Doula - From Novice To Expert

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Brought to you from the pages of

International Doula

Novice to
Expert Doula Development
The Five Stages of

Written by Amy L. Gilliland

About this reprint
About this Research Project About the Skill Profiles
The ve articles in this series are based on my research While all of us start out as novices, we acquire skills in
on effective labor support by doulas. My goal is to develop different areas of birth doula work at different times.
a comprehensive theory as to why doula care has such Depending on our past experiences as mothers, nurses,
positive outcomes for mothers and their families. I began educators or accountants, we bring a different mix of
interviewing doulas in 2002 for my masters thesis and it challenges and solutions to our work. The births we
is a continuing project for my PhD dissertation. So far I attend offer different kinds of learning experiences and
have interviewed 40 doulas from across North America, shape our progress. So you may nd that different parts
over 30 parents who had doula care and seven nurses of two proles (or even three) t where you are now
who work with doulas. In analyzing these interviews, and that is quite appropriate. People grow at different
certain patterns of behavior and particular points of view rates. The way to use these proles is to increase your
tended to cluster together based on a doulas experience understanding of yourself and your colleagues. By
level. In examining the relevant literature, my search having a concrete description and words to describe
led me to an excellent resource: the Dreyfus Model of your insights, hopefully you will value what you do have
Skill Acquisition. to contribute more highly. By detailing the challenges of
each stage, you may be able to come up with solutions
About the Dreyfus Model that work for you. It can also help for you to know where
you are going and what the next stage may feel like.
The Dreyfus Model was originally developed in 1981
to explain the skill development of chess players and
airline pilots. It is most well known for Patricia Benners Affiliation with DONA International
application to nurses in the classic book, From Novice Even though I have been afliated with DONA
to Expert (1985, 2001). The Dreyfus model posits that a International as a DONA certied birth doula, DONA
learner passes through ve levels of prociency: novice, approved birth doula trainer and past member of the
advanced beginner, competent, procient and expert. Board of Directors, the views expressed in these articles
These different levels reect three major shifts in how are my own. DONA International does not regard them
skills and knowledge are applied. The rst is a shift from as ofcial stages or professional goals. These articles
the use of abstract principles to concrete experience in are provided for your educational use and personal
making decisions. The second is a change in how the development only.
learner perceives the situation and which particular events
are seen as relevant and requiring attention. The third is a About Amy L. Gilliland
shift from feeling like an observer outside the situation to
one who is actively involved in creating what happens. Amy L. Gilliland, M.S., CD(DONA) is
Understanding these ve stages of development as a a DONA approved birth doula trainer,
doula can be very helpful. Hopefully individual doulas will writer and researcher in Madison,
feel less isolated and reach out more when they need to Wisconsin. She has three children and
and we will also understand how to better mentor birth has been attending births since 1987.
doulas in our communities. These articles can also form She is currently working on her PhD
an interesting discussion in doula groups. It is important dissertation studying effective labor
that doulas realize that the goal is not to become an support by doulas and teaches advanced doula training
expert doula, although some of us end up there. The key seminars. Amy is also an AASECT certied sexuality
is respecting the perspective and skills that you have right educator and adjunct psychology professor at MATC. She
now and using them to grow and be the best doula you can be reached at or through
can be for the families you serve. Doulas at all stages,
from novice to expert, are valuable and important.
Brenner, Patricia (2001, 1986) From Novice to Expert:
Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

2 From Novice to Expert

Stage One:
The Novice Doula

Stage Two:
The Advanced
Beginner Doula

Stage Three:
The Seasoned
(Competent) Doula

Stage Four:
The Proficient Doula

Stage Five:
The Expert Doula

The Five Stages of Development 3

Stage One:
The Novice Doula
A ll of us were new doulas
once. Most beginners feel
uncomfortable with their
newness and want to cast
it off as soon as they can. It feels more
like a burden. Even experienced doulas
may not appreciate the newer members
mothers with such long nails? She replied,
Oh thats not a part of what I do. It
never occurred to me that there could be
other ways of doulaing than what I had
been taught. The idea of exibility, that
there were no hard and fast rules about
what to do and when to do it, was just
in their midst, especially if they have seen beginning to occur to me. At that moment
a lot of enthusiastic people come and go. I realized that I needed to question my own
However, being new is a giftit means assumptionssomething that has remained
that anything is possible; you dont know with me and led me to conduct this project.
what the limitations are yet. New doulas
may ask questions they feel everyone The novice
else already knows the answers to, but
often they ask the questions in ways that doula profile
inspire others and themselves to think. The novice doula is excited and
Their perspective is fresh. enthusiastic. Deep inside of her this path
I had the experience of being new as a just feels right. She feels drawn to birth,
birth doula when the idea of professional drawn to women and energized about
labor support was entirely new, but it nally being exactly where she wants to
also meant that I spent most of my time be. The novice doula may have her own
educating people on what we were about. ideas about how birth should be. She
One of my signicant memories of being wants women to have choices and options
a new doula happened in 1987. On a visit and care providers to be caring and
to Houston, Texas, Polly Perez graciously accommodating.
agreed to meet with me. I felt enchanted Her main concerns are about what it is
to be in this pioneering persons ofce, really going to be like. Will she be able to
surrounded by her important paperwork make a difference? Will she say or do the
and ideas. As she talked, she spoke with wrong thingor do the right thing at the
her hands. My eyes kept following her wrong time? Can she manage her own
beautifully manicured nails. I got up the emotions when the baby is born? Will she
courage and asked, How do you massage be able to manage her life?

