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Tour Route and Information Binder

Overview of Our Tour Program

O ne of the greatest privileges of being an LSU Tiger is being able to share your spirit and love of the
university with potential students. As an LSU Liaison, you have the opportunity to share your experiences at
LSU with perspective students and their families on a daily basis through our offices Daily Campus tours,
with high-achieving students on VIP Tours, and finally, high school groups from across the country on Group


Daily Campus Tours are offered VIP Top Tiger Tours are for high
Monday through Friday, excluding achieving students and their families.
holidays, at 10 AM, 11:30 AM, and They are invitation only and must be
1 PM. Registration is required to scheduled in advance in order to
attend. A transfer tour is also offered prepare their specific interest
on Fridays at 11 a.m. Registration is appointments. Guests are escorted on
available up to three months in a golf cart throughout their visit.

Group Tours are for groups or organizations of high
school students. These tours consist of an optional 30-
minute information session on admissions and an hour-
long walking or bus tour of LSU. Group Tours take place
on prescheduled Mondays through Thursdays, excluding
holidays and university event days, and registration is
required. A Group Tour Request Form must be filled out
to be considered.
10am and 1pm Every Weekday

Small Tips that Go a Long Way

How Should I Begin?

Here is a brief overview of how to order your tour and what to say:

Gather your group together and make sure that you have all members before starting

Introduce yourself; give quick facts such as hometown, year in school and major

If the group is not too large, have all students in the group say their name, hometown
and their intended major

Dont worry about remembering names. The most important thing to remember is ma-
jors so you know which important points on the tour to highlight and can give relevant
information to that student.

Tell the group to feel free to stop and ask questions or let you know that they cannot
hear you. Give a disclaimer such as, I know this is a large group, so please let me know
if you cannot hear me or do not understand me. I want to make sure you all get the
correct information.

Take a deep breath, relax and begin your tour.

When you have finished your tour, thank your guests for visiting our campus, invite
them back and wish them well. For example: Thank you so much for coming to visit
LSU today. I hope that I will see you all again on campus soon. Have a great day and (if
applicable) enjoy your Res-life tour!

Student Union
Main Points: Mail Center, Tiger Cards

The Student Union houses many student resources on campus. On the

ground floor of the Union, youll find a full service post office. In
addition to sending mail from this facility, students can reserve a
mailbox to receive care packages and more right here on campus.

Other Student Union services include a Campus Federal bank, copying

and printing services, the Tiger Lair food court, Leisure Classes, ATMs,
and the Tiger Card office. Your Tiger Card is your passport to the
Universityyou will use it at dining locations if you opt-in to a meal
plan, to check out books in the library, to get free flu shots from student health, to get
into sporting events, and more!

Olinde Career Center

Main Points: Resume advising and mock interviews, job interviews on
site, Career Center can help you choose a major, UCFY

The Union also is the state-of-the-art home for the LSU Olinde Career
Center. With this convenient and central location, the LSU Olinde Career
Center prepares students and alumni for successful careers. The Career
Center will help students bridge the gap to obtaining a job by building a
resume, offering interview tips and tricks, and giving mock interviews.
Actual interviews take place inside as well. Additionally, the Career
Center offers resources to help you choose a major.

Another great resource for Freshmen is the University Center for

Freshman Year . Located in Allen Hall, UCFY is the academic and
administrative college for most entering students.* Because freshman
advising is done through UCFY, students can easily change their major or
add a minor without the hassle of changing advisors. Students also have
the opportunity to discuss a wide range of academic concerns including
placement, course load, major, curricula, grades, study habits, and more.
*Exceptions: College of Agriculture and College of Music and Dramatic Arts

The Quad, I
Main Points: Quad intro, Center for Academic Success schedule personalization,
Supplemental Instruction

The LSU Quadrangle or Quad is the main academic

area of campus. It also serves as a meeting place for
the majority of students between classes. The majority
of LSU freshmen classes and electives are located in the

Coates Hall houses the Center for Academic Success,

where tutoring, time management workshops, and
study strategy personalization is offered. Students
frequently employ their services for personalizing their
schedules, adding everything from study sessions to
Netflix time. The CAS also offers Supplemental Instruction periods, or SIs, in which a
student who has taken the class the previous semester and scored an A collaborates
with the instructor to provide an in-depth review of the material covered in class.

