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Work Book Trench Warfare Core Study - Depth Study 3: Australians at War: World Wars 1 (1914


With in this booklet;

Syllabus Outcomes

HT5-4 explains and analyses the causes and effects of events and developments in the modern world
and Australia

HT5-5 identifies and evaluates the usefulness of sources in the historical inquiry process

HT5-7 explains different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the modern world and Australia

HT5-9 applies a range of relevant historical terms and concepts when communicating an understanding
of the past

Hennessy High 16351875 Stage 5 History WW1 Trench Warfare 1

Directions: You must complete each of the activities that are derived on the online study of Trench

Theme: Trench Warfare - warfare in which the opposing forces attack and counterattack from a
relatively permanent system of trenches protected by barbed-wire entanglements

Hennessy High 16351875 Stage 5 History WW1 Trench Warfare 2

Activity 1

Write down the first 10 words that come to your mind that describe what it would be like
in the trench.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Activity 2

Illustrate an aerial view of a trench.

Activity 3

List the top 10 things you would bring to your trench.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Activity 4

(a) Identify the three types of trenches and compare the differences of each.
(b) No Man's Land - outline with brilliant bullet points what you think No Man's Land would be like (feel,
smell, look).
(c) Which part of the trench would you like to live in at WAR?








Hennessy High 16351875 Stage 5 History WW1 Trench Warfare 3






Activity 5

Research - Explain the features of five (5) of the elements with-in a trench.









Activity 6

Using a full sheet of A5 plain paper, draw a map of the trench system illustrated above.
Include BOTH armies trench systems.

Colour the map and create a KEY to show what each colour represents: for example, RED might
be used to illustrate where No Mans land is on your map.

Using only the information provided up to this activity. Write a paragraph suggesting what likely
problems soldiers living in trenches may have to endure.

o conditions

o Weather


Hennessy High 16351875 Stage 5 History WW1 Trench Warfare 4

Activity 7

Explain in your own words, what it would be like to live in the trenches - use examples from the sources
in your answer.









Activity 8

Your thoughts on the routine of a soldier in the trenches - would you like this routine? Why?





Activity 9

How do you catch trench foot?

Identify ways to limit the threat of catching trench foot.





Hennessy High 16351875 Stage 5 History WW1 Trench Warfare 5

Activity 10
What impression is Sassoon building of life in the trenches?
Write down the words with both positive and negative connotations (undertone) and see what picture
Minimum 10 words.





Activity 11
Based on the words you have identified (activity 10), describe the picture Sassoon is painting with his





Activity 12

How useful would sources A, B, C, D, E and F be for a historian studying the nature of trench warfare?
Perhaps consider the perspectives provided by the sources and the reliability of each one.









Hennessy High 16351875 Stage 5 History WW1 Trench Warfare 6









Activity 13

Movie Clips;
Do the following clips from two different movies provide a good understanding of what it was like to be
a soldier in the trenches?













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Hennessy High 16351875 Stage 5 History WW1 Trench Warfare 8

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