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Marjorie Nunez

Film Analysis #2


1. Give a brief description of the main characters in the movie and give a short
Chris Nielsen a middle-aged who died in a car accident and spends most of his
time exploring afterlife while searching for his wife Ann
Ann Nielsen Chriss wife who committed suicide due to grief over Chriss death.
Other Main Characters:
Albert Chriss first mentor when he was still alive.
Ian Nielsen Eldest son of Chriss who used the body of Albert in second life.
The Tracker Hes been waiting for Chris to guide him in afterlife. During his last
life, he is Albert.
Marie Nielsen The youngest child of Chris Nielsen.

2. Identify the dominant personality structure dynamics of the main characters in the
movie and give a short explanation
Chris Nielsen - Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and
aesthetic appreciation for beauty.
Ann Nielsen - Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel.
Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle, and dislike
impersonal analysis.
3. How was the Life (Eros) and Death (Thanatos) instinct portrayed in the movie?
What particular scene it was portrayed?
Death Instinct:
When Ann was so alone due to both of her children and her husband died Ann did
commit suicide as a result.
Life Instinct:
When Chris do the impossible to have his wife back from the hell, his desire to
have his wife even though she was in the hell and then later after they found each
other. They decided to have their second chance, to have a second life.
4. What defense mechanisms were used by the main characters and what triggered
them to use those defenses?
Chris was a coward. Being strong, not giving up. It was just his place to hide. He
pushed away the pain so hard, he disconnected himself from the person he loved
the most. So outside looking in, he was winning the battle that the wife was losing.
That not any fault of Chris, but it was still the fact. So while he won, overcame,
persevered. Losing her, meant losing all together. He realizes he has failed her not
because he couldn't change her or be stronger for her but because he couldn't join
Her wife tried the shortcut. Blaming herself that shes the one who killed both her
husband and children.
5. Give your own opinion on the saying Sometimes when you win, you lose and
Sometimes when you lose, you win
Chris was winning the battle that the wife was losing. Thats not anyones fault. So
while he won, overcame, persevered what happened to him. Losing her, meant
losing all together.
At the afterlife Chris tried his best to pursue his wife from what so called hell in the
movie. That he was willing to lose everything , but then his wife realize that love is
strongest thing even though her wife got to hell lose , she was given a second
chance and win.
6. Give your overall insight in the movie and how can you relate with it.
What Dreams May Come sadly propagates the New Age concept that we create
our Heaven and our Hell. If, in this life, we paint a tapestry that is dark and dreary,
then it will come to be. The main character discovers that heaven is whatever you
wish to make it. God is up there somewhere and seems to have no power or
influence at all. Everyone gets to choose what heaven they want. They can create
their own universe. Reincarnation is a given and can choose to stay in your heaven
or go back to Earth and try again! Hell is rightly depicted as a frightening and
horrible place if we believe that life is sweet and precious, it will be so. We are the
painters and we design the outcome. While psychologically this is correct,
spiritually speaking, this is an erroneous and terribly deceitful concept.. Heavens
qualities appeared as Hell to me. Not only was the spiritual philosophys way off,
but the movie really made you think that maybe Earth, and life here, is better than
what awaits us in heaven.

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