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A warm welcome from TEFL Org UK
Founded in 2008 by Joe and Jennifer Hallwood in the heart of the Scottish Highlands, TEFL Org UK has now trained over 35,000 people to teach English as a foreign language. Joe and
Jennifer met while teaching English in Greece and decided they wanted to inspire other people to experience TEFL and make it accessible to everyone. Starting out as TEFL Scotland,
the company quickly expanded and courses were set up around England, Ireland and Wales shortly after. In August 2013, TEFL Scotland, TEFL England and TEFL Wales combined to
become TEFL Org UK, and is proud to be the most highly accredited TEFL provider in the UK.
A message from the founders of TEFL Org UK.

Working in a dead-end tax office job in Hull, I knew this wasnt My TEFL journey began while at university with the dawning
the path I wanted to take. Fresh out of university, an adven- realisation in my final year that I was not going to achieve my
ture was just what I needed! I started teaching English as a ambition of joining the Diplomatic Service straight from uni-
foreign language over 20 years ago and have never looked versity. I knew, without a doubt, that I wanted to experience
back. I spent eight fantastic years living and teaching in Greece living and working abroad, not just to travel, so I investigated
and France, followed by more than ten years training English how I could gain the right kind of experience that would en-
teachers all over Europe and North America. I gained friends, able me to get my dream job.
memories which will last a lifetime, valuable workplace skills
I did my TEFL course in the June; went home, worked all
and a fulfilling lifelong career.
the hours I could, saved money, applied for every job I saw
Here at TEFL Org UK, we know exactly what it feels like to step going in Spain, got offered one in a small mountain town in
into the classroom for the first time. Were here to make the Greece, decided what the heck, I come from a small town in
experience as easy as possible and provide you with the tools the mountains of Scotland, how different can it be?
you need to become a TEFL teacher. Our training courses are
I never did join the Diplomatic Service, instead I found my
specifically designed to equip you with the skills, knowledge
dream job teaching in a small school in a mountain town in
and, above all, the confidence to be an effective TEFL teacher.
Greece (one hour by moped to the beaches in the summer,
We not only ensure we consistently deliver high-quality accred- half an hour to the ski slopes in the winter what wasnt to
ited courses, we also maintain a Jobs Centre brimming with like?)
job opportunities for all our TEFL course graduates. Thinking
This was the first step in my TEFL journey that took me from
of starting a new life abroad? Remember, a journey of a thou-
the Highlands of Scotland and around Europe. To this day it
sand miles starts with one, single step!
offers me opportunities to travel to amazing and fascinating
Joe Hallwood (Co-founder) places throughout the world.

Now, my dream is to give this opportunity to others; from the

best courses, to the right advice to the most awesome jobs,
TEFL Org UK strives to deliver the greatest opportunities!

Jennifer Hallwood (Co-founder)

P2 A warm welcome P 19 PDF TEFL resources
P4 Single step P20 Online TEFL jobs centre
P5 Made easy P21 Recommended TEFL jobs
P6 - P7 Get inspired P22 Paid teaching internships
P8 Our courses P23 Get the best certificate
P9 Dont take our word for it
P10 Classroom TEFL modules
P11 Online TEFL modules International Partners:

P13 Courses with weekend module Beijing Foreign Studies University, China Daily, Westminster School, Ray
English Recruitment China, English First, Eton Schools, Beijing China University,
P14 - P15 Courses with weekday module #DMUGlobal, Heythrop College.

P16 - P17 Online courses

P18 Advanced courses

A journey of a thousand miles
starts with a single step

What is TEFL?
TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Over one billion people are
learning English as a foreign language. So naturally, the demand for English teachers
abroad is sky high.

Who is TEFL for?

Everyone! We truly believe that if you have the ability to speak English fluently and have
the desire to help others learn, you can become a TEFL teacher.

Where can TEFL take you?

All around the world! We currently have job opportunities in over 40 countries world-
wide listed on our job centre exclusive to TEFL Org UK students.

Do I need experience?
Not a teacher? Never planned a lesson in your life? No problem! We have trained over
35,000 students and the majority of them had never taught before!

