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Water Innovations for Food Security:

Aquaponics on South Andros, The Bahamas

A report by:
Allison Platt
Alister Wood
Carly Hall
Meagan Erhart
Jake M Serago

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 4

1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 6


2.1 A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ..................................................................................................... 9

2.2 MODERN AGRICULTURAL CHALLENGES ................................................................................. 11

3.0 THE PROJECT SITE: SOUTH ANDROS HIGH SCHOOL ................................................... 17

3.1 SOUTH ANDROS ...................................................................................................................... 17

3.2 SOUTH ANDROS HIGH SCHOOL (SAHS) ................................................................................ 18
3.3 SAHS SCHOOL MEALS ............................................................................................................ 19
3.4 AQUAPONICS ........................................................................................................................... 20

4.0 PROJECT COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................ 22

4.1 WATER .................................................................................................................................... 23

4.2 WATER SOURCE ...................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 WATER QUALITY .................................................................................................................... 24
4.4 RISKS AND CHALLENGES ......................................................................................................... 25
4.5 PUMP DESIGN ......................................................................................................................... 27

5.0 POWER ........................................................................................................................................ 29

5.1 AERATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 29

5.2 SUMP PUMP ............................................................................................................................. 30
5.3 BACKUP POWER SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 30
5.4 POWER IN THE BAHAMAS ....................................................................................................... 31
5.5 EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................. 33

6.0 AQUAPONICS VIRTUAL VIEW.............................................................................................. 36

6.1 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 37

6.2 LITERATURE SUPPORT ........................................................................................................... 38
6.3 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 39
6.4 EXAMPLE OF USING THE AQUAPONICS CALCULATOR .............................................................. 39
6.5 ENTRY DEFINITIONS: .............................................................................................................. 44

7.0 PROJECT OUTCOMES .............................................................................................................. 46

7.1 TECHNICAL .............................................................................................................................. 46

7.2 SOCIOLOGICAL ......................................................................................................................... 46

8.0 FUTURE OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................................... 48

8.1 AQUAPONICS DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................. 48

8.2 SOLAR INSTALLMENT .............................................................................................................. 49
8.3 ACQUIRING A FULL TIME EMPLOYEE ..................................................................................... 50
8.4 EXPANSION OF THE AGRICULTURAL PROGRAM ..................................................................... 50
8.4.1 INCREASED DRIP IRRIGATION ..................................................................................................50
8.4.2 DIVERSIFY CROP TYPES ............................................................................................................51
8.4.3 POULTRY AND EGG PRODUCTION ............................................................................................52
8.4.4 PRODUCE PROCESSING, PACKAGING AND DISTRIBUTION CENTER .......................................52

9.0 POTENTIAL FUNDERS ............................................................................................................ 56

9.1 FUNDING MATRIX METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................ 56

9.2 FUNDING MATRIX ................................................................................................................... 57
9.3 FUNDING SOURCE LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS ..................................................... 67

10.0 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................ 68

11.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 70

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................................... 74

APPENDIX A: PROJECT BACKGROUND .......................................................................................... 75

APPENDIX B: TIMELINE ................................................................................................................. 77
APPENDIX C: AQUAPONICS RESOURCES ........................................................................................ 79

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Top Ten Commodities Available for Consumption in 2011 within the Bahamas (FAO
2003) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2: Percentage of DES by major food groups (FAO 2003) ...................................................... 15
Figure 3: Map of the Bahamas. Island of Andros highlighted in blue. Blue pin marks the location
of South Andros High School .......................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4: Map of South Andros High School Campus ........................................................................... 19
Figure 5: Cabbages from Agricultural Field ............................................................................................. 20
Figure 6: Tomatoes from Agricultural Field............................................................................................. 20
Figure 7: Aquaponics Cycle (FAO, 2014) ................................................................................................... 20
Figure 8: Aquaponics Systems Map ............................................................................................................. 22
Figure 9: An idealized cross-section through a typical limestone or coral island, showing the
main features of a freshwater lens (UNESCO, 2003) ............................................................................ 23
Figure 10: Team members and Trenton Durant inspecting fish tank seals................................. 27
Figure 11: Superior Pump 91025 Performance Curve (Performance Pump, 2015) ................ 28
Figure 12: Aquascape Pond Air 4 (Aquascape, 2015) .......................................................................... 29
Figure 13: Superior Pump 91025 (Superior Pump, 2015) ................................................................. 30
Figure 14: Aquabackup BatteryonPlus (The Aquaponics Source, 2015) ..................................... 30
Figure 15: Location of South Andros Substation (BEC, 2015) .......................................................... 32
Figure 16: Electrical Fuel Surcharge (BEC, 2015) ................................................................................. 33
Figure 17: Classroom instruction by team................................................................................................ 34
Figure 18: Construction of shade structure. ............................................................................................ 50
Figure 19: Field agriculture grown tomatoes .......................................................................................... 51
Figure 20: Field agriculture grown cabbages .......................................................................................... 51
Figure 21: Shredded Cabbage and Tomato Jam labeling ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Executive Summary
The Bahamas is heavily dependent on other nations for food, which poses possible risks to
human health, environmental sustainability, and economic viability. In order to help address
food system concerns in the Bahamas, South Andros High School (SAHS) in Kemp's Bay, South
Andros, has undertaken an aquaponics project to educate students about sustainable food
production and to supply the community with fresh fish and vegetables. This project was
initiated in late 2014 as part of an existing collaboration between students and faculty from
SAHS and the University of Vermont (UVM). In 2015, students and faculty from the Water:
Systems, Science and Society Program at Tufts University were invited to join the project to
address a back up power system, as well as water quality testing, water flow and residency, and
supplemental materials. The goals of the Tufts project were to help in implementing an
aquaponics system and its success and integration to support the needs of the community. This
report describes the results of the project as well as the opportunities, challenges, and possible
directions for future growth and expansion of the project.

The report begins with a brief history of agriculture in the Bahamas, outlining the societal and
environmental barriers that have thus far limited the development of a strong agricultural
sector. We outline the case that a strengthened agricultural sector is necessary for addressing
food-security challenges in the Bahamas, and that low-input forms of agriculture, such as
aquaponics, are of particular relevance for resource-stressed islands like South Andros.

While working at SAHS in March 2015, the WSSS team addressed both social and technical
aspects of the aquaponics system for South Andros. Technical components included the
installation of a backup pump with battery power, the identification of water leaks in the
aquaponics system, and the development of water quality testing procedures. During class time,
SAHS students participated in these activities to help them understand the system in greater
detail. SAHS students were also engaged in discussions around food security and health, as a
means of understanding the greater significance of the project for South Andros and the
Bahamas as a whole. Meetings were also held with the Island Administrator, Mr. Gregory

Knowles, and school superintendent, Mr. Sheldon Gibson, reinforcing the importance of the
project for the region and garner continued support in the future.

In this report, an overview of the design and construction of the aquaponics system at SAHS is
provided and discussed, accompanied by an spreadsheet-based aquaponics calculator that
provides basic information on inputs and outputs for the system. The tool is designed to be
used by SAHS students as a way to understand the feed-to-fish weight ratio, a guiding principle
fundamental to successful aquaponics farming.. Finally, a list of future needs for the program is
provided as well as opportunities for growth, supported by a matrix of potential funders.

During our time at South Andros High School, we worked closely with faculty and students to
expedite the process of construction on the aquaponics system, securing leaks and addressing
engineering challenges. Referencing several scientific studies, a spreadsheet based tool and
tutorial were developed as educational material to teach the use of Microsoft Excel, clarify
select aquaponics principles and introduce the practical value of scientific research.
Additionally, we created a detailed matrix of potential funders, which can be used to raise
revenue to further support this project and the agricultural science program at large at SAHS.
The objectives of this project were successfully fulfilled and will lead to the successful
achievement of the overarching goals of SAHS and ultimately greater food security within
Andros Islands and the Bahamas at large.

About the Authors
Allison Platt
Allison is currently a masters candidate pursuing her M.A. in Urban Environmental Policy and
Planning from Tufts University. After finishing her Bachelors degree in Environmental Policy with
a minor in International Relations at UC San Dieg , she spent a year traveling and volunteering in
Asia, mainly India. This is the third environmentally focused international project she has been
involved with. Her current interests include best management practices for sustainable living
communities and the nexus between food, energy, and water.

Alister Wood
Alister is currently pursuing an M.S. in Environmental and Water Resource Engineering at Tufts
University. Previously he received Bachelors in Chemical Engineering as well as a Bachelors in
Business Management at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia.
During, and following the completion of his bachelor degrees he worked for a variety of
organizations, including a municipal water company, recycled paper manufacturer, polymer
manufacturer, and an information technology marketing startup. His current interests are focused
on the intersection of environmental science, sustainable lifestyles, and food security. How
economics can be utilized as a persuasive measure to advance an agenda of environmental

Carly Hall
Carly is a Master's student at Tufts Universitys Friedman School of Nutrition Science and
Policy. She studies Agriculture, Food, and Environment and also pursues studies within the
notorious Water: Systems, Science, & Society. Carly holds a Bachelor of Science from her
undergraduate institution, the University of Minnesota, in Environmental, Science, Policy, and
Management with an emphasis in Planning, Policy, Law, and Society. She's worked at both non-
profits and for-profits in the hopes of fostering a sustainable food future.

Meagan Erhart
Meagan Erhart is a masters candidate at Tufts University, pursuing a dual degree from the
Medical School in public health and the Food, Agriculture, and the Environment program at the
Friedman School of Nutrition with a concentration in global health. Previously she spent two
years as an Americorps VISTA at a community organizing group, where she worked
to empower youth leaders through food and agriculture education. She graduated from UVM in
2010 where she studied sociology, nutrition, and sustainable food systems.

Jake M Serago
Jake M. Serago is a Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate student at Tufts University.
After he graduated from Arizona State University in Civil Engineering he worked as a hydrologist
for the Flood Control District of Maricopa county. He became the primary hydrologist on
numerous watershed master studies and storm water master plans. He is very interested in the
interactions between land-use and water planning.

1.0 Introduction
Like many island nations, the Bahamas depends almost entirely on food imports to meet the
needs of its populations. Water is often scarce on many of the islands, where ground water
serves as the only source of potable water, and much of the region is prone to seasonal drought.
Resource scarcity and high importation costs result in high food prices and a reduction of
nutrient-rich foods. Consequently, in recent decades, the Bahamas has seen a drastic increase
in diseases associated with diet including coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (FAO

Recognizing the potential of local agriculture to combat the problems of increasingly strained
resources and health disparities, South Andros High School (SAHS) has committed to
developing a productive agricultural campus, which may serve as a model of place-based
learning for other Bahamian and Caribbean schools to replicate. South Andros High School
currently hosts two acres of drip-irrigated vegetable gardens, a productive hydroponics unit,
and a chicken hatchery and coop.

SAHS school faculty constantly seeks new opportunities to engage students in ways that are
beneficial to the community as a whole. For this project, our client, Mr. Trenton Durant, the
agricultural science teacher at SAHS, sought partners to assist with the construction of
innovative agricultural practices that will provide learning opportunities for his students while
also supplying the island with fresh produce. This led to a connection with Arts Riot, an art and
social justice organization based out of Burlington, Vermont, and through this another
connection was established with Professor Walter Poleman of the University of Vermont. For
the past two years, Professor Polemans classes have traveled to South Andros during winter
break to work on the construction of various sustainability projects on the campus, including
the hydroponics and aquaponics systems.

SAHS has identified aquaponics as a way to increase the communitys agricultural production
while conserving local resources. Due to the engineering components of an aquaponics system,
Professor Poleman reached out to his colleague, Professor John Durant of Tufts University,
whose specialty is in water resource engineering, to collaborate on the future direction of the

As faculty leader of the Water: Systems, Science, and Society (WSSS) graduate research and
education program, Professor Durant decided to incorporate the project as one of the options
for the required WSSS practicum, a semester-long project built on a client-consultant model. A
partnership between Tufts University and SAHS was initiated, and in March of 2015, five Tufts
University graduate students (i.e., the authors of this report) and Professor Durant traveled to
the island to assist in the construction and maintenance of the aquaponics system started by
UVM and SAHS students.

The WSSS program is designed to provide Tufts graduate students with interdisciplinary
perspectives and tools to manage water-related problems around the world, and is comprised
of graduate students from six schools across the University. The five students participating in
this project study a range of topics including engineering, urban and environmental policy,

planning, public health, nutrition, and sustainable agriculture. Each student brought to the
project a unique perspective and skillset, which proved to be beneficial to the project.

