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Prime Minister Narendra Modi Biggest Gift to Indian people..?


After you read this article, you will question, if Rothschild owned British East India
Company has come back disguised as Narendra Modi Government..?

After you read this article, you will question, if Prime Minister Narendra Modi is selling
Bharat Mata into a Whorehouse..?

When UPA Government was in power, India pledges $10 Billion to IMF for Eurozone
all Naqli... Hindutva Organizations led by RSS had no problems with it. These
foreign funded Naqli... Hindutva Organizations, will be looking at the wall,
pretending that they cannot see anything.

How is it that a poor country like India, gives money to IMF..?

Text from the News Report

Los Cabos (Mexico), June 19 (IANS) India Monday pledged $10
billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help
Eurozone countries out of the current crisis and prevent adverse
fallout on emerging economies.
"The International Monetary Fund has a critical, supportive role
to play in stabilizing the Eurozone. All members must help the
fund to play this role," the prime minister told the G20 Summit
"I am happy to announce India has decided to contribute $10
billion to IMF's additional firewall of $430 billion," he said,
also appealing to countries with surpluses such as China to make
similar contributions.
The prime minister began by congratulating the new government in
Greece that is about to take office, as it has given hope that
the debt-laden country will stay in the Eurozone and take up
critical reforms.
"We wish them well and are encouraged by the early statements of

The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by N.M Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the
wealthiest people in the world. The former chief economist of the World Bank, Joe
Stiglitz, pointed out to top executives that every country the IMF/World Bank got involved
in ended up with a crashed economy.
Indian people must boot out Narendra Modi Government in 2019 General Elections, his
government has taken huge loans from World Bank, sinking India in foreign debt. The
money loaned to India by World Bank, actually belongs to Indian people.
If India doesnt boot out Narendra Modi Government in 2019 General Elections, Indian
economy will CRASH. This is a Rothschild conspiracy.
Actually this conspiracy started more than 10 years ago, with UPA Government ( under
Congress President Sonia Gandhi ), all of a sudden India foreign debt ballooned along
with major corruption scams.

Ask Prime Minister Narendra Modi to give a speech on

1. Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam.

2. Who owns Jet Airways..?
3. Rs 55,000 Crore Air India Scam

If thats not possible, he should stop fooling Indian people with ..Mann Ki Baat..

Just Google
India pledges $10 Billion to IMF for Eurozone
10% of rural India lives on less than Rs 17 a day: NSSO survey
Sonia Gandhi travelled in IAF aircraft 49 times in last 7 years
Chiranjeevi refutes having 35 crore in 35 boxes

To all Indians

Mamata Banerjee for Prime Minister

2019 General Elections
10% of rural India lives on less than Rs 17 a day: NSSO survey
was published on Aug 1, 2012
Sonia Gandhi travelled in IAF aircraft 49 times in last 7 years - was published on Jan
4, 2013

RSS, VHP & Hindu Mahasabha was set up before indias independence to defeat / derail
Hindu Nationalism and quietely allow freemason secular political leaders to rule India
without facing any problems. This was a Rothschild conspiracy.

During British Colonial Rule, India was not ruled by Queen of England but by
Rothschilds. After the Revolt of 1857, Indians were told that British East India Company
was abolished and India would be ruled directly by the crown. Rothschild controlled
Indian media did not inform Indian people that Crown didnt imply King or Queen of
Britain, but a secretly and privately-owned Corporation of London, headed again by the

RSS later hijacked Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( founded by Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee )
by first infiltrating it, and hijacking it with the mysterious death of both Dr Syama
Prasad Mukherjee and Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya.

Contrary to what many people believe, Bharatiya Jan Sangh was not founded by RSS
but by Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee, who was originally Minister for Industry and
Supply in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Pt Jawaharlal Nehru.
On 6th April 1950, he resigned from the Jawaharlal Nehru Ministry as a mark of angry
protest against the Indian government's appeasement policy towards Pakistan. As Union
Cabinet Minister , he held Prime Minister Pt Jawaharlal Nehru directly responsible for the
terrible influx of millions of Hindu refugees from East Pakistan, who had left the state
fearing religious suppression and violence aided by the State. Dr. Mukherjee condemned
Nehru's action as a disastrous policy of Muslim appeasement. He was hailed as a great
hero by the people of West Bengal. He also opposed LiaquatNehru Pact that was signed
between Pakistan's Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan and Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru in New Delhi on April 8, 1950

Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( BJS ) was born on 21st October, 1951.

Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee was elected as the Founder President of the Jana Sangh
Party and Prof. Bal Raj Madhok as the First General Secretary. In the General Elections
of 1952, Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee was elected as MP. In New Delhi alone, the
Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( BJS ) won 3 seats.

In 1973, L. K. Advani, who became the Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( BJS ) President, at the
Kanpur session , he blamed Prof Balraj Madhok for leaking confidential information to
the media , and called it breach of party discipline. He was immediately expelled from the
party. RSS also ruined the political careers of large number of genuine and committed
Hindutva Leaders like Balraj Madhok, Manoharlal Sondhi, Pitambar Das and others -- ,
who were originally within Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( BJS ).

Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( BJS ) was the earlier avatar of modern day ( Anti Hindu )
Secular Party - Bharatiya Janata Party.

Today Bharatiya Janata Party speaks about Secularism.

Rothschild controlled Indian media deliberately calls Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee as

Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee, just to mock him.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi The Hindutva Leader roars
If anyone touches my Muslim brother or sister, I wont be sitting idle, says
Narendra Modi
See more at:

India has space for minorities and non believers - PM

Just read L.K Advanis speeches from 1990s.

Former BJP President L.K Advani was the Icon of Ramjanambhoomi Movement.
You will notice that his speeches were littered with statements on abrogation of Article
370, Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Common Civil Code and Swadeshi.

On 18 March,2016 Friday, RSS claimed that Gay Sex is not a crime.

On July 16 , 2016 Saturday, Women and Child Development Minister Menaka Gandhi
urged External Affair Minister Sushma Swaraj, to amend Passport rules that makes
listing fathers name mandatory requirement. To all Indians, this amounts to promoting
single motherhood.

When India gets loans from World Bank, Indian officials put their signatures on a large
stack of documents

1. to sign secret agreements of 111 items

2. in which they agreed to sell off their key assets - water, electric, gas, etc.
3. in which they agreed to take economic steps which are really devastating to the
nations involved
4. in which they pay off the politicians billions of dollars to Swiss bank accounts to do
this transfer of a countries fixed assets

Economic Policies of Narendra Modi Government was openly opposed by former RBI
Governor Raghuram Rajan. Later he was eased out by Narendra Modi government.

The money that India gets as loan from World Bank actually belongs to Indian people.
India actually would not have needed any loan from World Bank, had not PSU Banks
been deliberately bankrupted by UPA Government ( under Congress President Sonia
Gandhi ). This money is now lying in foreign banks owned by Rothschilds, now coming
back as loans from World Bank and FDI. This is why I said, Indians are being enslaved
with their own money. Congress President Sonia Gandhi is known to attend a secret
conference hosted by Rothschild Banking Cartel known as Bilderberg Conference, also
attended by many European and American Leaders.

On assuming office, Narendra Modi government tried to privatize all PSU Banks.
World Bank IMF are not charitable banks but actually loans sharks run by Jewish
Bankers. Narendra Modi Governments ..SHAM.. Development Agenda is based on
loans taken from World Bank.

Indians must question Prime Minister Narendra Modi, what all documents did his
government sign, to get loans from World Bank.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared DEMONETISATION to recapitalize bankrupt

PSU Banks, pretending to fight BLACK MONEY.

What Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had to say on Demonetisation..?

Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh said,

These measures convince me that the way the scheme has been
implemented, it is a monumental management failure and, infact, it is a case
of organised loot and legalised plunder of the common people.

DEMONETISATION was money manipulation ( only known to Rothschild bankers ), was

used by Narendra Modi Government, to take money out of common mans pocket and
deposit it in bankrupt PSU Banks. Many people have called DEMONETISATION as
surgical strike on common mans pocket. Millions of people lost their small savings as a

Google Search
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?

Search -

Ultimate beneficiary of Multi Billion Dollar corruption scams in India is Rothschild

Banking Cartel, as this money gets deposited in foreign banks, only to be recycled as
loans through World Bank and IMF.

