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5.2, Fig.P5.2, Continued. (a) Rfe2tFostEos Rx=—20.52+9.54+22.27= 11.29N RY=56. 538+49. 08452. 47=157. 73N BR158. S33NZB5. 9112 From graphical method (see Fig.1): =161N/85° Summing moments about ground-pivot Ae (scaling Fig-P5.2): Moa=|aoam 9 é = @oznFoay = (13 cm) (56.38 N) = 732.94k Necm Fem. Fory 0 cow Mos = aosxFosy = (22-6 cm) (49.08 N) = 1,109.208k Necm cow Mos = aoanFoay = (59-8 cm) (52.47 N) = 3,137.706k Necm cow Mp = Moz + Mos + Moa = 4,979.854k Necm ccw ar = Ma/R = 31.4518 cm £85,9119-90°= —4,0800 From graphical construction (see Fig.2): Moz = Fozaoz = (60 N) (12 cm) = 720 Necm ccw Mos = Fosaos = (50 N) (22 cm) = 1,100 Necm ccw Mos = Foados = (57 N) (54.3 cm) = 3,095.1 Necm ccw Me = 4,915.1 Necm ccw an = Me/R = (4,915.1 Necm) / (161 ND = 30.5 cm £-5° (b) From graphical method (see Fig.2): Be = 35.5 N 212693 Ao, = 27-3 N 48895 Bs = 24.3 N Z157° bs = 51.9 N 51° ; Be = 32.7 N £222 6 = Be + Bs = 72 N £812 B-Bst+Ba=23.2 N £712 The analytic solution would make sense only if all measurements were given numerically, and not only by scaling the drawing. Therefore, the graphical method should suffice. 103 PROB 5.3 Lise linear superposition , Consider force P Fig. PS. 2 __Op 16.4 ( PS? YE a, | Fep 4: Fu--giP-477 Bo | ONY = 210 Sbe(—~) 7 On Fas = — Fg = 210 bp — Es TT’ =~ 210 (4.44) = ~ 932.4 2bg-in Consider S only, and all links are massless . 8 __ @: al Ee=—Ga S755 (°° = 2OBLbF =~ "2 EM (a2) = 24104.66)=- 4 15 lien = T,'+Ty'=—2,083.4 Mbp in 5.4, Fig.PS5.4 (@) From FBD4: Esa? =-Ta/asa=600/8.07=74.3 bb 1-529; Faia’ =-Esa’=74. 3 dbF 128° Ta? =-Fs2’ @2s"F se’ a2s=74.3(5.58)=-414.6lbfin cw a2’ =-£s2" =F s0’=74.3hbF£-52°; From FBDS: Fas"=50 fbf (52°; Fia"=-Esa"=S0lbf/52°; Fs2"=78.5lbf2150° Faa"=—£s2"=78.50bf/-30°; T2"=Fes"aes"=78.5(5.99)=-470sbfin cw Ta=T2’ +T2"=-431-470=-901 fbfin cw Gat Faz=Fae’ +F12"=74. 32-520+78. 5/=300=150. 7PbF L-41° At FassEas’ tEes"=74.3/-520+78.5/-30°=150. 7Lbf /-41° Bt Fsanfse’ +E sa"=74. 3(2520+50/-1280=98 fbf £-82° On: Faa=—Faa=98 lbt £980 ConrinveD 104 5A Fig P54 Cori (b) Zia (113+ Oi) in. 04 Zea G LE2"=(Z2.8168 + 5.29TT in Dm Zi- Z =(143132- 5.2917 Vin. = (5.2622 4.-20.3109° Cc cosk= Duta Ze ( (152622)* (IS (8.25) 2D0Zs 2U5.2622)5) = 0.8515 3 k= 31.625° Ong Z = Ong D~ k =~ 51.9359" Zs ~ 15°F. ~51.9359" = (9.2481 ~ 11-0981 ) in. Za = Q-Z» =(5.0651+6.5121 i) in, = 8.2500 in, & 52.1243" Qs=9 in. £- 51.9359" = (5.54.89 -'T.0859 / Jin. ~ Ong Zs)+ 74 Qo = 90% (180% (arg Za~ arg 73] = 90% (180% (52.1243°+ 51.9359")] = 14.0602" Qua = Zs COS 14,0602" = 8.0028 in Fas me Hangw= ae 451.9359" = 74,9738 Mbp 4-51. 