Research on land use, food production, dietary patterns, and agricultural history reinforced the
need for this type of project in the Bahamas, which is demonstrated in the historical context
sections of the report. The project objectives were to:

1. Help with the construction and development of the aquaponics system at SAHS
including instruction of water quality testing, installation of back up power system, and water
flow rate and residency;
2. Develop an excel-based software tool to help educate SAHS students on the
components of an aquaponics system as well as calculate the costs and benefits of said system;
3. Identify potential funders to help secure the growth and progression of the SAHS
Agricultural Science Program and student-driven enterprises.

This report explores the history of agriculture in the Bahamas, the challenges that have the
greatest impact on agricultural development today, and the health outcomes that result from a
lack of agricultural investment. We introduce the setting of the project, South Andros and the
Bahamas more generally, and discuss our experiences on the island and at the school. The
mechanics of the aquaponics system is explained so that it can be easily understood and
replicated. This is further demonstrated through the aquaponic spreadsheet calculator, which
is designed to assist in the decisions regarding stocking and feeding and is intended to be used
by students in the classroom. Finally areas of future growth and potential funders are

2.0 Agriculture in the Bahamas and the Need for Low Input Agriculture

2.1 A Historical Perspective

To better understand the context of this project, it is important to understand the agricultural
history of the Bahamas. Agriculture is deeply rooted in the colonial history of the country, with
settlers first arriving in the late 1500s and early 1600s. Under colonial rule (1718-1973), two
types of agriculture were predominant in the Bahamas:

1. Capitalistic: plantation farming & forestry development

2. Non-capitalistic: Peasant farming and small cash crops (e.g., sisal, citrus, tomatoes,

Farming during this period was practiced mainly to meet basic survival needs. While there
were attempts by the government to invest in agriculture, they were for the most part
unsuccessful (Eneas, 1998, and Hedden, 2011). The first governmental agricultural authority of
the Bahamas, the Agriculture & Marine Products Board, was created in 1925. This served as the
governing authority for agriculture in the country for 40 years but was largely understaffed.
Agriculture was long considered a peasant industry within the Bahamas until the 1950s and
60s, when the government began to recognize its economic potential. While several attempts to
promote agriculture as an economic producer were explored, these largely failed due to the
push to create an export market within the Bahamas (Eneas, 1998 and Hedden, 2011). With
little support for domestic infrastructure, produce often went bad before it was ever put onto
the market. This, coupled with a reluctant labor supply and lack of scientific investigative
facilities, led to the collapse of the operation. In the 1950s, for example, farmers were
encouraged to grow okra and tomatoes for the export market to the United States and Canada.
At the time, The Nassau Produce Exchange did not have a cold-storage facility and only limited
storage space for crops; this left many canneries with more produce coming in than they were
able to export; thus, efforts failed.

In 1973, the same year the Bahamas gained independence, the nation received a ten million
dollar grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development to build the Bahamas
Agriculture Research Training and Development Project (BARTAD) on North Andros. This
facility consisted of a 500-acre station with 16 pilot test farms. The project proved promising,

and 45 farmers were able to complete a three-month training course (Eneas, 1998). In 1974,
the Cooperative Societies Act was created in order to better channel information to
farmers; this created farmers associations whose purpose was to inspect tomatoes and
encourage agricultural fairs and expositions. During this time, the Ministry of Agriculture
Advisory Committee was also created to encourage young Bahamians to seek career
opportunities in the agricultural field. In 1981, the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial
Corporation became the regulatory agency for ownership of commercial operations in
agriculture, industry, and manufacturing. Two years later, the Bahamian government took over
BARTAD and administrative problems led to the loss of its research and satellite farms,
ultimately leading to its demise. The site of BARTAD is now the site of a new agricultural
endeavor led by the government, the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute
(BAMSI), which has the potential to partner with SAHS in the coming years.

By the 1990s, revenue was dependent on customs duties and food imports exceeded $200
million per year, accounting for 20% of all foreign exchange earned from tourism at the
time. Recognizing the need for increased agricultural investment, the government
implemented the Agricultural Land Use Policy in 1992, leasing land for agricultural
development at low interest rates.

In spite of this policy, current agricultural growth has remained small within the Bahamas. A
number of societal barriers still exist to the successful implementation of agricultural
incentives. These include few opportunities in agricultural science and training, especially at
the university level, difficulty obtaining key inputs, and little access to capital (Eneas, 1998).
This pattern has continued and the Bahamas is now essentially completely dependent on
foreign trade for its food supply.

2.2 Modern Agricultural Challenges

The Bahamas currently imports 90-95% of their food products (FAO, 2003), which amounts to
about $500 million spent on food imports annually (FAO, 2003, and Smith & McCann, 2014).
Many Bahamians are concerned about the growing dependency on the United States and other

nations for goods, especially food; this is an issue that became increasingly apparent after the
September 11th terrorist attack in the United States, in which the Bahamian population was
isolated from almost all imports. In an article published in the Nassau Times reflecting on the
ten-year anniversary of 9/11, Phillip Galanis, a former Parliamentary member stated that,

We (the Bahamas) have essentially adopted many of the security procedures of

the more developed societies without really being proactive and progressive in
developing those things that will assist us in absorbing the external shocks that
could result from the reoccurrence of a similar catastrophe. For example, we
have done little to enhance our food security. In those days following 9/11, when
air and sea transport were at a standstill and we were cut off from all imported
supplies, we learned that we had but a matter of weeks-worth of food at any
time on this island. Today we are still too overly dependent on imported
products, most notably food.
(Galinas, 2011)

In this article, Galinas also argues that the Bahamas needs to diversify their economy and
address their dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil. The Bahamian government has
identified agriculture as an increasingly important sector capable of diversifying the economy
and reducing foreign dependency (Eneas, 1998). This also demonstrates the need for solutions
in the Bahamas that address the energy-water-food nexus.

Currently in the Bahamas, the contribution of agriculture to the GDP is small, comprising less
than 2% in 1996 (FAOSTAT 2002). There are a few organizations and more local farms that are
working to localize the Bahamian food system; however, they run the risk of becoming a
boutique market that only caters to the upper class or the expatriate community living in the
Bahamas. Much of what is locally grown is exported or used by the tourism industry.
John Hedden of the Nassau Institute argues that apart from subsistence production purely for
survival, the Bahamian agricultural sector is a myth and a non-contributor to any recognizable
part of the economy and that Bahamians have been actively encouraged to move away from

agricultural and menial work into tourism and financial services, leaving the perception that
agriculture is demeaning and subservient work, close to being on welfare (2011). Relating
back to the SAHS aquaponics project, this is why it was necessary to consider the cultural
barriers and perceptions of agriculture in the Bahamas. This is in alignment with several food
justice authors that warn that an act seen as positive and empowering from a local food
perspective reflecting white cultural histories can be perceived as an unwanted reminder of
past injustices from a black cultural perspective (Agyeman, 2013).

While its subtropical climate is ideal for agriculture, the natural landscape in the Bahamas also
presents challenges to agricultural development. Nutrient poor soils with a high limestone
content require heavy fertilization, which is both difficult and costly to obtain on many of the
islands and presents a risk of run off into precious freshwater reserves. As a result of shallow
profiles and frequent limestone outcroppings, the soil does not lend itself well to traditional
mechanized agriculture. Water scarcity is also an issue. Rainwater captured in the ground is
the only source of freshwater for the islands, and many are prone to seasonal drought. As a
low-lying archipelago, the islands are highly vulnerable to natural disasters such as hurricanes
and flooding (GEO Bahamas, 2005).

Due to the fact that all seeds, fertilizers, and inputs must be brought in from the United States,
Godfrey Eneas, of the Bahamas Department of Agriculture, argues that there is a need for Low
External Input Agriculture (LEIA) in the Bahamas. Aquaponics is one such method. He also
argues that there should be more funding and research into LEIA and indigenous agricultural
practices, such as pothole farming (Eneas, 1998). Due to these issues and many more,
investment in alternative forms of agriculture may be the key to a strengthened agricultural
sector, and as climate change drives storms become more frequent and intense over the coming
decades, investment is more important now than ever (GEO Bahamas, 2005).

A Land Resource Survey of the Bahamas found that the nation has a total agricultural potential
of 191,700 acres, of which Andros has the greatest agricultural potential of 100,000 acres,
followed by the Pine Islands of Abaco (50,000 acres) and Grand Bahama Island (30,000 acres)

(Eneas, 1998). The climate provides opportunity for crops such as cabbage, tomato, squash,
lettuce, melons, sweet potatoes, cassava, okra, mango, coconut, neem, and other herbs. A
strengthened agricultural sector would allow Bahamians to locally source foods that currently
must be imported.

Imports result in a high cost of living in the Bahamas and many other island nations. Food
prices in the Bahamas are greater than the United States due to import costs and fees, as well as
the implementation of a Value Added Tax (VAT) of 7.5% on all products, implemented in
January 2015. This regressive tax makes the cost of living extremely high for Bahamians,
especially since minimum wage sits around $4.45 per hour. Thus, while food scarcity is not a
problem for the islands, high costs of living are often prohibitive to consuming a nutrient-rich

2.3 The Bahamian Diet & the Need for Affordable, Accessible Food
Meals in the Bahamas usually include some kind of chicken, meat, or seafood, such as snapper,
grouper, or conch. Side dishes are generally french fries, casserole macaroni and cheese, rice
and peas, fried plantains, or a simple salad of iceberg lettuce, tomato, and onion. Dietary
patterns for the typical Bahamian
are similar to those observed in the
U.S, with high intakes of cereal and
refined grains, processed snacks,
sugar sweetened beverages, and
meat and animal products. Today,
fish makes up a relatively small
portion of the diet compared to
other meats (FAO 2003). This is
indicative of a dietary shift that is
commonly seen as developing
countries become more developed
and gain purchasing power. The

Figure 1: Top Ten Commodities Available for Consumption in 2011 within the
Bahamas (FAO 2003)
shift away from traditional diets in favor of a more processed Western style diet is commonly
referred to as the nutrition transition (Popkin 2001.) This transition is reflected in the FAOs
list of the Bahamas top commodities available for consumption, Figure 1, coupled with Figure
2, which displays the top percentages of Dietary Energy Supply (DES), or food consumption, in
the Bahamas. Non-communicable diseases associated with overweight and obesity are now
some of the greatest contributors to morbidity and mortality.

Figure 2: Percentage of DES by major food groups (FAO 2003)

Today, 69% of the adult population in the Bahamas is overweight and 35% is obese. 41% have
high blood pressure, and 52% have raised blood cholesterol levels. Three of the six top causes
of death in 2003 were heart disease, cancer, and diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases commonly
associated with a Western style diet (FAO, 2003 and Ruiz-Nez et al, 2013). Globally, many are
recognizing that malnutrition now takes the face of both obesity and hunger, and often the two
coexist (Kalhan, 2009.)

The World Health Organization discusses food security as an umbrella of three components
food availability, food access, and food use- which must be met to obtain basic appropriate food

for a nutritious diet (WHO, 2015). They identify food security as a critical issue in the coming
years, especially given the increasing pressures on the environment due to overpopulation,
dwindling resources such as water, and climate change. Food sovereignty, treating food as a
human right and reorienting production to prioritize self-sufficiency, has been identified as a
way to address food security. Many authors also discuss food sovereignty as a way to create
sustainable and just communities (Agyeman, 2013).

As outlined above, the need for alternative agriculture in locales such as the Bahamas is
great. In particular, the Bahamas largest island, Andros, has been designated as the nations
agricultural landscape. This project, the construction of an aquaponics system, has the capacity
to provide a local, healthy food source for the community, and to provide youth with both an
understanding of the need for agricultural development and the technical skills to become
involved in the Bahamian food security movement. Aquaponics systems provide a low input
way to localize food production.

3.0 The Project Site: South Andros High School
3.1 South Andros
This project takes place on South Andros, a district located south of the archipelago that makes
up the island of Andros, the largest island of the Bahamas. The district is home to
approximately 3,600 people, a fraction of the 7,500 Bahamians who inhabit the island of
Andros (Department of Statistics of the Bahamas, 2010). With a population density of
approximately 3 people per square mile, South Andros is a prime spot for tourists attracted to
off-the-beaten-path destinations (The Islands of the Bahamas, 2015). Eco-tourism and sport-
fishing are some of the islands biggest industries, generating an estimated total of $70 million
and $43.6 million in revenue, respectively (Hargreaves-Allen, 2010.); however, the island runs
the risk of overfishing due to poor national control measures and increased demand (Kramer et
al, 2003). Andros is commonly cited as the largest and most sparsely developed island in the
Bahamas (The Islands of the Bahamas, 2015); as a result, many of the goods, products, and
materials are imported. The high cost of transportation and import taxes result in high food and
consumer product prices.

