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Astronomical Science

The ESO UVES Advanced Data Products Quasar Sample:

Neutral Gas Mass and Metal Abundances in the Universe

Tayyaba Zafar1 Ly absorbers (NH I 2 1020 cm 2) and of the observable baryons in the Universe
Cline Proux 2 sub-DLAs (1019 NH I 2 1020 cm 2; (e.g, Shull et al., 2012; Noterdaeme et al.,
Giovanni Vladilo 3 Proux et al., 2005) contain a large frac- 2012). In their neutral and molecular
Miriam Centurin 3 tion of neutral hydrogen in the Universe. phases, baryons are the reservoirs of gas
Paolo Molaro 3 DLAs are believed to be major contribu- from which stars form. The H I clouds
Valentina DOdorico 3 tors of the neutral gas in the Universe, so form molecules and molecular clouds fur-
Kumail Abbas 4 their study is an important tool for under- ther cool, fragment, and initiate star for-
Attila Popping 5 standing the structure of young galactic mation in galaxies. The neutral gas mass
Bruno Milliard2 systems. DLAs are frequently used as density (g) evolution over cosmological
Jean-Michel Deharveng2 tracers of cosmic chemical evolution, scales is a possible indicator of gas con-
Stephan Frank 2,6 despite the fact that their nature and sumption as star formation proceeds.
morphology is still not clear. The metal g observed in high-redshift quasar
licity distribution over cosmic time pro- absorbers is expressed as a fraction of
ESO vides clues on the degree of chemical todays critical density. The contribution
Aix Marseille Universit, CNRS, enrichment, the onset of initial star forma- of sub-DLAs to g was however poorly
Laboratoire dAstrophysique de Marseille tion and the nature of galaxies. constrained until now (see Proux et al.,
(LAM), France 2005). Simulations indicate that the gas
INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di We have collected UVES high-resolution in sub-DLAs is located in extended halos,
Trieste, Italy quasar spectra taken between February whereas the gas in DLAs is located in
Center of Excellence in Solid State 2000 and March 2007 and available in the dense and compact regions (van de Voort
Physics, University of the Punjab, EUADP archive, giving a sample of 250 et al., 2012). DLAs/sub-DLAs provide the
Lahore, Pakistan quasar spectra (ranging from 0.2 < z < 6.3). reservoir of neutral gas and serve as a
International Centre for Radio Astronomy The total VLTUVES exposure time of barometer of recent star formation activity.
Research (ICRAR), The University of this dataset is 1560 hours. The individual
Western Australia, Crawley, Australia quasar spectra have been carefully We have built a carefully selected subset
Department of Astronomy, Ohio State merged and normalised. To derive a com- of the EUADP dataset to study the statis-
University, Columbus, USA plete census of DLAs/sub-DLAs both tical properties of DLAs and sub-DLAs,
an automated and visual inspection have their column density distribution and the
been undertaken, leading to a sample contribution of sub-DLAs to the gas
Damped Ly absorbers (DLAs), seen in of 93 DLAs and 57 sub-DLAs. An exten- mass density. We combined our DLA and
the spectra of background quasars, are sive search in the literature indicated that sub-DLA statistical samples with the
unique probes to select H I-rich galax- 19 DLAs/sub-DLAs have had their H I Proux et al. (2003) and Proux et al.
ies. We selected a dataset of 250 qua- column densities measured for the first (2005) samples respectively, for improved
sars observed with the Ultraviolet Visual time; four DLAs and six sub-DLAs are new statistics. The details on building the sta-
Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) and avail- identifications (see Zafar et al., 2013a). tistical sample are provided in Zafar et
able through the ESO UVES Advanced al. (2013b). On account of the high spec-
Data Products (EUADP) archive, to study The motivation behind the project is to tral resolution of EUADP, the hydrogen
the gas and metal properties of 150 obtain a complete picture of the redshift column density distribution, HI(N,z), down
damped absorbers. These high-redshift evolution of both the cosmological neutral to log NH I = 19.0 is determined (Figure 1).
absorbers contain information on the gas mass density and the metal content The column density distribution, H I(N,z),
physical state and chemical composition of the Universe using both DLAs and describes the evolution of quasar absorb-
of the interstellar medium and the neu- sub-DLAs. Moreover, this dataset will help ers as a function of atomic column den-
tral gas mass, a possible indicator of gas to perform studies of metal abundances, sity and redshift.
consumption as star formation pro- molecules, and advance understanding
ceeds. We find no evolution of the neu- of the elemental nucleosynthetic origin. The flattening of H I(N,z) in the sub-DLA
tral gas mass density, with sub-DLAs In addition, these studies will demonstrate regime is present in the observations. We
contributing 820 % (increasing with the properties and environments of qua- divided the H I(N,z) distribution into two
redshift). The EUADP dataset provides sar absorbers. In this article, we summa- redshift bins of 1.5 < z < 3 and 3 < z < 5
insights into the nucleosynthetic origin rise the early results from the EUADP (see Zafar et al., 2013b). A redshift evolu-
of nitrogen, confirming the bimodal dataset. tion of H I(N,z) is seen, indicating the
behaviour of [N/], and also confirms presence of more sub-DLAs at high red-
the deficiency of argon in DLAs. shift compared to low redshift. Such
Neutral gas mass density an evolution suggests that sub-DLAs
may merge and/or be more self-shielded
Motivation Baryons comprise a small fraction of the with cosmic time. The behaviour of
critical matterenergy density of the H I(N,z) at six redshift bins (step increase
The study of quasar absorbers has con- Universe with b h2 = 0.02205 0.00028. of z = 0.5) is further used to determine
tributed new insights into the field of In recent years, new observations have the total H I gas mass density, g,
galactic evolution research. The damped considerably changed the global picture between 1.5 < z < 5.0. The results indicate