Your TEFL adventure made easy
Do you speak English fluently? Congratulations! Youre one
step closer to making your dream of travelling the world a
reality. Teaching English as a Foreign Language can take
you across the globe.
TEFL teachers can teach English to people of all ages and
backgrounds; abroad or in their home countries, in schools,
privately, for business or online. Perhaps youre a student
looking to volunteer during your gap year? Unemployed
and looking for a new opportunity for work? Bored of the
daily grind and desperate to see what else is out there? Or
maybe you would like to embark on an international adven-
ture after you retire? Whoever you are, TEFL could be your
passport to an unforgettable adventure.

Get inspired
Read all about what our previous students have been up to.
Rebecca-Anne Lawson
School-leaver currently teaching in Sant Sadurni dAnoia, Spain
Its so wonderful to live in another culture. Taking a TEFL England course was one of my best decisions.I
left school in June with average grades and started work in September. Being given such an opportunity
in this economic climate is rare. I could not be happier!

Colin Macpherson
Started his TEFL career in Russia
I have so many interesting and exciting memories of my time here. Every day has been an adventure
and has certainly kept me on my toes! The Togliatti Chamber of Commerce invited me to speak at the
opening of their new tourist initiative. I helped one of my students to design the website, and the next
thing I knew I had received an invitation to speak at their prestigious event.

Amy Feighan
Currently teaching in Budapest, Hungary
Can you be here in two weeks? - This was the question that completely changed my life. The experi-
ences Ive had and the people Ive met since moving to Hungary make me feel glad I made this deci-
sion andI wish that more people would have the courage to teach and travel, because I couldnt rec-
ommend it highly enough. As for my future, all I know is Im planning to see as much of the world
as I can and become the best teacher I can be. Who knows where I will be this time next year,
I cant wait to find out!

Rebecca Parker
Volunteering in Tamil Nadu, India
I think that it is possible that I am starting to lose my Western eye and beginning to see life through
Indian eyesThe school is an absolute delight and the pupils I just dont have words to adequately
describe their attributes. It is so refreshing to engage with youngsters who actively want to go to school
and learn. Their enthusiasm is boundless!

Alison MacIver
A university graduate teaching English online from her home in Dundee
I really enjoy teaching online. I dont have to worry about any travel arrangements and costs. It is com-
pletely flexible. I also find it quite amazing that I speak to people in Taiwan and China on a daily basis!
Non-native English speakers really benefit from speaking to native English speakers, and when students
hear my accent and find out I am from the UK/Scotland they get really excited!

Daniel Henderson
Teaching in Spain
TEFL has given me the ability to do something completely different: practise a new language, travel
around Andaluca and meet many new friends. For the first time in a long time I go out every weekend, eat
out regularly (cheaper and miles better) and generally live the life of Riley! I would (and do) recommend
TEFL to anyone; the opportunities to travel are endless and the chance to study the construction of your
own language is surprisingly rewarding.

Tom Ambrose
Teaching in Thailand
The first four weeks of teaching in Thailand have been a bit of a rollercoaster but Ive loved every min-
ute. If anyone reading this is at all unsure whether or not to take the plunge and start teaching English,
whether it is at home or abroad, I would say this with full confidence: Do it. You wont regret it!

Craig MacInnes
Teaching in Hong Kong
Teaching here is great fun. Ive found that the students are incredibly interested in our lives in the West
and are always happy to ask questions. If youre looking for a bustling city experience that can offer you
everything you want 24/7 then I would strongly recommend getting yourself over to Hong Kong. Its a
spectacular place that never fails to surprise me!

TEFL course tailored
to you 20%
discount Edinburgh
for students, Invemess
When choosing a TEFL course, the phrase one size fits recent graduates
all certainly does not apply. This is why our courses range & the unemployed

from a 20 or 30-hour classroom TEFL course, to a 150-hour

combined weekday and online TEFL course.