Figure 3: Map of the Bahamas. Island of Andros highlighted in blue. Blue pin marks the location of South Andros High School

There is one main road on the island, The Queens Highway, which runs 40 miles along the east
coast of South Andros and connects the community from Driggs Hill to Mars Bay. Abutting this

road are several stores, residential housing, and lodging units for tourists, scuba divers, and
sport fisherman with a few bars and restaurants. A mail boat, which comes to Andros once a
week from Nassau, brings the majority of all imports and supplies to the island, from milk to
petrol to vegetables.

The community of South Andros faces the same food, water, and energy issues facing the
Bahamas at large. Import costs are extremely high due to its remote location, posing economic
challenges for many households within the community. There is limited opportunity for
students after high school on South Andros, leading many youth to leave their birth island to
pursue opportunities in New Providence. While the government recognizes that agriculture
should be a top priority and has recently established the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine
Science Institute (BAMSI) in North Andros, little has been done to connect high school students
from South Andros High School to BAMSI. The most common post-secondary school option for
students of SAHS is the College of the Bahamas.

3.2 South Andros High School (SAHS)

South Andros High School (SAHS), located in Kemps Bay, is one of the only schools on the
southern portion of the island. SAHS educates 150 seventh through twelfth graders from all


Figure 4: Map of South Andros High School Campus

over South Andros. The school offers students the opportunity to participate in a variety of
community and academic activities such as basketball, debate, woodworking, and agriculture.

Over one-half of the student body participates in

agricultural education. The school is dedicated to
developing sustainable, place-based education and
production enterprises, with a hoophouse, drip
irrigation, and hydroponics system already in place.
Faculty reports that since the installation of the
hydroponics system at SAHS, there has been an
increasing interest in agricultural science and
understanding of food systems at the school.
Figure 5: Cabbages
Figure 4: Cabbages from
from Agricultural Field
Agricultural Field
Last summer, five students were even able to
visit Burlington, Vermont as part of the ongoing partnership between SAHS and University of
Vermont. The SAHS agricultural program has begun to produce cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, and
celery, which are sold to parents and community members and the local grocery store, Seaville.
Members of the community expressed that they are extremely grateful for the Agricultural
Science Programs capacity to supply the community with fresh produce at better quality and at
lower prices. They report that the high schools crop fields are the largest on the island, and
their produce is the freshest available out of the produce they have access to. However the
agricultural program at the school is currently seasonally limited and requires importation of

3.3 SAHS School Meals

Students may bring a packed lunch to school, but the majority of students purchase food from
food trucks that are available in the school parking lot. Many of the complete meals include
chicken and rice, and may include a small side as well. Prices vary, but meals tend to stay under
$7.00, depending on how many sides or processed snacks are purchased.

While the produce cultivated from this project will not go
directly to school lunches, it does have an impact on student
dietary patterns, as many students snack on some of the
vegetables from the garden.

3.4 Aquaponics
Aquaponics is a type of low input system designed for the
production of freshwater fish and the cultivation of vegetables

Figure 6: Tomatoes from Agricultural Field and herbs. It is a combination of two well-known food
cultivation strategies: hydroponics, in which vegetables are
grown with water as the medium instead of soil,
and aquaculture, in which aquatic animals are
farmed. Possible cultivation products include
tilapia, herbs, leafy greens, tomatoes, and
An aquaponics system is known for its ability to
re-circulate its nutrient-filled water and act as a
closed-loop system. The growth of the system
takes place in grow beds, tanks, and a series of
piping that allow the water to circulate. In a
functioning system, fish produce ammonia
through waste, the water is sent through
biofiltration, the waste is turned into nutrients for
Figure 7: Aquaponics Cycle (FAO, 2014)
the plants, and the water returns ammonia-free
to the fish. The system is designed so that water and nutrients are conserved and recycled, both
of which are key attributes in areas with limited fresh-water resources.

The system is almost entirely self-sufficient, save for energy inputs, fish feed, and iron, as
needed. Aquaponics do not require the same amount of inputs as conventional farming, thus
reducing strain on the local ecosystem.

Aquaponics design is ideal for this region, as it is "resilient to floods, hurricanes, and drought.
They are often made from concrete, so there is some amount of durability. They are self-
sufficient and use 90% less water than other conventional farming practices (Gardner, 2014).
The systems are scalable and versatile, adaptable to both rural and urban settings.

4.0 Project Components

Figure 8: Aquaponics Systems Map

Aquaponics integrates ecological components and relatively simple technologies to minimize

inputs of fertilizers, pesticides and water, and to minimize wastewater volume and pollutant
concentrations as well as soil erosion. In a recirculating system, the water is treated through
natural functions of the nitrogen, pH and plant cycles and then recycled, continuously being
filtered through natural processes. By replicating the ecosystem behavioral function as seen
above in Figure 7, aquaponics makes practical use of the symbiotic relationship between three
primary groups of organisms: fish, plants and bacteria.

This recirculating system is designed to harvest fish and plant crops while relying on relatively
small volumes of water. Recirculating aquaponics technologies have been extensively
researched by Timmons and Ebeling (2010,) and research continues to expand with support
from academic institutions such as the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) and the Southern
Regional Aquaculture Center (SRAC) at Mississippi State University.

4.1 Water
Water supply and quality are the most important factors to creating a healthy symbiotic
environment. To a large extent, the balance of nutrients and biochemical reactions in the water
determines the success level of an aquaponics operation. Quality and availability of a water
source is fundamental to selecting a proper site for operation. Considerations regarding the
supply and quality of water used in the SAHS aquaponics system are described below.

4.2 Water Source

A good source of water for an aquaponics system should be free of excessive nutrients,
chemicals or heavy metals. Variations in these levels should be consistent or at least
predictable. Additionally, the source should be reliable in terms of availability, transportation
and volume. SAHS owns and operates its own private ground-water well system, powered by
electricity, and a hydropneumatic tank, which maintains sufficient pressure and supply for all
the schools operations. The SAHS aquaponics project sources water from this groundwater

Figure 9: An idealized cross-section through a typical limestone or coral island, showing the main features of a freshwater lens
(UNESCO, 2003)

Groundwater is typically an ideal water supply because of its relative overall quality compared
to surface water sources such as lakes and rivers. Preference is given to groundwater from a
well because it is usually free of surface contaminants (UNESCO, 2003) and does not risk
transporting unwanted organisms into the aquaponics system. Drawbacks to the use of
groundwater are a result of its chemical composition. Groundwater usually has low levels of
dissolved oxygen, which must be artificially increased through the use of aerators in order to
sustaining life and nutrient balance in both the fish rearing tank, biological filter and plant grow
beds. Water from subsurface aquifers may also contain high levels of minerals, metals or gases,
which can be harmful. These shortcomings can be remedied, through monitoring groundwater
quality, or rainwater capture, storage and reuse. The SAHS system is completely reliant on
groundwater, the quality of which has not been assessed.

With respect to water resources, the long-term success of the project is dependent on the
sustainability and reliability of the aquifer, which is composed of karstic limestone. Freshwater
is easily extracted because the water table is typically within 5 feet of the surface lying just
above shallow saline water. An average annual precipitation of 40 inches recharges the aquifer
rapidly and regularly.

4.3 Water Quality

Critical water characteristics must be carefully measured and maintained within proper ranges
to assure optimized performance of the organisms and to secure success. The water quality
constituents of highest importance are temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia and pH. If
production guidelines are followed then pH is the only parameter that requires frequent
monitoring (Rakocy, 2006). Aquaponics studies in Appendix C provide considerable guidance
on water quality thresholds, monitoring techniques and management solutions to maintain or
restore vital balance between the biological and chemical constituents.

Fish are cold-blooded and thus biologically affected by temperature. Temperatures should be
steady within 14C-36C, with the optimal range from 27C-30C (Somerville et al., 2014).

Temperature also affects nitrification rates of bacteria, pH and nutrient absorbability of plant

Maintaining adequate oxygenation is vital to the health of the organisms. Oxygen must be
added at a rate that is at least equal to the rate of consumption by the fish and bacteria.
Stocking density of the fish is therefore limited by the amount of oxygen that can be dissolved
into the water. The recommended dissolved oxygen range is 5-7 mg/L (FAO, 2014). Therefore,
it is advised that the back-up power system be regularly tested and secondary aeration systems
be available.

The principal nitrogenous waste generated by fish is ammonia. Treatment and decomposition
of the ammonia into a nutrient that is both beneficial to the plants and non-harmful to the fish
is the principal purpose of the re-circulating technique. Ammonia exists in two compounds,
ionized and un-ionized. While all forms of ammonia are harmful to fish, un-ionized ammonia is
especially hazardous. Levels are dependent upon temperature, pH and composition of feed and
feed rate. If the biofilter is healthy and properly cared for, it will convert the harmful
compounds into innocuous or healthy nutrients.

The pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration, which affects many other water quality
parameters and biochemical processes of the system. Fish can tolerate wide ranges of pH but
levels are best between 6.5-8.5, although nitrifying bacteria may be less productive at levels
greater than 7 pH. Testing the alkalinity of the source water is important because an alkaline
buffer can protect against the effects of drastic pH changes in a short period.

4.4 Risks and Challenges

The suitability of the aquifer for agriculture and human consumption is threatened by saltwater
intrusion from over-pumping, climate change, and contamination from dumping and sewage.
Sea-level rise or reduction of rainfall places the shallow aquifer at great risk of saltwater
intrusion (USACE, 2004). Groundwater pumping can exacerbate saltwater intrusion through
the effect of up coning: a cone-shaped rise of saltwater beneath the freshwater lens as

freshwater is extracted from a well. The effect of salinity on plants varies but sodium is
generally toxic to plants and may render the water source unusable for aquaponics (FAO,
2014), thus saltwater intrusion could be potentially detrimental to the SAHS agriculture
program and especially to the aquaponics system. An electrical conductivity meter could help
by allow the students to monitor salinity levels, and rainwater could be collected and used for
dilution if salinity levels were to rise.

Protection, monitoring, and management of the aquifer is essential to ensuring the success and
continuance of the agricultural program. Waste disposal practices and water withdrawal rates
should be adjusted to ensure the continued vitality and quality of the aquifer. Shallow
groundwater table, permeable sands, and infiltration of rainwater make the aquifer extremely
susceptible to contamination from the disposal of organic, industrial, and sewage wastes
percolating into the water table. Septic tanks, cesspools, pit latrines, disposal wells, and any
surface contaminant all pose a risk of contamination (UN, 1997). Sea level rise and changing
precipitation patterns are outside the control of the local users of the aquifer, but precautions
can be taken to improve the resilience of the agriculture program to potential changes in the
quality of source water. A future extension of this project could be the instigation of a ground
water quality monitoring program. This program will require additional equipment and
training for SAHS, but will seek safeguard the quality of the aquaponics systems water source.

The aquaponics system is designed to conserve water by continuously treating and recycling it.
Losses from the system will occur from leakage, evaporation, transpiration and consumption by
the fish, plants and bacteria. Regular maintenance requires outflow to remove settled solids.
Occasionally, the system may need to be flushed or at least supplemented. In an emergency
situation, the system may fail without an adequate reservoir. Therefore, the system will be
reliant on the operation of the pump and deliverability of a power source.

Power outages could be a concern, but presently they are not expected to impede the progress
of the project due to the fact that a rechargeable battery system was designed and installed to
provide power during power outages. Additionally, the system should be frequently monitored

for the presence of leaks, as these could compromise delivery by reducing the available
pressure head in the pump system.

4.5 Pump Design

Water movement is fundamental to
transporting nutrients and solids through
the system. Without proper water
movement, the dissolved oxygen would
deplete and waste would accumulate to
levels fatal to the fish within hours or less,
depending on the system design.
Additionally, without adequate water
Figure 9: Team members and Trenton Durant inspecting fish tank seals
movement through the deep-well grow
beds, the water can become anoxic and stunt the growth of the crop.

A re-circulating system is dependent on gravity to move water through the system. In

circulating the water, returning it to the highest point requires an external energy source. For
the SAHS aquaponics system, this external source was designed to be an electrical submersible
impeller pump which would need to perform while continuously submerged, include an
automatic shut-off capability, have low power demand, and lift water at 10 feet of total head at
a flow rate of less than 10 gallons per minute. Height from the bottom of the sump to the top of
the fish tank, positive suction head, and losses through the hose were considered in head
calculation. The design flow rate was based on the retention times within each phase of the
aquaponics system, which are reported in Table 1.

