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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development

Office of District Development Committee


Fiscal Year:2073/074
Site Preparation
Surface dressing pots filling, levelling of undulated ground, landscaping all complete work, and Surface levelling
etc.(Survice road)
Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 1-7
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Labours Unskilled 0.01 no. 525.00 5.25
Grand-Total 5.25

Earthwork/ Sand work

Earthwork excavation in hard soil including disposal upto (1.5m lift & 10m lead).
Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 2-2
Quantit Rate per
Resources Level / Type Unit Amount Remarks
y unit
Labours Unskilled 0.8 no. 525.00 420.00
Tools & equipments @ 3% of total labour cost 12.60
Sub-Total 432.60

Earth filling & compaction

Earth filling & compaction in 15 cm layers with sprinkling water (Transporting from 10m)
Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 2-25-Ka
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Labours Unskilled 0.5 no. 525.00 262.50
Materials Soil 1.2 Cu.m 0.00 Soil from out of side
Tools & equipments @ 3% of total labour cost 0.00
Sub-Total 262.50

Stone Soling
Dry stone soling
Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 11-16
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1 no. 740.00 740.00
Unskilled 3.5 no. 525.00 1837.50
Stone 1.1 m 1650.00 1815.00
Sand 0.71 m 1600.00 1136.00
Sub-Total 5528.50
Stone Masonry
Random rubble masonry work in 1:6 cement mortar including providing block stone up to 5m height (Transporting from 10m)

Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 6-1-Ka-3

Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1.5 no. 740.00 1110.00 997.5
Unskilled 5 no. 525.00 2625.00 2350.00
Cement 0.106 MT 13334.00 1413.40 1413.40
Sand 0.47 m 1600.00 752.00 681.50
Block Stone 1 m 1265.00 1265.00 1500.00
Bond Stone 0.1 m 1265.00 126.50 150.00
Sub-Total 7291.90

Brick Masonry
Brick masonry work in 1:6 cement mortar above ground floor with providing chimney made bricks (Transporting from 30m)

Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 5-1-Kha-3 & 5-2-Kha

Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1.5 no. 740.00 1110.00
Unskilled 2.2 no. 525.00 1155.00
Bricks 560 no. 14.69 8226.40
Materials Cement 0.07 MT 13334.00 933.38
Sand 0.3 m 1600.00 480.00
Unskilled 0.7 no. 525.00 367.50
Materials 3% of Labour cost 78.98 78.98
Sub-Total 12351.26

Cement Concrete Work

Cement concrete work in super-structure, deck, slab, beams i ncluding providing materials and haulage distance upto 30m

P.C.C. (1:1.5:3)

Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 7-4-Kha

Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 0.8 no. 740.00 592.00
Unskilled 7 no. 525.00 3675.00
Cement 0.4 MT 13334.00 5333.60
Sand 0.425 m 1600.00 680.00
20mm Aggregate 0.57 m 1935.00 1102.95
10mm Aggregate 0.29 m 1950.00 565.50
Sub-Total 11949.05
Cement concrete work in foundation, floor, walls & abutment (plum concrete) including Supply of materials and
haulage distance upto 30m.
P.C.C. (1:3:6)
Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 7-1-Ka
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 0.30 no. 740.00 222.00
Unskilled 4.00 no. 525.00 2100.00
Cement 0.22 MT 13334.00 2933.48
Coarse Sand 0.47 m 1600.00 752.00
Materials 20mm River bed Aggregate 0.60 m 1485.00 891.00
10mm River bed Aggregate 0.20 m 1485.00 297.00
225mm Boulder 0.14 m 1650.00 231.00
Sub-Total 7426.48

Steel Work
Curtailment, bent up, placing & binding the MS bar with binding wire as shown in drawings including haulage distance 30m.

Analyzed for: 1 MT Norms S.N. 7-5

Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 12.00 no. 740.00 8880.00
Unskilled 12.00 no. 525.00 6300.00
MS Bar 1.05 MT 83702.50 87887.63
Binding Wire 10.00 kg 94.36 943.60
Sub-Total 104011.23
For 1 kg 104.01

Plastering Work
12.5mm thick 1:6 cement sand plaster wall/floor
Analyzed for: 100 m Norms S.N. 12-1-Gha
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 12 no. 740.00 8880.00
Unskilled 16 no. 525.00 8400.00
Cement 0.382 MT 13334.00 5093.59
Sand 1.57 m 1600.00 2512.00
Sub-Total 24885.59
For 1 m 248.86

Painting works
Two coat white washing on new surface Wall
Analyzed for: 100 m Norms S.N. 13-1-Kha
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1.5 no. 740.00 1110.00
Unskilled 1.1 no. 525.00 577.50
White Lime 22 kg 26.84 590.48
Gum 0.88 kg 310.75 273.46
Sub-Total 2551.44
For 1 m 25.51
Painting works
Applying distemper paint
A. Primer
Analyzed for: 100 m Norms S.N. 13-3-Ka
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 2 no. 740.00 1480.00
Unskilled 2 no. 525.00 1050.00
Materials Primer 8 litres 395.50 3164.00
Sub-Total 5694.00
For 1 m 56.94

