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H. Bassak Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 3, ( Part -1) March 2015, pp.166-172


The Analysis of Romanticism Traces in Akhavan Sales Poetry,

Focusing on his Poem, Winter
H. Bassak and F. Nosrati
Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Nour University, Tehran, Iran

Winter is one of the most famous poems composed by Akhavan Saless and is one of the best samples of the
contemporary poetry. This poem composed in Dec. 1955 was published in
Winter verse collection. The general atmosphere of the poem reflects feeling of defeat, disappointment and
frustration overwhelming the Iranian community post-coup dtat, Aug. 1919, 53, through a metaphoric and
symbolic expression. In the present research paper, the romantic aspects of winter have been studied and the
romanticism has been traced in this poem through employing the components and features of Winter such as
naturalism, metaphorizing, disappointment and pessimism. To achieve this objective firstly, we present a
definition and general perspective of Romanticism; then, we trace the grounds for reflecting romanticism in
Akhavans poetry so that we find the reflection of romanticism in his Winter.
Keywords: Akhavan Saless, Winter, Romanticism, Naturalism, Metaphor, Disappointment and Frustration

I. Introduction paper, we study the relation of components and

Mehdi Akhavan Salesss poetry similar to the romantic aspect of Winter [5].
works composed by most of the contemporary poets
and authors that pursued enthusiastically the II. Problem Description and Research
achievements of the National Movement were not Questions
immune from the consequences of the coup dtat; Mehdi Akhavan Saless is one of the most
specifically, the most vivid feedbacks of this outstanding contemporary poets who present a new
political crisis may be found in his poetry. But he is a genre of Nimaic poetry through benefiting from
poet whose attitude about historical and political Nimas suggestions and innovations.
events is more emotionally than politically, because The poem composed in Nimaic form in which
he is a poet by nature not a politician or historian [1- the poet used traditionalism, and capacities and
3]. delicacies of Khorasani Style accompanied with
This emotional trend provides the ground for modern language is the poets starting point of
reflection of romanticism in his poetry. Akhavans departure.
poetry may not be fully and in all of its aspects Post-coup dtat Akavan Saless was changed
categorized in romanticism school because some of into a poet who composed poetry in a symbolic
the components and features of romanticism are language and whose poetry was the reflection of a
manifested in his poetry and some of the components defeated and frustrated generation. From this
are expressed outside the romantic scope. viewpoint, Akhavans poetry is classified into the
The trend of Akhavan Saless to romanticism or political-social category and Winter is one of his
the romantic aspect of his poetry may be sought in most important and famous poems.
his frustrating political-social poems within the scope Akhavans poetry has apparently a non-romantic
of emotional reflection of defeat [4]. trend and is more inclined to symbolism. But
Winter is one of the most famous poems according to a more comprehensive definition of
composed by Akhavan Saless that reflects the romanticism, there is a tint of romanticism embedded
frustrated and sad voice of a generation in a symbolic in any artistic work created in any atmosphere. In this
expression. What is found in Winter as the research paper, with consideration to the components
expressions of romanticism, indeed, are the and features of romanticism, we are going to analyze
conceptual axes and general atmosphere governing the romantic aspects in Winter and respond to the
the poem. From this viewpoint, naturalism, symbolic following questions:
and metaphoric expression, seclusiveness, and 1. What is the relation of Akhavans poetry,
frustration as the most important components of especially, Winter with romanticism and how
Winter are also considered as the most significant romanticism is reflected in this poem?
romantic aspects of the poem. In the present research 2. What are the characteristics of romanticism in
Akhavan Saless Winter? 166|P a g e
H. Bassak Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 3, ( Part -1) March 2015, pp.166-172