4 From Novice to Expert

The path of supporting a mother and
family feels satisfying but unfamiliar at
positions are best for what phase of labor?
How do you ask the doctor or nurse if the
All people learn
the same time. She is guring it out. Her baby needs to turn or not? Even though
training makes sensemothers are acting
in the ways her trainers predicted and she
all the books tell you a mother should go
to the bathroom often, it is still hard to
through trial
understands what they were describing.
Things are falling into place. She is joyous
motivate a mother who is comfortable
where she is at.
and error, but it
when the baby is born but frustrated
sometimes too. Things arent really the
The challenges for the novice doula are
practical as well as personal. There are
can be harder
way she would like them to be. Some parts
are good but there are others she wishes
business challenges with getting clients
and deciding when it is time to charge a for a new
could be different. She may not feel sure of
her ability to inuence events positively.
Questionsshe has so many questions.
fee for services and how much to charge.
She may modify her paperwork after each
client. Doulas need to encourage people
doula when
What does VE stand for? (vaginal exam)
What is the name of the shoe horn looking
to trust them while they are still building
their skills. Some doulas have the added
she makes a
thing and do they use it every time?
(vaginal retractor) She feels uncomfortable
asking some of her questions, and
task of educating their communities
about the positive aspects of professional
labor support.
mistake. This is
some answers arent in the booksshe
has looked! There are so many things
New doulas may make mistakes as
they negotiate appropriate boundaries
because she cares
she wants to know and it is so exciting
to learn them.
with clients. They need to gure out that
the relationship is intimate as well as
so much about
Mothers are appreciative of her professional, which means that she is
comfort and she has begun to gure
out what she feels good at doing. She
friendly to her clients but that they cannot
be treated as friends. To be in balance,
getting it right.
is getting better at not asking questions client relationships require self-disclosure
during a contraction and stopping a foot but it must be appropriate. All people
rub when the mother takes a deep breath. learn through trial and error, but it can be
The mothers she doulas are training her, harder for a new doula when she makes
one at a time. But it is hard to remember a mistake. This is because she cares so
the other things that seem essential. What much about getting it right.

The Five Stages of Development 5

Being on call may be a new experience. do it, they will happily follow. They want
It is tedious and tiring. In addition, the to be the best doulas they can. I explain
daily routines of life have to be planned that there are no hard and fast rules, just
out for when she does get called to a guiding principles. They will have to gure
birth. Emergency childcare, meals and out on their own how to apply them; and
transportation alternatives need to be it is different at every birth. This makes the
gured out ahead of time. task of being a doula more difcult in their
A novice doulas personal challenges eyes, but many are still undaunted. The key
usually have to do with knowledge and issues in doula care are the empowerment
condence. Frequently she may not of mothers, non-judgmental acceptance of
feel she knows enough about what is their choices and support for their actions.
happening to explain something well. It is not about achieving or creating an
She can ask the nurse to explain it to the idealized vision of birth.
mother, but she does not feel condent Some novice doulas get this message
enough to do that well either. An effective in their doula trainings; and some that do
doula at this stage does it anyway because get it, still resist it. Depending on the doula
her passion for mothers getting the right and her stage of personal growth and
information is more important than her enlightenment, she will either understand
own self interest. In order to grow, novice more deeply or reject this message. Either
doulas know they will need to stick their way, these rst few births will tell the
necks out sometimes. They know it will novice doula a great deal about herself.
feel uncomfortable because they are new, She discovers some of her strengths and
but they do it because they love birth also nds a great deal of frustrations.
and feel deeply inside that their presence
makes a difference. Novice doula
In my basic doula trainings, I often feel
that new doulas come to the workshop challenges
wanting to know the rules. If I will just Does not feel she knows enough
explain to them what to do and when to Lack of condence

6 From Novice to Expert

May try to rigidly follow guidelines for they are the ones willing to sit at the table
using support strategies rather than during baby fairs and hand out leaets at
paying attention to the mother neighborhood parades. New doulas may
Perceived as green by others who have connections to different groups of
may discount what she does have mothers or community members who then
to offer further spread the word about doula care.
Need to build her skills Helping newer doulas to understand the
Need to attract rst clients history of labor support options in your
community is a great place to start and to
Novice doula assets help them feel they belong. They deserve
the nurturing and guidance of more
Enthusiasm for birth and being experienced doulas, especially as they
a doula move into the challenges of the Advanced
Belief in herself and her ability to Beginner stage of being a doula.
make a difference
Anything is possible! (This attitude
paves the way for many things

to happen)
Abundant supply of energy
The key issues in doula care are the

Feeling of rightness about her path

Familiar with strategies and support
techniques from her training and is
empowerment of mothers,
eager to use them non-judgmental acceptance of their
How you can help choices and support for their actions.
Novice doulas have a great deal to offer
their communities. They often bring
new energy and different perspectives to
meetings and discussions. Often times

The Five Stages of Development 7

Stage Two:
The Advanced
Beginner Doula
T he Advanced Beginner stage
is one of the most important
and difcult stages in the
process of maturing as a
doula. Doulas are more skilled deliverers
of labor support, but there are professional
and personal challenges. Because of
still had not gone through the personal
journey needed to move forward.
By this time, the Advanced Beginner
(AB) doula has gained condence in her
ability to offer her labor support skills to
families. She has learned from experience
that her presence makes a huge positive
these challenges, more eager and caring difference to her clients. Instead of just
doulas may leave the profession at this hearing others stories, she has been
stage than at any other. However, through to a variety of labors and births. She
my research I have discovered that many understands that women can experience
of these difculties are universal and similar births in different ways, and different
predictable. My hope is that by identifying care providers have varied approaches to
them and offering support along the way, similar circumstances. This knowledge gives
experienced doulas can help the newer her more condence as a professional. She
doulas in their communities to persevere. is more exible in her approach and no
What most doulas need at this stage is longer chastises herself if a mother doesnt
doulaing through the process by someone like a comfort measure. Instead she goes
who has been there! on to the next thing on her list.
However, the rules that novice doulas
The Advanced are so eager to learn and apply havent
always panned out. The ip side of
Beginner Doula profile learning to be exible in her approach
In the workshops where I use these to labor support can be feelings of
proles, doulas ask, How many births uncertainty and a lack of condence. It
does it take to reach a certain stage? The is important for the doula to emotionally
stages are not dened by the number of process and get her questions answered
births attended but by what it feels like thoroughly after each birth. Each one
for the individual doula. I interviewed usually has a different set of challenges,
some women who were at this stage by which may leave her feeling that she will
their eighth birth, while another doula I never really be prepared. Sometimes this
interviewed had attended 30 births and is overwhelming. Understanding that these

