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4:4 Ve=VatYoa FigP¥.2 0 OM D Va = Rae =120 W/see Ab+ Aa = Ad +20" + Bsn + Aen om 0 0M 2M 0M D - 4%. AB= Re = 3010 infec? } AN = RaW2 = 71200 Wee? 4 Aa Ra Xp = 1800 MA? Aba Wsa)® = 1068 infec? «— ~ Roa = 45 : B Ag = 5100 m/sec2h Vg ly, Yea Von= Bea= Won€i Os (AB)isa oF Asa~Sya-Agge + Wo beget tage? -ABuztPBiene? 5 Since (A8)=const, Voq=Apg=O al, oF Aga ABN ta tistg)e? andl Asa/Bea = Wy Holy 279 Ban /Rog)= mg lusries)B BED ——4 Poe : E2 Hint: follow the.steps indicaled ®*™ (o8)" “Cocny = | 2 Mecto ut omitted from Ex. 44, NeAT= Nv t oot Ae’ tA." = Ant Bea + Bea 434.7 Nio+Ao = Ax + Be + Aba DM 0 BM OM D mR PR mM ORY yea Va ten Wy = ate = 6.88 adh. (CW) Pe Aeiy o oA D an =(048) 04 = 47.33 Pye VOI ye= 0; Ad= =O {ovate oy} Ax= Wh = 333 Piece + AC= Or -O,A=28,5cm ry) : Az = (028) a = 133 lect \s Bog (OA) = 8.1 Mt & ae A ,= 7B = 15.6 4G, (com) AB Ap = fa Aaa + Bon = , D a <—— DERIVATIONS CONTINUED On Ally =A) WS = 243.4 Phd + Kear Pace. A 3 45 weak ConeLupep Ban = Re = 4.86 9% 2 f Ag= 24.2 omc Nec!” = 2a |Ad= 19.6 M%ec2 L182" Bee te ne y= Ag = 1.12 radZ 2 (cow) Ac ISN + &3 1s COW Re ‘Sec the Vy= AQz We =125 injec FIG RAF “Vp? 68.0 Yee Ye=Va+Ven Ve us found by velocity image Veg? 57. Bins > BM D —ereeee if lit g Vgaz 85:3 inke oy Ad = Rus? = 3125 ines? # Al, = Rox = 900 bec? % : al TaN my Ae Bf +Ag ARAL Abel aes fe ee hear Aine GY = 606 Mae Determine. Ac by Acceleration image? AABC rotates from © to 180° in direction of = Anist 1% is COW Ac by the relabise Acceleration Method: rt Ac= Ags Bent Ae = Bat Ace * bce Rea = (Vea) = 235 ing r cA Aen Ac2 2250 ie 2 = Me: 28 7) w oe “ a “eh Abe Wg2 AE = Ub rade D Aa *A5= An'+Ay +Agn +B en DM 0 OM DBD DM D A= 184 infooe ® Niaz 2A (Wz) = 2000 Weer? Au= *aOa8) = 25infoc? # v Bon = $5 inte — Ac is found by acceleration mage Su= O45 ~~ 180 redK.2 (ew) 78 ce) Vor bIS Yc 13 8M%e 4B Fig, P46 top = bo rad/see 505 Frac? rpm= 57.3 on aa = b) 3 = 0.876 4h, Cc) Nee 120 ppm, we le. 57, & 3 = 0.87% ($57)= |, Brad ee Ape Bf ead “oy oe +Bpe Do Dm D Ac = s a (0C) = 632 oe “ Ape WS (cp)= 8.3 infsec® Meo 2 lpe = 94 eps d,= 0 i Ag ewga= (YA \Pory =35eH Get [deeb 70 Tet Baa = Weal. 304.8 mec? § Be + Ad = Bt +A + Ads + Aca oO Dp om 'b om 0 Aba 410 ! Vo = 135 Moc FigP48 ee % = 3.13 ML (cw) be? Ag’ +Al + Ace + Be & D om DM OM PD ig) Ve As = 2025 inkec* ifs Goxpx % Ag? (BOs) %a 900 infec” N = nl (BOS = INT Ye? T Tao A Tinfo, 79 4n Va= T8eméec Fig, w= VBA = 0.5 rath, Cw) Pay ty ey Pes a 3497 thee AY SAG = AR +A +A Aly DM 0 DRM 6 DM DB Ag= 4? (4B) =3825cr/eect' —~ Ag = ©2 (02A)= 3900% 2 ‘Ba Is found by the acceleration image Ag,= WE(AB)= 2emiz f| Point Bis haley behoeen points Aan C+ Ay 's halfway Al2 Me Yat Wea Fig-F4.10 between Ant Ac 7 Alyy = (a8) = 0.581 ing, .2¥" DB Ma (AO) 2 = 2M Las “ DB Mo= Mo +Yos A= Ve 20.410 ing ee D DM D Do, om Me Found by the Velocity image, method Point B ishalfuway beluwen AFC “Ye is halfway between Vat Ye An Bal + |, <=0, lo Constant AM = (OA) OF = 2 inka?) Ac= Aa *Bca Be A= = Ba +h + Aen Bea AN D pM O DM