We are a Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Approved

Centre and are accredited by the British Accreditation Council
(BAC), the Open and Distance Learning Quality Council (ODLQC),
Investors in People (IiP) and Investors in Young People (IiYP).

Ireland Wales
Over 5000 students train with us every year and 78% of them
Cork Cardiff
go on to inspire others to speak English worldwide! Dublin Swansea

Ashford Guildford Newcastle
Birmingham Hull Norwich
Brighton Leeds Nottingham
Bristol Leicester Plymouth
Chelmsford Liverpool Reading
P8 Chester London Sheffield
Exeter Manchester Southampton
Dont take our word for it

Anjali Shah
I really enjoyed the course with Elizabeth. She is an amazing teacher and
makes you feel motivated. I have learnt so much and feel a lot more con- Rachel Summers
fident within my teaching methods as well as learning the grammar sec- @TEFLOrgUK Just received my TEFL 140 hour course certificate
tion. I feel very inspired and cant wait to get out there and start teaching! through the post! Im absolutely delighted

Chris Hassell Ashley Eve Twaddle

Having completed a 150 hour course with @TEFLOrgUK, tomorrow I Thanks to @TEFLOrgUK for providing me with all the confidence
have my first paying customer :-D!! Excited and nervous!! and enthusiasm to take the leap into the TEFL world

Freya Harris
Ethan R Wilkinson
@TEFLOrgUK Had great fun and instruction on TEFL weekend course at
Just taught my first ever (paid) English lesson! My @TEFLOrgUK
Sheffield Jurys Inn - thanks Rebeca
qualification sure came in handy.
Classroom TEFL modules
20-hour classroom TEFL course 30-hour classroom TEFL course
Held over two days on selected weekends throughout Our weekday courses take place over three days on
the year in over 30 locations UK-wide. selected dates in our UK course venues.
Saturday 9am 8pm and Sunday 9am 6pm. Monday to Wednesday 9am-6pm each day

Saturday (9am-8pm) More ideas for the classroom Monday (9am to 6pm) Unit 10 - Functions
Unit 1 - Warmers Unit 10 - Functions Unit 1 - Warmers Teaching everyday English words and phrases
Introducing yourself, getting to know each other, Teaching everyday English words and phrases Introducing yourself, getting to know each other, Unit 11 - Lesson planning, preparation & practice
reducing inhibitions Unit 11 - Lesson planning, preparation & practice reducing inhibitions How to plan a TEFL lesson & giving your first lesson
Unit 2 - Classroom management How to plan a TEFL lesson & giving your first lesson Unit 2 - Classroom management Tuesday (9am to 6pm)
Arranging the classroom and managing your Sunday (9am-6pm) Arranging the classroom and managing your students Unit 12 - More warmers
students Unit 12 - More warmers Unit 3 - Getting the students to speak A little warmer for your second day
Unit 3 - Getting the students to speak A little warmer for your second day Inventive ways to elicit from the students, using Unit 13 - Needs analysis & understanding levels
Inventive ways to elicit from the students, using Unit 13 - Needs analysis & understanding levels pictures, mime and gesture Assessing new students and understanding different
pictures, mime and gesture Assessing new students and understanding different Unit 4 - Introduction to grammar levels of students
Unit 4 - Introduction to grammar levels of students A first look at some of the English tenses. What is the Unit 14 - Pronunciation
A first look at some of the English tenses. What is the Unit 14 - Pronunciation Present Perfect exactly? The sounds, stresses, intonation & rhythm of the
Present Perfect exactly? The sounds, stress, intonation & rhythm of the Unit 5 - Foreign language lesson English language
Unit 5 - Foreign language lesson English language A beginners lesson: find out what its like to be on the Unit 15 - Correcting errors
A beginners lesson: find out what its like to be on the Unit 15 - Correcting errors receiving end How and when to correct in the classroom.
receiving end How and when to correct in the classroom Unit 6 - Controlled practice Unit 16 - Teaching skills
Unit 6 - Controlled practice Unit 16 - Teaching skills Practice activities: why we use them and some ideas How to teach reading & listening in the classroom
Practice activities: why we use them and some ideas How to teach reading & listening in the classroom for the classroom Unit 17 - Grammar
for the classroom Unit 17 - Grammar Unit 7 - Free practice A more in-depth look into tenses (Warning! Includes fun!)
Unit 7 - Free practice A more in-depth look into tenses (Warning! Includes Using role play and other activities to bring your
Wednesday (9am to 6pm)
Using role play and other activities to bring your fun!) lessons to life
Unit 18 - Teaching young learners
lessons to life Unit 18 - Lesson planning, preparation & practice Unit 8 - Games
Strategies & ideas for teaching young learners
Unit 8 - Games Give your second TEFL lesson How games can improve the learning experience
Unit 19- Teaching practice
How games can improve the learning experience Unit 19 - Finding work abroad Unit 9 - More warmers
Give your third TEFL lesson
Unit 9 - More warmers How to find your first teaching English job More ideas for the classroom
Unit 20 - Finding work abroad