8 From Novice to Expert

feelings are a normal part of maturing as personal details, especially their own her assets. She may need insurance
a doula is important for AB doulas to hear birth stories, may limit how mothers and will have to decide the best ways to
and an area where her doula community view them. Mothers may feel judged if promote her business.
(local or on-line) can be helpful. While they make different choices than their AB doulas discover that some doctors
she is gaining skills with each birth, this doula or feel they may not live up to her and nurses are happy to work with doulas
phase has more personal and professional expectations. Most doulas learn this after and some are not. Some are easier to
challenges than any other. Many of the going through these situations. They connect with, and everyone works together
doulas in my sample expressed that their have also discovered that mothers need for the clients benet. At other births, she
doula friends made all the difference in doulaing in different ways. They are may weigh and measure everything she
guring out answers to these issues and actively working on conveying an attitude says in her head before saying it out loud
conicts. Almost all professions have of professionalism at prenatal meetings and can feel like an outsider. Just being
a period of intense skill building and and feel successful most of the time. there is a struggle for her because of the
maturation where challenges need to There may also be conicts with her people attending her client. She isnt sure
be negotiated in order to continue. For family and her non-birth friends. She feels what she could do to make it better.
doulas, it is this advanced beginner phase. bad letting them down at the last minute From attending births, the AB
Professionally, one of the rst areas even though she feels she deserves to do doula has noticed that medical care
that she needs to concentrate on is what feeds her soul. But the balancing providers have a wide variety of practice
attracting new clients. This can take up act can leave her feeling drained and styles. Some of them are excellent
a lot of her resources, and the actual unsupported. Is she making enough communicators, but sometimes they
pay she receives may not earn her much money at this doula thing to make up recommend interventions in a way that
prot. The challenge of building up a for lost wages from another job? Is the feels manipulative. Shes not sure what
practice is difcult in most places. If she positive impact she knows shes making for to say some of the time even though
is a lone doula, she may need to prove her clients enough to counter the negative her clients trust her to help them get the
to her community that her services are impact on the people she cares about? information they need. She is learning
worthwhile. In larger cities, the more If they have decided to commit to what part of her clients birth experience
established doulas may not recommend doula work as a profession, the AB doula she can inuence and what part she cant.
her until she has proven herself; or it may needs to gure out a practice style and The AB doula is frequently frustrated by
simply be that parents in her area prefer business plan that works for her. She what she sees in the medical system.
an experienced doula. may need a doula partner or to establish Some AB doulas are easily able to
On the plus side, many AB doulas steady backup relationships. She will need see where their personal responsibility
are more comfortable interacting with to gure out which tax form to use and lies, what is up to the client and what is
clients. Doulas may realize that telling what form of business will best protect up to the clients medical care provider.

The Five Stages of Development 9

The challenge for this doula is to
shift and expand her vision
about the meaning of birth and
what it means to be a doula.

For others, this is much harder. They of birth and what it means to be a doula.
feel responsible, guilty or angry at some The change comes out of an important
aspects of their clients experience and feel period of dissatisfaction and self-reection.
they ought to have been able to change In the old way, the birth is about what
it. More experienced doulas tell them that the doula thinks is best for the mother so
their caring presence made a difference that the mother can achieve this vision.
and that was enough. However, as the The new way is for the doula to realize
AB doula grows in her communication that the mother decides her own journey
skills, she may nd that there are ways while she is in labor. The doula empowers
she can inuence her clients experience the mother and clears the way for her. Its
positively and avoid some of the not about an ideal vision any longer; it is
situations that frustrate her now. about accompanying each mother on this
Some doulas have approached this mystical journey as a knowledgeable guide.
profession hoping to change birth. They One of my interview participants,
want to make a difference in the system and Allison (not her real name), illustrated this
show people how birth can be. They have part of the process very clearly. She had
an idealistic way of thinking about things. been to approximately 25 births. Allison
Sometimes they only choose clients who was very candid about her personal journey
share that vision (e.g. planning unmedicated from a place of what she thought was best
births). They believe that if everything is set for the mother to a place of allowing the
up a certain way, then the idealized birth mother to do what she needed to do for
can happen and will happen if they are a herself. As a new doula, Allison valued
good enough doula. The birth experience drug-free, intervention-free birth. She felt
is less about the mother than it is about she knew what was best for mothers and
birth being a certain way. While the AB that part of her role was to inform them of
doula may not articulate it out loud or even the best choices. She shared freely about
consciously to herself, her doula work is being inwardly judgmental when mothers
about her skill in helping mothers to create made choices that were taking them away
this ideal birth experience. When it doesnt from what she thought was best. This was
happen, she judges mothers and herself. dissatisfying for her as an individual as well
The challenge for this doula is to shift as a doula, and she came to a personal
and expand her vision about the meaning crossroads where she changed her