The undersizing of the clarifier and biofilter mean that they are the design bottleneck.
Retention time in these compartments is estimated at less than 5 minutes, which should be
adequate for biofiltration, but the water will likely be too agitated to mechanically filter the
solids well. Filter media may need to be placed inside the tank to screen solids, an additional
part of the system which will require occasional cleaning.

Common guidance suggests that the entire system should be circulated every 1 2 hours for
densely stocked tanks (Somerville et al., 2014). However, longer residence time in the growth
beds is tolerable because it allows for nutrient uptake. The pump performance curve is shown
in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Superior Pump 91025 Performance Curve (Performance Pump, 2015)

Volume (gal.) Count Surface TOTAL VOLUME Retention

Area (ft ) (gal.) Time (hrs.)
Fish Tank 400 1 400 0.67
Clarifier 32 1 32 0.05
Bio-filter 32 1 32 0.05
Sump 32 1 32 0.05
Grow Bed 1795 1 160 1795 2.99
Table 1: Experimental aquaponics system design sizing

5.0 Power
The aquaponics system has two power requirements: the aeration system, which supplies the
oxygen for the fish and plants, and the sump pump, which re-circulates the water from the grow
beds to the fish tank.

5.1 Aeration system

In its current state, the system consists of two aerators and a third backup unit. The operational
units will be supplying air in the fish tank and the grow bed [brand Aquascape Pond Air 4, (11W,
0.1A per unit)], to ensure a dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of 4.0-6.0 mg/L, the UVI
recommended range. Each aerator supplies 3500 cc/min. of air to the water, distributed
through four air discs per aerator. The air discs will be placed in the fish tank and the grow bed.

Figure 11: Aquascape Pond Air 4 (Aquascape, 2015)

The connection between the supply of oxygen and the fish is critical to the functioning of the
aquaponics system. Without constant power to the air discs, the likelihood of oxygen
deprivation to the fish rapidly increases. The survival time of fish without a constant oxygen
supply is dependent on a number of factors including, fish stocking density, water and ambient
air temperature, and turbidity of the fish tank, but the time frame can be as short as 12-24
hours for tilapia if DO concentration reduces below 4 mg/L (FAO, 2014). The supply of oxygen

to the plant roots ensures growth, as nitrifying bacteria become inefficient at dissolved oxygen
concentrations below 2 ppm (FAO, 2014).

5.2 Sump pump

The HP Pump (Superior Pump, model no. 91025) requires a total of 3.6
A of power to supply the (flow rate of 10 GPM) from the grow beds to the
fish tank. A backup pump of the same model is available, should failure
occur with the operation of the unit.

Figure 12: Superior Pump 5.3 Backup power system

91025 (Superior Pump,
As noted above, the supply of oxygen to the fish, bacteria, and plants is
crucial to the long-term functioning of the aquaponics system. A battery
powered backup system was determined to be the most cost effective alternative given the
time, logistics and cost. Other backup systems considered were a solar or gasoline powered
generator. The cost and logistics of material acquisition for a solar backup system were
determined to be infeasible given the tight budget and timeframe of the project. In the future,
however, solar power as a primary or backup source will be a key feature of the intended
system. Potential funding sources for solar power for the system will also be later discussed.

The backup power system consisted of an Aquabackup

BatteryonPlus, with the additional DC-AC inverter (Whistler Pro
400W) for the AC pump, and 1400 MCA 8D 12V Deep Cycle Marine
Battery to provide the charge. The backup system is designed to
supply power to the fish tank aeration system rather than the
pump. As the tilapia are the most time sensitive to oxygen
depreciation, the backup power system was sized based on the 6
Figure 13: Aquabackup
hour average time period of power outages that occur on South
BatteryonPlus (The Aquaponics
Source, 2015) Andros (personal correspondence, Trenton Durant, 2015).

A 0.1A power draw from the fish tank aerator, paired with the 1400 MCA Deep Cycle Marine
Battery will give approximately 25hrs of backup power to the system (The Aquaponics Source,
2015). This setup is in line with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 589, which states that

Air pumps are an irreplaceable component of aquaponic systems, and many systems have
been saved from catastrophic collapse because of an abundance of DO. If possible, it is
preferable to use a combination AC/DC air pump in case of electricity shortages, because
when disconnected from AC power during an outage, the charged DC batteries can
continue working.
(FAO, 2014)

5.4 Power in the Bahamas

Electrical power in the Bahamas consists of AC 110-120 Volts, which is the same as the United
States power supply (this is an important factor for the supply of electrical equipment to the
island nation). South Andros is supplied by Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC), from a
(33kW capacity) diesel powered sub-station (Smith & McCann, 2014), see figure 16. The
distribution system is largely affected by three major island specific factors; load shedding,
extreme weather events, and supply of diesel to the substation.

Figure 14: Location of South Andros Substation (BEC,

Load shedding, commonly referred to as brown outs, is the process of planned switching off of
electrical supply to parts of the electricity network for energy management purposes. This
typically occurs in response to events of high power usage across the network. High
temperature days would be an example of this, as an increased volume and intensity of air
conditioner use would cause significant strain on the network. The Bahamas distribution
system is further threatened by hurricanes and tropical storms, leading to blackouts and severe
power outages in some instances. The restoration of the power system after an outage can take
days (Smith & McCann, 2014).
South Andros is reliant on the regular import of diesel to fuel its electrical substation, and any
number of factors could disrupt this critical link in the generation of power for the island. These
include variations in the cost per barrel for petroleum and supply chain breakdowns through
extreme weather events or shipping issues. The price of diesel forms part of the cost per kWh of
electricity. See figure 17 below for historic fuel costs in the Bahamas over the period between

Figure 15: Electrical Fuel Surcharge (BEC, 2015)

Electrical costs for commercial operations consist of a base electricity rate of 15c per kWh to as
high as 24c per kWh in 2008, not accounting for fuel costs (BEC, 2015). The cost of electrical
supply is of critical importance in calculating the payback period of any alternative system of

5.5 Education
A crucial component of this project is that there is a community in place to ensure the
sustainability of the project, including an engaged student body. The Agricultural Science
Program works together with the home economics and electricity classes in many of their
projects. As the agricultural science teacher, Trenton is consistently integrating concepts from
the hydroponics and aquaponics system into his curriculum, and the students are heavily
involved with all the Agricultural Science Program projects. There is a great deal of support at
South Andros in helping to implement the Agricultural Science Program, including the Principal
of SAHS, Shena Duncombe, and the Superintendent of Education for the Island.

Trenton currently teaches 7-12th graders. While each grade explores themes related to
agricultural science and is involved with the programs projects, the students involvement with
the hydroponics and aquaponics systems increases as they progress to higher grades. This year,
the agricultural science students were particularly involved with the systems grow beds and
shade structure design and construction as well as hydroponics, field crop production, and
hatchery management.

During our time at SAHS, we were able to work with the students on the aquaponics system. We
prepared a lesson for them on water quality testing so that they would be able to monitor the
water quality of the aquaponics system once functioning as well as the hydroponics
system. This lesson plan can be found in the supplemental materials of this report. The lesson
explores topics such as pH, ammonia, and the nitrogen cycle.

Figure 16: Classroom instruction by team

We also prepared a PowerPoint presentation for the class that discusses the topics: food
security, the history and current state of agriculture in the Bahamas, food health and safety, and
future opportunities in agriculture in the United States and the Bahamas. In addition to its
relevance to agricultural science students, this material can be integrated into lessons in other
classrooms at SAHS, such as food safety and health through the home economics class. The
electricity class is also able to participate in this project due to the power aspects of the system.
To help further allow students to engage and understand the aquaponics system, we created an
excel-based virtual view of the aquaponics system, which can also be explored in their

computer science classes. This allows students to see the intersections of their course work
culminated into one single project.

6.0 Aquaponics Virtual View

To further the educational component of this project into the SAHS Agricultural Science
curriculum, an aquaponics excel calculator was developed. This Aquaponics Excel Calculator is
designed for the use of Trentons students to help understand and simplify the complex nature
of the Aquaponics system. The excel calculator will be able to measure the costs and benefits of
the aquaponics system, while predicting future yields of fish and produce. It can also be used as
a tool to monitor and track pH, water quality, and water temperature.

The aquaponics calculator was initially created to aid in the selection of a water pump to meet
the needs of the system. It was then developed to perform additional calculations which could
be helpful to the students using the SAHS system. A spreadsheet tool, such as Microsoft Excel, is
useful for performing routine calculations in which the formulas are constant and the number
used in those formulas change. For example, pumping rate values in gallons per minute can be
entered into one cell and the tank retention times in hours will be calculated automatically.

We decided to expand the functionality of the calculator after reviewing many reports and
articles that presented ratios and equations useful for estimating things such as how much fish
food the system will need. The calculator can now be used to estimate the Fish-to-Feed ratio, a

measure of how many pounds of fish food are required to gain one pound of fish mass, suggest
an amount of daily food, and indicate whether water quality conditions may be adequate.

Additionally, the calculator is useful for data recording. By measuring the water quality and
recording the values over time, the project becomes a continuous learning experience, which
improves the probability of success of the project.
The calculator is not a substitute for reason or common sense. A proper understanding of what
the calculator does and how it does it, as well as having a place to record data, will allow the
user to see how the system has performed in the past and help her make better decisions for
the future.

The tool is intended to be helpful for the student interested in agriculture and in computer
applications. While the tool has primary functions right now, it is intended to be changed and
improved by the student. This is a starting point from which students can tailor the calculator
to do exactly what it needs to do in order to help students make the best decisions regarding
their agriculture projects. Learning to use Microsoft Excel will be useful in almost any future
application, as it can be designed to automate many types of formulae.

6.1 Methodology
The following steps were taken to construct the excel calculator:
Researched the literature, reports, documents etc. to find the recommendations and ratios
which may be informative and useful.
1. Using this available information, the information desired was considered and known
and unknown information were identified. Then steps to calculate the values desired
from the known data were brainstormed.
2. Created columns for known data, unknown or variable data, and output (values to be
3. Inserted list menus for variable data, or data that should be selected from a table by
using Data Validation tool.
4. Added comments by right clicking a cell and selecting Insert Comment from the menu.

5. Cut-Copy cells to move them around the sheet while retaining their formulas and source
6. Formated colors, font and layout to define user options and asthetic appeal.

6.2 Literature Support

Many reports about aquaponics document the importance of feeding ratios. These may include
feed to fish, feed to volume, or feed to growing area ratios. All of these ratios are important in
determining the amount of the primary input: fish food. As one of the main components used to
control nutrient balance and water quality, ensuring the proper amount is critical. The ratios
will be unique to each system and they will change over time as numbers and sizes of plants
and fish change. The value of previous research, and the aim of the aquaponics calculator, is to
provide a baseline or starting point to finding the best ratios.

SRAC publication No. 452, titled Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production Systems, provides
information about ratios that have been built into the calculator. Table 5 on page 7 of this
report presents the amount of food that is consumed by a typical warmwater fish, which is
reported as a percent of the fishs body weight. Assuming that this percent stays constant, the
fish will consume more food as it grows. In fact, the table indicates that as fish grow they
consume a lower percentage of their own body weight, though the volume consumed may still
be greater.

Stocking densities are reported as low (0.1 lb/gal), medium (0.25 lb/gal)and high (0.5 lb/gal).
These are recommendations from FAO Small-scale aquaponic food production and also from
SRAC publication No. 452. The procedure of measuring fish growth over a certain period and
adjusting feed ratios based on their previous growth also comes primarily from SRAC
publication No. 452.

The water quality tolerance levels are currently based on recommendations in FAO Small-scale
aquaponic food production on page 16, Table 2.1. These are the water quality levels in which
nitrifying bacteria function best. Other studies may report the best conditions for the fish or for

specific plant species. Conditions of the system or system configuration from which these
values are derived were not reported.

6.3 Limitations
As mentioned above, to use the calculator as intended the student will need to understand how
it works and how to modify it. An important requirement for using the calculator is an
understanding of the limitations of the tool.

The calculator is designed specifically for the aquaponics system configuration of SAHS. The
volumes can be changed by the user, as can the pump rate. Formulae that depend upon ratios
are reliable inasmuch as the data used to calculate the ratio. These should be verified by
scientific research as the project continues. Ongoing publications of systems elsewhere should
continue to be investigated so that these ratios can be updated as needed.

The calculator has not been tested on new users. It has not been evaluated for ease of use or
understanding. It may be limited by the available options in drop down lists. However the user
can modify these by making adjustments to the appropriate table in the Reference Tables tab.