3. How can we relate romanticism in Akhavans as Fereydoon Tavalloli, Golchin Gilani, and Parviz
poetry with the frustration and disappointment Natel Khanlari and in social romanticism, he
governing his poems? analyzes the poems composed by Houshang Ebtehaj,
Esmaeil Shahroodi, and Nader Naderpour. He does
Objectives of the Research not discuss about Akhavan Saless poetry from this
1. Analysis of romanticism in Akhavan Saless viewpoint because he believes that there is no trace of
poetry focusing on Winter. romantic aspect in Akhavans poetry.
2. Analysis of the most important features of
Winter. IV. Romanticism
3. Analysis and expression of the relation between Romanticism is not only a literary school but
the frustration and disappointment governing also a universal movement and include different areas
Akhavans poetry and romanticism. such as literature, philosophy, social and political
sciences, architecture, music, painting, cinema, etc
Research Assumptions [7-8].
1. It seems that romanticism in Akhavans poetry is Remembering the fact that many authors and
philosophical and social romanticism that is critics have given definitions about romanticism and
reflected more in his social poems such as each of them have cast a glace on this school from a
Winter. special angle, hereby we review some definitions
2. The most important features of Winter are indeed proposed by the famous European critics and poets.
the romantic features of this poem. Romanticism means Retrospection to Nature
3. Romanticism in Akhavans poetry is focused on (Rousseau). Retrieval & Resurrection of Life &
the post-coup dtat frustrated atmosphere the Thoughts Dominant on Mediaeval Centuries
reflection of which is found in Akhavans poetry. (Heine), An Attempt to Escape Reality
III. Research Background Affection more than Wisdom and Heart in
Many books have been written about Mehdi contrast with Reason (George Sand).
Akhavan Saless in which the traditionalistic, social, Releasing Unconscious Mind, A Dream Endowed
and symbolic aspects of his poetry have been Existence (Lucas), An Imagination in Contrast to
analyzed, but, no separate pamphlet has been Reason & Reality(Nilsson) [7-10].
published about romanticism on Akhavans poetry. In The most important component and principles of
some of the researches, the romantic aspect of romanticism school are:
Akhavans poetry has been referred to. Individualism and seclusiveness, disappointment and
Mohammad Mokhtari in his two books entitled frustration, paying special attention to death, dereism
Man in Contemporary Poetry, and Seventy Years (escape from reality) and flight into metaphysics and
of Romantic Poetry have discussed the Iranian mental world, excessive desire to commit sin, paying
romanticism and its branches. In Seventy Years of special attention to liberalism, naturalism, giving
Romantic Poetry, Mokhtari, aiming at expressing priority to rural and primitive life in contrast with
and analyzing different angles of Persian Romantic urban and mechanized life, considering more
Poetry, classifies Iranian romantic poetry into two importance for feeling against wisdom [11].
categories: Individualistic and Social. He categorizes Rare works may be found in which all of the features
Akhavan s poetry as social romanticism the most of romanticism are described; this provides the
important features of which are the amalgamation of ground for classifying romantic works into smaller
love, politics, and social problems. A separate sub-categories. Those classifications are topical and
chapter of Man in Contemporary Poetry has been expresses genres such as lyric, political, social,
allocated to analyzing Akhavan Saless poems. In philosophical, and revolutionary romanticism [10-
this book, Mokhtari expresses all of the aspects of 12].
Akhavans poetry within the framework of Defeat
Poetry; he believes that most of the components of V. Romantic Aspects in Political-Social
Akhavans poetry may be reviewed in this domain Poetry
[4-6]. One of the most important factors of
In the book entitled Perspective of the Iranian romanticism emergence is the extensive political and
Contemporary Poetry written by Mehdi Zarghani, historical changes during the period of romanticism
several pages have been allocated to the Iranian prevalence. From this viewpoint, the emergence of
romanticism. The author, benefiting from romanticism is focused on the changes such as
Mohammad Mokhtaris classifications, categorizes machine invention and industrial revolution,
Iranian romanticism into two categories, revolution in Italy, Austria, and France,
individualistic romanticism and social romanticism. Independence War in America, Napoleon Empire and
In individualistic romanticism, he refers to poets such European Wars while concentrating on prevalent 167|P a g e
H. Bassak Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 3, ( Part -1) March 2015, pp.166-172

