the Product Successfully
7:Modify Bid Amount 7:1:1:1:Modify Bid Amount Successfully
8:Logout 8:1:1:1:Logout Successfully

Collaboration Diagram for Seller

1:1:Registration Details
3:1:Product Detail
4:1:Request for Set the time & Prize of product
5:1:Request for View Bid Information

Online Auctioning Database

1:1:1:Response for Registration
3:1:1:Response for Product Detail
4:1:1:Response for Set the time & Prize of Product
1.Registration 1:1:1:1:Registration Successfully 5:1:1:Response for View Bid Information
2:Login 2:1:1:1:Login Successfully
3:Upload Product 3:1:1:1:Successfully Product Uploaded
4:Set the time & Prize of product 4:1:1:1:Successfully set time & prize of product
5:View Bid Information 5:1:1:1:View bid Information
6:Logout 6:1:1:1:Logout Successfully

Data Dictionary
Table Name: User_Master
Primary Key :Username
Description : It Store users Detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 Username Nvarchar 25 Primary key It is reference to the Login

2 FirstName Nvarchar 25 Not Null It stores users First name.

3 LastName Nvarchar 25 Not Null It stores users Last name.

4 Gender Nvarchar 6 Not Null Checks whether the user is

Male or Female
5 Address Nvarchar 100 Not Null It stores users Address.
6 Country Nvarchar 20 Foreign key It reference to Country Table.

7 State Nvarchar 20 Foreign key It reference to State Table.

8 City Nvarchar 20 Foreign key It reference to City Table.
9 E-Mail Nvarchar 25 Not Null It stores users E-mail Id.
10 Contact Numeric 10 Not Null It stores users Contact No.
11 Photo Nvarchar 100 Not Null It stores users Personal Photo.
12 Password Nvarchar 25 Not Null It stores users Password.
13 Type Nvarchar 7 Not Null Checks whether the user is
Admin or not
Table Name: Category_Master
Primary Key : Cat_id
Foreign Key :
Description : It Store Category Detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Size Constraint Description

1 Cat_id Int - Primary key It store Unique
Category id
2 CatName Nvarchar 30 Not Null It stores Category

Table Name : Country_Master

Primary Key: Country_id
Foreign Key :
Description : It Store Country Detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 Country_id Int - Primary key It stores Country id

2 CountryName Nvarchar 20 Not Null It stores Country

Table Name : State_Master
Primary Key: State_id
Foreign Key : Country_id
Description : It Store State Detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 State_id Int - Primary key It stores State id

2 Country_id Int - Foreign key It reference to

Country Table.
3 StateName Nvarchar 20 Not Null It stores State Name

Table Name : City_Master

Primary Key: City_id
Foreign Key : State_id
Description : It Store City Detail.
Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 City_id Int - Primary key It store City id.

2 State_id Int - Foreign key It reference to State

3 CityName Nvarchar 20 Not Null It stores City Name.
Table Name: Product_Master
Primary Key : Product_id
Foreign Key : Cat_id , Username
Description : It Store seller and bidder Can upload product and Detail.

Sr. Column Data Type Size Constraint Description

No Name

1 Product_id Int - Primary key It stores Products Id.

2 Cat_id Int - Foreign key It reference to Category

3 Username Nvarchar 25 Foreign key It reference to
User_Master table.
4 ProductName Nvarchar 20 Not Null It stores Products Name.

5 Description Nvarchar 100 Not Null It stores Products

6 Min_Bid_Price Numeric (10,2) Not Null It stores Minimum bid
price for Products.
7 Status Bit - Not Null Checks whether Bid on
Product is Open or
8 Photo Nvarchar 50 Not Null It stores Photo of the
9 StartDate Datetime - Not Null Starting Bid Date for
10 EndDate Datetime - Not Null Ending Bid Date for
Table Name: Bid_Master
Primary Key : Bid_id
Foreign Key : Product_id , Username
Description : It Store Bidding Detail.

Sr. No Column Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 Bid_id Int - Primary key It stores Id of
2 Product_ id Int - Foreign key Id of the
3 Username Nvarchar 25 Foreign key It reference to
User_master table.
4 Bid_Date Datetime - Not Null It stores the Date of
5 Bid_Price Numeric (10,2) Not Null It stores the Bid price
of Products.
Table Name : Bidconfirm_Master.
Primary Key : Confirm_Bid_id
Foreign Key : Username, bid_id
Description : It store the Bid Confirmation Details

Sr. No Column Name DataType Size Constraint Description

1 Confirm_Bid_id Int - Primary Key It stores users bid

confirmation id.
2 Username Nvarchar 25 Foreign Key It reference to

3 Bid_id Int - Foreign Key It reference to Bid

Table Name : Package_Master
Primary Key: Package_id
Foreign Key : Username
Description : It Store Package Detail.
Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 Package_id Int - Primary key It stores Package id

2 P_Name Nvarchar 25 Not Null It store Package
3 P_Pize Numeric (10,2) Not Null It stores Package
4 Photo Nvarchar 50 Not Null It stores the Package
Table Name : Package_User_Master
Primary Key: P_U_id
Foreign Key : Username
Description : It Store Package Detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Size Constraint Description

1 P_U_id Int - Primary key It stores Package id

2 Username Nvarchar 25 Foreign key It reference to

3 Total_Package_bid Numeric 10 Not Null It stores Total
Table Name : User_Package_Master
Primary Key: user_package_id
Foreign Key : Username, Package_id
Description : It Store user package detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 User_package_id Int - Primary key It stores user Package

2 Username Nvarchar 25 Foreign key It reference to
3 Package_id Int Foreign key It reference to
Table Name : News_Master
Primary Key: News_id
Foreign Key :
Description : It Store News Detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 News_id Int - Primary key It stores News id

2 News_name Nvarchar MAX Not Null It stores news.

Table Name : feedback_Master

Primary Key: News_id
Foreign Key :
Description : It Store News Detail.