India must close down all British Era Newspapers starting with The Times of India,
as these newspapers act like a smoke screen. These newspapers are Anti Hindu, they
deliberately suppress sensitive information from Indian people and indirectly help corrupt
political leaders remain in power.
To all Indians

Mamata Banerjee for Prime Minister

2019 General Elections

Per Capita Debt burden

Per Capita Debt burden is the amount of debt every Indian carries on his head.
You may not have taken any loan from any Indian or foreign bank but the Indian
government has taken a loan from a foreign bank on behalf of the nation, which you have
to repay. This is the amount of debt every Indian carries, whether he is living in a mansion
or he is homeless beggar living on the streets of Delhi or Mumbai.
More than 600 Million Indians live below poverty line, and an 10% of rural India lives on
less than Rs 17 a day, they also carry this Debt burden. This is called Per Capita Debt
burden. Our ..traitor.. politicians ( planted by invisible foreign hand ), take these loans
on behalf of the common man, which we Indians have to repay for the next 100 years.

Search -

I have been trying to get Indias Per Capita Debt burden for the FY 2003, but am unable
to get it. General speculation is that Indias Per Capita Debt burden from March 1991 to
March 2003, stood steady at around US $ 100 ( around Rs 4000 or Rs 4,500).
But after UPA Government came to power - Indias Per Capita Debt burden grew steeply.
But by March 2010, Indias Per Capita Debt burden was Rs 32,812 and
by March 2012, Indias Per Capita Debt burden was Rs 33,000.
But by March 2013 - Indias Per Capita Debt was Rs 41,129.

This happened when UPA Government ( under Chairperson & Congress President Sonia
Gandhi ) was in power.

After Narendra Modi Government came to power

By March 2015 - Indias Per Capita Debt was Rs 44,095.
By March 2016, Indias Per Capita Debt burden Rs 53,796.

Let me ask every Indian, whether you received any benefits for such high loans taken on
your behalf.

How many Indians have Rs 53,796 in their bank account..?

To all Indians

Mamata Banerjee for Prime Minister

2019 General Elections

Many Indians would think just because Indian government is taking loans from foreign
banks, I am not affected, my daily routine is not affected, I am living a comfortable life.
Remember a man living in streets of Mumbai begging for food, he wont be affected,
neither will those teeming millions, who live on less than Rs 50 per day.
Neither will those ..10% of rural India lives on less than Rs 17 a day.. - NSSO
survey will be affected, if Indias foreign debt goes through the roof.
Their daily life wont be affected.

A huge foreign debt will crash Indian economy, in the long run.
You will ask how..?
Imagine you are running a Business, worth Rs 50 Lakhs and earning a profit of Rs
1,00,000 Per month. Unfortunately your father has taken a loan of Rs 100 Crores, from
local loan sharks, which is a part of his gambling debts and this money has gone down the

Now you are asked to repay Rs 5 Crores each month to repay the gambling debts of your
father, by local gangsters or your family will be wiped off by local gangsters. And your
lovely daughters will be taken to local ..Randi ki Mandi.. ( Whore house ), as part of the

If you have to repay your debts for which you are in no way responsible, you will have to
sell off your Business, worth Rs 50 Lakhs, for much smaller sum of money.
You will have to sell off your house, your family jewellary and take more loans from your
relatives and friends to repay local gangsters. Even then you cannot repay Rs 100 Crore
loans. Even in your entire life time you cannot repay Rs 100 Crores loan, taken by your
father. Even if you sons work their entire life, they cannot repay this loans. It might take
generations to repay this huge amount.
This is called debt slavery.
You son will never see happiness in life, neither your grandsons nor great grandsons.
If Indian government cannot repay its debt, Indian economy will crash.
The money in your bank or in your family vault will lose its value overnight.

When former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to resign by Narendra Modi
Government, he told Indian media how savings of Middle class is wiped out by inflation.
Point is that most Indians have no idea how inflation takes place..?

Whether it was UPA Government or now Narendra Modi Government, they take
money from the common man and give it to Rothschilds ; they also share it with big
Business Houses.

What Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had to say on Demonetization..?

Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh said,

These measures convince me that the way the scheme has been
implemented, it is a monumental management failure and, infact, it is a case
of organised loot and legalised plunder of the common people.