D ‘by y = bal. = 0.259 Inbect = [p= 1.28 meer h ‘ALS Vaz Vp + Vap Fig. {ver Va+Vea) g P41 (> pm oa {ve Va + val D DM D AR EAR = Bp + Ae + Aap a ne oO DM Db AX= Me - = 0.0168 O%e? / 4.13 (CongrudeD) v_ Ve ; = Ve. Agp = VAP = 0.0845 emg a > Aa= ap =O.domeacr ¥ Rap w y2 AL +Al= A's +5 +ASa re Re = Ca, = 0.169 oM%ect DM Db DM D DM D AN ve = TBA. ’j Ag te = AAtAR +ABA+ AG, Ba = ER = 0.0394 Crp? | oo. DM DM D r a Tr rad Ax = a = 0.088 (2 > as. AP 0.0112 5954; 6" Cog HO sect TIF Va= 20.3 om% V.= 25-4 Cmeoe Me, FigP4.12 Vp= Vat Vea Vg = 21.5 M%ee oy Dp DM D Vp = 25. Yee, Vp = Ve * Voc Vpp = 3.5 ec. “% Voc. Ag =Ay + A+ Agy + Apa dp pM ‘oO OM D eo AA =An= (Och) W? = 20,3 M24 2 ee hs om AN, = Ve Meat Ba= BE = 9.03 Yeo? Ap? Act Age +A D DM OM D Ac = AQ =(O5C) Ws* = 50.3 o%4,2 t : # i Se O, is ie input, wr draw the velocity p oligon with Vp, as the first knownVect Von 2 I= tote igh ta, f From the vector triangle: =1443 "hee, Yo= 1103 "Yooe. — tt, = 2,886 “ee COW, Wy =3,38f Y5e0 Cw, The acceleration equation 1's on the next page, Te accele- ration poligon will have to be drawn twice, to find Coupler point Cc. Stave: 12 Ya oO 81 AAS, PAID MAT _ AN. Contmoey GIR 48 to =Ae the thins Adkx 246)=24 228 = All= (2.886)* 5 = 44.645 Yen, Ag=(9381)* 3064 = 35,025 %+/ Fron measurement of the acceleration polygon onp.62! Aya 56 Met, oy, = L839 Yer cw AR BSUS oby=h7 6+ cow The polygon on p62 must be redrawn Se that Ayr Ag Cmanate from the origin, Q%y in order to find. the location of point Con link 3, The resulting diagram is shown here onthe ides From measurements: 4,= 35.47 eo] : A, =42.514N &=82,081" B= 56,549" , B wnt Since A=, ised oy Pond © BUT! BODE" From B, opt Wes ob kis 416, P4.14. All three accelerations in the Velocity Polygon, Fig 416-3: Fie Pe. {4 gre the same. Let Ayn50te La Va" Van, Ploy= OBLEE. Swice at £48, Al = 50'VALE and MSDE R BAN V2 fn fA" = 100 = Given = 5%eew allow. pape ted i, Aan=lerltss Aaa = 10072 = Tink 2 (Fly 416-0: Be alten OLE. Now we can complete the ay WET Acceleration Polygon(Fia.A16-Y): Since AE Yow? r soins 45" lp, wNlo5 M69 2 ha Aa=As+Ane=As—Apa=A5 +45 “Aba Boa “LE 2inLOS; Since Mel,, \timd A? SOLAS =f 7RY2 inln35), of, From thefigure: Ay = 24 ng /15° and. +506, = 25157 cw; Since Mar u?, W ~ ogi ~ 7 Soin 75° = (2 thr nS? Go, Bea = 24M HES", ol gle AR in| i= We can a LE the roe pene 44 and (ol g24/2 = 12 700i 1% slay’ Fig, 416-3 from which: 7 «2 n{75", Since Ate Soh pst YK? nea in, YP fooingge “Y=10% 05". Since AeaVeln, 5028" =? npn injuos® Y2_ 300% _ MGI 32" LICE”, We can nowelraw BEEZ), nertpage 82 AT (Fig.P4.13 Ht a Fe call iar ra = 84516 LAB” Ar als GA)= (0,75 ft) = Os HeLa5t. From Fig. P&15: 24,25 ft L232, Fig. 416-4 Z Its Bhy |PaO2 PELE LA SUL EEE VB 20fuh tee Pagesepe = 3.381% LET", Vix 1 BBE LI05 Taye = 15. Ee MeV fiyl = RLAE LATE" BAYT = 27 ee Le AntATHA, =2 78740. eit RA,=-22.76, SA" 14.59 RANA 1166 SAN= 4.48 : ale py SinlOa Os) IA 2 Ro esin(B,-O,)~ 2g Boe All =(03(1)= 2.074 L105 RAL = 2.09%" Ife — 7 gtt/2 Ye = Yo ~Vey Riper 1182 th, Woe = 3.136% Ads 32.26 Vot-s22" Ve = 3,35 1Ys L683" a Ve =3, = Ab = Ya [37 ote tes” Kye oby= Ay [t= 25822 From the Acceleration Polygon? Sn ZeaA ot rere é iv = Ape = — 318+ 12 = 33.7 /e* 16.0.6" 4.18 (Fig. P&1€) Anz =AnztA = j x AnztAasaz 4 =U), =LO i 4c fiat het fhe phe ae Y= 203) 60 '%ec.