The Messenger 160 June 2015 23

Astronomical Science Zafar T. et al., The ESO UVES Advanced Data Products Quasar Sample

l Figure 1. The column Evidence of bimodality in the nitrogen

KS@XDS@K  density distribution at
abundance distribution
z~ 3 is plotted against
-NSDQC@DLDDS@K  log NH I (from Zafar et al.,
*HLDS@K  The EUADP damped absorber dataset
2013b). The red data
points indicate H I(N, z) has been further used to understand the
for sub-DLAs. The green
nucleosynthetic histories of nitrogen.
points represent H I(N, z)
for Ly forest (Kim et al., N abundance determination in sites of
KNFc' (- Y

2013), the cyan points low and high metallicities plays an impor-
results from Noter- tant role in understanding its nucleosyn-
daeme et al. (2012) and
l thetic origin. The main pathway for the
the solid magenta line
the estimation of H I(N, production of N in stars happens in the
z) at z ~ 3.7 using a stellar H-burning layer, with the result that
series of six power laws N is synthesised from C and O. Nitrogen
Y] by Prochaska et al.
has two production pathways, labelled
l +X_ENQDRS ++2R RTAl#+ R #+ R (2010). The solid orange
line is the model predic- either primary or secondary, depending
tion at z ~ 3 (Altay et al., on whether the seed C and O are pro-
      2011). duced by the star itself (primary) or were
KNF- ' (BL l already present in the interstellar medium
(ISM) out of which the star first con-
1DCRGHES Figure 2. Upper panel: densed (secondary). Secondary produc-
              Total star formation rate
tion is the dominant process in the
KNF2% 1#,  XQl, OBl

  (SFR) density as a func-

'NOJHMR!D@BNL tion of lookback time H-burning layers of intermediate-mass
l  "TBBH@SHDS@K  (from Cucciati et al., stars. Secondary production dominates
l  2012) is shown in black at high metallicities ([O/H] > 1) and
open circles. The red
shows a correlation between (N/O) and
curve corresponds to
the parametric form of (O/H). At low metallicities, N goes in lock-
l  the SFR density (Hopkins step with O, so that (N/O) remains