The Quad, II Middleton Library

Main Points: Library layout, technology resource desk, drop in tutoring, hours

Troy H. Middleton Library serves as the main academic library at the University. It
contains three main computer labs with over 350 Windows and Mac computers. THML
also provides a limited number of wireless laptops, memory cards,
and cameras which can be checked out for several days at a time.
The IT center is housed here, where you can exchange a broken
device for a working one while one of our tech wizards fixes any
issues. The library also has over 3 million volumes, as well as an
extensive online database of research resources.

The library is a great place to study- there are four floors, which
get increasingly quieter as you go up. It has a music library, a
graduate reading room, group study rooms and study carrels
which a student can reserve for a semester. There is a drop-in tutoring center on the
first floor, in which you can receive quick homework help in various subjects without a
reservation. There is also a CCs located on the first floor, which consistently becomes
the highest grossing CCs in the nation during finals week. The library is open 24/5, and
during finals week it is open 24/7.
LSU Traditions
Main Points: Brief tower history, Fall Fest, Groovin on the Grounds

Behind us is the Memorial Tower. Dedicated in 1926, it was one of the

first structures completed on the LSU campus, and serves as a memorial
to the Louisianans who died in World War I. The bells play the Alma
Mater every day at noon.

The large grassy area across the street is our Parade Ground. When LSU
was a military college, the Parade Ground was used for drill practice.
The ROTC still uses it to practice their drills, but other students also use
it for recreational purposes.

Every Fall, LSU President F. King Alexander holds an event on the grounds
called Fall Fest. At this official welcome back to the university, students enjoy
free food, performances by the Golden Band from Tiger Land, games, and
goodies. In the Spring, the annual Groovin on the Grounds concert takes place
here. The student body is invited to enjoy a free concert featuring major
artists, including Ke$ha, Weezer, OneRepublic, and Ludacris.


First Half of Dalrymple
Main Points: Student Health Center, MDA practice rooms and ensembles, Pitch
Perfect connection at Greek Amphitheatre

Located at the end of Infirmary Drive is the Student Health

Center. The SHC provides quality, affordable health care to LSU
students. Specialty services include Dermatology, Ear/Nose/
Throat, Womens Health, Orthopedics, and Mental Health, in
addition to Urgent Care and a full service Pharmacy.

Next door is the Music and Dramatic Arts building. Reopened

in Fall 2009 after major renovations, it has numerous private
practice rooms. Students do not have to major in music to
participate in band or choral ensembles, and can even earn fine arts credit!.

Originally used for commencement exercises and rallies, the Greek Amphitheatre is now
a favorite outdoor study spot for students, and was one of the locations used to film the
movie Pitch Perfect!

The Pentagon and the Indian Mounds

Main Points: The Pentagon, The 5, Indian Mounds purpose

The Pentagon is made up of four residence halls and an activity

center. It has a courtyard in between all five buildings. Behind
the pentagon is The 5 dining hall, which is one of two dining
halls on LSUs campus.

The Indian Mounds are said to be the oldest man-made structures

on earth at more than 5,000 years old, they are older than the
Egyptian pyramids. They were said to be used for burial purposes,
but later found to be used for ritual purposes.

Journalism Building and Cox Center

Main Points: Journalism Building origin story, Cox Center classroom amenities

The Journalism Building was moved here brick by brick in 1934 from the downtown
Baton Rouge campus. The building was set up facing the Mississippi River because
the campus was expected to expand in that direction, instead it grew towards the
east. It is the only building on campus that does not face the center of campus. It
houses the Manship School of Mass Communication, which is one of the highest
rated Mass Comm programs in the nation.

The Cox Communications Academic Center for Student-Athletes holds LSUs largest
auditorium classroom. Each seat in the auditorium has space for a laptop and a
modem hookup. The auditorium also contains a movie theatre sized screen to aid
professors with lectures and classroom activities.

Athletics at LSU
Main Points: PMAC, Bernie Moore, Natatorium,
Nicholson Dr. Stadiums, free tickets

The PMAC (Pete Maravich Assembly Center) is where

mens and womens basketball games, volleyball
matches, and gymnastic meets are held.

Next to the PMAC is the Bernie Moore Track & Field

Stadium LSUs track & field team has 31 national
championships, which is the most of any on campus
Division I sport. Also, located behind the PMAC are the
Natatorium (swimming & diving) and tennis courts.