Online TEFL modules Our courses
have a 95% pass

50-hour TEFL module

Learn how to become a slick lesson planner, deliver super lessons and manage a classroom like a pro. Learn teaching styles and advanced TEFL methodology
plus an introduction to teaching Business English, teaching young learners and teaching English one-to-one.

30-hour TEFL Grammar module 20-hour TEFL Video module

Dont know a pronoun from a proper noun?
OurYou will after have
courses completing
95%this shortrate Get a feel for the real TEFL classroom experience with our 20-hour Online
module! An essential guide for the native English speaker, this course is de- Video Module. Learn from the best: observe our experienced TEFL teachers
signed to give first-time teachers a thorough grounding in the terminology and taking English classes. Gain understanding of teaching styles and lesson
rules of English grammar. planning in action.

10-hour Telephone Teaching module

10-hour Teaching Large Classes module Teach English from the comfort of your own home! Top tips on how to plan
100 students in your class? This wont faze you once you have completed this lessons and provide feedback while teaching over the telephone. This extra
module! A must if you are considering Asia as a TEFL destination. module is an excellent addition to any TEFL CV and is especially useful if
youre looking to enter the lucrative market of Business English.

TEFL courses with a weekend module
20-Hour 50-Hour 120-Hour 140-Hour
209 239 349 369
Basic Basic + Grammar Recommended Premier
Best buy
Quality TEFL courses
accredited by: BAC and ODLQC
Internationally recognised TEFL certificate
Course Includes

Lifetime access to our TEFL job centre

Lifetime TEFL CV support

Personal online TEFL tutor

Personalised reference letter

TEFL coursebook
Classroom 20-hour Weekend Classroom
30-hour English Grammar
Online Modules

50-hour Online TEFL course

20-hour Online Video Observation

10-hour Telephone Teaching

10-hour Teaching Large Classes

Please note there is an extra charge of 10 for classroom courses in London

Courses including 20-hour
20-Hour TEFL course 50-hour TEFL course 120-hour TEFL course
140-hour Premier
weekend course
TEFL Course
Who is the course for? Perfect to give you a taste of Perfect if youre looking for TEFL in a nutshell! Most With two extra modules in
the world of TEFL. a short summer camp job employers look for a teaching large classes and
or if youd like a taste of minimum of 120 hours of telephone teaching, youll
TEFL with a sprinkling of TEFL training. be well prepared to teach
grammar. in the more sought after
TEFL locations of China and

How long do you have to One weekend in a location One month. Five months. Six months.
complete the course? chosen by you.