Most importantly, the results of the calculations are based entirely on information acquired
from various reports of successful aquaponics projects. The values from this calculator, which
are products of the assumed ratios, must therefore be tested and checked for reliability. They
should not be assumed to be absolute rules but should be taken as general guidelines.

6.4 Example of using the aquaponics calculator

An example of using the aquaponics calculator will be demonstrated here. This can be used as a
teaching tool for students at SAHS.

Suppose we want to know the pumping rate that will assure retention time in the grow beds
(the amount of time the water is in the grow bed) is less than 3 hours. Note that initially the
data in Retention Time says #DIV/0!; this is an error that is being reported because of the way

this parameter is calculated. Click on a cell in the Retention Time column to see the formula.
Notice that it is the quotient of two other cells and that Pump is the denominator. When this
value is 0, the error shows because a number cant be divided by zero.

Volume (gal.) Count Surface TOTAL VOLUME Retention
Area (ft ) (gal.) Time (hrs.)
Fish Tank 400 1 400 #DIV/0!
Clarifier 32 1 32 #DIV/0!
Bio-filter 32 1 32 #DIV/0!
Sump 32 1 32 #DIV/0!
Grow 1795
1795 1 160 #DIV/0!
Length 40 2291 #DIV/0!
Width 4
Depth 1.5
Flow Rate (gpm)
Pump 0

Next, to calculate the retention time, lets say our Pump flow rate is 20 gallons per minute.
Change the input value for the Pump flow rate from 0 to 20, then note the Retention Time in the
Grow bed.


Volume (gal.) Count Surface TOTAL VOLUME Retention
Area (ft ) (gal.) Time (hrs.)
Fish Tank 400 1 400 0.33
Clarifier 32 1 32 0.03
Bio-filter 32 1 32 0.03
Sump 32 1 32 0.03
Grow 1795
1795 1 160 1.50
Length 40 2291 1.91
Width 4
Depth 1.5
Flow Rate (gpm)

Pump 20

Now, lets say we want to see the effect of our feeding regimen over a 20 day growth period. We
must enter values into the pink cells and select values for all of the brown cells in the table
labeled Aquaculture Components. Place the mouse cursor over the cell to get more
information about what is needed.

Assume for this example that the tank has 30 fish in it, that we weighed 5 fish and found the
average weight was 0.75 lbs, and that 20 days ago, the average weight was 0.25 lbs. We enter
30 in cell K3. When we select cell K4, a list appears from which we choose 0.75. Then we choose
0.25 from the list in K7. Lastly, enter the amount of fish food that was given per day over the
last 20-day growth period in the pink cell K10.

We view the values calculated in the purple cells K6, K9 and K11. Based on the input values
above, the Total Fish Weight is estimated, as are the average Growth Rate and the Fish-to-Feed
Ratio. These values are calculated directly, without assuming any ratios.
Aquaculture Components
Ratio Value Units
No. of Fish 30.0 fish
Average weight per fish 0.75 lbs
Total Fish Weight 22.50 lbs
Previous Average weight 0.25 lbs
Growth Period 30 days
Growth Rate 0.008 lbs/day
Previous Daily Feed Rate 1.0 lbs/day

Fish-to-Feed Ratio 0.50 lbs fish/lb feed

Recommend Total weight of Fish 0.25 100.0 lbs

Mortality rate 25%
Recommend Number of Fish 166.7 fish
Expected Body Weight Consumed 2.5 %
Protein Content in Food 30.0 %
Recommended Daily Feed weight 0.6 lbs
Recommended Daily Feed for Plants 0.01 2.0 lbs

Next, select low stocking density level by clicking cell J12, then selecting the option in the menu.
If a mortality rate is known, enter this value as a percentage; otherwise leave it as zero.
Similarly, enter the protein content in food. If this is unknown then assume a value knowing
that high quality food has a content of approximately 30%.

Aquaculture Components
Ratio Value Units
No. of Fish 30.0 fish
Average weight per fish 0.75 lbs
Total Fish Weight 22.50 lbs
Previous Average weight 0.25 lbs
Growth Period 30 days
Growth Rate 0.008 lbs/day
Previous Daily Feed Rate 1.0 lbs/day

Fish-to-Feed Ratio 0.50 lbs fish/lb feed

Recommend Total weight of Fish 0.10 40.0 lbs

Mortality rate 0%
Recommend Number of Fish 53 fish
Expected Body Weight Consumed 2.5 %
Protein Content in Food 25.0 %
Recommended Daily Feed weight 0.6 lbs
Recommended Daily Feed for Plants 0.01 2.0 lbs

After entering these values, note the recommended number of fish for the average weight, tank
volume and desired stocking density. Based on the protein content in food, a recommended
daily feed weight is given for the current stocking density. Lastly, based on the feed to grow
space ratio, a feed weight is recommended. This value can be compared to the recommended
feed weight for fish.

6.5 Entry Definitions:

No. of Fish The number of living fish in the primary rearing tank
Average weight per fish - Average weight in pounds of a random fish sample
Total Fish Weight average calculated product of fish weight by number of fish
Previous Average weight the average weight in pounds of a random fish sample
Growth Period the period of time between fish weighings
Growth Rate calculated value of the weight difference divided by the growth period
Previous Daily Feed Rate the weight in pounds of feed given to fish each day during the
growth period
Fish-to-Feed Ratio calculated value that provides an idea of the amount of feed needed
for a one pound gain of total growth in fish stock.
Recommend Total weight of Fish the recommended weight of all the fish in the tank at a
mature age. This is a value based on the fish stocking density ratio selected in J12.

Mortality rate the number of fish that have died divided by the initial number of fish
stocked. This value will adjust the recommended number of fish to account for the death rate so
that the stocking density at the harvest period will match.
Recommend Number of Fish based on the current average weight and mortality rate,
this is the maximum number of fish that should inhabit the tank. This value can be used to
evaluate how many fish the tank can handle by changing the weight and number of fish in the
Expected Body Weight Consumed this value is taken from Table 3 based on the average
weight per fish. It is used for calculating the estimated daily feed weight.
Protein Content in Food this value as a percentage will affect the recommended weight
of feed because protein is the main component of feed that contributes to fish weight gain.
Recommended Daily Feed Weight a product of the body weight consumed and the
current average weight per fish. This value should only be used as a basis for feeding. The
assumptions going into the calculation can be adjusted later by the user to produce accurate
results for the particular project.
Recommended Daily Feed for Plants based on the selected ratio, an amount of feed
required by plants for full nutrition is recommended. These ratios were recommended in SRAC
454 and depend up the type of crop; large flowering plants will have a higher ratio than a small
leafed plants.

7.0 Project Outcomes
Throughout this project, the team was able to accomplish the following technological and
sociological project outcomes.

7.1 Technical
Initiated pumping and water circulation of water through the system
Identified issues with hydraulics, leaks and equipment
Obtained parts to improve hydraulic design and to stop leaks from tanks and plumbing
Ran electrical wiring system and installed electrical outlet for powering the aerator and
water pump
Installed back up power system
Implemented water quality testing procedures
Prepared for the introduction of tilapia fry and vegetable seedlings
Confirmed the need for alternative energy sources; solar

7.2 Sociological
While on the island, we met with the Superintendent of Education and the Island Administrator
for the Ministry of Education to discuss the need for the project and garner further support.
The students were engaged in discussions around food security, food and health safety, and
future opportunities in food systems education, and a lesson on water quality testing was
conducted to ensure that the students become active participants in the long term monitoring
of the system. With the input of teachers and administrators, a brochure about the Agricultural
Science Program was developed for use by SAHS in informing the community about the
program and garner future support.

The success of the system will have long-term benefits for the community. Moving forward, the
aquaponics system has the potential to:
1. Reduce the amount of inputs required for local food production, extending water use in
a water stressed region and reducing fertilizer use

2. Strengthen capacity for local food production, providing accessible healthy snacks for
students and fresh, low-cost produce for the community

This project has already seen great success in exciting students about food systems and their
Agricultural Science Program. The program itself has a number of positive effects for both the
students involved in the program and the community at large, serving as a learning
laboratory that teaches students about the process of planning and implementation.
Incorporating principles of science, society, economics, technical construction skills, and
systems thinking, it aims to excite students about food systems through innovative agricultural
practices. This equips high schoolers with the skills they need to become leaders in sustainable
development, agriculture, and the food sovereignty movement.

The students participation can result in the satisfaction of having produced something
meaningful while also contributing to the communitys development, health, and progress. The
program provides healthy alternative snacks for students as well as a lower cost produce for
the community. SAHS faculty and staff reported that in the last few years the Agricultural
Science Program has transformed from something students were required to take to a program
that students are excited to be part of, and we expect this trend to continue. We have identified
future areas of improvement for both the aquaponics system and the Agricultural Science
Program at large.

8.0 Future of the Project

8.1 Aquaponics Development

The next phase for the project will be to begin rearing crops within the aquaponics system as
part of a greater preparation for the introduction of fish fry, which can be sourced from Good
Fellow Farm in New Providence. These fish fry are available shortly after breeding but must be
transported by sea to South Andros. The risk and cost of transporting these fish is significant.
Security and continuation of the project at SAHS is dependent on the capability of the school to
develop a successful, reliable procedure for re-stocking.

Unlike conventional farming practices, the operation of a re-circulating aquaponics system is

extremely dependent on continually functioning technology; without aeration or adequate
movement of water, the fish will not survive. It is essential that proper emergency protocols be
enacted and that a sufficient supply of backup power equipment be on hand in the case of
equipment failure.

Once the system is running efficiently, the only ongoing input is fish food. Since the school will
have to import this, the Agricultural Science Program can look into alternative food sources for
the fish. One possible alternative feedsource for the fish is duckweed (p.144, FAO, 2014), which
can be grown in a tank at the school. This method is being explored at the Island School in
Eleuthera, Bahamas.

The potential for aquaponics techniques in this climate and region is great. The SAHS model
could serve as a case study from which the design and construction, education and
implementation could develop into a template for other islands or island locations. Such a
template could be designed to maximize the cost, efficiency and positive community effect in a
way that would be attractive to schools or other organizations looking to gain experience in
aquaculture and international projects.

8.2 Solar Installment
The power objective for this project has evolved over time from an entirely off grid solar
system, to a backup solar system, and finally to a battery backup system. In redefining the
needs of our client in relation to the viable alternative power options for the aquaponics
system, a mixed solar-mains power alternative has been selected as a potential future direction
for the system. Having solar powered aerators and mains powered pumps will ensure the
oxygen requirements of the tilapia remain independent of the variable mains power, in the
event of a brown out.

System Type Advantages Disadvantages

Completely Off Grid Electrical independence Cost of construction, and initial parts
Solar System Security against load shedding Long payback period
Eventually free power Logistics of acquiring required parts
(PV panels, structures)

Complete Solar Power Battery life of backup solar will be Cost of construction, and initial parts
as backup system extended due to only intermittent use Longer payback period, as only
when there is no power will it be used
Logistics of acquiring required parts
(PV panels, structures)

Mixed Solar, Mains Low amp hours of aerators = smaller Medium payback period
system PV system Logistics of acquiring required parts
Lower Cost (PV panels, structures)

Battery backup Very low cost Battery will only have a limited
Simplified equipment setup charge (max 24hrs battery dependent)
Comparable ease of shipping Not completely electrically

None No extra cost Power outage = decreasing DO levels

= eventually dead fish

Table 2: Backup power decision table

8.3 Acquiring a Full Time Employee
South Andros High School seeks to fill a full
time position dedicated to furthering the
success of South Andros High Schools
agricultural program. This employee would
help assist Trenton in operating the
aquaponics system, and in implementing his
future plans for the agricultural center at SAHS
as described below. This will allow Trenton
more time to focus on teaching and the
integration of the agricultural methods into the
Figure 17: Construction of shade structure.
agricultural science curriculum. This is critical
because the potential of the SAHS Agricultural Science Program as an agent for positive change
extends beyond the school itself; it is integral to the community, and provides the most
promising opportunity to increase food sovereignty on the island.

8.4 Expansion of the Agricultural Program

Based on the success of the project and with the assistance of a full time employee outlined
above, South Andros High School has made the decision to build up their agricultural
program. This entails many improvements to the existing aquaponics system and farm
installments, in addition to new projects, outlined below. See supplementary materials for a
copy of SAHSs agricultural programs brochure.

8.4.1 Increased drip irrigation

SAHS currently utilizes a system of drip irrigation in which drip tape is left unburied alongside
crops. The irrigation system is an invaluable tool for the agricultural program in terms of labor
efficiencies and crop yields.