Across Nicholson Dr. are the intramural fields, LSU Softballs Tiger Park, the LSU Womens
Soccer Stadium, and Alex Box Stadium for LSU Baseball. Admission to all sporting events is
free for full-time students, except football.

Tiger Stadium
Main Points: Ticket price, stadium size, earthquake story

Speaking of football, behind us is Tiger Stadium! Student season

tickets can be purchased for approximately $100since tickets
to one game often go at this price for non-students, its an amaz-
ing deal! It has also been nicknamed Death Valley because it is
supposed to be one of the loudest, most intimidating places to
play football.

The Tiger Stadium experience is unlike any other. In 1988, LSU

beat Auburn 7-6 in the last two minutes of the game. The explo-
sion from the crowd was so epic that it registered as an earth-
quake on the seismograph housed in the geology department.

Tiger stadium has been expanded seven times and now holds 102,321 people. On Sat-
urday nights it becomes the 5th largest city in Louisiana. The original plan was to use
state funding to construct new dorms for male students. Governor Huey Long decided
to build a new stadium with dorms within. As recently as the mid-1980s, male
students lived in the small un-air-conditioned rooms around Tiger Stadium.

Mike the Tiger

Main Points: Mike etymology, description of habitat, description of food,
current Mike facts

The first mascot that LSU had was not a Bengal tiger, but a Black Bob-Tailed tiger
named Little Eat Em Up. Little Eat Em Up was not a very good mascot, he
slept though most of the games and never roared. The
students blamed him for their losing season so LSU
retired him.

Mikes name was originally Sheik, but to honor his

caretaker, Mike Chambers, the tigers name was
changed to Mike. Every tiger we have had since then
has been named Mike. There were actually two Mike
IIs the first died the night before the game and his
caretakers switched him out overnight without anyone

He lives in a 3-million-dollar habitat (that is currently

undergoing a $1.2 million renovation) where he is
taken care of by professional veterinarians and two lucky vet students who are
given the honor to serve as his caretakers. He eats a balanced diet of veggies and
meat, and the Friday before a game, his caretakers arrange his food in the shape
of the opposing teams mascot, so he literally devours the competition!

LSUs most recent mascot, Mike VI, was a Bengal-Siberian mix. He unfortunately
passed away after developing a rare form of cancer in October 2016. We look
forward to welcoming our next Mike in the Fall of 2017!

Campus Safety
Main Points: Police force, cameras, LSU Shield app

Campus Safety is extremely important to the LSU campus.

The university has its own police force that operates
24/7 and owns over 30 patrol vehicles, its own K-9 unit,
and an undercover unitif you call 911, you will
immediately be met with an LSU police officer.

There are over 900+ cameras on campus, and students

are also encouraged to download the LSU Shield app.
One of the many features of this awesome free app is the
Safety Beacon, which allows you to track your activities
and share them with your emergency contacts. Once you
activate the beacon, your contact will receive a text indicating that you have
started a Safety Beacon, which includes a link to your device location and will
remain active until the feature is deactivated by you, indicating you reached
your destination safely. Students and parents can also opt-in to the emergency
text system that disseminates vital information as quickly as possible.

Parking and Transportation

Main Points: Tiger Trails, Campus Transit, parking passes, bike racks

Tiger Trails busses run routes on and off campus. Students can catch a ride to class, the
UREC, Greek Row, and more. Tiger Trails busses are free for
students to use. The LSU Mobile app includes a bus page that
allows students to track busses in live time on their routes.

Campus Transit is a system that students use to move about

campus at night. Students can call the dispatch office for a
pick-up by campus transit and get a ride to a residence hall,
library, or their car. They will not drive off until the student
has made it safely into the building, or until they have turned
on the headlights of their car.

Freshmen are allowed to have a car on campus. Parking passes cost about $165 an-
nually. If students live off campus, they can apply for a commuter parking pass, al-
lowing for parking in commuter lots on the outskirts of campus. Residents may also
bring their cars to park in residential lots, if they apply for the residential parking
pass. There are also bike racks throughout campus.