Student Reviews The training weekend held I found it all so interesting I really enjoyed the TEFL Very well run and superbly
by Kirsty in Aberdeen was and was carried out in such course, I met lots of new presented. Instructor (Iona)
fantastic! I enjoyed every a brilliant way! Hats off to people and gained great tailored the course perfectly
aspect of the weekend, the tutor and I feel like the skills which I hope to be as we were a small group.
and felt that each day was course content has taught using this summer. I would highly recommend
planned and built up really me everything it could about this course. Instruction was
well. teaching English. Alana Blockley clear, precise and relevant.
Glasgow Reinforces learning from the
Annemarie Wood Jemma Greenhalgh online course.
Aberdeen Buckingham
Dean Cobbold

TEFL courses with a weekday module
30-Hour 60-Hour 130-Hour 150-Hour
259 289 379 409
Basic Basic + Grammar Recommended Premier
Best buy
Quality TEFL courses
accredited by: BAC and ODLQC
Internationally recognised TEFL certificate
Course Includes

Lifetime access to our TEFL job centre

Lifetime TEFL CV support

Personal online TEFL tutor

Personalised reference letter

TEFL coursebook
Classroom 30-hour Weekday Classroom
30-hour English Grammar
Online Modules

50-hour Online TEFL course

20-hour Online Video Observation

10-hour Telephone Teaching

10-hour Teaching Large Classes

Please note there is an extra charge of 10 for classroom courses in London

Courses including 30-hour
30-Hour TEFL course 60-hour TEFL course 130-hour TEFL course
150-hour Premier
weekday course
TEFL Course
Who is the course for? Perfect for a taste of TEFL. Ideal if youre looking for a All your TEFL essentials A must if you are
The 3 day classroom short summer camp job. in one package. Most considering Asia as a TEFL
experience gives you an Polish your English grammar employers look for a teaching location, this
extra lesson planning alongside your practical minimum of 120 hours of course includes two mini
confidence booster. experience! TEFL training. modules including telephone
teaching and teaching large

How long do you have to One weekday course in One month. Five months. Six months.
finish the course? a location chosen by you.

Student Reviews I found the 3 days course, Really good experience- met Great course, very thorough. Loved my 150hr course!
lively, fun, interesting and some great people and got Useful for getting you to It has provided me with
reassuring. It was lively and a really good feel for how think about how to begin a stepping stone for career
fun because of the different teaching English will be and with a room full of people opportunities within the
activities learnt to aid our walked away with a lot of with no English. TEFL industry.I really
teaching. knowledge about how to enjoyed the classroom and
teach too. Samantha Wilson online components.
David Casely Edinburgh
Dorset James Bird Ashley Eve Twaddle
Preston East Kilbride

Online TEFL courses
50-Hour 80-Hour 100-Hour 120-Hour
169 199 249 279
Basic Basic + Grammar Recommended Premier
Quality TEFL courses
accredited by: BAC and ODLQC
Internationally recognised TEFL certificate
Course Includes

Lifetime access to our TEFL job centre

Lifetime TEFL CV support

Personal online TEFL tutor

Downloadable course materials

50-hour Online TEFL course

30-hour English Grammar

20-hour Online Video Observation

10-hour Telephone Teaching

10-hour Teaching Large Classes

Online TEFL courses

Online TEFL courses 50-hour Online course

80-hour Online TEFL 100-hour Online TEFL 120-hour Premier
course course
Online TEFL course
Who is the course for? TEFL methodology Perfect if youre looking to This blend of TEFL Make your CV shine out to
summarised into this short volunteer abroad as a TEFL methodology, English employers with our most
online course. Ideal for teacher. grammar and teaching comprehensive online TEFL
people looking for a taste of observation is great course.
TEFL. preparation for TEFL
summer camps.

How long do you have to Three months. Four months. Five months. Six months.
complete the course?

Student Reviews The course was very user The course was well The course covers I found it very
friendly and the tutor very structured, easy to follow everything necessary to be straightforward to follow
helpful. I particularly enjoyed and very interesting. I really a teacher. Great tips for the and fit around my work.
the grammar module. enjoyed it. structure of a lesson. The tutor was very quick
and efficient in marking my
Lauren Harrison Mariann Grace Lotesoriere Johnathon Eagle

Catherine Butler

The TEFL wow factor
- Advanced TEFL courses
Already TEFL qualified and hungry for more training? Make your CV irresistible to
employers by completing an advanced TEFL course! These courses are completed
online so they can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

30-hour Business English - 89

Prepare yourself for entering into the lucrative world of teaching Business English through
learning about how to design a Business English programme, the language of business, how to
facilitate classroom interaction and so much more!