0359" Fu = ~ Fal = 14.9738 0 128.084= (-46,2245+ 59.0285 02bf Gry Y= ny Zs +90" = 38.0641" , [014A Grgzal 25.9959" TTul=- Za COS 23,9359" (Fai ) =~ FAL 1541 Cdpin Fu fs = (46.2243 — 59,0282 ) Obg Fo's Sp & angZa = PRR 0a 52.1248" = 48.6983 Oby 4.521243" = (29.8983-+ 38-4391 ) Lbf Qas = Zs cos (arg Za— 90 ang Z3)=15c0s 14.0602" = 14.5506 in. Eiv'=~ Fat’ = 48.6983 0bp of. 521243" = (29-8983 + 36.4397) PoF ~ Fie"= Fax’ = Fas! + P = ("0.1017 + 38.4391) OF = "19.9491 obs 4. 151-2622 ° B= Ong Zs~ Cong Fai— 90°) = 62° 151.2622°+ 90° = 0.1378" Ta ~ Fas’ Za C05 0.9378" = — 419-6548 Obf~in fa aah ’t Th” = = 479. 6548 - 411-1544 p = - 890.8089 Pbp-n. (@) }: 105 A 5.5 P55 @ FBD3 is best FEL6 PHF th = Solved by comp- BD tex numbers. (b) x First establish P s all dimensions g| {150 tof S in complex num- 153y FED: = bers: Leé8 lof &B=8.9 in. & (90 = Sint SE \= 8.9 in. 84.8429" = (0.8 + 8.8641 ) in. dap = 11 in. L (40% sint Set )=11in.£62.378 ° = (5.14+9-74630) in. = B7H8.4) 6.47 = . Cos k= ay 70-8848 =, = 27.7692 GA= Bin. £ (02g BB o )= Zin. £57-0731° = (1.6301 + 2.51811) in. AB = @B-GA = 60.8307 + 6.3454 i) in.= 6.4.10. £94578" B= 40" Sin'43- = 18.2802 * Ae =2.6in. & ( angas-p = 2.6 in. & 19.1276° = (2.4557 + 0.8544 ijin. &B = fib-Ac = (-3.28644-5.4918 +)in. =6.4 in. 120897 * FRBD3; S+£15 + Egg + £2320 Eq to} &y Wx | Mp 2D iD a? Fgl2)y. 3 unknowns, Bequations Mp BS “ia BA *f “fap =0 E9(3) 3 unknowns £9 (9: Be +isx + Fas + Figg = =0 fisx + (-27.6484) + Fey =O yf2 100 fay ¥(-150)=0 = 4 Z k ” J k Fy (3: 3.2864 ~5.4918 0) +|0.8307 -63459 6 276484 -150 0| | hax Figy 0 £99): - 437.1245 + 6,349 Fax =O > Feax= 68.883 EY(D: Fisx = 68883 + gy ~27.6484=0=>Fisy =|- 41,2346 =f ONTINUVED =) > 106 PROB 5.7 FigP57 aa + he = gz eO° = 108 2b, A p55 4 Ea P f Fie = 108 abe "elas Tro’ =~ Oe Fe - 23.45 (108) = 2532 dbg-mm/V P=200 dog FBD 2 a 19.08 — os Fe- BE § = FA 150 = BO OG B= Fe A Fae= S+ 6 =(03ebe\ an Tis! =~ Qas Fa} =-24.24 (103) ~ fa FED 3 = 3012 abp-mm VY . Fa'=- Fie 103 ebp E'=~Fat Bo ans \ Be a Pin forces at Qs © Os: Fas Bet Be = 140 bp Set500bp A: Fas= fab + Bad = Eee Fa =140 aby B: Foe Fett Bd = 110 obpZ% Oh: Fig=90 eb / Ta = Tat Tia = 5544 Qbp-mm (0 Zi =Qomm 4 0° =(Jo+ Ot) mm Za =30mm & 65°= (12.6185 27.1892 i mm Da Ze Zs = (19.3215 271892 imm = 81. 