10 From Novice to Expert

approach. It was innitely more satisfying Personal challenges about letting Summary of Advanced
for her when she could allow the labor and down her family and friends
Beginner Doula assets
birth to be mother focused. Some doulas Establishing a positive professional
are able to embrace a non-judgmental, relationship with other doulas in her Knows from experience that her
mother focused attitude very easily as they area presence makes a huge positive
begin their practice. For other doulas, like Establishing a business difference to her clients
Allison, it is much more challenging. Communicating effectively with Is developing more condence as a
With all of these struggles outlined, it medical professionals in the labor room professional
is easier to see why some might nd it Not really feeling competent because Understands the wide variety of
simpler to stop or minimize doula work each birth challenges her skills in a possible birth experiences
in their lives. Hopefully, just knowing new way Understands the variety of practice
that these challenges are important Frustrated because of the medical styles of medical care providers and
and necessary parts of growing as a system and the way birth is managed medical staff
doula will be helpful to those going Dismayed (or worse) because of the Can recognize the similarities in the
through them. Just as moms learn way patients are treated behavior of different laboring mothers
how to mother through the supportive Learning how to work with difcult and can see the progression of labor
mothering doulas provide during birth people who may not like her or like from beginning to end
and postpartum, doulas learn how to be doulas Has had success in using several
better doulas by being doulaed! Building Figuring out what issues are in her different labor support techniques
strong and lasting doula communities is realm of inuence and responsibility Feels a deepening sense of
a part of what we need to do to improve and which are not; and how to deal connection to her clients in labor
birth and family life. emotionally with the ones that are not more often than not
the doulas Emerging sense of personal identity
Has to discover that it is not about her as a doula
Summary of
or her vision of birth
Advanced Beginner Must center her efforts on the mother
Doula challenges and her empowerment and let go
A steady stream of clients in balance of any preconceived notions about
with the effort put forth to attract them what that birth ought to be or what
Support from her family and friends mothers ought to do
to live a doula-friendly lifestyle

The Five Stages of Development 11

Stage Three:
The Seasoned
(Competent) Doula
T he seasoned doula feels
that she stands on solid
groundat least most of
the time. Through honest
reection and the seeking of support, the
challenges of the advanced beginner stage
are now behind her. A seasoned doula
The seasoned doula has also negotiated
the professional challenges of the
Advanced Beginner (AB) stage. She has
developed a business and has a working
relationship with the other doulas in her
area. She has a backup doula, someone
she knows well and trusts. They have
feels comfortable in most situations, and been to a birth together or at least shared
some things have become predictable at enough stories to trust one anothers
births. Except for novel situations, the actions. Her business plan has been
uncertainty that prevailed at earlier stages implemented and she is remembering to
is now a thing of the past. Many doulas at use her business debit card for separate
this stage feel less anxiety and a greater transactions. In other words, the structure
sense of mastery. has been set up for her to function as a
professional. When she reads books or
Competencies goes to a workshop, there is still quite a bit
of new material but she is able to connect
This can lead to a greater sense of the new information with what she already
condence in many areas of her doula knowsmaking new connections. Her
work. At births, she is more able to knowledge base is deepening as well as
communicate well with medical staff broadening. In other words, things are
and careproviders especially in routine coming together to form a solid foundation.
interactions. The seasoned doula One of the personal challenges of the
understands medical terms and the verbal AB stage is becoming aware of ones
shorthand used at births and can explain own sadness and anger about birth
them to her clients when needed. Her practices. The seasoned doula has found
comfort measures and support strategy a positive way to live with those feelings.
recommendations work. She feels more Some doulas in this study mentioned
condent in her ability to read a mothers strategies as diverse as writing poetry
needs more accurately and also that her or becoming an activist for change. All
choices of emotional support strategies for doulas said they received help to sort out
a particular mother will be the right ones. these issues with other doulas, whether

12 From Novice to Expert

at a conference, workshop, on-line or in
their communities. They discussed the
The seasoned doula feels that she
has a practice style. She has learned her
Overall the
births they had attended and the feelings
and issues surrounding them with several
own way of initiating relationships with
new clients, conducting prenatal visits seasoned
experienced doulas. Through that process,
doulas gain insight about strengths and
areas for further skill development.
and gaining closure when their doula
experience is over. When going to a birth,
she feels condent that she will know what
Overall, doulas at this stage have decided
that the positives of being a doula
to do most of the time. What happens is
up to the client, the medical careprovider
stage is
outweighed the negatives. and the labor itself, but she can inuence
it in small ways. She has let go of the one of
Practice styles
The seasoned doulas approach to
mothers and birth is to be present with
idea that birth must go according to her
own ideals and is mother-centered and
empowering in her approach. She knows
what happens and to remain alongside the
how to get along with most medical
people and knows how to introduce
and comfortable
mother. She doesnt try to force it to be herself or any ideas she might have. She
one way or another. She has learned that
the best way she can inuence birth events
feels comfortable in the birth room and as
though she belongs there most of the time.
is by working with her clients prenatally. The major area of development for
Their prenatal visits are richer and she the seasoned doula is her ability to adapt
spends more time educating them about what she knows. The adapting process
choices they will have. For example, she is something she thinks through; Will
may discuss inductions at 32 weeks, long this work here? or How can I still use
before the careprovider does. Once it has cold on her back if shes in the shower?
been brought up by the doctor or midwife, She watches nurses or midwives use
the discussion is no longer impersonal. techniques and les them away for future
It becomes about personalities and not reference. On the plus side, the seasoned
about philosophies and statistics. More doula knows ten different ways to say,
than likely the necessity of discussing Did you have any questions about that?
things prenatally with her clients has been without sounding threatening. Several
learned through experience. doulas interviewed at this stage mentioned

