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Surg Radiol Anat

DOI 10.1007/s00276-017-1842-y


The effects ofchoanal atresia ondevelopment oftheparanasal

sinuses andturbinates
SuatTerzi1 EnginDursun1 FatmaBeyazaleliker2 Metineliker1
MehmetBeyazal2 Abdulkadirzgr1 EmeladallTatar3

Received: 4 January 2017 / Accepted: 27 February 2017

Springer-Verlag France 2017

Abstract Keywords Choanal atresia Paranasal sinuses Volume

Purpose The objective of this study was to evaluate the Turbinate
volume of paranasal sinuses (PNS) and turbinate in patients
with unilateral choanal atresia (CA).
Materials and method Computed tomography images of Introduction
PNS in 11 individuals with unilateral CA were evaluated
retrospectively. Mucosal thickness and volume of the max- Choanal atresia (CA) is a rare but well-known anomaly.
illary, frontal and sphenoidal sinuses were determined, in CA is the complete unilateral or bilateral obstruction of
addition to the volume of the middle and inferior turbinate. posterior choanae that provide a space between the nose
The unaffected nasal side of patients was used as a control and nasopharynx. The incidence of CA is 8 000 per live
group for the measurements. The results comprised the births. The majority of individuals with CA have unilateral
measurements of the atresic side compared to those of the CA (60%). Bone is only affected in 71% of patients, while
healthy side. there is bone and membranous involvement in 29% of cases
Results There was no significant difference between the [1]. Bilateral atresia is diagnosed in the early post-partum
atresic and healthy side of the nose in patients with CA period following the development of respiratory distress
with respect to mucosal thickness and volume of the PNS and eventually cyanosis. However, it is usually difficult to
(the maxillary, frontal and sphenoidal sinuses) and the mid- recognise unilateral CA, which rarely leads to neonatal res-
dle and inferior turbinate (p>0.050). piratory distress [2].
Conclusion The complete absence of nasal unilateral air- Mechanisms in the development of the paranasal sinuses
flow had no effect on the development of the PNS and the (PNSs) largely remain unknown. However, a number of
middle and inferior turbinate. Moreover, mucosal thickness factors, including nasal airflow, brain growth, muscle mass
in the sinuses was similar to that in the control group. traction, facial structures and cell mechanisms, have been
proposed to explain the development of paranasal cavity
[36]. The transfer of nasal airflow from the nasopharynx
* Suat Terzi to the PNSs, due to positive air pressure in the nasophar- ynx, is considered to influence the development and pneu-
1 matisation of PNSs [7, 8]. Moreover, great variation is
Department ofOtorhinolaryngology, Faculty ofMedicine,
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize, Turkey demonstrated in the development and eventual final PNS
2 shape. All sinuses are formed and reach adult size in early
Department ofRadiology, Faculty ofMedicine, Recep
Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize, Turkey adulthood [9].
3 To the best of our knowledge, the effects of CA on the
Department ofOtorhinolaryngology, Ministry ofHealth,
Training andResearch Hospital, Ankara Dkap Yldrm development of PNSs have been evaluated in only a few
Beyazt, Ankara, Turkey studies. However, an assessment of the development of the
Department ofOtorhinolaryngology, Faculty ofMedicine, three PNSs (maxillary, frontal and sphenoidal) and turbi-
Yldrm Beyazt University, Ankara, Turkey nate by volumetric methods has not been carried out in any

Surg Radiol Anat

study. Therefore, the purpose in this study was to evaluate

mucosal thickness and volume of the PNSs and turbinate in
patients with unilateral CA.