9626mm4-19.3T36 = Cost —Bispw o32. 251° Ong Zs = AR + K = 13-1516" Zs= (58.4263 +13-651T i mm 108 B= cost ZED te = 45.7985 ° Ong Z4 = 09 D-B =~E5NTZ1" Za=(18.8452—- 40.8408 i )mm Q3 =23mm & 13.1516" = (22.3961 + 5.2332 i mm fo =21 mm 4-65.1721" = (8.8178 - 19.0590 i mm Ong P = Gng Ze ~TT*= 142.1721" P= 200 abe 4 142.1721" =(-157.9713°- 122.6583 i) abe S$ = 0g Zs + 120° =(33.1516° S$ = 150 Obs F 133.1516" =(~ 102.5891 + 109.4320 i) oby FeD 4" Ong Zs~ an Zs = 13.1516" + 6547121 =78.9237° ba bh Ox = ZSin'18.3237° = 44.0688 mm fe ONG Z4— Ong P=~E5AT2 + 142.4721 = TT? lz: Op = (Ze 24) sinn7? = 23,3849" o oa Fae = Gh -P = 106.1291 obs Ee Fs4 = 106.1291 0p 2013. 1516"=(108.3455+24.14 141) Obs Ea =~F-P = (54.6258 + 98.5109) obe Fep = 112.642" aby 60.9910" Bee Ex = Es ap?’ , . Fe Be=pu Ong Za — Ong Z = 65° {3.1516"= 51.84.84" Tra =-FiaZsin51.8484° =~ 2503.7308 2b¢-mm ‘1 Ong Za + FO°— Ong Zs =11.6163° Fe 05008 30°/ZsC0S 11.6163 "=50.84.86 Oy Fs3 = 50.9486 0h £-65.1121° = (21-3510-46.14-88 i) Obs Eo!=—S- Fs =(81-2381- 63.2832 i) obg = {02.9781 dbp 4 ~3T.9178° Fd = Fa 109 EBD 2" PRO $7 CopTinveD Ong E+ 180° 019 Z> =11.0822° p | Tid =-102.9781 (30) Sin 77.0822" BC E/ADER . =-3011.1569 ebg-mm oi Fin"= Fe Pin forces at Qh: Fa = Fra + Gre = (184.5842-39.135'Ti ) Obs = (88.6847 Obp ge - 11.9106" A: Bae Gee Ed = Fee B: Eoe= Fost Fah = (81.9945 +'10.2962.i eb = {08.0030 ob¢ 440.6014" Os: Be= Bie + Eid = (15.9768 + 52.3621 i) Obp= 92.2728 abe f 34.574 Te = Tel t Tid =~ S514. 8ETT Lbpemem CV PROB 5.8 Fig P58 Va = 300rpm an tad f mia sin =I TAG Vp = 69.8 in /sec ~_, Vara = 99.1 in /sec \ Ram TR = 4936.1 infsec* | Ag=G307-2 infsec* , Ag=634.9 in /sec* Ag'= 214. in[sec*, Avia= 5630-8 in/see* , Agiq= 585.0 in/sec* Alia 5600.3 in/sec* : (Q) Ags= 4936.1 in/sec* =— i o= A = 313.4 rad/sec FF) (b) Fos =—mefip=—~ “GP = LAE OE, 4936.1 injsed = 146.4.0b¢ (C) Inertia. moment about 93: Moa =~ Taos = 0.451 Dbp-in- Sec*-313.4 rad [sec ) = — 168.4 Obg-in eee” = 1.150 in a Ee, d) See Fig.2 a i ©) Fee gente = 36.1 0b¢ f (direction 08 ot B) Fe» = 168 abe —— Fig.2 (F) Ta = 2.6 in (68 Obp = 4.36.8 abg-in FF) 110 ProB 58, Fig P5.8 courulern G ) Solve (e, eq f) by complex numbers. Use the notation ond method of the TL-6 Suge Calculator: A= (5245) (45955, 35386); O,A = B24) “04, = (14.0: age 9348) cosan ra HHO 75414102 we 70.532 pHa Re AB 030, AB — 0.0140 \\ " 20BOA 202 90.7999" arg O,B= 161.3319°— 0.7999" = 70,532" Ba (548) +(15223.1378)= umnsatitet? peck Lv B=(4zQ+ 070,532") =(17.3328', 9, 8 Ke (157.0796 inpsec 2135); Be, f- pe (157.0796 2135) =(tgz 160532) festensae -cos(-66.87) th, 4-66.87) = Vp |_|157.0796 x cas 135°) (X= Vs 79.4876 inbec sin 160.532" —sinl~66.87) i Vol [peor xsin 135° bree infec = 31,4159 ec; Position Fy: GAtAB-O,G.-0,B =0 (Checks numericall) Velocity Eq.: OA ue! +ABw,0%%s - G, Bure =O (5% 31.4159 Nec 2 45 )+(15 x tly! oer < 23,13) (10 te! thee <10532')=0 15x cos 2313" —10'cos70. 7 Xs + Saat xCos4F a W5"xsin23,13° — —10°x sin 70.532 \Xp=W4l 15%31.4/59 hecx sin 5° X= W,= -6.1316 "Kec; Xy =, = 79468 "Yec; 4 = (Ses, hee < 135) = 157.0795 Mec LIBS; Voaz (BX C6 1816 Lhe) 213.13) = 1.974 "vee 2-66.87 ° Y= (1004) *hec 2 160.532") = 79.488 "Your < 160.832° Acceleration Eq.: Ay = -5intepsec* e Oo = C5X31415 9% 45°) =(5x31,4159°a. ~ 13 5) = (6934, 7939 Yrocra-135°) Ags = Aga oy, "Wéec*Z 113.137; oly valy are simultaneous soldions: Seid 4+ toc, 8 % — 15g e*% - 10u, Le + fouze=O 15xcos 13.13" ~Preeutonse its ~fetertt3a 2 atc WE xsin 13.13" —l0xsin 60.5 32NX2=ol4| [Siu sintSt1 Sie 0123.13 - 10a} sin 10.592. >= 380.6223 7Y ce} [sig = 640.6469 "sec? |; Continved) T Prob 5.8, Fig. 5-8(continued) [A= Ai Agsat Ages = 4994,79392— (38)4 (25 x6, (316 °£ 23,13 180) + (75% 380,622 3.< 113.13) =(4.966,7385 Yooc*<— 168.6791) fis =— "Bigg =— LEME. (44266. 7305 hnbec? < — 168.6741) FE Fog = (147. 3294 Life M.3209°) Pear Bs = — OAS Lip. in-sec? 380.6223" 0% sec? = ~ 171.6607 LYPin ET Ae = TEST iy 2 1013207 | Ei in Lo. Siar TE BPA MaDe = LCE tn 2101, 2207) 40a Now find the intersection of Fog and link 3, as follows, Gy dak 3 sie — 2 M3204) Glg<23. 13) =0> Egl3=5. 5 Tobe 14.3209 Qulg= 5. 6931-< 2318 Es 1.3209 nasa t=Edy |1.1651xcas 101.3204 Kj-EG= in 11.3209 ~sin23.13NIX2=95L 5] |-14651 xin 101. 3209] [X2=g.0,= > EL, = 5.5726 <1.3209; gl, = 5.6931223.13; & 5-0, =Ge 45) 41 5.z 23.13)+ (016512 101.3209) Vee N= 0169.2 116.4688) (8.9169. M6, 4688)HK)=E,C,<11.3209)-Wt,=0, 6, C= 70.532) ae 13209 —cestas3A)KtrEZ |_|- 8169 Xcos 1164688 |, 78587 OF: O16 | sinth 3209 —sin T0532 (2°, Cy FBG6 PX sin NCAGBEI Xo=1Q0192 [least 1 0)-(10.019 2. 