The Five Stages of Development 13

wanting to share what they know about the seasoned doulasomething new may
a particular procedure with their clients throw her off for a bit, but she knows to
rather than getting a nurse or medical relax and focus on meeting the mothers
careprovider to say it. The responses they needs. This brings her back to herself and
got were mixedsometimes it worked out restores her condence.
ne, while other times the medical staff
or the clients did not receive well what Personal concerns
she said. This is likely a common issue for
seasoned doulas to work on. More than likely she has had an issue with
In addition, novel situations and her husband, partner or children about her
things that havent been experienced dedication to her doula profession. They
before still throw her off. She may feel have had to negotiate their relationship in
a certain anxiety or ask herself, What several different ways for her to continue.
do I do now? The seasoned doula still Sometimes this has not been easy and she
goes through a mental process of trying has asked herself if it is all worth it. Her
to recall what she learned or read about non-birth friends dont really understand
in order to respond appropriately in a sometimes either, and some relationships
particular situation. She may look to have ended or faded away; but that
others in the birth room for cues. Then happens as people change. She has new
she will reexively calm herself and doula friends who have become a part of
recall that what doulas always do is pay her established support system. They help
attention to the mother. She will center her grow and she knows they are there for
herself again and focus on assisting the her if a birth should be difcult or she has
mother and offering her and her family an unexpected outcome.
emotional supportwhich is what the Some seasoned doulas have difculty
essence of being a doula is all about. This setting boundaries and may overextend
will relax her and enable her to function themselves on behalf of their clients. This
best even if the situation is one she has is an issue that extends forward into the
not experienced before. Not feeling procient and expert stages of doula
comfortable and condent may jar her a work. Doulas may not be aware that they
bit, but she recovers and nds her footing are becoming exhausted from doing so
again. That is one of the cardinal signs of much caring. In general, care workers

14 From Novice to Expert

are notorious for not paying attention personal fulllment and enjoyment of their Seasoned (competent)
to themselves or their own signals that work. Labor and birth are now familiar
doula assets
they need rest and renewal. They are processes, as is the setting where she
outwardly focused and attuned to the works most often, whether hospital, home Feels comfortable in most situations
signals of others. Because of this tendency, or birth center. While they always felt they Empowerment-centered in her
seasoned doulas need to nd ways to stay were making a difference, seasoned doulas approach to labor support
in tune with their own bodies and psyches. now enter the birth room knowing deep Communicates fairly well with medical
For some, this may mean cultivating inside that things will be better because staff and careproviders in routine
new wellness habits or self-centered they are there. interactions
pleasurable activities, such as a daily walk Understands that prenatal visits may
or frequent massages. Doulas in the more be her biggest area of inuence on
Seasoned (competent) birth events
advanced stages mentioned that they
had purposefully made changes in their doula challenges Effectively initiates relationships with
lives years before. This enabled them to Continues to improve her communi- clients and gains closure at the end
balance the demands of the profession cation skills in special situations with Understands medical terms and
and their personal lives. medical providers and staff verbal shorthand used at births and
Some doulas limit clients to only certain May want to show off what she can explain them to her clients when
months of the year. Other doulas change knows, but knows the birth room is necessary
their practice model to client share some not the place to do it Her comfort measures and support
or all of the time (see Practice Models of May need to nd a source of strategy recommendations work
Doula Care). This can be hard because validation for her knowledge and an Feels condent in her ability to give
while in the novice and advanced beginner outlet for activist urges to change birth emotional support that matches the
stages, doulas were struggling for clients. A novel or challenging situation at mothers needs most of the time
Saying no to a client or setting a limit on a birth may throw her off and cause Knows where to nd supplies in the
services may feel awkward or unnecessary. anxiety before she is able to reconnect hospitals most of the time
However, learning to balance ones ability and be effective again Belongs to a support system of doulas
to give to a new client with what it takes to Continues to learn new techniques and birth people who respect and
care for ones self is a necessary skill a doula and strategies that broaden and care for her
must learn as she continues to develop. deepen her knowledge base
Overall the seasoned doula stage Cultivates a practice to pay attention
is one of condence and comfortable to her own emotional needs and
growth. At this point doulas nd more signals for rest and renewal

The Five Stages of Development 15

The majority of doulas have an
Practice Models independent practice (IP)meaning
that they have their own business that
is independent of a hospital, clinic or

of Doula Care community organization. The IP doula is

self-employed although there may be more
than one doula in the practice. IP doulas
are usually continuously on call for a client,
with a backup doula who is only called
in emergencies. Some IP doulas work
together and client share. In a client
sharing practice, two or more doulas share
call for an individual client. In addition,
they may attend the birth in pairs, or work
individually, but in eight to 12 hour shifts.
Hospital based (HB) doulas work for
a hospital and have a schedule for when
they are on call to go to a birth. They
are employed by the hospital and paid
according to a set amount, whether that is
an hourly wage or by the birth. Usually HB
doulas do not meet mothers until they are
in labor.
Clinic based doulas are allied with a
medical clinic as part of the health care
team with a physician or midwife. They
may be employed by the clinic or by the
client. They usually do prenatal visits and
may client share or be on call continuously
for a mother.

16 From Novice to Expert

Agency doulas work for an agency doula. In other areas, organizations match difference is that they need to develop and
that takes care of marketing, payment a doula one on one with a client, and this maintain working relationships with other
and business responsibilities. The usually includes prenatal visits. medical staff.
agency director (usually also a doula) Community based doulas have
matches clients based on geography and Doulas are creative people and skilled additional responsibilities and skills, which
individual personal preferences of the problem solvers! These practice models vary from program to program. While their
doula and the parents. Doulas are paid a are simple descriptions of the complex growth stages might be similar to IP and
set rate by the agency for prenatal visits solutions doulas have come up with to HB doulas, CB doulas were not included in
and labor support. Agencies may also make their lives work. Undoubtedly there my study. They are unique and deserve to
provide antepartum and postpartum are variations on each of these models that be studied separately.
doula services. have made them work for you.