B. One coat
Analyzed for: 100 m Norms S.N. 13-3-Kha
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 2 no. 740.00 1480.00
Unskilled 2 no. 525.00 1050.00
Materials Dry Distemper Powder 6.5 kg 310.75 2019.88
Sub-Total 4549.88
For 1 m 45.50
C. Second coat and every other additional coats
Analyzed for: 100 m Norms S.N. 13-3-Ga
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1.8 no. 740.00 1332.00
Unskilled 1.8 no. 525.00 945.00
Materials Dry Distemper Powder 5 kg 310.75 1553.75
Sub-Total 3830.75
For 1 m 38.31
For one coat on primer 102.44
For two coat on primer 140.75

Flooring works
38mm thick 1:2:4 cement concrete flooring
Analyzed for: 10 m Norms S.N. 11-1-Kha
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1.25 no. 740.00 925.00
Unskilled 2 no. 525.00 1050.00
Cement 0.13 MT 13334.00 1733.42
Materials Sand 0.18 m 1600.00 288.00
12mm Aggregate 0.36 m 1935.00 696.60
Sub-Total 4693.02
For 1 m 469.30
3mm thick cement punning
Analyzed for: 10 m Norms S.N. 11-20
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1 no. 740.00 740.00
Unskilled 1 no. 525.00 525.00
Materials Cement 53.2 kg 13.33 709.37
Sub-Total 1974.37
For 1 m 197.44

Wood Work
Local wood work for choukosh
Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 10-1
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 34 no. 740.00 25160.00
Unskilled 3.4 no. 525.00 1785.00
Local Wood 1.1 m 53558.00 58913.80
Materials Holdfast 92.00 no. 17.75 1633.00
Screw 184.00 no. 1.00 184.00
Sub-Total 87675.80

38 mm thick solid panelled shutter using Sisauml Wood

Analyzed for: 2.114 m (Size 1.07m x 1.982m) Norms S.N. 10-2
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 10 no. 740.00 7400.00
Unskilled 1 no. 525.00 525.00
Sisaum Wood 0.084 m 130447.20 10957.56
100mm Hinges-Kabja 6 no. 33.90 203.40
150mm Towerbolt-Chheskini 1 no. 67.80 67.80
Materials 340mm Towerbolt 1 no. 169.50 169.50
250mm Locking Set 1 no. 282.50 282.50
6'' Handles 2 no. 56.50 113.00
Screws* 48 LS 1.00 48.00
Sub-Total 19766.76
Rate per m 9350.41

Wood work for beam,column etc.using local wood

Analyzed for: 1 m Norms S.N. 10-17
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 17.65 no. 740.00 13061.00
Unskilled 1.76 no. 525.00 924.00
Local Wood 1.05 m 53558.00 56235.90
Nails LS kg 100.00 100.00
Sub-Total 70320.90
Roofing Work
Roofing work by 26 gauge coloured CGI sheets including providing CGI sheets
Analyzed for: 10 m Norms S.N. 9-1
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1.1 no. 740.00 814.00
Unskilled 1.25 no. 525.00 656.25
22*24 C.G.I.Sheet 12 m 633.56 7602.72
8mm Nut Bolt 30 no. 11.30 339.00
J Hooks 25 no. 20.98 524.50
Bitumen Washer 55 no. 0.34 18.70
Sub-Total 9955.17
For 1 m 995.52

28 gauge colour G. I. plain sheet including supplying of materials, J or L hooks, nut bolts, washers,
Ridge covering with
fixing of C.G.I sheet over roofing members in proper slope and size
Analyzed for: 10 r.m. Norms S.N. 9-2
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 2 no. 740.00 1480.00
Unskilled 3 no. 525.00 1575.00
Plane Sheet 12 r.m. 417.47 5009.64
J Hooks 20 no. 20.98 419.60
Sub-Total 8484.24
For 1 rm 848.42

Form Work
Form work for beams, slab in structure including, screening, fitting, oiling, dismantling, removing and transporting up to 30m

A) For Slab
Analyzed for: 10 m Norms S.N. 8-2-Ka
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 1.72 no. 740.00 1272.80
Unskilled 2.57 no. 525.00 1349.25
Wood* 0.06575 m 53558.00 3521.44
Nails 2.5 kg 113.00 282.50
Sub-Total 6425.99
For 1 m 642.60
* Assuming timber and ballies will become unserviceable after being used for 8 times

B) For Column-circumfrance upto 2m height

Analyzed for: 10 m Norms S.N. 8-3-Ka
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 3.748 no. 740.00 2773.52
Unskilled 5.622 no. 525.00 2951.55
Wood* 0.06575 m 53558.00 3521.44
Nails 2.5 kg 113.00 282.50
Sub-Total 9529.01
For 1 m 952.90
* Assuming timber and ballies will become unserviceable after being used for 8 times
C) For Beam-Depth of beam upto 30cm
Analyzed for: 10 m Norms S.N. 8-4-Ka
Rate per
Resources Level / Type Quantity Unit Amount Remarks
Skilled 4 no. 740.00 2960.00
Unskilled 6 no. 525.00 3150.00
Wood* 0.06575 m 53558.00 3521.44
Nails 2.5 kg 113.00 282.50
Sub-Total 9913.94
For 1 m 991.39
* Assuming timber and ballies will become unserviceable after being used for 8 times

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