However, the current system often has issues with the tape and emitter clogging. Because
South Andros has limestone based aquifers and the school pumps from a nearby well, the water

used to irrigate holds high levels of calcium carbonate. When the tape dries out after a
watering, large amounts of precipitate from the carbonate result in the tape clogging.

The capacity to expand and improve upon the existing

irrigation would allow for different strategies, such as
subsurface drip irrigation with new tape or
implementation of barrels to capture rainwater to use
as an alternative water source sans carbonate.

8.4.2 Diversify crop types

With both field crops and a hydroponics system Figure 18: Field agriculture grown tomatoes

underway, SAHS has a considerable amount of crop

varieties under cultivation. Diversifying the amount of crops grown at the school helps expand
the market, protect biodiversity, and broadens educational opportunities.

As the leading provider of fresh, local produce on South Andros, SAHS has the opportunity to
capitalize on their market and meet the needs of both retailers and consumers. This is
significant, as the island becomes a more popular tourist destination, with the increased
popularity of eco- and agro-tourism, the construction of
a hotel across the road from the school, and rumors of a
new cruiseliner docking point on the island. On the
sister island of North Andros, the local agricultural high
school has taken to selling their produce to nearby
hotels. SAHS may consider broadening their vegetable
selection to meet the needs of retailers such as Seaville
and hospitality businesses, and offering selections like
heirloom tomatoes to visitors.

Diversification of crop sources can enhance and protect

biodiversity. As an example, if SAHS made the decision


Figure 19: Field agriculture grown cabbages

to only cultivate one kind of lettuce in their aquaponics system, a disease may threaten the
entire lettuce supply. The inclusion of a different, unaffected cultivar may prevent total yield
loss. Additionally, different varieties attract different beneficial predators, depending on
habitat preferences. The potential for more on-site pollination by insects is also a benefit.

Finally, the inclusion of new cultivars broadens educational opportunities for the students of
SAHS. It allows for a greater depth of knowledge in the field of biology and agriculture, and
more experiences would better prepare a student for post-secondary education in a related

8.4.3 Poultry and egg production

SAHS is home to a chicken hatchery and chicken coop, which has the capacity to house 1,000
chickens. Part of expanding the agricultural program will include jump starting the process and
funding the importation of laying and broiling hens bred for their respective specialties. As it
stands, South Andros local breeds of chickens are not economically efficient to care for. While
the students have had the opportunity to incubate and hatch these local breeds, raising them on
a larger scale is not possible for the school.

Expansion of the program entails equipping the hatchery with appropriate resources. In the
future, the school hopes to build an additional coop so that laying and broiling production can
occur in tandem. Processing of the chickens will be both a learning experience for the students
and a revenue source for the school, which may help to fund a full time employee.

8.4.4 Produce processing, packaging and distribution center

SAHS is in the process of establishing itself as one of the islands only value-added processing
centers. With a space already designated for processing, the high school is looking into starting
this venture with two products: tomato jam and shredded cabbage (see figure 22 and 23
below) meant for recipes such as coleslaw, and has already acquired a machine to shred
cabbage. Both of these products will have ingredients sourced directly from the agricultural
campus. Many of the students involved with both the agricultural and the home economics

Figure 5: Shredded Cabbage & Tomato Jam labeling

department have expressed interest in assisting with the implementation of the food
processing project.

8.4.5 Ruminant pen

SAHS grounds include the foundation and some building infrastructure for the implementation
of a ruminant pen. Decades ago, the school supported a functioning ruminant project, which
has since been abandoned.

The Agricultural Program now hopes to revive the project, starting with smaller ruminants
such as goats with the possibility of cattle at a more advanced stage of the program. Island
residents have offered local breeds of goats that the school is graciously accepting as a learning
opportunity for the students, but have hopes that in the future a breed more suitable to milking
can be imported.

8.4.6 Post-secondary educational funding for South Andros students

The majority of South Andros High School students that continue on to postsecondary
education attend the College of the Bahamas (COB). Until September 2014, COB did not include
agricultural education into a major of study or curriculum. This last fall however, an offshoot of
COB called the Bahamas Agricultural and Marine Sciences Institute (BAMSI) opened its doors
on South Andros sister island, North Andros. The program is still under development, but
SAHS has hopes that many of their students will be interested in attending BAMSI and is
interested in developing a scholarship program for promising students. Lack of funding is the
limiting factor in doing so.

In addition to the local college, some students have an interest in pursuing their agricultural
interests outside of the Bahamas in countries where agricultural science is more highly valued,
such as Guyana. Other students may look into attending land grant schools in the United States,
but resources and information are limited and many of the students are uninformed about the
application process.

Moving forward, SAHS is interested in locating funding sources for accruing scholarship funds
and providing a wider range of tools for their students to use. Resources, in addition to
scholarships, may include standardized test preparation, agricultural or college selection
reference books, visits from the Minister of Agriculture and other important speakers, visits to
BAMSI, and further visits to U.S.-based schools with agricultural knowledge, such as Tufts
University and the University of Vermont.

8.4.7 SAHS Agricultural Post-Secondary Educational Program

As previously stated, the Bahamas clearly lacks agricultural education opportunities. Some
graduating students who are interested in pursuing agricultural science education in college
find that the Bahamas currently offers no programs or degrees in this field. Currently the
Bahamas only offers only an associates degree in agricultural science. Andros designation as
the nations most promising agricultural area as well as the already existing Agricultural
Science Program, place SAHS as the possible epicenter for farming education in the Bahamas,
already ahead of BAMSI in installing both aquaponics and hydroponics.

To increase opportunities for students seeking to pursue agriculture after graduating as well as
employment opportunities in the area, South Andros High School has the potential to establish
their own postsecondary program, most likely starting with a certificate or summer

program. This would provide opportunity for professional development in a local setting and
preserve jobs on one of the Family Islands of the Bahamas, as many students currently move to
New Providence after graduation due to a lack of opportunity on South Andros. Further funding
and support from local agencies are necessary to develop this.

9.0 Potential Funders

9.1 Funding Matrix Methodology

One main objective of our work after visiting the island was to generate a list of potential
funding sources to help develop the Agricultural Science Program further and enhance progress
towards a more food secure South Andros. Our most immediate goal for funding is to hire a full
time employee, which will require approximately $11,000/year for at least two to three years.
Funds would also be dedicated to acquiring boiler and laying hens for the SAHS chicken coop
and hatchery, fish for the aquaponics system, and a solar backup power system. The full time
employee would help oversee the poultry, egg, and food processing as well as assist in the
maintenance of the aquaponics system. Ultimately, the revenue generated by selling these
products will be able to sustain the employee over the long-term. For a list of potential funders,
please refer to funding matrix for further information.

To find potential funders, a comprehensive search for grants was conducted using search
engines such as Google, key-words such as grants, funding, and funders were used,
coupled with key-words such as: aquaculture, agriculture, aquaponics, Bahamas,
Caribbean, food security, education, interdisciplinary, water, technology,
environment, solar, resilience, and climate change. These key-words were further
explored on more explicit funding research engines such as, Grants for Plants,, and Foundation Directory Online. Organizations with missions that
closely aligned with the goals of the project such Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO),
National Institute for Food and Agriculture, and the Embassy of the United States in the
Bahamas were also identified. The following funding Matrix was created through this process.

9.2 Funding Matrix

Or gan izat io n K ey W o r d s I m p o r t an t D at es W eb sit e P h o n e Nu m b er Em ail

Lyford Cay Foundation Education, Bahamas, Non-profits Grants close 2/1, 4/1, 10/1 242-362-4910
Land Degradation, Climate Change, Natural
UNDR GEF Small Grants Programme n/a &option=com_countrypages&view=countryp 242-394-0440
Resources Management
FAO Bahamas Projects Aquaculture. Food Security n/a 242-325-7502
http://open- Kelly Fink
USAID BFS Climate Smart Agriculture Smart Agriculture, Food Systems Rolling LOI; grant closes 3/16/2016 Bureau-for-Food-Security-BFS-Broad-Agency-
USAID Unsolicited Proposals Innovative, New Ideas n/a n/a
USDA NIFA AFRI Agriculture and Nancy Cavallaro
Natural Resources Science for LOI 4/2/2015 (optional but opportunity/agriculture-and-food-research-
Food and Agricultural Science
Climate Variability and Change encouraged); closes 6/4/15 initiative-agriculture-and-natural- 202-401-5176
Challenge Area resources
USDA NIFA AFRI Foundational Bioenergy, Natural Resources, and Effie Baldwin
Agriculture, Technology, Nutrition
Programme Environment Program Area opportunity/agriculture-and-food-research- 202-401-4891 James Dobrowlski
USDA NIFA Water for Agriculture LOI closed 4/9/2015; grants close
Water, Agriculture opportunity/agriculture-and-food-research-
Challenge 7/16/2015 202-401-5016
Coca-Cola Foundation Community Support, Water, Health n/a n/a Contact online
NSF Environmental Sustainability Application window 10/1-10/20 Bruce Hamilton
EnvironmentalEngineering, Research
Grant 2015 p?pims_id=501027 703-292-7066
NSF Science, Technology and Society Frederick Kronz
Interdsiciplinary, Research 2/1, 8/1
(STS) nsf12509.htm 703-292-7283

NSF Critical Resilient Interdependent Konstantinos P. Triantis
Infrastructure Systems and Interdisciplinary, Infrastructure, Resilient Pending
Processes (RIPS) 703-292-7088

Table 3: Matrix of Potential Sources

Or gan izat io n K ey W o r d s I m p o r t an t D at es W eb sit e P h o n e Nu m b er Em ail
NSF Interdisciplinary Behavioral and Thomas J. Baerwald
Interdisciplinary n/a
Social Science Research (IBSS) sp?pims_id=504832 703-292-7301

Resilience, Climate change, Economic Astrid Wynter

Inter-American Developmental Bank n/a
empowerment /bahamas-and-the-idb,1035.html 242-396-7800
Robert Rauschenberg Foundation
Climate Change n/a 212-228-5283
Climate Change Solutions Fund ants/art-grants/art-environment/
Bahamas U.S. Embassy Grants Education, Cultural Initiatives n/a n/a

Grants for Plants Aquaponics, Education n/a n/a n/a

Aquaponics Association Microgrants

Aquaponics, Education 3/15, 6/15, 10/15, 12/15 n/a
Program page-2/

Organizational Descriptions
1. The mission of the Lyford Cay Foundation is to enhance and enrich the lives of
Bahamians, which it does through support of organizations increasing the availability of
higher education and technical training and support of nonprofit groups. The organization,
which is based in the Bahamas, has three grants cycles; applications are due February 1st,
April 1st, and October 1st for funds that will be distributed approximately two months
later. Awards typically range from $5,000 to $25,000, though larger and on-going grants
may be considered. Grants awarded in 2012 include $50,000 in support of Adelaide
Auxiliarys school lunch and literacy programs, $4,500 in support of a tuition-free month
long eco-school at Andros Conservancy and Trust, and $14,750 to the Bahamas Reef
Environmental Educational Foundation for the printing of educational materials that tie
into the public school science curriculum

2. The mission of the United Nations Development Programs Global Environmental

Fund Small Grants Programme is to provide financial and technical support to projects
that conserve and restore the environment while enhancing people's well-being and
livelihoods. The average grant is around $25,000, with a ceiling of $50,000. Awards are
granted to community based organizations and non-governmental groups for projects in
biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, land degradation and sustainable
forest management, and international waters and climate. To apply, contact the national
coordinator for project application guidelines and forms.

3. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has three main goals:
the eradication of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition; the elimination of poverty and
promotion of economic and social progress for all; and the sustainable management and
utilization of natural resources including land, water, air, climate, and genetic resources for
the benefit of present and future generations. Some key areas of focus for projects in the
Bahamas include sustainable aquaculture and fisheries management, strengthening
cooperatives, strengthening research and data management, and improvement of post-
harvest handling of produce. Recent projects that have been undertaken include

developing land tenure and water management policies for agriculture, establishing
nutrition based learning in a school garden program, and an input supply program to boost
local food production. Current project support ranges from $61,500 to $474,000.

4. The focus of the U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Food
Security Climate Smart Agriculture Grant is to identify and support innovative thinking,
best practices, and promising programs that provide cost effective and practical options for
responding and adapting to climate change among small-holder farmer based food and
agriculture systems preference will be given to low-income countries. Applications are due
by March 16th, 2016.