literary components and excessive rationalism of of a short-period of relative liberty during the first
neoclassicism [13]. decade of the 2nd Pahlavi kings reign that was in
Dr. Hossein Payandeh, while providing a list of coincidence with the development of parties activity,
historical events effective on the emergence of freedom of speech, and the national movement in
romanticism, writes about its historical and political which Dr. Mosadegh came to power as the prime-
origins: any literary school is the product of minister, brought new hopes for the people,
challenging interaction of the forces the origin of especially for the intellectuals and artists. But all of
which should be sought in the historical background these hopes were frustrated after the coup dtat of
and social circumstances of the emergence time of 1953.
that school. If we consider romantic period during The bitter defeat of the national movement had
1798-1832, it should be said that romanticism is the a significant effect in all of the domains of society.
product of a very turbulent and revolutionary period This effect is traceable more vividly in the
during which the cultural, social and economical contemporary literature. It may be said that the coup
fundamentals of the modern age were formed [13]. dtat, its consequences, and the atmosphere
The romantic poets, not only were headless of governing the society of post-coup dtat period
the political and social turbulences but also felt create a new chapter in the contemporary literature.
sympathy about it in different forms. This romantic This event, as one of the most important political-
attitude may be found especially in the works of the social incidents plays a significant role in trends and
contemporary poets that have been composed about classifications of the contemporary poetry [15].
Coup dtat of 1953, but what relates the political- The reflection of political defeat in Ahavans
social poetry especially Akhavans poems with poetry is embedded in the deep structure of his
romanticism are some features such as frustration and poems. The defeat that overwhelms Akhavans mind
disappointment, seclusiveness, emotional attitude makes him revise his themes and thoughts. The
about political and historical phenomena, and the defeat and resulted frustration play an essential role
prevalence of a kind of idealism upon which the in all of the features of poets life and poetry. In
existing situation was criticized and sought for their most of Akhavans poems, sensation of defeat is
ideals in far past, the ideals that might have existed in manifested as the most important artistic theme.
ancient times or may be reflected in the future. Thus, we may call Akhavan as the greatest defeat
poet of the contemporary poetry. Rare poems of
- Grounds for Emergence of Romanticism in Akhavan are in which no trace of frustration and
Akhavan Saless Poetry pessimism are found. Indeed, he is the emotional
As it is well-known, Mehdi Akhavan Saless critic of our defeated history [16-17].
(whose penname is M.Omid) is one of the most This feature, i.e., the emotional attitude of the
successful and greatest contemporary poets. Eight poet about political defeat provides the ground for
verse collections have been published from Akhavan emergence of social and philosophical romanticism
that covers three periods of his poetry. The first in his poems. In order words, social romanticism in
period, Arghanoon Verse Collection, that is Akhavans poetry is formed when the poet narrates
composed in classic forms and pre-Nimaic the life of the defeated people in a symbolic language
atmosphere. The second period that is the most and with the help of natural elements. There is no
important of Akhavans poetic career is featured with trace of rational criticism of the events and their
the collections of poems, Winter, End of the Book consequences; whatever constitutes the major core
of Kings and From this Avesta which are the most and axis of the narration is the poets affections and
brilliant poems of Akhavan and the contemporary emotions. The philosophical aspect of his romantic
poetry. The third period during which the collections trend is formed when the poet combines the political
such as In Small Yard, Autumn in Prison, Hell theme with the social defeat and finally the
but Cool, and I Love you my Ancient Homeland philosophical concept of defeat.
have been composed and is a retrospection to Romanticism in Akhavans poetry is basically a
tradition and are focused on narration and fabling social romanticism and the best samples of the
[14] . amalgamation of romanticism with social anxieties
What illustrates more vividly the three middle and political thoughts may be found in his poems.
verse collections composed in the second period of According to a publics definition of romanticism, in
Akhavan Saless poetic career, in spite of their Iran, fancifulness, sensationalism, and lyrical
artistic features, are a reflection of general mentality of romanticism are more outstanding and
atmosphere of the Iranian community post-coup pay less attention to its social dimensions. The
dtat of 1953. The 1950s (1951-59) is considered as interesting point is that Among different periods and
an important period not only in the political-social branches of romanticism in the contemporary poetry,
life of our country but also in the personal life of social and political genres are more original and
many of the artists and intellectuals. The experience unsensational than the other branches from various 168|P a g e
H. Bassak Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 3, ( Part -1) March 2015, pp.166-172