Approaching PFT
Main Points: Renovations, labs, partnerships with companies

Patrick F. Taylor Hall is in phase 2 of renovation and

expansion. It will be over 400,000 sq. ft. and one of the
largest freestanding engineering buildings in the nation with
several state of the art labs and learning spaces. Including a
Unit Optimization Lab, a Machine Shop and the Petroleum
Engineering Research and Technology Transfer Lab, which
is the only facility of its type on a college campus in the

The close proximity to industry along the Mississippi River

and Gulf Coast helps LSU students land internships and can also be seen through
the support these companies provide to the college through spaces like the
Chevron Center and the Dow Leadership Conference Room. The College offers
several fast track programs which allow students to get advanced degrees at an
accelerated pace. This sets students at an advantage when they complete their
studies the average starting salary for LSU Engineering graduates exceeds the
national average.

In the Classroom
Main Points: Class size, student to teacher ratio, cl icker system,
office hours

As a freshman, majority of elective courses range from small (15)

to large (300) to very large (Cox auditorium). The clicker system is
used in large lectures to take attendance and track class
understanding. English classes are 30 students or less, which
provides the students with a lot of one-on-one time with the
teacher and other students in class. The average student-teacher
ratio on campus is 24 to 1.

Tell a personal story about your experience in small and large classes on campus.

Tell tour guests about any experience with visiting a professors office hours.

Approaching the Rotunda

Main Points: Renovations, CCs, SMART Lab

We are approaching the Rotunda of the Business Education

Complex. It is a 52-million-dollar complex that was
completed in May 2012. This space provides students with
space to study or take a break between classes. There is a
CC's Coffee right around the corner so students can grab a
bite when they have some down time. The college hosts
many events in this area including the Business Networking
Reception and recruiting lunches.

LSU makes hands-on experience a priority for each student.

Finance students can take advantage of our innovative,
challenging, high quality learning experience in the Securities Markets Analysis
Research & Trading lab (SMART lab). The SMART Lab is complete with 12
Bloomberg terminals and is a simulated trading floor that students use to
conduct financial research and advise the LSU Foundation on how to invest in
LSU's Tiger Fund.

In the Classroom
Main Points: Class size, student to teacher ratio, cl icker system, office

As a freshman, majority of elective courses range

from small (15) to large (300) to very large (Cox
auditorium). The clicker system is used in large
lectures to take attendance and track class
understanding. English classes are 30 students or
less, which provides the students with a lot of one-
on-one time with the teacher and other students in
class. The average student-teacher ratio on
campus is 24 to 1.

Tell a personal story about your experience in

small and large classes on campus.

Tell tour guests about any experience with visiting a professors office

Tech at LSU
Main Points: CompSci partnerships, Digital Media Center, computer based testing

The College of Engineering has a partnership with IBM and Louisiana Economic
Development, which has provided millions of dollars to grow
our computer science department. Additionally, EA Sports
video gaming company has partnered with LSU to open its
first North American testing site on campus. Housed in the
Digital Media Center, it is part of the Computer Science
department. Integrated into this space are 1721 pieces of AV
equipment, and arrayed around the auditorium are five
classrooms, two control rooms and a server room.

LSU also houses one of the largest computer-based testing

facilities in the South, located in Himes Hall in the Quad. Many instructors of larger
classes opt to do computer based testing because of the difficulty to proctor exams for
classes of that size. Students have three days to a week to take the test, and it can be
scheduled whenever is most convenient for the student. If a student needs more time
to study they can reschedule the test at a later time. Computer based tests can be
rescheduled as many times as the student wishes.

Fun on Campus
Main Points: Dairy Store (Tiger Bites), Greek Life, Academic Programs Abroad

The Dairy Store, a small-scale production facility, is used to teach College of

Agriculture students to make ice cream, milk, and cheese. The store is open year-
round and offers original flavors such as their signature flavor Tiger Bites, which is
actually purple and gold. All of the products from the
dairy store are produced on campus; they even use milk
from the cows that we own.

Along this road is Greek Row. There are 16 sororities

and 23 fraternities in all, comprising 20% of the LSU
undergraduate student body. There are a wide range
of chapters to join with varying philanthropic
interests, with LSU Greeks donating approximately
$450,000 yearly to charitable organizations.

In addition to offering service learning opportunities, LSU maintains nearly 400

domestic and international partners, offering Academic Study Abroad options for
all timeframes, including semester, year-long, short-term, and summer. Your LSU
tuition can be applied at programs around the world!

