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Salesforce to Facebook Integration

Step 1: login to

Step 2: Create a New Facebook App

Step 3: Select www website

Step 4: Click on skip and create APP

Step5 : Enter app details

1.App Label and App name space

Note :name and label should be in lower case letters

2.Choose the Category as Education and click on Create APP ID

Step 6:

Step 7: Facebook Application ID and application secret Is generated

Step 8: Login into salesforce Account

Step 9: Goto the Authentication Providers

SetupAdminsterSecurity ControllersAuthentication ProvidersNew

Step 8: Select Facebook

Step 9: Fill the details

Step 10 :Fill the Consumer key with facebook AppID generated in above steps and click on automatically create a
registration handler
Step 11: Once you save the above page we will get the url

Step 12: Register this callback url with facebook

Step 13 : Click on the setting tab in the facebook application page in developer account

Step 14 :Select Add Platform and enter contact emai id

Step 14: Select Add platform and select website from below page
Step 14: from the salesforce authentication page copy the callback url genererated (check the above screes )

Step 15 :Click on save changes

Step 16 :Click on status and review

Step 17: Click on On

Step 18 :
Step 19: Now goto salesforce account and take the test url generated from authentication provider

Step 20: open a new brower and give the test url here
Enter facebook username and password

Step 21 :

Step 23: Click on Okay it will log you to salesforce

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