5. The U.S. Agency for International Development accepts unsolicited proposals for
innovative ideas that further their mission of ending extreme poverty and promoting the
development of resilient democratic societies that are able to realize their potential. Some
current initiatives include feeding the future, global health promotion, addressing global
climate change, and expanding educational access as a pathway out of poverty. Unsolicited
proposals should be innovative and unique, independently originated and developed by the
offerer, prepared without U.S. government supervision, direction, endorsement, or direct
government involvement, include sufficient detail to permit a determination that USAID
support could be worthwhile and the proposed work could benefit USAIDs research or
other responsibilities, and not be an advance proposal for a known USAID requirement that
can or will be acquired by competitive methods. Contact USAID with a concise title and
abstract, objectives, names and biographical information of key personnel, type of support
needed, and total estimated cost for the effort. Further requirements can be found on the

6. The USDAs National Institute of Food and Agriculture oversees the Agriculture and
Food Research Initiatives Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate
Variability and Change Challenge Area. This organization supports proposals for
programs that are designed to mitigate and adapt to climate variability and change with the

long term goal of increasing carbon sequestration and reducing the use of energy, nitrogen
fertilizer, and water. The specific program area priorities for which the SAHS Agricultural
Science Program would be a good fit are Climate Resilient Use for Agriculture and Forestry,
for which grants may be funded up to $450,000 total. For the 2015 grant cycle, the closing
date is June 4th, 2015; the date for the optional but recommended letter of intent has

7. The USDAs National Institute of Food and Agriculture also oversees the Agriculture
and Food Research Initiatives Foundational Program. This program supports grants
for proposals that fall under one of six key priority areas: Plant Health and Production and
Plant Products; Animal Health and Production and Animal Products; Food Safety, Nutrition,
and Health; Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment; Agriculture
Systems and Technology; and Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities. The
application deadline varies by program area; deadlines for Plant Health and Production
and Plant Products, Animal Health and Production, Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health,
Agriculture Systems and Technology, and Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities
closed in April for fiscal year 2015. Applications for grants in Bioenergy, Natural
Resources, and Environment close on June 10th, 2015. The Agricultural Science Program at
SAHS would be a good fit for this program area, as it is designed to support research on
healthy agroecosystems including crop and animal production systems that are actively
managed to provide economic, societal, and environmental benefits for individuals,
communities, and societies at large. The total award for this area shall not exceed $500,000.

8. The USDAs National Institute of Food and Agriculture also oversees the Water for
Agriculture Challenge Program, which aims to address critical water issues in an
agricultural context. Funds should be used to develop management practices, technologies
and tools for farmers, ranchers, and citizens to improve water quantity and quality. The
closing date for the fiscal year 2015 is July 16th 2015; the letter of intent date for this cycle
was due April 9th 2015. The Agricultural Science Program at SAHS would be a good fit for
the category Water Availability for Diverse Agricultural Uses: The Right Water for the

Right Place and Time, the goal of which is to conserve water through the development of
cost-effective, adoptable, and sustainable practices and technologies for agricultural
producers and processors. Requested funding may be up to $2.5 million per year for up to
four years.

9. The Coca Cola Foundation aims to improve the quality of life in communities they serve
by supporting organizations working on one of four global pillars: water stewardship,
active healthy living, community recycling, and education. The Agricultural Science
Program at SAHS would be a good fit for their water stewardship pillar, which supports
initiatives that promote the utilization of water for production or multiple use systems that
do more than provide clean drinking water and educational programs that promote water
conservation within communities. There is no official funding minimum or limit; previous
awards have ranged from $10,000 to over $1,000,000. Some organizations which have
previously been funded include Atma Jaya, in support of a rainwater harvesting system to
support a Healthy Active School in Jakarta, Indonesia; Avina Americas, in support of water
access and conservation initiatives in Argentina, Chile, and Peru; Beijing Normal University
Education Foundation, in support of a balanced diet and active living campaign across 30
cities and 100 universities in China; and Centro Nacional de la Familia, in support of
community-wide efforts to encourage recycling in Santiago, Chile.

10. The National Science Foundations Environmental Sustainability Program is

designed to support research into sustainable engineered systems that support human
well-being and are compatible with sustaining environmental systems in one of four key
areas: industrial ecology, green engineering, ecological engineering, and earth systems
engineering. Research should be driven by engineering principles and presented in an
environmental sustainability context. Proposals should include involvement of at least one
graduate student, as well as undergraduates. Incorporation of aspects of social, behavioral,
and economic sciences is also welcome. Proposals should address the novel and potentially
transformative nature of work compared to previous work in the field. Previous recent
awards have supported research into the impacts of urbanization and climate change on

the energy infrastructure of tropical coastal regions and a new PhD program in wind
energy science, engineering, and policy. The full proposal window opening is from October
1st to October 20th, 2015, but it is highly recommended that the PI contact the program
director prior to submission. The duration of unsolicited awards is generally one to three
years; the typical award size is $100,000. Substantially larger proposals without prior
consultation may be returned without review.

11. The National Science Foundations Science, Technology, and Society program
considers proposals that research the interface between science (including engineering)
and/or technology and society. Successful proposals produce outcomes that address
pressing issues at the interface of science, technology, and society, such as those having to
do with practices and assumptions, ethics, values, and governance, and will be transferable
across disciplines. The deadline is February 1st for proposals to be funded in or after July,
and August 1st for proposals to be funded in or after January. PIs are encouraged to contact
one of the program officers with questions and to determine whether the project is a good

12. The National Science Foundations Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure

Processes and System is designed to foster an interdisciplinary research community that
discovers new knowledge for the design and operation of infrastructures as processes and
services and to enhance the understanding and design of interdependent critical
infrastructure systems (ICIs) and processes that provide essential goods and services
despite disruptions and failures from any cause, natural, technological, or malicious, and to
create the knowledge for innovation in ICIs to advance society with new goods and
services. The RIPS solicitation seeks proposals with transformative ideas that will ensure
ICIs services are effective, efficient, dependable, adaptable, resilient, safe, and
secure. Successful proposals are expected to study multiple infrastructures focusing on
them as interdependent systems that deliver services, enabling a new interdisciplinary
paradigm in infrastructure research. Proposals that do not broadly integrate across the
cyber-physical, engineering and social, behavioral and economic (SBE) sciences may be

returned without review. Projects supported under this solicitation may undertake the
collection of new data or use existing curated data depending on the category of award, and
must recognize that a primary objective is integrative predictive modeling that can use the
data to validate the models and which can be integrated into decision making. The
application dates for the current fiscal year are not yet determined.

13. The National Science Foundations Interdisciplinary Behavioral and Social

Science Research competition promotes the conduct of interdisciplinary research by
teams of investigators in the social and behavioral sciences. Research projects should
involve researchers from interdisciplinary fields and should integrate scientific theoretical
approaches for multiple disciplines and yield generalizable insights and information that
will advance basic knowledge and capabilities across multiple disciplinary fields.
Applications for this grant area are rolling.

14. The Inter-American Development Bank provides grants and loans that support
projects in the Bahamas focusing on transformative initiatives to ensure macroeconomic
sustainability, social stability and employment, and increased resilience to the negative
impacts of climate change. Previous projects have focused on ecosystem based
development for Andros Island, advancing skills and employment in the Bahamas, and
promoting and strengthening the energy sector in the Bahamas.

15. The Robert Rauschenberg Climate Change Solutions Fund works with organizations
that have a track record of working to address the root causes of climate change. Awards
are granted to proposals that include creative problem solving and solutions,
interdisciplinary collaboration and work with people with different values, beliefs,
expertise, and training, and the ability to take risks in the context of continuous learning.
The most recent grants cycle closed in December 2014 and winners will be announced in
March; grantees will be announced in summer of 2015. SAHSs Agricultural Science
Program would be a good fit for this grant opportunity for future cycles. The fund has other
grant opportunities that change periodically, for which SAHS may also qualify. Key values

and beliefs include creative and innovative problem solving as a means of promoting equity
and justice, and the necessity of place-based solutions as a means addressing global
systemic challenges. Previous recipients have included The Carbon Tax Center, the National
Resources Defense Council, the Rockaway Waterfront Alliance, and the U.S. Fund for
UNICEF, Art in a Box Program.

16. The Bahamas U.S. Embassy Grants accepts proposals for up to $5,000 directly
related to cultural and educational initiatives. The main goals include youth leadership
development, engaging and inspiring underserved Bahamian youth to be positive forces for
change in their communities, engaging youth and civil society, skill development, fostering
a sense of community among Bahamians, and improving bilateral relations between the
Bahamas and the United States. Proposals must include a detailed project description
including description of the projects learning outcomes and a description of the projects
monitoring and evaluation method, and a detailed budget with a complete breakdown of
costs for all aspects and other sponsors. Funds may not be used for the purchase of food,
entertainment, furniture or equipment purchases, salaries or benefits for staff or
volunteers, and support programs, activities, or materials already funded by a third party.

17. Grants For Plants is a foundation administered by the Aquaponics Source. Its mission
is to bring aquaponics to schools as an educational tool and healthy, sustainable food
source. Funds support organizations by raising money to bring aquaponics systems to
schools, helping educators source other school garden funding, providing resources for
educational materials on aquaponics, and providing an online aquaponics community
tailored to students and teachers. The online application will be posted to the website soon.

18. The Aquaponics Association Microgrants Program is designed to increase public

awareness, understanding, and knowledge of aquaponics as an educational tool and
method of providing fresh, local food. Preference is given to educational and outreach
focused activities that focus on developing aquaponics systems or a plan to move current
growing systems towards aquaponics. Grants are distributed quarterly, and will be

awarded for up to $1,000. Applicants must be members of the Aquaponics Association;
information about membership is available on the Aquaponics Association Website.

9.3 Funding source limitations and future prospects

We have designed this report to serve as a toolkit from which material for future funding
applications may be sourced. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of this project, which
incorporates education, engineering, public health, and environmental components, it is
relevant to many organizational goals.

The international scope of this projected limited some potential funding sources for U.S.
Domestic oriented grants, but allowed for more internationally based and Caribbean
oriented funders. In regards to the key-words food security and food justice, the
Bahamas is typically not considered one of the target countries given its relatively high
GDP. However, it can be argued that the Bahamas has large levels of inequality and the
economy is in a location of high risk due to its dependence on tourism and foreign imports.
Reducing vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change was also outlined as an area
of interest among some funders, and the Bahamas position as a low-lying archipelago
places it in an area of high risk.

Aquaponics for island communities is clearly a timely issue. Last year, a project known as
Aquaponic Island started in Barbados, with a goal of educating farmers about the benefits
of aquaponics in hopes of making it their technology of choice in four years. The project
received funding from the United Nations Development Program, the Barbadian Ministry of
Agriculture, the institute and a community group, the Bairds Village Aquaponics
Association (Roberts, 2010). Recognizing the importance of localizing food production and
providing a system that will be resilient to climate variability, we are hopeful that our list of
identified funders will be receptive to the expansion of this project as well.

10.0 Conclusions
Success for this project will rely upon the implementation of the aquaponics system, which
still requires the introduction of fish fry and eventual equilibrium. Constant communication
between all partners will be necessary to implement the final stages, as aquaponics
systems are delicate processes and run the risk of losing fish and plants in the beginning.
Regardless, there are many other beneficial components of this project and the
partnerships formed in the process.

First and foremost, a relationship was established between SAHS and Tufts University
creating an opportunity for students from both institutions to engage in a cultural exchange
and learn from one another. Secondly, areas of future growth for the SAHS Agricultural
Science Program were identified through several stakeholder meetings, which allowed
groups to identify and plan for future opportunity for the program and SAHS students. This
will ultimately aid in helping lead this community and the Bahamas to be more food secure.
Finally, two deliverables were generated through this project, an excel calculator to be used
by SAHS agriculture science students to help understand the inputs and outputs of their
aquaponics system, and a grants funding matrix.

This project proved to be a great educational opportunity for all involved, providing an
opportunity to engage students from the United States and the Bahamas in exploring
innovative technologies to address food security issues at a local level within a partnership
that will continue in future years. Trenton and a group of his students plan to visit Tufts
University and University of Vermont in July 2015 to further explore agricultural science
and food systems in the United States.

Through the development of educational materials and with the hope of securing future
funding through the organizations outlined in this report, we believe that South Andros
High Schools Agricultural Science Program can serve as a model for innovative, place-
based learning and alternative models of food production for other island communities.
Doing so will be helpful in increasing local food production and food security for the
community of South Andros and the Bahamas at large, and equip a generation of youth
with the skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to become agents for positive change in this

11.0 References
Andros. The Islands Of The Bahamas, 2015. Web. Apr. 2015.

Agyeman, Julian. Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning, and Practice. London &
New York: Zed Books, 2013. Print.