& Beacom, 2006). approximately constant.
+@FNRDS@K  Lower panel: The black
lF , ,OB l

+@FNRDS@K  bins correspond to g

measured from DLAs + Primary N production in intermediate-
sub-DLAs (Zafar et al., mass stars occurs from the synthesis of
2013b). See text for C and O freshly produced by the star in
more details.

l'( the He-burning shell during the asymp-
totic giant branch (AGB) phase (Henry et
al., 2000). In the case of massive stars,
              the N production is very uncertain. At
very low metallicities, only fast-rotating
massive stars (9 M/MA 20) can pro-
that sub-DLAs are important at all red- Figure 2 shows no evolution of g (or g) vide primary N (Chiappini et al., 2006).
shifts and their contribution to g from low- to high-redshift with g ~ 1 The discovery of metal-poor halo stars
increases from 820 %, with an increas- 10 3 or g ~ 1.4 108 MA Mpc 3. In con- with high (N/O) ratios seems to confirm
ing fraction at higher redshift. trast, star formation in galaxies steadily the primary N production in massive stars
increases towards z ~ 2.1 by almost an (Spite et al., 2005).
In the lower panel of Figure 2, the trend of order of magnitude (e.g., Cucciati et al.,
the physical space density, g, measured 2012). Given the star formation rate (SFR) Measurements of N abundance have
from DLAs/sub-DLAs, with lookback time density as function of redshift (Figure 2, been performed in different astrophysical
is plotted. The magenta triangle represents upper panel), it is expected that H I plus sites. In partly ionised, H II regions of spi-
the result for local galaxies from Martin H2 gas at high redshift would be exhausted ral and dwarf irregular galaxies (van Zee
et al. (2010). The orchid star illustrates g on timescales of few Gyr. However, the et al., 1998), metal-poor emission line
measured from the star-forming galaxies lack of evolution of g indicates that star galaxies (Nava et al., 2006), and H II
(Lah et al., 2007). The blue squares rep- formation alone cannot explain this non- regions in blue compact dwarf (BCD) gal-
resent measurements from Mg II selected evolution (Figure2). Introduction of the axies (Izotov & Thuan, 2004), (N/O) ratios
DLAs (Rao et al., 2006). The dashed continuous replenishment of gas through show a primary plateau at low O abun-
green and grey lines represent the pre- the accretion of matter from filaments dances and a secondary behaviour for
diction of g and H2 (Lagos et al., 2011), and/or recombination of ionised gas in [O/H] > 1.
respectively. The solid red line illustrates the walls of super-shells may help to sus-
the evolution of stellar mass density tain constant g over cosmic time (see Studies of nitrogen in DLAs/sub-DLAs
build-up inferred from the star formation Zafar et al., 2013b; Hopkins et al., 2008). (spanning the broad metallicity range
history by Hopkins & Beacom (2006). 3.0 Z/ZA 0.5) provide important