aspects. Because of social atmosphere and collective Tonight, I have come to pay my debt
frustration overwhelming this period, the romantic To put my debt beside the glass of wine
poems of a poet such as Akhavan Saless in most of Why are you saying that it is late at night, it is dawn
the cases are not limited to sadness and agony and morning has come
resulted from abortive loves and enters the social It is a trick for you, it is not the red color of morning
domains. Since this kind of romanticism emerged twilight that tinted the sky after dawn
from literary and social changes of the society is O, friend, my ears have frozen, that is the trace of
more natural and spontaneous. But since these winters slap
changes have essentially and mainly had a social The sun, the candle of universe, I do not know
background and motivation in Iran and no romantic whether it is turned on or off
revolution in poetry in its European concept have Is hidden in the thick coffin of darkness
occurred in Iran, therefore, the whole process of O, friend, bring the glass of wine for me, there is no
poetry transformation may not be considered as a difference between day and night
romantic trend. There is no response to your greeting
From among the afore-mentioned components of The weather is gloomy, the gates are closed, the
romanticism, the themes such as individualism and heads bent on chests, and the hands are hidden
seclusiveness, inclination to solitude, frustration, and The breaths have changed into clouds, and the hearts
disappointment, special attention to death, are weary and sad
naturalism, the priority of sensation against wisdom, The trees are skeletons covered with crystals
and dominance of nihilism on individual and social Earth is gloomy and the ceiling of sky is low
relations in life may be found in Akhavans poetry. The sun and moon are dusty
From this viewpoint, we analyze one of the most It is winter
famous poems composed by Akhavan Saless,
Winter and find its romantic aspects. Romantic Aspects in Winter
Winter is one of the outstanding masterpieces of
Winter the contemporary poetry that seems as a political-
No response will be given to your greeting social poem composed in a symbolic language in the
Heads are bended towards chest first glance. The symbolic aspect of the poem caused
No one straights his head to respond greetings and to its non-artistic frankness to be reduced but the
visit friends dominance of artistic aspects and special approaches
Eyes cannot see but before feet chosen by the poet prevent the poem to be changed
Since the road is dark and slippery into common complaints and moaning. The sadness
If you bring your hands out to shake someone in and agony embedded in the poem is not expressed
affection explicitly but illustrates a kind of sadness
He will bring his hand out of his armpits reluctantly overwhelming the atmosphere of the poem that is
Because the cold weather is very stinging unique among the poems composed in that age; it is
The breath that comes out of your warm chest an individualistic sensation that binds to the ideals of
changes into a dark cloud a generation. This poem is the narration of the
And stands as a wall before your eyes seclusiveness of a defeated generation and the
When your breath is like this, what do you expect of coolness overwhelming a society overcome with
Your far or close friends. suffocation.
My brave man, O Messiah, my old Christian with The whole atmosphere of the poem and the
worn dirty shirt description given of the frustrated and solitary man
The weather is so dastardly cold, O and the frozen society as well as the painful sensation
Your words be hopeful and be happy of regret embedded in the poem besides the new and
You respond my greeting and open the gate! effective form that is fully in proportionate with
I am your every-night guest, the sad gypsy-like affective and emotional atmosphere of the poem.
I am the same suffered kicked stone Considering form, rhyme, theme, language,
I am the cursed creature of creation, the inharmonic sensation, mysterious and sad atmosphere, new
song descriptions, sympathy with nature, reflection of
I am not from Rome or Zanzibar, I have no human affections, self-narration, etcWinter is a
peculiarity novel poem and with respect to those elements, this
Open the door, I feel homesick poem is considered romantic. These characteristics
O, my friend, my host, your monthly and yearly guest may be found vividly in its descriptions. In
is trembling at the gate like waves describing phenomena, the poet mingles his own
There is no hail, no death sensations with the theme and cast a direct and
If you hear a sound, it is the dialogue between cold objective glance on the subject. The poet also
and teeth. illustrates modes such as sadness and agony. 169|P a g e
H. Bassak Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 3, ( Part -1) March 2015, pp.166-172

