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Role of Studio Exercises in Digital Design Education

Case Study of the Nine-Square Grid

Turul Yazar1, Oya Pakdil2
Yldz Technical University Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey
Yeditepe University Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract: This paper is about short term and contextually limited kit-of-
parts exercises in architectural education. Studio exercises are one of the
key educational tools in architecture, which should be reconsidered with the
developing technologies. As design computing becomes the mainstream thinking
in architecture, the need for not only renewed studio exercises but for new
educational frameworks becomes an essential issue. Thus, in this paper we will
be proposing a different perspective on digital studio education, by explaining
the fundamentals of studio exercises and their digital transformation potentials.
Our experience with one of the most common kit-of-parts exercises, the nine-
square grid, as a computational design problem for the first year students will be
presented here as a part of this on going study.
Keywords: Digital design education; learning models; studio exercises; the
nine-square grid.

Context highlight the need for a new educational framework

in architecture.
When a common teaching approach fails to meet In this paper, we propose a down-to-top per-
the pedagogical requirements of a shifting para- spective on how to transform traditional studio
digm, the search for new educational frameworks tools and methods into their contemporary digital
begin. This paper is about a similar transformation counterparts. The purpose of this perspective is to
on contemporary architectural education, notably emphasize the importance of down-to-top pedago-
on design studios. Experimental digital studios in gy-focused integration of any theory into the edu-
architecture are a fast developing research area in cational studio, rather than a top-to-down theory-
parallel to the associated theories and methods focused integration. The pedagogical intention of
of design computing. There are significant studio the studio instructor has a key role in this integra-
experiments especially in the last decade (Oxman, tion process. To crystallize this intention, we can be
2008, olakolu, 2008; 2007; Yalnay-inici more provocative, by classifying studio instructors, 2008; Ync, 2007; Burry, 2005; zkar, 2004; as traditional studio instructor and digital studio in-
Celani, 2002; Brusasco, 2000; Knight, 1999) that structor; and compare their design understandings.

Session 04: CAAD Curriculum 1 - eCAADe 27 145

It can be claimed that traditional studio instructors If we admit the reality of digital transformations
heed the final product, whereas the digital studio on architectural design, the general assumption
instructors focus on and evaluate the process of de- of learning by doing would not be enough to
sign, This observation leads us back to think about answer some of the fundamental questions of
the fundamentals of design teaching and design contemporary Digital Design Studios. One sig-
learning again. nificant transformation in architectural design
is the shift of focus from design objects, to de-
Learning by cognitive construction in sign processes. Then, our first question should
digital design studio be how design learning happens, without
physically creating it? If we assume the design
In this paper, we propose a transformation of a tra- process itself as a design output, we frequently
ditional teaching method based on a general learn- translate above notion into learning by design-
ing model. In order to develop this; first, we should ing the design process. However, this also wont
define the learning model by asking the above help us on answering the cognitive learning
question of how design learning happens? This question how?
assumption would lead us to construct a teaching The educational method of student-centered-
method, adding the question when design learning studio is also not enough; and can easily be-
happens? come a studio-centered-student conception.
Contemporary learning models of Behaviour- We should re-think about the educational set-
ism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Humanism ting of architectural studio, without any presup-
represent the fundamental assumptions on how and position about when design learning happens?
when human learning happens. It might be useful to
translate these general assumptions into architec- Kit-of-parts: Parametric language of the
tural studio context, while searching for a new teach- Nine-Square Grid
ing method. In contrast to the Behaviourist model,
which defines passive behaviour as the cause and Any Constructivist assumption about human learn-
the only evaluation criteria of any learning activity, ing does not direct to a single teaching method only
the Constructivist learning model claims that, learn- by itself. One can pursue a highly didactic learning
ing is an active construction of knowledge. environment assuming a Constructivist learning
In My Pedagogic Creed, Dewey (1897) denotes perspective. However, when a design studio instruc-
the theme of modern education. He mentions that tor realizes that students construct their own design
institutional systems should have a student-cen- knowledge, the first pedagogic step is usually divid-
tered perspective. When architectural design edu- ing the studio structure into several modules, creat-
cation is concerned, this manifest means learning- ing more explicit and isolated pedagogical parts. In
by-doing. Whereas it shouldnt be misinterpreted this paper we call the tools used in these educational
as learning by creating physical artifacts, which parts as short-term and contextually limited studio
points a behaviourist model in studio learning and exercises.
evaluation. We believe, behaviourist learning model, Studio exercises are highly productive and con-
focusing on the final artifact instead of the process tinuously evolving educational tools with numerous
itself, does not meet the requirements of contempo- interpretations on various studio settings. Generally,
rary digital design education Therefore, in order to they are used to conduct a Constructivist learning
develop a new educational framework, some of the environment that tends to focus on limited issues
studio concepts should be re-defined, such as; such as formal and spatial reasoning, functional