\ ee tee ac Y= Ye, * Yon. 37 Moccd Te ge ae ee Tyn=0 Ty=O On, Ary 7 : A.TTin fia=ai(e) (3%6)°2 in = 18% f Vag = 46.00 Mec — FB Bip ohglhA (BZ) 2in = 6MEN, o fe AE m= eb Vagne = 6% ¥ Aisar = (8G ei o'. The tobal accelation of Aon3: Ags = Ozer) 2 ) Ceca a A oe +Aiss~ Boat heat Abemee @)x€) =83" het) ers A = 16, 37 for eoeele, % "a! ig, 4,25) Vana Van=Vaa* Vassa2. faa, 6 en Oe As"B9.4 het Vagyna= 6.248 Lt20e je Nar ont SATE, 2 = 3.94777 Cw 4,24 Yan = Yan * Yaa Ai 3 (2)= 18 "%G*11802 FigPazt pm Dd jn Sours enenn am 2 = 3947 heme 2h t Vay = 2.08% Bam BAT) 46H JS ‘Bie= Ant Bazy Aant fh = ake rh, * Bhas* Ho ats st Bass = 2,08 med ae: Brae 244 Vaoy =O} Dy=0 i : & +A = af Sy fafa oe AN =upR,=2.4°Vse€ "tone +h FA + ANA 4 + Alina TAn i 7 fe fe biow fi Beas Sons sane We? Me = 4053 44. Famed a Blane hy 46.2 Mer Beanz 65 2 boo pie, SAL, Kune and Aly, are unchangect. feet Aut Ang tA, HAY, = CE Mitt hd Aledo ,=Coust B FeO Mie 3 Shy +f * Bins Biana Bans lane, Vie Ar 0 DM o. ANS, = We (pP)= 1052 "ea? Aang = 2we Vpypsr2268 "het 4.26 Fic. PH 24 Yoo =Yau "3 "5* 4, 28 (Fig. P4.26) Aa ie =AB. ‘Bears or @ ng, Seles Vien Bt Dag ee ys (heya See OA. oes Le (33064473 Anc) Aa2(®) ConrinveD 4,28 conc.uver 4,30 ins bab Yipee Bay frat daa Aes “Ate eke Sauber Drectonste ge ak 651 "on me ., Gin “Ye tous const eer fiyocebrationi inege ‘A Ane: ie e “belna Auda a Az Mana BATAPR ag £4 Roca 495 Ne Lee od orgs tela =6 400% CCW Tran? 9, Ata ut = 15°*(1)= = Lim 3 is not rotating i 025 fie (167° 1420 since link 4 slides shraighls 4 Aju 13*(2)= 338 tec, y= 0; 4 gue 44-0, since w4=0; Ar = Araya £72 Since 0; AS=0, sce $=; A dat are 22S ay lay both O since Tq 9. All other terms cold, =2(0)13 = 796% sexi OQ), 20uhen 4.20, ya =O. Baral al. V3 is alrays horizontals GEV S Fie eohedin” then VE 0. 0 when d= 0. Ansa.” ze a= OT5 Wet MS* oly = 3756 Cw OFA then Vi&const.< (d=Mon Const & AR exicts, Als é chi Vg 429 (KZ, ng &f & non S08 trance ws aie Ara=J5(BP)= =fisN-wteiva,ie! Ie Geplace ment at velocity tangles’ 's4las Cl -2oe)iat PF, (4 500) 0 5°) ] tei thes non-constant, rela — 44,017 infsec™ Bose *Brura ee ‘$n P2 Gesind,=ye and o, 0,230° the pet triangle yielde, V=V/2 and UTaVB a1; t. From the acceleration triangle: AeA a AS: Me foyer. 2. AC Ania shes Zala=Yo, a8 “eta fos, Sincedlnd, Pe, vnelys = Bee ¢ ; 4.30 App + Ay = Aas "ht Met P42B pm D DM Yen. 4 mee nts nas CONTINUED 86 on the diag ne ee, tee Af | te eclyrioe 4.32 Vp,= Yoo t Vous FigPh30 "oy “0 Vpn = RoWe = 55.4 ec L120" Mogg * 32 aoe ing f| fee oy = Boe tbe + pant Soa tigds Aretha ie 0 ree D oo DM pm P Abo a 210.8% 2/>150" HAL Aes AUP AIG aad 8 eeO Hag7D = 4.25 A= 242.91)= 24 We A iz (493X467) = 164786 from the acceleration polygon: Asaa= 1%, Age = 245%" “+ por For the acceleration of Br fe fet fat liye bn “Ase, sce gg baa a} (4B) = £67%(075)=2.1% As = Hed /=39" */-39° Aeon» + AL +, ! iF WAS Be ef +AS, ‘feat fae Mat 'Tiz70 0" Hiy50 Bo op a) ine 20 "eet A5,,=23.1ingsb-120° APSE = Aig .47 vad /gec Coco), We= Ve / Be) = 0.67 vad/sec. ( cew). Ap=An= Ad + Apis Age + Are De OY DY DN Of M M rT Ae = We (Ogle) = 0.51 in/sed Ast= we (B= 1-03 infeed $ lda= bE fige) = 0.024 rad/sec? Cow) 87 4.36(P4.34) Let AB= tin. Then: 4,31 (P4.35)4510'% l60%, BOn= KMin, OA=Lie 2=2 in, Yui 9.6 N6L-IBES Vag 2.55 HOES ,B 135" M2595 =Q722. AC=LINK3=3.5 in, O,B=li4, monen eh AG: tarity | bo LUK 3=2.8 in, and Oilirtat BHAA =6.%3in, Li 6=0,0C=7,38ine Mg 1210 Results of 3,32: Ws = 0.609" Ye CW, Wy = 1403%cu, 4,=0, The acceleration equation of the input FBL: AN 4 AT on AN. e KS 4 “f FA “Alay where: yt areata) A= br, =€2y'2 =8 Weliso" Aadte)n = 184 Nfs / 135° 2.82 243 Ae = toy VesGRONG A=W 1 =€1403)26 = 5.51 VLU 20% Le i ; Az GEANC.6O9*Y =0.371"%6:L48 Wav = 13.87 Ld a Fram the diagram: | AutAuw a2 7 Aang | i Saf he Ha" 24a ge bi BH A Me Al From the polygon: és Aa \T ActAyt Aint Ben SS Bink 7078 "es L138" Se fae 3349 ELAS" Bia ~ oby= 9.49 Yer Cw UM Bm BM S Alp (6090.5) = 1.3"Yect AE AL oly Ty = 2403-5) =B4 iter la 4a" MOET lig ferthecoler Sliding acceleration: ekatio ten fi Ee oath The results: ; igs = 0.25'Ve* 29.15 Bee = 0.553 ehco2s" lee 0.075 MHhoc* cow ‘Agsa= 56 is , cS 4,38 Veh ieee analysis yielded: Y= 10°65 Vou 266 "Mbl-126, 42.59% 420", Ie a = 14.14 ng Lt20°, Yn. 175% Ng L908 fp BITEGLED, Vpe= 2.988 LED’, Yor BN LA30", Voge BAM 5 fy ty 2% cu, f acceleration 18: Agi it Aah +4y, = =Ait4 ce a= =Q787% cow The tr 5m was G%e0 OG=0 ime, +88, +Ahs + Abiat A atAaya*Abes» fe. te fs Yusha ere p= enrien)= = 50M LAB ) sence e% re Ne41 218 sn he pa ond - i120" om the polygon: = 0%) A in)=162 Asas= 44,372 "ee 150° ang oi atin Aaq= 22.2 "er L164", The next acceleratin epua tion is; Ac = Antal +A", #2 fi “eg £4 +A where; Bea 2%)*(20T) = =28 28% 50 yond, finB9 4902078) =27, od the polygon: Az 24. 58% ES % Aba Asaa are Colinear,and Concurrent, Tis locates 1343 Giving the value ofel,=ly = = 3.849% Cow. Thus; ME (3,84 94 in) =15, 396 1150" For thermore: A ht bi Bote A x, ; Y The results are; AM, =(0.789'.1968)=2,352:% lyre 3B49%E CW ae Bee p= 6.446 75% cow Se Aou=2.22, Met Eset 84 Ap=O Qos Frrpm the polygon: Age= 24,47 ie BO" andl Ap=0 Me; abe 644 675° COW 89 4,39 (PA 37) + For the {lat foce follower Vp=3(0sP)= 10x0.127 = 1.27 m/sec. Wa Va/(02Q) = 0-85 /0,203 = 4.19 vad/sec. (ccH) Va= 0.65/50, Lips? ASAE = Af At + hap + hay OR AgtAg + Afat Am = Ast Ar DMD D om DM DM Ag’ = 002 (0,8)= 4:19? 0,203 = 3.56 / sec, = AP = wi} COsp)= 12-1 ™/sec AP = chy (opr = 2-54 “ec, # VpaWa= 2KO9S X414= 2.46 Yoh AGS 15-63 M/sec 1, Jose Ai,9= big= 1593/0,209 = 77.98 Tad /ee cen) Age 16-23 m/sec. f + For the curved— face follower ; No= Ve + Vor p= 153 m/sec. | Ya’ Ce eS Oy ov Apt B= AS + AB + Aap + Aap Doom pM pn om D Wa = Vor/¢ apy = 9.32/o,305 = [05 rad (sec . (ecw) , ABS 022 (0,0)= 4:19" 0.366= 6.43 /Se0 % A= WF (oyp)= 12-70 m/sec Ap = &3(0,p)= 20x07 = 2.54 m/seC A, Apa wa BP) = 0,396 m/sec ® A= 23.23 m/ see 4, | ols = A008) = 65-11 tad /sect (OW) 110,203 = 13.22 m/sec 4,40 (P4.38) Ya Vos Vagps and ALA concruven AN =wi(y)=451 1124s Vay Yat Yaran. ne the right Are=6h ()=720 AG Serb ie(§ sides: Yost he fea Mieogho Bh freee i “Beyer ‘par | Yiraa where e en = 1392 CCW & Kra=O SRO Sis eT Yi = 2.5% L108, Vege 10° LAS", from FALTAAD Since we have to plot the Me sults, We must use complex [ig the polygon and. the “computer Vaz Deplacement 2 Tx Vio 5 in foi! 7 08 z,0 az 0"! & 4 VEE = 13% 15° Ri):z,cosb,— pongo @ Gmn(1):Z,8inO,-ZaSin O, = Zy The acceleration r equation is Xz72,c0s 6,= Z,c050, 1 also derived equating the right Y: Fig! Si two : Z4=Z,Sin@, =Z2Sin@ -Zy ‘5 gore ar iene a A Baa ZIRE EET + Yee 7 Oh=tont (Ye, Xz) = 180 Se =O xt At ata Bz Velocily equation: , we a0 BO oa DV dt0dF0 Ss ors 7 tly ie! 3,e!8-zyyie' teh im lot Md lit Anat Binoy =0...(2) 5M Pp 8=08 paobpeoi" D — Separating real & imoginary parts ancl where: AF 27, = 572) = Be ge ys solving by a, eno we get: A> T=25@)= aqme Gl, = Fa, Cos Ly ond 25 =z7, ul, sin(— ou, oe ali =25(e)= 50% LAS. where. &y=O,— Oy. Tre oeeleration Baad 2 0sVirr= 2(5)5 = 50% L105 2,¢!0422, ule s+ z5etnh 0! uk 8 Abyss =) =3.046"(026)-50% lars azuge, 2) foe dso fora, by separating realeinag- “2A in "in Bosioa Oi next ‘poge): v My THETA2 OMEGAS ALPHAS PPE ae ais er ed . AANBS Bue = 115 9.548 121.095, * = 24/238 110 14.394 129,101 #71 Becw 105 20.690 79.194 = — 100 28.049 -39.285 95 34.690 -113.451 90 37.500 0.000 85 34.690 113.432 B80 28.049 39,284 75 20.690 70 14.394 65 9.548 -121.095 60 -89.849 — 55 -55.567 The lh = T3A8lfee ne peed Hoe ws Hoe /PC= = 2085 lt T2§ ew ro be an? Seidl Bee Bat Bir fi, sere 125 55.567 0 BM ng) 120 89.849 Conraved = 115 121.095 1 4 Aa Continued. IBMBASICA AGORITHM 20 90 REM Sol. of Prob. 4.42, Fig. 4.40. Files SOL442LT 7152.8: Z2=2: OMEGA2=-15: P1=3.141593: F=180/P1 LPRINT SPACES (4) "71="71"Z2="72"0MEGA2="OMEGA2 LPRINT SPACES (4) "PI="PI"F="F LPRINT LPRINT SPACES (3) "THETA2"SPACE$ (3) “OMEGAS" SPACES (4) “ALPHAS" LPRINT SPACE$ (3) "DEGREES"SPACES (2) "RAD/SEC"SPACES (3) "ALPHAS" LPRINT FMT1$=" "#4 aed Hee 100 TH2=120 110 WHILE TH2>90 120 TH2=TH2-S 130 GOSUB 310 140 TH3=THS-180 150 GOSUB 360 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 WEND TH2=90 WHILE TH2>45 TH2=TH2-5S GOSUB 310 GOSUB 340 WEND TH2=135 WHILE TH2>115 TH2=TH2-5, GOSUB 310 TH3=THS-180 GOSUB 340 WEND: END 300 * 310 320 330 340 REM Subroutine to calculate Z3 and THS XZ3=Z24COS (TH2/F) 2 YZ3=Z2*SIN(TH2/F)~Z1 Z3=SOR (XZ3*2+VZ32) : THB=ATN(YZ3/XZ3) ¥F RETURN 350 7 360 370 380 390 400 410 REM Subroutine to calculate, list & plot OMEGA3 & ALPHAS TH4=TH2-TH3: OMEGA3=Z24OMEGA2*COS (TH4/F) /Z3 Z3DOT=Z2*OMEGA24S IN ( (-TH4) /F) DET211=24Z3DOT*OMEGASASIN (THS/F) DET212=Z340MEGA3“24C0S (TH3/F) DET213=-Z2*0MEGA2*24C0S (TH2/F) 420 DET221=-2*Z3DOT*OMEGAS4COS (THS/F) 430 DET222=Z340MEGA3*2*SIN(TH3/F) 440 DET223=-Z2KOMEGA2*24SIN(TH2/F) 450 DET21=1 ET 21 1+DET212+DET213: DET22=DET221+DET222+DET223 460 ALPHAS=(COS(TH3/F) #DET22+SIN(TH3/F) #DET21) /Z3 470 LPRINT USING