DEMONETISATION was money manipulation ( only known to Rothschild bankers ), was

used by Narendra Modi Government, to take money out of common mans pocket and
deposit it in bankrupt PSU Banks. Many people have called DEMONETISATION as
surgical strike on common mans pocket. Millions of people lost their small savings as a

He used the words :

..Organised loot and legalised plunder of the common people...

Frederick Morton wrote in his book, The Rothschilds:

"...the wealth of the Rothschilds consists of the bankruptcy of nations..."

This is what previous UPA Government and now Narendra Modi Government is doing to
India at national level. Narendra Modi Government is sinking India into debt slavery.

Indians never questioned the mysterious deaths of Sardar Vallabhai Patel or Dr Syama
Prasad Mukherjee or Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya..?

To all Indians

Mamata Banerjee for Prime Minister

2019 General Elections

What will happen if Indian Economy will CRASH..?

If Indian economy CRASHES, it will come like a bolt from the blue ( like Lightning ),
over night. Just like it happened with demonetization.
Demonetization never really affected people, who actually had black money like Big
Politicians ( Congress President Sonia Gandhi ) or Liquor Barons like Vijay Mallya, but
common people who lost their small savings or small fortunes.
The same thing will happen if Indian Economy will CRASH.
If Indian Economy will CRASH, Indias middle class will be wiped out.
Demonetization did not affect the middle class, as they had savings in the banks, which
was left untouched by Narendra Modi Government.
If Indian Economy will CRASH, all the savings deposited in Banks will be worth
nothing. All the paper currency we carry in denomination of Rs 100 or Rs 2000, will be
worth nothing. The former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz, pointed out
to top executives that every country the IMF/World Bank got involved in ended up with a
crashed economy. The IMF and the World Bank is 51% owned by the United States

Later former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz, was fired.
And Jim Wolfensen, the President of the World Bank would not comment on his
dismissal. Before Joe Stiglitz was fired he took a large stack of secret documents out of the
World Bank.

If Indian Economy will CRASH, all our top politicians will be safe, as their money is
safely deposited in foreign banks, but Indian rupee will not be worth the paper it is printed

Google Search
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?

India should have never allowed foreign banks in India, which are all owned by Shell
Companies registered in tax havens. Indias No 1 ..Desh Drohi.. Newspaper The
Times of India - has called these foreign Banks ( whose ownership is unknown ) as Indian
banks, just to fool Indian people.

Ask Prime Minister Narendra Modi :

Who owns Jet Airways..?

To all Indians

Mamata Banerjee for Prime Minister

2019 General Elections

Why People are poor..?

What is poverty..?
Poor people usually dont have money.
Read this
10% of rural India lives on less than Rs 17 a day: NSSO survey
60% of population in most states below poverty line ( published on Apr 29, 2012,)

This means close to 60% of Indian people live below poverty and within that another 10%
live below Rs 17 a day. One big reason why India is poor is CORRUPTION.
The money stolen from India goes to foreign banks as US Dollars / Euros.
Rupee loses its value as it gets converted into US Dollars / Euros.
The same money comes back to India as Loan through World Bank or IMF.

So as result of CORRUPTION, there is less of Rupee in circulation and what is more it

doesnt have any value. Another reason why India is poor, is bad economic policies that
was pointed out by former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan.

Published on 16 May 2012

Why Rupee has been the worst performing currency among emerging market peers
in Asia..?

As rupee loses its value, you need more and more rupees to buy the same product or
service. As rupee loses its value, it will lead to inflation. If you are working in a company,
you have to work harder and more hours, to earn the same salary, because the company
would find it expensive to pay your salary. So they want you to work harder and more
hours, to justify your salary. Whats worse there is fewer rupees in circulation.
This is because Rupees gets converted into US Dollars / Euros, before it is sent abroad.
As there is less rupees in circulation, people dont have money to buy products or service.
Since people dont have money, because there is less Rupee in circulation, companies or
businesses go under losses or dont make profits. This means the economy will shrink.
This happened when UPA Government was in power.

OK, who gains foreign banks / foreign companies.