Aquascape - Pond Air 4. Aquascape, 2015. Web. Apr. 2015.


Aquabackup BatteryonPlus. The Aquaponics Source. 2015. Web. Apr. 2015.


The College of The Bahamas. (2005). GEO Bahamas 2005: State of the Environment.

Eneas, Wm J. Godfrey. Agriculture in the Bahamas: Historical Development 1492-1992.

Media Publishing. (September, 1998).

Food Security. World Health Organization. Web. Accessed May 1, 2015.

Fuel Surcharge 2006-2010. BEC. 2015. Web. Apr. 2015.


Galanis, Phillip C."9/11: What Have We Learned? Nassau Guardian. 12 Sept. 2011.

Gardner, Claudia. "Aquaponics to the Rescue.". Jamaica Gleaner, 14 Apr. 2014.

Hargreaves-Allen, Venetia. An Economic Valuation of the Natural Resources of Andros

Island, Bahamas. Conservation Strategy Fund for the Nature Conservancy. (August,
Hedden, John. Bahamian Agriculture, an Overview. Nassau Institute. (September, 2011).

Kalhan, S. C., A. M. Prentice, and C. S. Yajnik. "Obesity in emerging nations: evolutionary

origins and the impact of a rapid nutrition transition." Emerging Societies:
Coexistence of Childhood Malnutrition and Obesity 63 (2009): 47.

Kramer, Philip A., Kenneth W. Marks, and Timothy L. Turnbull. "Assessment of Andros
Island reef system, Bahamas(Part 2: Fishes)." Atoll Research Bulletin 496 (2003):

Minns, Leslie. The Bahamas Top 30 Crops. Bahamas Agricultural Producers. Inter-
American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. (2009).

Popkin, B. M. (2001). The nutrition transition and obesity in the developing world. The
Journal of nutrition, 131(3), 871S-873S.

Rakocy, J. E., Masser, M.P. & Losordo, T.M. 2006. Recirculating aquaculture tank production
systems: aquaponics-integrating fish and plant culture. SRAC publication 454. 116.

Roberts, Genevieve. Fish Farms, with a Side of Greens. New York Times. September 28,

Ruiz-Nez, B., Pruimboom, L., Dijck-Brouwer, D. J., & Muskiet, F. A. (2013). Lifestyle and
nutritional imbalances associated with Western diseases: causes and consequences
of chronic systemic low-grade inflammation in an evolutionary context. The Journal
of nutritional biochemistry, 24(7), 1183-1201.

Smith, Larry. Food Self-Sufficiency Is An Illusion For The Bahamas . Tribune 242. March 7,

Smith, N & McCann, R. 2014. Analysis of Distributed Generation Sources and Load Shedding
Schemes on Isolated Grids Case Study: The Bahamas. 3rd International Conference
on Renewable Energy Research and Applications

Somerville, C., Cohen, M., Pantanella, E., Stankus, A. & Lovatelli, A. 2014 Small-scale
aquaponic food production. Integrated fish and plant farming. FAO Fisheries and
Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 589. Rome, FAO.

South Andros Population Census 2010. Department of Statistics of the Bahamas. Web.
Accessed 7 May 2015.

Superior Pump 91025. Superior Pump, Web. Apr. 2015. ,


Timmons M.B. and J.M. Ebeling. 2010, 2nd edition. Recirculating aquaculture. Cayuga qua
Ventures. Ithaca, NY 14850.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2014. Water Resources Assessment of The Bahamas, L.
Roebuck, J. Pochatila, T. Ortiz. Mobile District & Topographic Engineering Center

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization website. Accessed: May
01, 2015

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. (2003.) FAO Nutrition Country Profiles

World Urbanization Prospects. Department of Economics and Social Affairs. United Nations.

The WSSS Andros Practicum Group would like to thank South Andros High School, the
International Global Leadership Empower Program, the Tufts Deans Scholarship, John
Foster, Jesse and Chelsea Leopold, Tom Stack, Professor Walter Poleman of the University
of Vermont, as well as Felix Wai and PJ McHenry of Arts Riot for their support in making
this project a success. Most importantly, we would like to thank John Durant and Trenton
Durant for giving us the opportunity to work with the students and community of South


Appendix A Project Background

Appendix B Timeline
Appendix C Bibliography

Appendix A: Project Background
The origins of this project lie with South Andros High Schools agricultural teacher, Trenton
Durant. Trenton is a critical component of the South Andros Community, not only as a
schoolteacher but as faculty leader of the debate team and an active member in the local
church. Through his many efforts, Trenton has already built a chicken coop with funding
from the Food and Agricultural Organization, and has worked diligently to develop and
school library in partnership with Lesley University.

Several years ago, Trenton found interest in pursuing new agricultural innovations for his
community through alternative agriculture, such as hydroponics and aquaponics. Through
the owner of Andros Beach Club, Jesse Leopold, a fellow South Andros resident, Trenton
was connected to Vermont-based Felix Wai. As a former student of the University of
Vermont, Felix Wai was heavily involved in the hydroponics front. Together with his
business partner, PJ McHenry, Felix leads a Vermont organization dedicated to social
justice called Arts Riot. Fascinated with the project, PJ and Felix introduced Trenton to
University of Vermont Professor Walter Poleman. After securing funding through the
University, Professor Poleman developed a sustainable development course to create an
educational exchange program between University of Vermont (UVM) and South Andros
High School (SAHS).

Over the course of a couple years, SAHS and UVM became partners in the complete
implementation of a hydroponics system. Trenton began to take courses from the Bahamas
Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC), where he learned about the inner-workings
of an aquaponics system. With his vision of aquaponics at SAHS launched, Trenton began
to build a network of people with whom he could partner in the development of a program
that could improve the quality and quantity of produce available on South Andros while
providing a unique educational opportunity. One connection was with the Agricultural
Research Center (ARC) on the island of New Providence, where owner Tom Stack built and
maintains a successful commercial aquaponics system. Tom provides SAHS with guidance
and resources such as fish fry. Trenton also has contacts with the Island School, an

innovative place-based learning center on the island of Eleuthera, which also runs a large-
scale aquaponics system.

In January of 2015, Professor Poleman and his class of students began to build the
foundation of the aquaponics system for this project. From January to March, SAHS
agricultural science students continued the construction and expansion of the system, and
in March 2015 a class of students from Tufts University traveled to SAHS to join in
continuing this construction. This report describes the different components of the
aquaponics system at SAHS and its greater relevance to South Andros and the Bahamas at
large. We will discuss the future of the project and the Agricultural Science Program, and
potential sources of funding to realize this goal.

Appendix B: Timeline
As of April 2015, the aquaponics system at South Andros High School is still in its initial
stages, and will hopefully be completely running by the end of Summer 2015. See below for
a timeline of events regarding the project. It is necessary to keep in mind that funds at the
school are limited and largely dependent upon outside sources, that it is highly costly and
takes time to ship materials to the island, and that many basic construction materials are
not available on the island of Andros. This delays the construction and implementation
process and thorough planning will be necessary to implement future stages, especially to
ship materials over through Customs with time to ask for tariff exemptions. This
demonstrates the clear need for stronger governmental support, and the value of the
relationships between SAHS, Tufts, and UVM in ensuring the success of this project.

October 2015
Tufts joins partnership between UVM and SAHS. Initial planning stages for the Tufts
project phase begins. Aquaponics system design and planning continues from
previous work.
Tufts plans to design solar power system, instruct the SAHS students on more
advanced water quality testing techniques and complete final construction in
preparation for the introduction of produce and fish.

December 2015
Fish tanks and sump tanks arrived to Andros.
Project Site visit of John Durant and Professor Poleman on South Andros to prepare
for successful project implementation.

January 2015
Grow beds constructed (UVM & SAHS students).
Plumbing and engineering of system initiated.

February 2015

Grow bed pond liner arrives to SAHS, after being detained in customs, and is
installed into the system.
Continuation of system plumbing by SAHS students.
Construction of shade structures began.
System is checked for leaks, and leakage is identified.

March 2015
Tufts students arrive with aerators, water pumps and water quality testing
System is checked again for leaks, and future materials needed are identified.
Backup power system shipped on the incorrect ship and arrives 1 week later than
Meetings were held with the South Andros Island Administrator, the Superintendent
of Education, and the High School Principal to further garner support for the
Agricultural Science Education Program at SAHS.
Continued construction of the shade structures.
Investigation into future fish fry sources.
Students learn how to test for ammonia, nitrite, and pH to monitor the system.

April 2015
Backup power system installed.
Fish begin to spawn again at ARC in New
Providence, and SAHS is given word that they will be able
to obtain fish for their aquaponics system.
Shipment of pond-liner patch kits and plumbing
fixtures repair existing and future leaks.

Figure 6: Team members reviewing 78

experimental aquaponics' system flow rate
Appendix C: Aquaponics Resources
Backyard Aquaponics. 2011. The IBC of aquaponics [online]. Edition 1.0. Backyard
Aquaponics, Success Western, Australia. Available at:

Bailey, D.S., Rakocy, J.E., Cole, W.M. & Shultz, K.A. 1997. Economic analysis of a commercial-
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Bernstein, S. 2011. Aquaponic gardening: a step-by-step guide to raising vegetables and fish
together. Gabriola Island, Canada, New Society Publishers. 255 pp.

Danaher, J.J., Pantanella, E., Rakocy, J.E., Shultz, R.C. & Bailey, D.S. 2011. Dewatering and
composting aquaculture waste as a growing medium in the nursery production of tomato

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Diver, S. 2007. Aquaponics-integration of hydroponics with aquaculture. ATTRA National
Sustainable Agriculture Information Service. 46 pp.

Gloger, K.C., Rakocy, J.E., Cotner, J.B., Bailey, D.S., Cole, W.M. & Shultz, K.A. 1995. Waste
treatment capacity of raft hydroponics in a closed recirculating fish culture system. World
Aquaculture Society, Book of Abstracts. pp. 126127.

Hughey, T.W. 2005. Barrel-ponics (a.k.a. aquaponics in a barrel) [online]. Available at:

Lennard, W.A. & Leonard, B.V. 2006. A comparison of three different hydroponic
subsystems (gravel bed, floating and nutrient film technique) in an aquaponic test system.
Aquaculture International, 14(6): 539550.

Lim, C. & Webster, C.D. 2006. Tilapia: biology, culture, and nutrition. Bing Hampton, USA,
Haworth Press. 678 pp.

Pantanella, E. 2012. Integrated marine aquaculture-agriculture: sea farming out of the sea.
Global Aquaculture Advocate, 15(1): 7072.

Pantanella, E., Cardarelli, M. & Colla, G. 2012. Yields and nutrient uptake from three
aquaponic sub-systems (floating, NFT and substrate) under two different protein diets. In:
Proceedings. AQUA2012. Global Aquaculture securing our future. Prague, Czech Republic 1-
5 Sept 2012.

Pantanella, E., Cardarelli, M., Colla, G., Rea, E. & Marcucci, A. 2011. Aquaponics vs
hydroponics: production and quality of lettuce crop. Acta Hort. 927. pp. 887893.

Rakocy, J.E. 2007. Aquaponics, integrating fish and plant culture. In T.B. Simmons & J.M.
Ebeling, eds. Recirculating aquaculture, pp. 767826. Ithaca, USA, Cayuga Aqua Ventures.

Rakocy, J.E. 2007. Ten guidelines for aquaponic systems. Aquaponics Journal, 46: 1417.

Rakocy, J.E, Masser, M.P. & Losordo, T.M. 2006. Recirculating aquaculture tank production
systems: aquaponics-integrating fish and plant culture. SRAC Publication No. 454 (revision
November 2006). USA, Department of Agriculture.

Rakocy, J.E., Shultz, R.C., Bailey, D.S. & Thoman, E.S. 2004. Aquaponic production of tilapia
and basil: comparing a batch and staggered cropping system. Acta Horticulturae 648. pp.

Savidov, N. 2005. Evaluation and development of aquaponics production and product
market capabilities in Alberta. Phase II. Final Report - Project #2004-67905621.

Seawright, D.E., Stickney, R.R. & Walker, R.B. 1998. Nutrient dynamics in integrated
aquaculture-hydroponic systems. Aquaculture, 160: 215237.
Timmons, M.B. & Ebeling, J.M. 2010. Recirculating aquaculture. Ithaca, USA, Cayuga Aqua
Ventures. 975pp.

Tyson, R.V., Simonne, E.H., White, J.M. & Lamb, E.M. 2004. Reconciling water quality
parameters impacting nitrification in aquaponics: the pH levels. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.,
117: 7983.


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