30-hour Teaching Young Learners - 89

Children tend to learn in a completely different way from adults. Learn about how to keep
children engaged through games and classroom activities. As a teacher, its your job to make the
class as engaging and enjoyable as possible while maintaining good classroom management.
Kindergarten children from ages three to five can be a challenge for some novice teachers, so
we have included a section on how to manage very young learners to help prepare you as best
we can.

40-hour Teaching English Online - 89

If you would like to be your own boss and fit your job around a busy life, teaching English online
is ideal for you! Stepping into the virtual classroom is a completely different experience from
being in the same room as your students. This course teaches you how to adapt your lesson
plans to effectively help someone to learn English online. The course will also help you to adapt
and design your own teaching material and gain a deeper understanding of the online learning

PDF TEFL Resources
The TEFL Book (PDF) by Mark PDF Lesson Plans Pack Volume 1 - 9.95
Durnford - 24.95 10 TEFL lesson plans suitable for elementary and intermediate level English
A 200-page manual taking you learners.
through the best ways to manage
your classroom, lesson structures,
teaching grammar and phonology.

Business English PDF Lesson

Plans Pack
This 81-page pack covers a range of
lessons suitable for elementary to
intermediate level learners.

Young Learners PDF Lesson

Plans Pack - 19.95 PDF Lesson Plans Pack Volume 2
19.95 PDF Lesson Plans Pack Volume 3
A must-have pack for kindergarten
and elementary school EFL These 30 classic, tried and tested 24.95
teachers! Contains lesson plans, plans are suitable for all levels & This volume includes an incredible
warmers and handouts for abilities. Student hand-outs and set of 40 lesson plans suitable for
students. teachers notes included! all levels.

TEFL Org UK Jobs Centre
Explore a world of teaching opportunities
After signing up to an accredited TEFL course you will gain exclusive access to the TEFL Job Centre as one of our students where
you can apply directly to hundreds of international TEFL jobs. So where will you teach?

Diane Sarah
Teaching Business English in Germany Teaching young leaners at one of Chinas
I now teach about 10 - 15 Business largest EFL schools
English classes and three yoga classes per Teaching takes every ounce of energy you
week. A good life. have, but the memories you make and the
bonds you create are worth every moment.
Swapped bar work in Glasgow for
Amy TEFL work in Seville
Travelling and teaching EFL across The good thing about it is you learn
Latin America a lot about whatever business you Serena
Teaching at a public school and
My exciting adventures have led are working in, it is something worth
a private language centre in
me from Peru, to the exotic amazon thinking about in terms of job hunting.
jungle, throughout South America
In less than a year I have taught
exploring the remarkable deserts,
kids, teenagers, adults and
tropical jungle, sandy beaches and
business English which is all
historic cities.
making my CV look amazing!

Recommended TEFL Jobs
Have the TEFL experience of a lifetime with one of our recommended TEFL jobs. Available year-round and in some of the best
locations around the world, these teaching positions are with well-known and respected language schools (and include some great
perks too!)

Start your TEFL career on the best foot and apply online today.

Benefits include:

Competitive Flight Ongoing In-country If you have any questions about our
salary reimbursement training support recommended TEFL jobs please dont
hesitate to get in touch.

Paid Health Visa Airport

holidays insurance support pickup

Paid teaching internships in Vietnam
In association with English Language Company
Sign up to the Teach in Vietnam Internship and have an international teaching position arranged before you begin your TEFL
course. Teach, live and explore one of South-East Asias most exotic and culturally diverse countries, with in-country support
and a community of fellow international TEFL interns.

Whats included?
5-month teaching placement
140-hour Premier TEFL Course
Free accommodation
Orientation week in Vietnam
Monthly living allowance and completion bonus
In-country support including local buddy at your school

For full details including intake dates visit

Get the best TEFL certificate with
TEFL Org UK dont settle for less

This brochure was printed in July
2016. We have made every effort
to ensure the accuracy of the
information but details are subject
to change.

For the latest information go to:
P24 01349 800 600

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