24 The Messenger 160 June 2015

clues of the earlier stages of galactic Figure 3. The [N/] ratio
chemical evolution. We have estimated   determinations against
metallicity. The circles,
nine new neutral N (N I) measurements squares, and triangles
and nine limits in DLAs/sub-DLAs from indicate the O, S and Si
the EUADP sample (see Zafar et al.,   abundances in DLAs/
2014a). We combine these data with a sub-DLAs, respectively
(filled symbols: meas-
careful reappraisal of literature high-reso-
:-. 2 2H< l 
urements; open sym-
lution measurements published to date, bols: limits). The red
making a sample of 108 systems. This is data points are the new
the largest N abundance sample studied estimates from Zafar et
l  al. (2014a). Dotted lines
so far. are empirical represen-
tations of the secondary
We also derived [N/] (where is an and primary N produc-
l  .( tion. The dashed line
-chain element, either O, S or Si) abun-
2 (( indicates the Solar level.
dance ratios for our sample. The 2 (((
extended sample confirms the bimodal
behaviour of [N/] suggested in previous l l l 
studies. Three quarters of the systems :. 2 2H'<
show [N/] = 0.85 ( 0.20 dex) and
one quarter are clustered at [N/] = soft. In the Galaxy, neutral argon is found can track the evolution of the co-moving
1.41 ( 0.14 dex). In Figure 3, the to be deficient in low-density interstellar density of cosmic sources and variations
magenta diamonds and green pluses regions (Jenkins, 2013). However, owing of the transparency of the intergalactic
indicate measurements in the H II regions to the saturation of neutral argon (Ar I) medium resulting from the processes of
of spiral (van Zee et al., 1998) and BCD lines, Galactic studies can only probe cosmic reionisation. Our measurements
galaxies (Izotov & Thuan, 2004) respec- regions with relatively low H I column den- and limits of Ar abundance suggest that
tively (with average error bars indicated in sity, typically associated with warm inter- the cosmic reionisation of He II takes
the top-left corner). The high [N/] pla- stellar gas. On account of the low metal- place at redshift higher than z ~ 3 (see
teau is consistent with the H II regions of licities of the DLAs, the rare Ar I lines offer Figure 4), but more measurements at z >
BCD and dwarf irregular galaxies, a way to probe the ionisation state of the 3.5 are required to set firmer constraints
although extended to lower metallicities, neutral gas in high-redshift galaxies. on the redshift evolution of the He II reion-
and could be interpreted as the result of isation.
a primary N production by intermediate- In Zafar et al. (2014b), we used the
mass stars (see Figure 3). The low [N/] EUADP database to search for Ar I lines in
values are the lowest ever observed in DLAs/sub-DLAs. We made three new Conclusions and prospects
any astrophysical site. These low abun- measurements and obtained five upper
dances may indicate a primary N produc- limits of Ar I. We combine these data with Quasar absorbers are a useful tool to
tion from fast-rotating, massive stars in the literature high-resolution measure- study the gas and metal enrichment his-
relatively young or unevolved systems. ments, together comprising a total of 37 tory of the Universe. We have made use
systems, i.e., the largest high-redshift Ar of the Advanced Data Products archive
sample collected so far. We confirm that recently made available to the community
Deficiency of argon in DLA systems Ar is generally deficient in DLAs, with a by ESO to study the largest sample of
mean value [Ar/] 0.4 0.06 dex (with quasar echelle spectra available to date.
The EUADP dataset has been further = S or Si). The [Ar/] ratios show a The EUADP sample of DLAs and sub-
used to determine the ionisation state of weak, positive trend with increasing H I DLAs allows estimation of the neutral gas
the gas at different redshifts using the column density and increasing absorp- mass over cosmological scales. No evo-
noble gas argon. This element, with first tion redshift, and a weak, negative trend lution of the neutral gas mass density is
ionisation potential 15.76 eV, is expected with metallicity, [S/H]. Detailed analysis of indicated, which we interpret as the
to be mostly neutral in interstellar H I the measured abundance ratios indicates accretion of gas on cosmological scales.
regions, which are opaque to photons that the Ar deficiencies are due to ionisa- The EUADP dataset confirms the bimodal
with energies just above the H I ionisation tion processes, rather than dust deple- behaviour of [N/], inferring primary N
threshold (13.6 eV). The ionisation frac- tion or nucleosynthesis. Altogether, the production by intermediate-mass stars.
tion of Ar is very sensitive to high energy observational evidence is consistent with The EUADP study further confirms the
ionising photons that are able to leak a scenario of Ar ionisation dominated by deficiency of Ar in damped absorbers,
through the neutral gas. When the radia- the harsh radiation of quasars, modulated interpreted as an ionisation effect, which
tion field is hard, Ar is predicted to be by local H I self-shielding inside the DLA indicates that the cosmic reionisation of
deficient relative to other low ionisation host galaxies. He II is completed above z ~ 3.
species typical of H I regions. On the
other hand, Solar-like abundances are In principle, by measuring the ionisation Further works, including the metallicity
expected when the ionising spectrum is state of the gas at different redshifts, we of sub-DLAs as possible tracers of the