Naturalism column supporting pedestrian lamp. The gloomy

Naturalism in Akhavans poetry casts a new earth is an allusive metaphor. The winters slap is a
glance on symbolic poetry and functions of metaphor metaphor genitive and allusive metaphor. It is also
and symbol. The presence of nature and its dependent personification. Crystal is a metaphor of a piece of
elements in a descriptive language does not praise ice.
nature. The romantic poet tries to discover the The symbols of Winter are:
relations embedded in nature and sometimes he joins The thick coffin of darkness: The suffocating
his findings with individualistic sensations or the atmosphere of the country, deadly prisons.
situation of the society. Indeed Winter in a symbolic Winter is the symbol of frozen and suffocating
language is not expressed as one of the seasons of the political atmosphere.
year but as a hard and bitter historical period. The Darkness is the symbol of ambiguous future and
poet with a bitter description of time and place fate.
similar to romanticists makes the atmosphere of the Cold is the symbol of torture, terror and fear and
poem gloomy and ghostly. In fact, he chooses the red color after dawn is the messenger of freedom and
natural objects and times compatible with his own hope.
modes and morale. Iranian Romanticists admire night
from among times and autumn and winter from Frustration and Disappointment
among seasons more and illustrate the imaginative The reflection of disappointment and frustration
and poetical events in their works. and inclination to bitter and pessimistic writing is
Calendar and historical times are selected in considered as the achievements of romanticists.
compatible with the poets seclusive and frustrated Romantic poets focus their attention on mysterious
morale. The descriptions given from nature have an world of unconsciousness and dark aspects of mind
overlapping relation with the poets mode and and have affective contemplation on the deep layers
complete each other. This description is not a mere of their own self. They gradually are used to this kind
report and description of the nature but is the of depression and favorable sadness.
interpretation of individualistic sensation and The whole parts of Winter is the narration of
affection accompanied with the expression of poets frustration and disappointment. The poets
mode and society. None of the natural objects and disappointment escapes from his individualism and
elements appears in poetry without the poets ego and enters in social domain and narrates the
affectional occupation. historical frustration of the generation whose heads
are bent on their chests and illustrates the depth of
Metaphorizing and Symbolism catastrophe and social suffocation. The social and
Indeed, metaphorizing is one the junctions where philosophical frustration that is the intrinsic attribute
symbolic poetry and romantic poetry join because in of the poet is drawn once more onto the public field.
romantic poetry, connotation dominates denotation. The philosophical frustration dominated on
In classic poetry, the word significance is explicit and Akhavans poetry indicates his world outlook.
vivid and the natural elements reflect their own He believes that human life is rotating on the axis of
reality and the same elements are real. But in a circle and there is no escape of this bitter repetition.
romantic poetry, implications and symbolic concepts The frustrating reaction of romanticists towards
of words are dominant on realistic functions. In political-social phenomena and events has
romantic texts, metaphor, mystery, and semi- precedence After the defeat of the French Revolution
visionary have a more contribution compared with that the romantic poets and authors ideals and
sensational similes because the ambiguity and hopes were not realized, most of the them were
implication exist more in this kind of images. affected by disappointment and frustration which was
Metaphor in a romantic work is not an amusing reflected in their works. But they did not surrender
decoration of reality but is a way to experience those themselves to absolute disappointment and frustration
realities, a way for thinking and living, a visionary and focused their hope on an ideal future and
display of reality. In romanticism, as Coleridge says, promised golden future and a brilliant horizon.
metaphor is a process in which the words make a But what distinguishes the reaction of Akhavan
reality from their inward and apply this reality to the Saless towards political defeat from European similar
world we are living in. example is the fact that he had no hope to a brilliant
The metaphors and symbols in Winter may be future. Throughout Akhavans poetry, frustration and
analyzed as a romantic feature and as a symbolic disappointment continue up to the end of the poem
component. The most important metaphors of the and this transforms into an organized thought in the
poem are: Manly Christian who is the metaphor of poem.
taverner. The ceiling of sky is the allusive metaphor
genitive. The candle of universe is a metaphor of sun
or in the atmosphere of the poem play the role of a 170|P a g e
H. Bassak Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 3, ( Part -1) March 2015, pp.166-172

VI. Conclusion Rafats statements who defend innovation and

Winter composed by Mehdi Akhavan Saless is avante-guardism. The author compares the
one of the masterpieces of the contemporary statements of Rafat with Victor Hugos and other
literature. This poem has been analyzed more from Europeans and concludes that on the basis of those
sociological point of view than a political-social similarities, we may consider Rafat as a romanticist.
poem but what makes Winter closer to a romantic In the same way, by analyzing the poems and works
poem is some of its axial features that have a close of Dehkhoda and Shams Kasmaei, their thematic and
relation with romanticism. Naturalism and illustration formalistic innovation of their poetry and works, he
of sensations and affections through employing considers them romanticists. In fact, the author deems
natural elements is one of the axial components of the challenge of the modern and classic poetry and
romanticism that has a special application in Winter. the rebellion against classic tradition as romanticism.
The atmosphere of the poem that is winter season and While these features in all of the literary trends and
has a symbolic function, as well as employing the poetic currents are traceable. Principally, any school
elements pertaining to night and day are considered revolts against the established artistic and literary
as the romantic aspects of the poem; especially, when system and suggests a new genre.
the poet illustrates the frozen atmosphere of the 2. The term Pre-Nimaic was used with
society by using the characteristics of winter such as consideration to the Post-Nimaic theory proposed
biting cold. by Ali Babachahi. In that theory the Persian Poetry is
Symbolic poetry is very dependent to metaphor classified into four periods: Pre-Nimaic period
and symbol. This feature is very evident in Winter. (Classic poetry and all of the poems that are
On the other hand, metaphorizing and employing classified before Nimaic Change in Poetry), Nimaic
symbols for expressing individual affections are Period(including Nimas poetry and his followers),
among the topics of romanticism and this is one of Non-Nimaic (trends such as white poetry, volume
the other axes of the relation of Winter and poetry, new wave, etc) and Post-Nimaic (poetic
Romanticism. trends after 1970s such as Motion Poetry, Language
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