Community based (CB) doulas work for How do doulas from the different
an organization that offers doula services practice models compare on the
as part of its health care mission. They are Dreyfus Model for Doulas continuum?
usually recruited from the local community The majority of the participants in my
and share the same values, experiences study are independent practice doulas,
and spoken language as the clients they although nine of them (22.5 percent) are
serve. CB doulas usually have expanded hospital based. Hospital based doulas
duties beyond pregnancy education and follow the same path in terms of gaining
labor support. They may also teach life condence, when to give information,
skills training, parenting education and advocacy skills, personal challenges and
may do some case management. The CB changing relationships with others. The
doula works with others in the organization growth path of HB doulas is more similar
to coordinate services for each mother than different to IP doulas. Where HB
and family. doulas primarily differ is that they do
Volunteer doulas are usually unpaid or not have the challenges of marketing,
receive a small stipend for their expenses. obtaining clients or running a business.
Some organizations have a call schedule They also have to develop a separate set
and a mother or health care representative of skills to get to know a woman in labor
calls when a mother in labor would like a and her family very quickly. Another

The Five Stages of Development 17

Stage Four:
The Proficient Doula
I n all professions, people
move through unique stages
as they acquire additional
skills and are confronted
with different situations. It is common to
feel that elements from two different stages
t as our experiences and reections help
doula would say, Im a doula but I havent
attended births for a few years.

The doula lifestyle

Another marker of the procient stage
doula is that she uses her doula skills in
us to mature. At each phase, people share all aspects of her life. She has learned to
common perspectives and go through listen nonjudgmentally and to interject
similar growth experiences. It is my hope suggestions with detachment whether they
that by examining these stages of doula are used or not. She does this whether she
experience dened by my research, is talking to her teenagers, their teachers
that doulas support one another more or her clients. Hmmm comes naturally
effectively. Together we can help each to her lips when people are talking and
other through the difcult parts and revealing signicant information.
celebrate our joys and successes! Getting ready for a birth now feels
Donna looks down from the mountain routine. For example, the procient doula
and sees the path she has traveled below knows what to put in her birth bag and
her. It has been a part of her life for so what foods to avoid eating while on call.
long that she knows its twists and turns Explaining to people about her lifestyle
intimately. The doula path and the path has become easier and it is just something
of the rest of her life cannot be separated. that she does. It is no longer novel or
As a doula at the procient level, she has special. She has led her doula business
a sense of her own history as a doula and taxes more than a few times and has had
it denes her. It isnt what she does, it is to renegotiate backup doula arrangements
who she is. She cannot imagine not being a few times too. She has seen some
a doula. Even if she stopped attending doulas in her community stop attending
births, she would still be a doulathis is a births. She may have been surprised
strong part of her identity. A doula in the by the excitement of novice doulas and
third competent stage might say, Well wondered if she ever had that much
for a while I was a doula. The procient enthusiastic energy.

18 From Novice to Expert

The medical professionals in her
area may know the procient doula by
The proficient doula feels
name or a memorable feature (e.g. silver
bracelets). Some may refer patients to her.
The procient doula may have physicians
consistently competent
or midwives in her area that she prefers
not to work with and tries to avoid. She
at births and is confident in her skills
has developed a tactful way to steer her
patients to other doulas or to childbirth
classes where they will learn more about
different birth philosophies. The procient family. She is able to project their future even the subtle ones. She frequently
doula networks easily in her community. needs fairly accurately and prepare them nds herself explaining what she has
Not only does she have a good referral list with ease. Between her book knowledge noticed to nurses and partners when
for psychological and alternative health and her experiences, she knows what she is encouraging a change in their
services, she has probably met most of information her clients need to make approach. The procient doula makes
these people. They may also refer clients sound decisions. The strength of her suggestions based on intuition or instinct
to her. She feels comfortable telling knowledge base is not in revealing it to as well as thinking things through. She
mothers that they may need to contact a clients but in her ability to understand has enough obstetrical knowledge to know
professional for psychological support. what they need and cleverly assist them when to suspect a posterior baby and
in getting information from their medical make recommendations based on those
Competent caregivers. Caregivers may also express observations. She usually feels comfortable
that they feel at ease with her role enough to mention her suspicions to
and confident in this process. the nurse when their relationship is
The procient doula feels consistently Communicating with the medical collegial, but her approach is low key
competent at births and is condent in people at a birth comes quite easily to and comes from a sense of being on the
her skills. She knows that she knows a her. The procient doula respects her same team with medical staff rather than
great deal but is humble about it. When a own experience. She exudes a sense anything competitive.
particular circumstance arises at a birth, of condence that lets others know she At this point in her career, the
she has a catalog of strategies to choose knows what is going on. It isnt arrogance, procient doula has been present at
from and seems to intuitively know what just a quiet condence. She is able to births with extraordinary circumstances
would work best for this mother and her pick up on a mothers cues quite easily, or unexpected outcomes. She may have