The Messenger 160 June 2015 25

Astronomical Science Zafar T. et al., The ESO UVES Advanced Data Products Quasar Sample



: Q2<

: Q2<
l  l 

l  l 

          l  l  l  l  l   
Y @AR :2'<

Figure 4. Left panel: The [Ar/S] ratio in DLAs results illustrate the high scientific return Martin, A. M. et al. 2010, ApJ, 723, 1359
plotted against redshift (bottom axis) and lookback Nava, A. et al. 2006, ApJ, 645, 1076
of processed data archives.
time (top axis), for H 0 = 70 km s 1 Mpc 1, m = 0.3, Proux, C. et al. 2003, MNRAS, 345, 480
and = 0.7. Right panel: The [Ar/S] versus S-based Proux, C. et al. 2005, MNRAS, 363, 479
metallicities in DLA systems. A small amount of Prochaska, J. X., OMeara, J. M. & Worseck, G.
chemical evolution can be seen in [Ar/S]. In both References 2010, ApJ, 718, 392
panels, solid squares and arrows correspond to Rao, S. M., Turnshek, D. A. & Nestor, D. B. 2006,
measurements and limits, respectively. The open Altay, G. et al. 2011, ApJ, 737, L37 ApJ, 636, 610
squares illustrate proximate DLAs with zem z abs Chiappini, C. et al. 2006, A&A, 449, L27 Spite, M. et al. 2005, A&A, 430, 655
(see Zafar et al. [2011] for more details). Cucciati, O. et al. 2012, A&A, 539, A31 van de Voort, F. et al. 2012, MNRAS, 421, 2809
Henry, R. B. C., Edmunds, M. G. & Kppen, J. 2000, van Zee, L. et al. 1998, AJ, 116, 2805
ApJ, 541, 660 Zafar, T. et al. 2011, A&A, 532, A51
Hopkins, A. M. & Beacom, J. F. 2006, ApJ, 651, 142 Zafar, T., Popping, A. & Proux, C. 2013a, A&A,
circum-galactic medium of galaxies Hopkins, A. M., McClure-Griffiths, N. M. & Gaensler, 556, A140
(Quiret et al., in prep), are underway. B. M. 2008, ApJ, 682, L13 Zafar, T. et al. 2013b, A&A, 556, A141
Finally, since we started this study, the Izotov, Y. I. & Thuan, T. X. 2004, ApJ, 602, 200 Zafar, T. et al. 2014a, MNRAS, 444, 744
Jenkins, E. B. 2013, ApJ, 764, 25 Zafar, T. et al. 2014b, MNRAS, 445, 2093Z
number of quasar spectra available in the Kim, T.-S. et al. 2013, A&A, 552, A77
UVES Advanced Data Products archives Lagos, C. D. P. et al. 2011, MNRAS, 418, 1649
has more than doubled. Altogether, these Lah, P. et al. 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1357
ESO/C. Snodgrass

B, V, R composite image of the

barred spiral (SB) galaxy
NGC6300 taken with EFOSC2 on
the New Technology Telescope
(NTT). The active galactic nucleus
of NGC 6300 is of Seyfert 2 type
and displays rapidly variable hard (Next page) Recent aerial view of the progress on
X-ray emission. See Picture of the levelling of the summit of Cerro Armazones in prepa-
Week for 2 March 2015 for more ration for construction of the dome of the European
information. Extremely Large Telescope.

26 The Messenger 160 June 2015

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