Materials andmethod

This retrospective study was approved by the local Ethics

Committee for Clinical Research, Istanbul Education and
Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey (08.04.2016-821).
Eleven patients with unilateral CA were included therein.
Individuals were admitted to the Department of Otorhino-
laryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Recep Tayyip Erdoan
University, and to the Department of Otolaryngology,
Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, between
March 2012 and February 2016. The medical records of
patients were collected retrospectively. Patients with bilat-
eral atresia or any other congenital anomaly or syndrome
were excluded from participation in the study. Seven indi-
viduals aged14 years were also excluded owing to the Fig.1Multiplanar reformatted images of the maxillary and frontal
possibility of incomplete development of all the PNSs. sinuses. The paranasal sinus volume was calculated automatically at
the workstation after volumetric analysis using volumetric rendering
Two groups were generated: an atresia and a control group. techniques
Measurements were taken for the healthy side of the nose
in patients with unilateral CA for the control group.
Images of the PNSs were obtained in 128 slices by
computed tomography (CT) (CT Scanner SOMATOM
Definition AS, Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany).
They were then evaluated by volumetric analysis at the
workstation (syngo.via VA20 software, Siemens Health-
care) using multiplanar reformatting and volumetric ren-
dering techniques (VRT). The volume of PNS was meas-
ured as follows. Slices from every 3 mm were extracted,
and the cross-sectional area of the PNS was measured from
top to bottom by manually tracing the internal surface of
the bone. The software automatically calculated the vol-
ume of the sinuses by adding the products of the 3 mm
and cross-sectional areas. Moreover, the turbinate was
assessed similarly by manually tracing the external surface
of the turbinate that was automatically determined by the
software. Multiplanar reformatted CT images, taken dur-
ing the volume measurements for the PNSs and turbinate,
are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The volume of the PNSs was
expressed in cubic centimetres.
Mucosal thickening of the PNSs was also manually
calculated and recorded in millimetres. All measurements Fig.2Multiplanar reformatted images of the middle and inferior tur-
were performed thrice by two radiologists. To reduce the binate. Turbinate volume was calculated automatically at the worksta-
personal error rate, the size of the ethmoidal sinus was not tion after volumetric analysis using volumetric rendering techniques
measured because of its complex structure, which includes
the composition of numerous cells. to test the distribution of the analysed variables. Finally,
Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical the individual results were compared with one another.
Package for the Social Sciences 15.0 software pack- Students t-test was performed for this purpose on data
age (SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA). The parameters were that were normally distributed, and the MannWhit-
expressed as meanSD. The ShapiroWilk test was used ney U test was used for data that revealed an abnormal

Surg Radiol Anat

distribution. A p value of 0.050 was considered to be of the PNSs remain not fully understood. However, it is
statistically significant. perceived that the nasal passage of airflow plays an impor-
tant role in the development and growth of PNSs (12). By
contrast, the focus has been on the absence of effects of
Results nasal airflow on the development of PNSs in other studies
[4, 911].
Individuals (n=11) diagnosed with unilateral CA (seven The development of the maxillary sinus in patients with
females and four males) were included in our study. The CA was assessed by Diner etal. through the collection of
mean age was 23 years (a range of 1432 years). Seven data from conventional imaging. It was suggested that uni-
patients had right-sided CA and four patients had left-sided lateral nasal obstruction did not impair sinus pneumatisa-
CA. The results obtained from measuring the PNS and tur- tion [11]. Recently, Behar and Todd conducted a study on
binate mucosal thickness and volume in both the atresic 16 patients with CA and measured the volume in the max-
and healthy side of the nose are represented in Table 1. illary sinus on PNS CT imaging using VRT. Interestingly,
There was no significant difference between the results col- there were slightly larger volumes of maxillary sinuses in
lected from the heathy nasal side and those recorded for the atresia side (compared to the healthy side), while muco-
the atresic nasal side regarding volume in the three PNSs periosteal thickening in the atresia side was observed to
(maxillary, frontal and sphenoidal sinus), mucosal thick- be similar to that recorded in the healthy side [10]. More
ness in the sinuses and volumes in the inferior and middle recently, Guimaraes etal. similarly measured the maxillary
turbinate (p value0.050). sinus areas on PNS CT imaging using AutoCAD soft-
ware and found no significant difference between the atre-
sia and the healthy side [4]. However, other PNSs, includ-
Discussion ing the sphenoidal and frontal sinus, were not evaluated in
these studies.
The mucosal thickness and volume of all PNSs, with the The effects of CA on the development of the sphenoi-
exception of the ethmoidal sinus, were analysed in this dal and maxilla-facial sinus were evaluated by Leclerc etal.
study, in addition to the volume of the inferior and mid- [9]. In this study, measurements of the frontozygomatic,
dle turbinate in 11 patients with unilateral CA. The results zygomatic, maxillary sinus, and sphenoid sinus widths on
indicated that PNS mucosal thickness and volume, and the the atresic side were obtained by PNS CT imaging and
volume of the middle and inferior turbinate in the nasal compared to those for the healthy controls. The zygomatic
side, were not different to that recorded in the healthy nasal width was only found to be larger in the control group,
side in patients with unilateral CA. compared to that in the bilateral CA patients. A significant
There was a difference in the pneumatisation of each difference was not found with regard to the other studied
PNS. The sphenoidal sinus can be detected at the age of parameters in patients with both unilateral and bilateral CA
roughly two years, and it is fully developed by the age of when a comparison was made with the normal controls.
14years. PNS is the last frontal sinus to develop. Its growth However, the development of turbinate and changes in
starts after the age of two years, and is fully developed by the volume of the three PNSs, including maxillary, sphe-
puberty [7, 9]. Thus, patients aged14years were included noidal and frontal sinus, in patients with CA, has not been
in this study to ensure assessment of the development of evaluated in a prior study. In the current study, we per-
the frontal sinuses. Mechanisms responsible for the growth formed three-dimensional volume analysis of these PNSs