The Five Stages of Development 19

been the doula at the birth of twins, a Depth of emotions
surprise breech birth or a baby with very
When interviewing doulas in the procient
low Apgar scores. She may have been
stage of their professional growth, I was
with a mother who had a severe medical
struck by their condence, their strong
crisis or an emergency crash cesarean.
sense of themselves as doulas and their
Mothers may have had complications that
deep understanding and trust in their own
required lengthy hospital stays. One of
way of being a doula. However, there was
the babies may have been born still, died
also a sense of sadness, a subtle awareness
soon after birth or passed from SIDS. No
that each pregnancy and birth holds the
matter what the crisis, she has been there
potential of pain as well as joy. Upon
and she has had to deal with it and the
reection, procient doulas were usually
people she is caring for. In the moment,
surprised at the impact that being a doula
her concern is for the mother and her
had on their lives. When they started
family. Supporting them emotionally is
on this path, they thought that it would
her primary mission. When the crisis
involve some changes; but most of those
happens, most procient doulas work on
were viewed as instrumental changes
instinctthey just say and do what they
ways they would structure their lives, being
have been doing to help these families.
on call, etc. If someone asked, of course
Their emotional support does not waiver,
being a doula would change them, but
and they stay calm and in the present
they could not articulate how.
moment. Doulas at earlier stages may
Many procient doulas revealed painful
have had to stop and think about what to
emotional experiences. They have had
do and then consciously make the leap
sad days and ones where they cried a
back into being emotionally supportive.
lot. I heard stories of babies that did not
They might have been thrown off for a bit.
live and of a mothers courage in the
The procient doula doesnt even think
face of great pain or unfairness. In order
about it. She does what feels right based
to continue, procient doulas have had
on her own experience.
to nd a way to take care of themselves
emotionally, and for some this was a real

20 From Novice to Expert

struggle. Doulas who had accomplished doulas made more time for themselves, Taking the time for good self care:
this task found a spiritual or humanist pursuing creative activities such as daily, weekly and monthly
basis to explain what they had witnessed writing, painting, cooking, gardening Knowing that being a doula has
and give meaning to their choices. or crafts. Others took up yoga, or an changed her, sometimes in ways that
Because of this, one of the main exercise activity they really enjoyed such make her weary and exhausted
issues for procient doulas is to take as bicycling or tennis. Some work related Finding continuing education that
care of themselves in order to be useful strategies were taking on a doula partner, is interesting and relevant to her
to their families and their clients. teaching or training, or starting a birth situation
Sometimes doulas who felt overextended focused organization. Discovering a spiritual or humanist
or emotionally exhausted just quit. They The path of the procient doula has basis for her practice that gives
said things like, Ive seen enough. The been a long one. Quietly condent, she comfort and meaning to her life and
issue may be that they have not paced is a well known member of her doula what she has been through
themselves or taken care of themselves community. By opening up her heart
emotionally. Or it may be that one birth to support women and families through Proficient Doula assets
experience was especially traumatic and this rite of passage, she has given of her
they just could not go on without taking deepest self and been changed by the Being a doula is a strong part of her
some time off to heal. I heard stories process, often in unexpected ways. By identity
from doulas who felt they suffered from taking time to pause, reect and integrate Has a great deal of knowledge and
symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder all that she has been through, she can trusts herself to implement it
due to birth events. go forward again on her doula path. In Her observations and suggestions are
Procient doulas who traversed this order to give to others, the procient usually correct
difcult terrain mentioned many different doula needs to make sure she also Works collegially with medical staff
successful approaches, but all seemed to gives to herself. and caregivers whenever possible
t under the theme of nding balance Has long standing relationships with
and breathing room in their doula work. others in the birth community where
Proficient Doula she lives
This seems to be the ip side of being so
strongly identied as a doula. Now that it challenges Feels a sense of routine while on call
has been established, employing strategies Recognizing signs of distress or or when going to a birth
to balance out the personal intensity of trauma and nding appropriate Feels consistently condent in her role
doula work becomes important. Some remedies and actions

The Five Stages of Development 21

Stage Five:
The Expert Doula
T he expert doula bases her
actions on her experiential
knowledge. She has been
to many births and dealt
with vastly different clients and situations.
She knows there are many different
kinds of crises that can occur and knows
a decision and move the mother into a
better position. The expert doula trusts
her immediate response without question
and takes appropriate action. Her actions
are automatic and usually correct. Her
brain is in the moment and doesnt see the
situation as novel and requiring conscious
that things can happen quickly and at thought about what to do.
any time. In contrast, the procient doula would
Her actions come from knowing herself be condent she could handle it but still
fully and deeply and knowledge of the might have to think through each step.
situation as a whole. She understands the She might need to draw upon her memory
perspectives of the mother, her partner, of what to do in this particular situation in
their family, the medical care provider, order to adapt her actions. The competent
nurses and infant(s). She knows how doula would still look around for help and
things will appear weeks and months from hesitate before doing what needed to be
now and that much of it comes back to a done. She would feel much less condent
few pivotal moments during the labor. Her about the situation and her actions.
knowledge is holistic and so ingrained that
her responses are automatic. Skilled confidence
She is easily able to grasp the central
issue in a situation and act appropriately The expert doula can size up a situation
without considering alternative actions in the labor room rather quickly. This
that are inaccurate or would waste does not mean she draws conclusions
time. In other words, she knows what on incomplete data. It means that she is
needs to be done and does it without able to take into account the signicant
second guessing herself. For example, factors contributing to a situationshe
if the mother unexpectedly feels an knows what matters and is able to assess
overwhelming urge to push but is in an it. She is skilled in her ability to notice
unsuitable place to do so, the doula will what is important and is able to attribute
immediately assess the possibilities, make the correct meaning most of the time even
with subtle behavior cues.