FMT1$; TH2, OMEGAS, ALFHAS 480 RETURN 490 END . TABULATED PRINTOUT OF RESULTS IS OW PREVIOUS PAGE. THE PLOTT OF RESULTS IN LINE GRAPH FORM WAS PROGRAMMED with 7he 123 SOFTWARE. THE OUTPUT APPERS ON THE NEXT PAGE. Although not shownin Fig 2, the geneva wheel dwells while the single crankpin rotates clockwise from 45°to 135° CONTINUED 92 4.42 Conccu pel Fig2 GENEVA WHEEL ROTATION PARAMETERS. AGAINST ANGLE OF CRANK POSTON GENEVA MOTION -100 “=| ~140 iaasei aaa asc eee Tt or 1 118 110 105 100 95 90 8&5 @0 75 70 6 6 55 50 46 130 125120 115 CRANK POSITION ANGLE Ang Accel */2.20q Bee 8e OOO = 6 3B in/ see. % shen wt Bhocahes eter 3 in (sect a y = Ate + Bs Agb+ AG” Np 341-53 f 4,44, Fighto ; * BD Bg ~90"= cos! [-LO4PI* (O404)*= (5p) J 2(04?1040,) 64 = 109.17° 210" 8, = cos + [OPM (02047-loapy 1 2(0sP)(0,04) ®,= 216-78* = 4ypet He 5.204 = 24554 Fae Oe ae 83 184 ease =. 4-m: Yr = Vow + Veape Bae et dope gsc, = pores, “0g Spapgt? paeeeans Hi > 7, Ale tlae-ma'ed (9-710 Met reat” + dnp "6 93 444 ConrinveD. =23 459 + 32-054 = (-G445 — 3.2940 )W4 + (—0,3284 +0, Ses se Re: -23.4594= - 4.44504 — 0.3284 3ppg > Im: 32:05 = -3.284%4 4 0.9445 3papq = - 3- 204g + ogee esr ga arty) = ~30.448W4 + 68-408 SS Wa=l-21 rad/sec, = 12-1 m/sec AORITHIO® Spapq = 38.16 3.16 cm/sec Het pa Ey. 4-33 Ah + AF = Ate + Afe+ Arps + Apspe . Bia wl pe aha —uapagete Ag 204i pave Aje mie oO * > Ahem Aho et 2390 ee ty og eT AR OEE, Apieg e's ga. pagel” BI2.31 423.514 = (6328 Apipg +481) + (0,G45 Apipg —13-83)4 + (0,945 Afe ~ €7-23) + (-0.328 Ae — 30.33) 4 Re: 312-37 —0328 Apaps +4-81 - 0.945 Afe—- 87-23 Im: 23351= 0.945 Afspe —13 3 - 0.328 Ape ~ 30.33 DAA Peenlsae) Aggy a i3acb else”, y= Apa /OaPy= 46-32 ] cb) Eq-4-3l: Vere pe +e ty dP Seatac Oe i em = 23.454 + 32-05% & § pqpr(- 0.3294 + 0.94451) Fra (0944S 03204 4 Re: — 0.4445 3pq = — 23-984 — 0.3284 Bpape Im; — 0.3294 }pq= 32405 40.9445 3pape Bp. 4-34: Agk + Abe = AB Ants + Aber ef ott aT? eaib- 76° SIGS as conn” — 14.64e +apee = -3400 + 92-352" D+Apene Re: 4.91 —0.9aS Af, = 312-37 + 87-23 - 0.388 Akan Im: -13-83~ 3.2644 = 233-514 30.33 4 0.945Abn > [sk=- Ab3-B em (sed, Aa = -132- 6/50, La= AP /LOaP)= —46:3F US, Fig4.25 Separating real and tmagimary parts of tpushm 44 Quah wl Eco) + trol, (-Sin B)+ Tagan COS, +2 Fagan YeSinG=0 Sw (49 fg002 (sin 81) + Reta(Cos®s) + Panag Sin@, +2 Tay yg 4, C6056, }=0 Dereeuwaurs -sin® cost thet mass cos.) “2% 42, sin, | Grol, amdIpyan| COSE, SING@N Tay ag Hp ube (-Sin®)-2 Ya age-Cos6,) SOLVING FOR THE TWO UNKNOWNS BY COMPUTATION, USING THE FOLLOWING ALGORITHM? I data: TER2= Semi TePI= 3.141595; Weoer= 1. 745529502} Input da GW) 20M2=— 8660252 Er Thyae RDASA2= 1562 =TH2=300° 10 LPRINT “SOLVING FOR THE TWO UNKNOWNS BY COMPUTATION, USINGTHE 20 LPRINT SPC(17)3;"FOLLOWING ALGORITHM: 3O REM SOL.MAN*L, PROB 445, FIG 4.24 IBM BASICA ALG 40 R2=30: TH2=300: PI=3. 