The UREC expansion and redesign will be completed in 2017.
This stunning new facility will house over 200 new pieces of
weight training equipment, 185 new pieces of cardio
equipment including treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, rowers and
step mills, an indoor functional training ramp that is 25 yards
long and has a 20% incline, outdoor leisure river and lap
pools, a functional training studio, and a climbing gym with a
35 ft. climbing tower and a 75 ft. bouldering wall. The UREC
also hosts the Tigers Den Summer Camp and swimming
lessons for children and adults each summer.


Residential Life
Main Points: East Campus Apartments, Residential Colleges, Cook Hotel

There are numerous on-campus living options for our

students. Upperclassmen have the opportunity to stay
in West or East Campus Apartments, which provides
private rooms, attractively furnished living spaces, full
size kitchens, and an in-unit washer and dryer.

Freshmen can also opt to live in a Residential College.

Residential colleges enjoy all the same amenities and
features of traditional residence halls, but they also
maximize the on-campus living experience by creating
smaller communities and fostering greater student
faculty interaction beyond the classroom. Residential
colleges are either major-specific or interest-based and open to all majors. You can learn
more about living on campus during the Residential Life tour at Grace King Hall.

And dont worry, family members, we have a place on campus for you to stay as well.
The Lod and Carole Cook Hotel gives visitors the chance to spend the night in a Campus
setting with an upscale atmosphere.

Ogden Honors College

Based in the French House, the Ogden Honors College experience is
ideal for students hoping to pursue advanced degrees, as it
facilitates opportunities for scholarships, community service, study
abroad, internships, and innovative research with a faculty mentor.
The Honors Thesis is the capstone achievement of the Honors
College curriculum. To apply to the Ogden Honors College, simply
check the box for Honors admission consideration on your LSU

The LSU Bookstore is the largest collegiate Barnes and Noble in
the country! Our new location is over 50,000 square feet. Inside
the bookstore you can find a collegiate text book section, an LSU
memorabilia gift shop, a custom LSU Nike shop, a Clinique counter,
a computer tech shop, and a full sized Starbucks. The textbook
section of Barnes and Noble is a great resource for the students to
use. Its easy for the students to select their courses and then the
bookstore program knows which textbooks are required for each
course. The bookstore employees will then gather all the
textbooks and have those packaged for quick and easy pick-up.

The Bookstore hours are: Monday Friday: 8 a.m. 10 p.m.

Saturday: 8 a.m. 8 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. 6 p.m.


Thank your tour guests for coming! Share with

them why you chose LSU, what you love about
it, and how it has impacted you. Stick around
and answer any questions that they have.
Direct those guests who would like to attend
the Residential Life tour to Grace King Hall.
Make sure students walk away with your take on...

Tradition and Culture

Why leave home? (AND/OR) Why Louisiana?

Student Success
Faculty and staff are personally committed to your success. Describe your experience with this.

Leadership and Service

We are here to graduate leaders. Describe how LSU has equipped you with the skills of a leader.

Most importantly: Attendee can see themselves as an LSU student

There are a plethora of opportunities for YOU here at LSU this could be each future students next
home! What are some unique-ly LSU experiences that youve had that set our university apart?
Script Activity

Complete Option 1 OR Option 2

Read through script

Highlight 2-3 bullet points from each section based on:

What info is important for a prospective student to know or learn

about LSU
What info do you think is really interesting or cool

What info did you NOT know about LSU

Create a list of 5 stories you would like to use on your tour, each one

falling under a different topic

Write down any questions you have about the script

Read through script

Complete the following grid

Write down any questions

Script Activity

Key Tour Point What info about this topic should be What personal stories could you use at
shared? How might this location/topic this piece of the tour?
benefit students?
Student Union



Middleton Library



Mike the Tiger

Driving Up Victory Hill

Approaching Parking Station

After Parking Station

Script Activity

Key Tour Point What info about this topic should be What personal stories could you use at
shared? How might this location/topic this piece of the tour?
benefit students?
Campus Safety

Lod Cook and Lakes


Approaching Classroom Stop

Classroom BEC

Classroom PFT

Ceba Ln. to South Stadium

Highland Road


Your Closing
Small Tips that Go a Long Way

Bring Water Dont end the tour early

Dont try to walk and talk at the same time.