146 eCAADe 27 - Session 04: CAAD Curriculum 1

relations or building performances. Short-term or at design studios all over the world (e.g. Gr, 2003;
contextually limited studio exercises are usually Subotincic; 2007).
developed at introductory years, to develop the ba- Caragonne (1995) describes the exceptional ed-
sic design capabilities of students. One of the most ucational atmosphere that created the Nine-Square
influential aspects of these exercises is the require- Grid exercise. According to him, Slutzky, with a paint-
ment for spatial reasoning, based on abstract form ing background and special interest in Gestaltic en-
relations. Kit-of-parts is the conception emerged closure, developed a two-dimensional basic design
from this Gestalt, which reflects the relationship be- exercise using an already known frame base. Later,
tween abstract parts and the spatial composition as Hejduk, one of the most active members of this ener-
a whole. getic group, discovered the spatial potentials of this
The nine-square grid is one of the most com- exercise, interpreted verticals and horizontals as post
mon kit-of-parts exercises in design studios since and beam, creating the fundamentals of the Nine-
more than 50 years. To explain briefly, the nine- Square Grid (Figure 1 and 2). Love (2004) emphasizes
square grid exercise is based on the transformation the two sources, who influenced the exercise. One of
of a nine-square grid into a series of alternatives, them is Wittkower, who analyzed the Palladios vil-
using a pre-defined kit-of-parts and a set of rules. It las in basic three-by-three diagrams, a nine-square
is an open ended educational application with a lim- grid. The second source of this exercise was Arnheim,
ited but flexible context, which can have infinite in- who developed the psychology of form based on the
terpretations to meet various studio objectives. The principles of German gestalt theory (Arnheim, 1954).
nine-square grid exercise is developed by Robert Love (2004) argues that, the nine-square grid is the
Slutzky, John Hejduk, Colin Rowe and Lee Hirsche, ideal geometric format for understanding the inter-
instructors with revolutionist spirits, along with relation between building components regarding
their colleagues in a short, but inspiring educational their spatial qualities. Although the effects of Mies
program at Texas University School of Architecture and Le Corbusier on the developers of this exercise
between 1954 and 1958. Since then, numerous in- is obvious, its new potentials and emerging possi-
terpretations of this exercise have been carried on bilities are surprisingly open ended. Kalfazade (2004)
Figure 1
Kit-of-parts exercise,
the Nine-Square Grid
(Hejduk, 1999)

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describes its diagrammatic potency as infinite to Figure 2
Frame of the Nine-Square
generate form, although its essential elements are Grid (Caragonne, 1995)
limited by pedagogical intentions.
In this paper, the digital potentials of the nine-
square grid exercise will be emphasized, as a case
study of kit-of-parts conception in studio, which are
based on our experiments and observations with
various interpretations.