Table1Mean mucosal thickness and volume recorded in the paranasal sinuses and turbinates
Measurements of the paranasal sinuses and turbinates Atresic side (n=11) Healthy side (n=11) p value

Maxillary sinus volume (cm3) 11.205.10 (5.6022.00) 12.707.40 (5.4028.60) 0.898

Sphenoid sinus volume (cm3) 3.002.00 (0.507.30) 3.902.20 (1.608.40) 0.243
Frontal sinus volume ( cm3) 3.902.50 (1.209.60) 4.202.90 (1.209.60) 0.949
Mucosal thickness in the maxillary sinus (mm) 0.170.10 (0.100.40) 0.170.10 (0.100.40) 0.699
Mucosal thickness in the sphenoidal sinus (mm) 0.140.05 (0.100.20) 0.100.05 (0.100.30) 0.076
Mucosal thickness in the frontal sinus (mm) 0.100.08 (0.100.40) 0.100.09 (0.100.60) 0.519
Volume of the inferior turbinate ( cm3) 2.901.40 (1.305.40) 3.302.10 (1.308.60) 0.652
Volume of the middle turbinate (cm3) 1.400.50 (1.002.70) 1.600.50 (1.202.80) 0.133

cm3 cubic centimetres, mm millimetres, PNSs paranasal sinuses

Surg Radiol Anat

using CT imaging, in addition to measuring mucosal thick- Financial support The authors declare no financial support or
ness. A significant difference was not determined with interest to this study.
respect to either PNS volume or mucosal thickness in the Compliance with Ethical Standards
atresia side, when compared with that in the controls. It
was difficult to evaluate the ethmoidal sinus as it has irreg- Conflict of interest All the authors have made significant contribu-
ular borders. tions to this work, with all co-authors approving the final version of
Indeed, it has been suggested that there is a connection this article and agreeing with its submission for publication. This study
between abnormal facial and dentoalveolar growth and has not been published elsewhere, nor is currently being considered for
publication in another journal. All the authors have no conflict of inter-
adenoid hypertrophy, characterised by a reduction in nasal est regarding the production of this article. This study was approved by
ventilation [1214]. However, a significant difference could the local Ethics Committee for Clinical Research, Istanbul Education
not be determined in patients with unilateral CA, consider- and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey (08.04.2016-821).
ing the growth of the PNSs. This might relate to adequate
unilateral nasal airflow passage.
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