Wheel Load Calculation For Gantry Crane: A. Design Loads 1 Self Weight

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A. Design Loads

1 Self Weight
W Q'ty Total W Height Wxh
(kg) (kg) (m)
Girder + Rail 4,587 2 9,174 13 119,262
Tie Bar Girder 300 2 600 12.5 7,500
Walkway 942 1 942 13.5 12,717
Fixed Leg 7,680 1 7,680 6.5 49,920
Flexible Leg 5,475 1 5,475 7.5 41,063
Hoist and Crab 1,200 1 1,200 13.5 16,200
End Carriage and Drive 2,100 1 2,100 0.9 1,890
Total weight W= 27,171 kg 9.15 248,552

2 Wind Load
2.1 Windage Area Windage Shape A x Cs Height A x Cs x h
A Coefficient h
(m2) Cs (m)
Girder 21.2 1.5 31.8 13 413.4
Leg 12.3 0.5 6.15 6.5 39.975
33.5 1.133 37.95 11.95 453.375

2.2 Wind Load - Operation

Wind speed V= 20 m/sec
Windage area A= 33.5 m2 Normal condition
Drag coefficient Cs = 1.13 949 kg
Wind load F1 = Cs x A x V2/16 = 949 kg

2.3 Wind Load - Storm

Wind speed V= 35 m/sec
Windage area A= 33.5 m2
Drag coefficient Cs = 1.13
Wind load F2 = Cs x A x V2/16 = 2,906 kg
Extreme condition
3 Seismic Load 4,883 kg
Site class SD
Peak acceleration Sa = 0.629 g
Modification factor R= 3.5 (for steel structure)
Importance factor I= 1.0
Seismic load Fs = Sa x I / R x W = 4,883 kg

B. Wheel load
Lifting load WL = 10,000 kg
Hoist and Crab WC = 1,200 kg
Self weight (Fixed) WFX = 14,088 kg
Self weight (Flexible) WFL = 11,883 kg
Rail span LR = 18.5 m
Wheel base LB = 8m
Height _ wind H1 = 11.95 m
Height _ seismic H2 = 9.15 m
Min. distance of hoist LM = 1 m (from rail)

1 Normal condition
P1 = WFX/2 + (WL+WC)x(LR-LM)/LR/2 = 12,341 kg
P2 = F1 x H1 / LB / 2 = 708 kg
Vertical wheel load = 13,050 kg 127.9 kN
Horizontal wheel load = 474 kg (taken by fixed side) 4.6 kN

2 Extreme condition
P1 = WFX/2 + WCx(LR-LM)/LR/2 = 7,612 kg
P2 = Fs x H2 / LB / 2 = 2,792 kg
P= Vertical wheel load = 10,403 kg 102.0 kN
Horizontal wheel load = 2,442 kg (taken by fixed side) 23.9 kN

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