Our arguments about the relationship between Digi-
tal Design methods and traditional kit-of-parts exer-
cises include: introduced in the last decade.
Short-term exercises are educational tools based To benefit from the digital technologies in creat-
on a Constructivist studio setting, which focuses ing studio tools, regarding their virtual capabili-
on the studio process rather than the final arti- ties that overcome the physical constraints of
facts. Therefore, their evaluation criteria are also their traditional counterparts.
process-based. The proposed digital transformation of a studio
Regarding computer programming paradigms, exercise can be analyzed in several phases. They are
kit-of-parts exercises represent the object-orien- the computerization phase, computational integra-
tation, which is one of the foundations of para- tion phase and metamorphosis phase. There is also
metric modeling in design computing today. one alternative transformation method that includes
Short-term exercises are common studio tools, the computational integration without a computer-
with numerous experiences at the schools all ization process. These phases are briefly explained
over the world since more than 50 years. It ba- below:
sically seems to be an open door for a down- The computerization phase is the basic simula-
to-top transformation of pedagogy in archi- tion of a traditional studio exercise in a computer
tectural education. Because when we use the software. On this phase of transformation, origi-
term, transformation of pedagogy the most nal exercise is analyzed into its kit-of-parts and
significant element of this process seems to be kit-of-rules, then synthesized into a computer-
the down-to-top transformation of the design aided version utilizing the object-orientation as
instructors. a basis. Our first working prototype of this phase
is a scripted algorithm, created within a contem-
Method porary visualization software in order to benefit
In order to activate the potentials mentioned above, from its ready-implemented functions (Figure
we propose a digital transformation process of 2). The GUI shows our intention to create a basic
traditional studio exercises. Objectives of this trans- tool with easiest perceptual qualities (Figure 3).
formation are: The integration of computational methods
To benefit from the past experiences of architec- includes various alternatives that emphasize
tural education. We define a down-to-top trans- the parametric underpinning of the exercise.
formation of traditional design exercises, as an Amongst the preliminary potentials, we may
alternative to a top-to-down approach of todays count the implementation of rule-based, agent-
computational exercises such as the Shapers based and evolutionary algorithms, perfor-

148 eCAADe 27 - Session 04: CAAD Curriculum 1

mance analysis and kinetic compositions. How- Discussion
ever, they might not create amazing graphical
outputs, but these implementations may cre- Abstraction of form and limitation of context are
ate and preserve the necessary focus on these powerful constructivist educational approaches in
issues, using the one of the most fundamental studio. The parametric version of the Nine-Square
spatial characteristic of architectural design, a Grid exercise experimented in this paper showed us
simple pedagogic frame. a new way of integration of digital design thinking
In this down-to-top transformation, the meta- and methods into design studios, utilizing and trans-
morphosis of an exercise is regarded at a point that forming these approaches. The integration of com-
the main characteristics of the original exercise to- putational thinking in contemporary architecture
tally transform, creating a totally different exercise. depends on such improvements not only with new
The main characteristics of the nine-square grid can tools and techniques used in the studio, but also
be interpreted as a geometric system or the design new developments on the pedagogic formations.
domain of spatial reasoning. When the transformed Digital transformation of a studio exercise not
exercise extends its limits, it can be regarded as a to- only means a change of representational medium,
tally new exercise. but also an intellectual and pedagogical shift. Stu-
dio exercises are powerful tools that can be utilized
Preliminary findings for the integration of contemporary design thinking
First experiments on this on-going research project to architectural education. Design exercise in archi-
include the simulation of the Nine-Square Grid by tecture is an old but important field because of its
computer software. This computerization process flexibility and potential of evolution. We suggest
immediately showed us new potentials, triggered the emerging field of interdisciplinary tool devel-
by the inevitable transformations on representation opment for architectural design in general, should
medium. Undergraduate students of architecture also include an educational framework. New design
experimented both computerized and original ver- exercises should be developed in order to meet the
sions of the nine-square grid within an introduc- requirements of new design thinking and practice.
tory studio structure (Figure 4), revealing the basic Managing this framework is important, regarding
advantages of the computerized version in terms of a downtoup integration of the new design para-
rapid design exploration. The first observations indi- digm into the contemporary constructivist digital
cate that, the integration of computational thinking design studio.
into the exercise has great pedagogical potentials.
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Computerized Nine-Square
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Figure 4
First student experiments of
the tool

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