Now Narendra Modi Government is inviting foreign banks / foreign companies to invest
in India, or BUY OUT India. He is literally selling India to foreign banks / foreign

Just like poor people have to sell anything of value to survive, we Indians are forced to sell
our own country to foreigners, just to keep our economy afloat. Narendra Modi
Government insists this must be done because foreign banks / foreign companies will
bring capital. Money belonging to Indian people will be used to buy out India.
Thanks to economic policies of Narendra Modi Government. All this is happening behind
your back, when youth of this country keeps watching cricket matches or Comedy nights
with kapil.

As rupee keeps losing value, Indians will keep growing poorer and poorer. There will also
be inflation, because rupee keeps losing its value. Its a cyclical process. Just like poor
people keep growing poor and poorer.

Google Search
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?

Have you heard this adage :

..Rich keep growing richer and richer while poor keep growing poorer and

If this cyclical process keeps going on and on, one fine morning The Times of India
will happily announce that Indian economy has CRASHED. All of a sudden people dont
have any money to buy anything because Indian Rupee would have lost its value.
All foreign companies will land on India like vultures, buying out anything of value for
pennies to a Dollar.

The biggest reason, why Indian people are poor is that Indian rupee doesnt have any
value. Indian Rupee doesnt have buying power. You need more and more of Rupees, to
buy same product. Poor people have to work very hard to earn more and more rupees.
Since there is less of Rupees in circulation it only becomes more harder for them.

Since there is less of Rupees in circulation in small villages, poor people are forced to
move to Big cities and live in shanties, to earn a living.
Indians must remember that as long as there is corruption, India will have poverty.
All poor countries are ruled by corrupt politicians. The media in their country is controlled
by Rothschilds or their stooges.

To all Indians, if Indian Economy CRASHES, Indian middle class will be wiped out.
India will sink into deep depression and there will be widespread unemployment.

Corrupt politicians grow richer and richer, while poor people grow poorer and poorer.
Published on 16 Febraury 2016 Tuesday,
Did $ 505 Billion flow out of India from 2004 to 2013 illegally, SIT asks DRI..?
An estimated Rs 32,00,000 Crores went out of India between 2004 to 2013, but this
doesnt include Rs 60,00,000 Thorium Scam. This happened when UPA Government was
in power.
Published on March 12th, 2012
Sonia Gandhi 4th Richest Politician in the World: Business Insider Reports

India cannot afford 2nd Term for Narendra Modi as

Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi called small savings of housewives, kept inside Family
locker and small fortunes of traders as Black Money; he did not bother about Billions in
foreign banks. This is what Dr Manmohan Singh called :

..Organised loot and legalised plunder of the common people...

Narendra Modi Government targeted small savings / small fortunes of millions of

common people ; instead of Billions in foreign banks. He called small savings / small
fortunes of millions of common people as BLACK MONEY.

Millions of small traders / housewives, who had kept small savings / small fortunes inside
their homes did not want to be harassed by Income Tax Officials, thereby chose not to
account for their money, this money was passed off as BLACK MONEY by Narendra
Modi Government.
India cannot afford 2nd Term for Narendra Modi as
Prime Minister.

Rs 60,00,000 Crore Thorium Scam

Police Brutality and Abuse of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur
Hindu Nationalist exposes RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
Was former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa Murdered..?
Why former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan was forced to RESIGN..?

On 11th March 2016 Friday, it was reported by The Times of India

Government to unlock US $ 37 Billion in Oil & Gas Reserves

Text of above News Report

Government to unlock US $ 37 Billion in Oil & Gas Reserves
It was reported on 11th March 2016 Friday, Narendra Modi
Government announced a Big Bang Policy measure to unlock
India's Oil & Gas Reserves ( Hydrocarbon Treasure upto US
$ 36 Billion or Rs 2,33,000 Crores ) or 50% crude import
bill estimated for 2015 - 2016, retain and expand amid
low oil and gas prices, as well as to make it easier for
them to do business.

They are Indias strategic Oil & Gas Reserves that are meant to be used only in an
emergency, when India has to face International Sanctions and Economic Blockade in
case of war. They are meant to buffer India against International Sanctions and
Economic Blockade in case of war.

If Indians are serious about fighting corruption, India must close down all British Era
Newspapers starting with The Times of India. These Newspapers are run by Marwari
Business Families, who were once Opium Drug Runner for British East India Company.
Almost all all British Era Newspapers are run by Business Houses, who are fronts for

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