Remember that you represent the campus,
Always stop to address your group and an-
and the students are paying attention to
swer individual questions when walking be-
what you have to say
tween stops.
Speak clearly and loud enough so that every-
Dont walk too fast!
one in the group can hear you

Engage the audience with personal infor-

Dont talk too fast!
Dont give incorrect information! If youre
Encourage the group to not only ask ques-
unsure of something, dont be afraid to pull
tions, but to inform you if they cant hear you
out your binder in order to give accurate in-
or if you are walking too quickly
Point out buildings that will be passed while
walking from spot to spot

Wait for stragglers before you start speaking

Give accurate information

Help them familiarize themselves with

where they are on campus (i.e. Were at the
Journalism Building right now, but if you no-
tice, directly behind you is the Quad.)
Maintain energy and enthusiasmHave
Fun !

**Most importantly, be yourself. Your personality and excitement about a topic will get others
excited, too. Thats your goal: to get students excited and instill a desire to come to LSU. **
High-Achieving Students

The VIP Top Tiger Tour is an invite-only tour offered on select Mondays, Wednes-
days, and Friday afternoons, and registration is required to attend. Registration is
available up to three months in advance.
Top Tiger Tours include:
Guided campus tour using a golf cart
Appointments with Res Life and the
Honors College
Appointments with prospective senior
college advisor
Appointments with other departments
student is interested in
VIP Experience invitations are mailed out, but you may have parents or students who
call regarding a VIP tour or an invitation theyve received. Please take down all their
contact information (the parents as well as the students, both phone numbers and
email addresses), and let them know that the graduate assistant in charge of handling
VIP tours will touch base with them as soon as possible.
Once the VIP tours appointments are all scheduled, the graduate assistant will put to-
gether the students itinerary and either they or Ashley will send the itinerary to the
student and their family prior to visiting campus. If you are scheduled to give one of
these tours, you will be notified in the weekly schedule email the week before the tour.
If you have any questions about these VIP tours, feel free to speak with Ashley or the
graduate assistant.
School Groups and Organizations

Group Tours are intended for groups or organizations made up of high school
students, and are available on select
days, Monday through Thursday. Group
Tours are scheduled on a first come, first
serve basis, and reservations should be
made no later than two weeks in ad-
Due to the increasing number of
groups that visit campus, Group Tours
are not available for groups with stu-
dents under the age of 12 and/or stu-
dents below the eighth grade level.
There are, however, several other available activities for these groups on
campus, such as exploring the Natural Science Museum, grabbing a scoop
of ice cream at the LSU Dairy Store, or visiting Mike the Tigers habitat.
Group Tour registration is available online through the campus tours web-
Facts and Figures

LSU was founded by the Louisiana General Assembly in 1853 with the first session beginning Janu-
ary 2, 1860
LSU is the flagship institution of the state of Louisiana
LSU is 1 of only 21 universities nationwide designated as a land-grant, sea-grant and space-grant
LSU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
LSUs enrollment is more than $30,000 students, including about 5,000 graduate students and
more than 1,700 international students hailing from over 120 countries
LSU has about 1,300 full-time faculty members and a staff of more than 3,000

Academics & Research

At LSU, curricula leading to bachelors degrees are offered in 72 major fields, master degrees are
offered in 72 major fields and doctoral degrees are offered in 54 major fields
Two-thirds of the classes offered in any semester have fewer than 30 students and fewer than 6%
of all classes have 100 students or more. Of the introductory survey courses (1000-level courses),
just 3% have 100 or more students. The student-faculty ratio is 21:1.
LSU has nationally ranked programs in Business Administration, Economics, Engineering, Entre-
preneurial Education, Landscape Architecture, French Studies, Interior Design, Internal Auditing,
Geography, Opera, Ornithology & Ceramics
There are, at any given time, more than 2,000 sponsored research projects under way at the uni-
LSU brings in more than $120 million annually in outside research grants and contracts

LSUs campus is situated on more than 2,000 acres
Fifty-seven of LSUs more than 250 principal buildings are listed in the National Register of Histor-
ic Places
LSUs campus contains nearly 1,200 live oak trees
The LSU lakes were developed from swamps in the 1930s as a public works project
LSUs landscaping was called a botanical joy in its listing among the 20 best campuses in America
in Thomas Gaines The Campus as a Work of Art.

How Much Do You Kneaux?

How many undergraduates are enrolled at LSU?

What is the overall student body population?

How much is tuitionboth in-state and out-of state?

What is the percentage of in-state vs. out-of state students?

How many Senior Colleges? Majors?

What is the student-faculty ration?

What is the LSU acceptance rate?

What percentage of the student body is Greek?

Is living on campus mandatory?

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