22 From Novice to Expert

She feels entirely comfortable in
a wide variety of situations and sees
experienced staff may be assigned so
they can informally learn labor support
Many expert
herself as a peer working alongside
nurses, midwives and physicians. They
techniques by working alongside her.
This does not mean the expert doula is doulas use
are all birth professionals with different
roles and areas of specic knowledge.
Everyone is essential and has a place
authoritative or arrogant. She has learned
to ow with the needs of the mother, the
labor and the unfolding circumstances of
on the birth team. She feels this way
even if other people do not see her as
the birth with an ease that comes from
experience. She knows her place in the
necessary or signicant. Her attitude
conveys professionalism and acceptance.
scheme of things and how to help mothers
to achieve their goals. to effect
She can convey important shades of
meaning through her non-verbal behavior.
She is not manipulative, just aware of
Dealing with limitations
On the ip side, the expert doula is
change in
how different people could perceive her
actions. She is in control of what she does frequently frustrated by what she cannot their communities
almost all the time. control. She may be upset by the attitudes
Sometimes the expert doula discovers and actions of medical care providers and
she is one of the most experienced people staff and her inability to change things
on the birth team. After attending births positively on her clients behalf. She has
for almost a decade or even two, she may an acute awareness of the limitations of
have attended more births or a wider the doulas role at births. She accepts
variety of births than the labor and delivery these limitations but she may also be
nurse or even the obstetrical resident. She angry about what she cannot control. She
may make suggestions that the medical may grieve for the way labors and births
staff has not heard of before or ask could have been if hospital protocols
questions they had not considered. When and medical care providers would have
this happens she may adjust her approach been different. Mothers may be satised
to create even more of a team atmosphere with their births, but as an experienced
and sense of camaraderie. In some settings doula she knows the joy that might have
where the doula is well respected, less been possible or problems that may
have been prevented. While intellectually

The Five Stages of Development 23

she understands that North American Finding balance
culture has a fear of birth that women
Self care is also a priority for the expert
readily absorb and that physicians must
doula. If she has made it to this stage,
constantly think about defending their
she has experienced what happens when
actions in court, the emotional impact is
she stretches herself too thin or takes
very difcult to handle. If she continues to
on too much. She recognizes her own
work in this atmosphere without an outlet
individual signals of distress and pays
for her feelings, the expert doula risks her
attention to themmost of the time. She
emotional health.
takes time for retreat and reection and
In order to counter this effect, expert
knows the number of her chiropractor
doulas have found different ways of
or massage therapist by heart. When she
handling their distress. Many expert
needs to she can say no to a new client
doulas use their knowledge to effect
unless economic reasons necessitate her
change in their communities. They
continued practice.
may work as birth activists to change
She has an established emotional
a particular policy such as mandatory
support system that may be spread
separation of mother and baby during the
across the country or across the globe.
rst hour after birth. They may reach out
The only doulas who are really helpful
to young women, educating them about
or understanding of her perspective are
the realities of pregnancy and birth and
other expert or procient doulas. Novice,
thus lessening their fear. They may teach
advanced beginner and seasoned doulas
independent childbirth classes that allow
seek advice and energy from her. Their
them the freedom to share what they
perspective is different enough that it is
know. What these and other strategies
not really helpful when she is in crisis or
have in common is to give the expert
needs to reect and relax.
doula a sense that she is able to create
The expert doula has probably moved
positive change regarding birth. It offers a
into another position that makes use of
counterweight to the stress she feels when
her professional experience. She may
she is not able to change something at an
oversee a doula program or have become
individual womans birth.
a doula trainer. She may be a provider
of continuing education for doulas

24 From Novice to Expert

or a speaker at local or international These women are doulas in every Realizing when she has been
conferences. While this can happen during aspect of who they are. They use their traumatized or reached her limits and
the seasoned or procient stages of doula communication skills and natural empathy getting appropriate help
development, the expert doula is the most in all of their personal and professional Sharing her knowledge
likely one to be in these positions. interactions, which heightens the quality Finding a satisfying answer to
The expert doula has also expanded of their lives. Expert doulas are our wise Whats next?
her expertise into a wider variety of womenthey know when to speak up and
areas. She may have become a lactation when it is better to keep silent. They may Expert Doula assets
consultant or be an infant behavior be our leaders and the ones we turn to
specialist. The expert doula has probably for advice. They are also the culmination Deeply ingrained, intuitive
considered becoming a midwife at one of the last 20 plus years of the modern understanding of birth and of mothers
time or another. More than likely this is labor support movement. We have all Ability to understand multiple
borne out of her desire to treat mothers contributed to creating a profession of perspectives simultaneously
differently during labor. Some expert birth experts that are unique in the world, Can ow with whatever happens at a
doulas are also midwives but most are not. and we are rebuilding a knowledge that birth
They have fully embraced the doulas role was lost from our history as childbearing Trusts intuitive actions and responses
as being right for them. women. And we are all changing birth Feels like an essential member of the
Expert doulas are usually olderthey simply by our existenceno matter what birth team alongside care providers
have denitely been doulas for many years. our stage of development. and nurses
They have weathered family crises and Doula skills are applied automatically
seen themselves change over the years. in many aspects of her life
Expert Doula Practices good self-care most of
Physically she may not have the energy
or the abilities she had as a novice doula. challenges the time
The expert doula trusts herself in birth Continued self care Has a support system that is at her
situations but she may also be wondering, Discovering an outlet for frustration level of expertise and emotional
Whats next? How do I use what I know? at the obstetrical system development
For some doulas this is an inner quest, Strong feelings of anger, sadness, Is respected by the birth community
one that leads them to a deeper sense of grief and/or powerlessness for her knowledge and expertise
spirituality in their lives. For others, it spurs Finding an effective way to create Has discovered a spiritual or
them to nd jobs or positions that utilize change that matters to her humanist basis for her practice
their doula knowledge. that gives comfort and meaning to
her life

The Five Stages of Development 25

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