Sr. No Column Name Data Type Size Constraint Description

1 F_id Int - Primary key It stores Feedback id

2 Firstname Varchar 15 Not Null It stores firstname.

3 Email Nvarchar 25 Not Null It stores email.
4 Contact Numeric 10 Not Null It stores contact

5 Subject Varchar 50 Not Null It stores subject.

6 Msg Nvarchar MAX Not Null It stores Message.
Input Design
User Side
Home Page:

This Home Page is open When Customer can Open the Site.
Registration Form:
This page is used to customer can Registration here. But customer
not enter data so error will be occur.
Registration Form:
This page is used to customer can Registration here.
Login Page:
The login page for user can not enter username and password
validation will be occur.
Login Page:
The login page for user can wrong enter username and password
error will be occur.
Login Page:
The login page for user login.
Home Page:
This is home page for registered user.
Profile :
This page for user can update his profile information.
Profile :
This page for user can change his password.
Add Auction Item:
This page for user can not enter some data into the fields error will
be occur.
Add Auction Item:
This page for user can Add his Items for Auction.
PayPal Page:
This is paypal page for user can paid for upload auction item.
Show Your Item:

This page for user can view your Item and update item.
Show Your Item:

This page for user can view your Item and update item.
Search Item:
This page for user can search Items.
Bid On Item:

This page for user can Bid On the Particular Item then package not
available so error will be occur.
Purchase Package:

This page for user can purchase package.


This is paypal page for user can paid for purchase package.
Bid On Item:

This page for user can Bid On the Particular Item.

Select Item and show Bid:
This page for user can show which person can bid on his auction item.
Show Your Bid:
This page for user can show how many bid on particular the auction item
Update Your Bid:
This page for user can update your bid on particular the auction item
Contact Us :

This page for user have Any Query to Contact to the Company.
Forgot password:
This page is page for user can enter wrong username and contact no error will
be occur.
Forgot password:
This page is page for user can enter correct username and contact no password
will be display.
Gmail page:
This is gmail page for user can view own change password.
Input Design
Admin Side
Admin Login Page:

The login page for Admin login.

Add News And Manage NewsPage

Admin can Add News and Manage News for Using this Page.
Add Category and manage Category Page(Admin):

Admin can Add category And Manage Category for Using this Page.
Manage Country, State and City

In this page admin can add update and delete Country state and City
Add Product And Manage Products Page(Admin):

Admin can Add Product And Manage Products for Using this Page.
Manage user Page(Admin):

Admin can Manage user Using this Page.

Manage Package Page(Admin):

Admin can add and Manage Package Using this Page.

Manage User Package:
Admin can manage user package in this page.
Manage Bid Page And Confirm the bid(Admin):

Admin can Manage Bid and conform bidding for Using this Page.
Confirm the bid(Admin):
Admin can send confirmation mail to the winner user.
Gmail Page:
User view confirmation mail.
Output Design
Report Page:
Admin can view report in this page.
Users Registration Report:

This report contain all information about the all users who is regestered in the
Auction Item Report:

This report contain all information about the all Auction Item.
Bid Info Report:

This report contain all information about the all bid.

Confirm Bid Report:

This report contain about Confirmation Bid Info.

No Test Case Expected Actual Pass/
Cases Type Result Result Fail
1 Login Wrong Username The System throws The System display a Fail
and Password an error and message like wrong
prevent from login Username and
Enter correct The system can The system display Pass
Username and redirect the page. homepage for
Password user/admin.
2 Registration Required Field Mandatory Fields You have to enter some Pass
Validation should not be blank Value into mandatory
Required Field Mandatory Fields You have blank enter Fail
Validation should be blank some Value into
mandatory fields
3 Bid On Item Required Field Mandatory Fields You have to enter Bid- Pass
Validation should not be blank amount into mandatory

Required Field Mandatory Fields You have blank enter Fail

Validation should be blank some Value into
mandatory fields
4 Add Item Required Field Mandatory Fields You have to enter some Pass
Validation should not be blank Value into mandatory
Required Field Mandatory Fields You have blank enter Fail
Validation should be blank some Value into
mandatory fields
Post Implementation Review

Improve the Performance of this website because at this time it will take
time to load only First page in Web Browser.

More Functionality to be add that make this website to more user Friendly.

Post implementation review is conducted by Users and Analyst.

To determine whether the system has met its objective, that is analysts, want to
know if the performance level of Users has improved. If nothing is
happening, one may question whether the system can be considered successful.
Future Enhancement:

In Future We will browse many category for auction.

In Future we create a mobile application for auction & shopping which is

used in Mobile, Tablet and another Technology Devices.

Better Customer services like Online Payment facility.


At the process time of making this project I have take reference of some outsider
sources which we want to mansion here.

Database Management System

(1) Sql,PL/Sql
Author:- Ivan Bayross
Edition:- Third Edition
Publishers:-BPB Publishers
For Programming:-
(2) Asp.Net with C#
Author:- Shyam . N . Chawda
Publishers:-Nirav Prakashan

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