141593: F=P1/180: OMZ=SIN ( TH24F ) s RDASA: 94 4.45 ConcLuDep SO LPRINT SPC(S) ;"R2="R2; SPC(S) 5 "PI="P1;SPC(S) 3" 60 LPRINT SPC(5) 3 "OM2="0M2; SPC (5) ; "RDA4A2="RDA4AZ 70 Di1=-RZKOM2"2x (-COS (TH2XF) ) -2X1 5¥4OM24SIN (TH24F) BO D21=-R2KOM2"2x (SIN (TH2¥F ) ) ~2X15¥*OM2% (—COS (TH2#F) 90 R2ALF2=(D11XSIN (TH2XF) -D21 ¥COS (THD¥F) ) /-1 100 RAGAZDD=(-SIN(TH24F) XD21-COS (TH2KF) xD11) /-1 110 LPRINT SPC(6) s "R2ALF2="R2ALF2; “cm/sec.sq 120 LPRINT SPC (6); "RAAZDD="RA4AZDD; "cm/sec. sq RESULTS: Ti YocFRZALF2=-25. 98076 cm/sec.sq i] isan RA4A2DD= 22.49999 cm/sec.sq These results verify the remarks appearing below Eq. 4.45 on page 247. 4.46 Fig. 3.82 Vector equation for the linear acceleration of paint Fs Br = Oe + few, or: Bet + Bet = Be’ + BeT + Bee + Pew™ (1) Sliding” and Goriaite accelerations are zero, because BaB and BP are rigid. Equation (1) in complex numbers: Ae = —rateZexpli@a) + ractai exp lies) — ralstexpli@s) + retsi exp (is), where o(s and 0@ can be calculated from Eqs. (4.21) and (4.22) on page 231, and all other = are presumed to be known. GAT Fig.382 Ra - Rs = Re — a ~ The second time-derivative of Eq. Ry, Fastai exp (104) -raWeexp (i04)—rscsi exp (ids) +P sWs7exp (is) =raézi exp (i 92) —r 2We7exp (i Oz) Separating real and imaginary parts: Real: —ragigsin@s—rab,=cOsatrsxaSin@s. +1 sWs7COSOs=—1 acteSiN@2-r2ue*cOse> Es )imag: raccec0sO4—1 atl ?5in@a-rsdscoses +rs s?sin0s=r2 2c0SOz-re2 27sin0s Rearrange this system to leave race and rsts on the left side and all else on the right and put it in determinant form: “Sin@, «= SiN@s| |race] [—ratesin@s—r2ue"cosOe —Tss7cOS@str aWa7c0s0, c0s6, -cos@s| |racs PaeecosO2-r2tie*sinds “P sWs*SiNOstr aW47s5inGs Solving for rsés, dividing by rs and using trigonometric identities, say, from Machinery’s Handbook, 23rd Edition, page 76, which comes out exactly to Eq. (4.21). Next, to derive Eq. (4.22), start with: Rs - Rs = Ra — Be, and following the same procedure as above, you should arrive exactly at Eq. (4.22). Q@.E.D. 448 Fig P44 h=Sin ,Wa=-25 radssec, %,= -(Bovad/sect, 6:= 60°; Fe=10in | O4=l00 95 Iga5ia 4.48 ConrinveD 6s=0°; R= l2in , 63=29°. Ate ite sielCa00 eee =~ Ma Snle by = TO Wy, = tw, Sin( O)- 62) Ne Sin( 0) - a) = 6.96 rad /sec . 04 oa 3 = ry0ksSin( Bq -O5)4 12? cos Gi —0,)4%40%,40(09 - 05) — Yard Y3Sia (04-03) Oly 2346 Crod /soct) te. ry ae a Ae= — tard elhey irre yor els rset, de UPS me 1030. 88— 41905.77 Ag = 2237-41 M/sect Lo 117-44" By senkeat method in P46: Ae = 2250 m/sec? ¢ FAT Figrs: For As: =l5-2m, Wr= 1 TMfee » O= 35", a Fe fq 25-404, Og= 90°; To= ITB om, Og = 54"; V3= 28.56", 6y= 35°; Oo, = ~ 152% (4) SSS” = 953 rad/sac. Saree eo Comerisal te isreeuer| ; os 4 Beg Bere = 0 tale : — it mYat2Sin(O4~O2) + 202 U05( 04-1) +1503 C05 (6g -B5) - Yuta . Ys Sin (6g - 63) As= ~rato2e’®?y crore pwrei¥s, yo cet sa -25.6- 601k a= cart elgg Ag= 24.56 cm/sec, £-163-40 By graphical methed im Pa.s, Aga 24-20m/sect, L714" For Ao: K=I1Fem, Be= lb” Apa wiere indie pipettes Raster = -20.06 + v0.9 Ag = 20.08 cm/sec, LI77-29° By graphical mefied, emg. , cite : = = ~ = fata Sin lO) - 02) — ths 605 (0-04) + Faud4 605 (05-84) “HOS ye ee ___VaSin (03-84) By graphical methud Ag=142 rad/ sect. 96 4.50 Fig. PAS R= [25 in, 82=-20", W=-40 , 4 ok, =20 