JBL 6006B

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‘The JBL 60065 highly alle, coereetily ated lifer, designed fr preesional sound evgineering plications whee high dere a performance it “The ccuitry haben crflly deed to reduce the posbiay of falure within the specie ensironmenta {electra conditions. A protective cet ied In this amotifier which makes vty imposible to ‘dunap it under any contin of oveoad inelng ‘Sorted or sronty mismatched aud, inductive load a ow ‘requencs, captive lod at ih equences, exces “The JBL 6006S ean be overdiven by 3 lat tn tne ema inpt vlan, fom ADH 72 ke ond eventual roduc Square waves inereasing in RUS aie up to about "10 watts a whieh point te outa atully bain to “The OC fuse is intended a protective device for te equa by he sel eet provide an Indeation of high frequency stably, he JBL 60068 srs only 30% more power fom the Anew 12 kM, [DW than a1 Ke fore et one hour without a function or ertering th “preec” mode. “he 6058 alii dean for maximum flexity In erying input an outs arsogemnt, Astana tnblances 80K ina provided hich an becom ‘ered to bane ie icing or matching with te insalton ofthe eccesory 5195 wansformer. A low cut ‘ier sth edues the possibilty of eamasing horns, Al the power outputs at taned and the Bring ut at unalone ‘The exclentenginserng of is unit i secompanid by an eaualyexcllen you with arvzelty In dat Diacd with pro emtai on output and vr Model 6006 B—Power Amplifier ‘ Architectural Spectetont “Te amplifier shal be capable of detivering an output of 0 RIS with ss than 1.0% THD, #0-12000 Fad BW RAS trom 50 to BO00 He with than 4% THD. “The high impedance program input hall be provided with 2 sockat 9 accommodate balanend ine with lation, Natehing and aging input al be sabe Sore ‘ype terminal boards hall be prvided forthe balanced "ine inputs wel forthe high impedance unbelsnend input. n addition, phono plug shal be provided forthe high impedance input. low feaueny iter ste shall Deprovided ‘The amplifier shall have balanced Bohm, Wah and 70:7 oi oututs on aserew type terial bard Usted by Undaritr Laboretarie, Infor ls 2 wing. ‘The ampli shal be equipped with a protective erat ich wil prevent damage de f0 ovens A power out ut meter shall be stand quien. “The ampli shall operate on 120/240 VAG, 0/80 He “The performance speifistions sal be as ted under [SPECIFICATIONS ond sal be met or exest dud, “The amplifier shal be tea by the Underritere Laboratories Ine. “Toe empl shall be JBL Made 6068. Protassional Sries a Professional Division :

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