ved /see ; fy =bis in, 04 =-47° 5 G=BTin, O,= 14075 ¥s=bSin Os= 216° = Tey, SinlOa- 08), YW aS1a(B4= 61) wWe= 12, Sere) ‘vad a Ya Elect = 2b -50(Yadf sec) 284 = -10.83(rad/sec ) J+ Vo00325( 04-8.) + VF S( 04 93) — Wg ¥; Sin (0-05) = 341.59 (vad /seer) A, = - haw ety tree =p 2 HO5 4 yeast or 1903.3 4 4235-8 = 1423-47 i/5ect L163 15* By “graphical me method jn P&T, Ac= 1325 in/sec*. ¥ y= Wyk Sin (63-02) ~Patod cos (05~ Ba) + Fag CoS (0)- Oa) ~V Os YaSinl 05-24) By _gimvaiel method in P47 og = — FEO sect Cow) 4,51 Fig 3.82 - RetRs=Betib oO r2exp igt@2) +rsexp(i7+@s)=rotib PaWei exp (i (O2ts) )+rsWsiexp (i (Ost7) )=Fo Re: —raWesin (@2te) —rsissin(@s47) =o (1/1) Im? rav2cos (O2+) trsWscos (Ost) =O When 930, 790. Then: Ret —ravesin@2-rsissinOs=re (1/i) Tm: r2wecos@2trsst0s6s=0 From the imaginary part: Ws=r2Wecos02/rscos0s The acceleration equation, with g->0 and ¢—>0: adtzi exp (iO2)—r2W27exp (i@2) +radsi exp (i @s) —rsWs*exp (i@s) =e Separating real and imaginary parts: Ret —rasesin@2-ralle*cosO2-r aissi nBa~¥ afts*cOna Cid Im: ratecosOe- From the Im part: With os known, we calculate fy as follows: Sein exp Gi On) —Pals@exp (i Oa) tredsi exp (in) —rews=exp A On)] 7 4.52 P4.42 1. In the given partially completed velocity polygon, locate p in the velocity image of link 3, and thereby find: Yps=98. 6!" /eecL16,5° 2. In the given partially completed acceleration polygon, locate p in the acceleration image of link 3, and thereby find: Bes=2, 15627. 3. From the velocity polygon: 7 Z-12R° YraVestras => Yre=127-06*7/n0c/-52, DZES2 DM DL262 — Yews=35-09*7/220 226" e/ 12iN=7.077*4/ecccw K+ Bess 2M DSM or £175°or £-1542 Qrss°=2llsVras=2 (7.07) 35. 09=496. 33*"/aec2Z1532, AreN=bh? (O6P) =(Vre/OaP) = (OaP)=2, 306.474" /pec2/-95° = ApeT=2,958.7*°/.0-2/175° ha=Are™/P0e=2; 958. 72 / wee ®/7in=422. 7°24 / mec 2CCw 7. From the given acceleration polygon: Apa=2,463.3*"/e0c2Z1492 6. From Fig. 8. From Fig. 2 ApaT= 110. 147/22 27117¢ s=AmaT/BA=2, 110. 14° /e002/12iN=175. 84° =4/, 9. Qa™=Vp2/00B; From the givem velocity polygon: Ys=71.1*"/eec BaM= (71.17) 4°/ pec?/10iN=168. 92" 9 / ec? Z—BOe 10. From Fig-2: AsT=2,706.4*"/eec*3 ofa=AaT/O4B=270. 64° "4 /eec2ccw 11. |ploa=els-ola=175. 84-270. 64=-94. 8° =97 Few 12. From Fig-2: |Are=3, 751-54" /eec1472 4.53 P4.43 Zetls=Zi+Z0 (12), in complex numbers: Zaexp (i@z) +zsexp (i@s)-zrexp (iOs)=zaexp (iOa).. 005 (2) R(2): z2cos@2+zscos@s-2=2.4c0sO4 =>7Z4=2. 2685cm/58.0414° (1/i) Im(2)2 z25in@ztzssinOs=z4sinOa, (a) ZetZs-Z0=03 in complex numbers: Zaexp (i @2) +z2Wei exp (i Oz) +2sexp (i Os) +z2sWsiexp (is) ~Eaexp 104) -zaWaiexpli@a) = 0 ...-.(3), wheret Ws=- (Zabesin(O4—G2))/(zsSin(@_-Os)) = 4.3828°*4/eec, and a= (z2Wesin (O32) /(zasin(@s-Ga) = 8.1743°*9/ sec. Yrs=VatVeatYrsc=2 aici exp (i @2) +zcUsiexp (iOs) +zesWsiexpli@s)... (4) Solving the real and imaginary parts of Eq. (4) separately: Yes = -17.4716-i10.9798 = 17.1995°"/eecl=176. 73442 (D) Ves=VYestlrssViestV. eesti (VyestV res) Ves = -12.4616+i (7.6805) = 14. 6384°/e0

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