70.532) +(b.2448) = (150.1662 186.8190) 48! a [Fie 0192p 70,532"| 192.Lbfz 70.532" |; Nov for the effect of gravity: 34 GF 2-90) + (1g T0532) (75 2313) 29h 216 5653; B-20.6U6° Hy=(5245)1(28223/9}+(16, 5653-90) = (104327, — 10.0836) A- Hy =(5249)-(10.4327, -10.0836) = (15.266 < 116.8591) 70.522. (FS Lhe 70,532) + (go lbpe NEE Dx (N45 LY 90) > >, Lag U2 Mf 70.5325, B= 5.2759 LYE NEB5O° == (5016 be 186 81994(5 2759 Lbpc116.8591 P= ((52.D4eT Mz 175.049") fs FerOt2 Mc 10532°)+(71521Mifc 10.532) = (7.344 | Mie 70,532 5) 4 x Cass" Bsns |. tessa 1729 Min fren 131224 0 112 PROB 5.9 Fig. P5.9 a= 500 GH (AV 116.2 mm =38.4m/sec / : Ye=34m/sec —~ Von=25.4 m/sec \ ,, Ana ii = L284 7REE (ona ym 19,050 m /sec* Aga Qe —~ Ltt =1605 mise, A= GB4m/sec* , A= 1212 m/sec” Pigg = Yet HE 2.115 m/sec, Ak="990 m/sec’. Aea-&2E5m/sec* (A) AAge=—25-4 Ay mG.a50m/se\, Age 16,51 m/sec*\, (See Fig-t ) Age= 122 fom "i524 m/sec =O 5 don —Al, WRODE=S, 26a" roa see" t = 7 cae fn Ht ey204 rt se) b) For op ae =~ 6350 m/sec* = {439 0NN Foo = ie =- “aes 1654 m[sect = 14924-N \ 66.1 a Form -—lgt Ag = —GBinee 1324” Ise =S1SINN (C) Tege—caTa= 0 «1 E220 Fes = = WaT 9 = 26,1971 LA 0.027 tegem (kg-ih ae N- Sectm)= 107. 3M) 6 = eaeae = a4emm f Tog == tle Ts =54204 (0.014158. Uni) , Cy =e PET ata.ammg th See Fig.2 (ey Fao 4 Exe 105 Fu 30337 No (Direction AB ) Fas= Fs =30,337TN 7 JR’ = 6.8 mm (3033) =~ 2O5TN-m SV 113 FB 3° 2:2catined b= Eo Fee = 21,193 | (Dir. BS.) 5 S71 | Fab=60300N “a (See Fig.2) ‘ Be "2 0.0169 m Far = — 1019 EBD 2" —&=0 , Te"=0 Ayre Pin force at Ae A: Eeo= Fale Ed =20391N + 60,300 \ = 84.221N ~a (See Fig.2) B: Fate Fait ba = 303351N~ + 211934 fs) = 41, Oo4N/ a= Ta'+Ta' =—3,016N.m A = C; A-*AX = A-*C; Classical matrix solution. Compute the elements of matrix A: @s1 = -Yeesin 6e -0.0254m sini35° = -0.018m @s4 = -Resin Os aes = -Yessin 6s Teacos 6s 0.102m cos 18.5345° 0.0967m -Resin 65 -0.305m sin 18.5345° -0.097m Racos 8s = 0.305m cos 18.5345° 0.2892m Rosin 0. = 0.152m sin 97.0818° = 0.1508m -Recos 6. = -0.152m cos 97.0818° = 0.0187m -Teesin 6. -0.102m sin 97.0818° = -0.1012m = Teecos @, = 0.102m cos 97.0818° = 0.0126m Next, compute the elements of the column matrix of constants, C Foex = -Roe«We/9.81 4&,490.1281m/s"22.2N/9.81m/s* = 10,161N = -RoeyWe/9.81 = -4,490.1281m/s*22.2N/9.81m/s* -10,161N ~Ros~We/9.81 = 1,550.5188m/s*445N/9.81m/s* 70,334N -RosyWa/9.81 = -2,298m/s*445N/9.81m/s* = -104,242N -RowWe/9.81 = 9,677.8957m/s"66.7N/9.81m/s* 65,802N = -RosyWe/9.81 = -872.0542m/s"66.7N/9.81m/s* -5,829N Square Matrix A = aa 0 0 1 0 0 ° oO 0 oO -1 oO oO 1 O oO oO oO -.018 .018 -1 -.0539 .0539 oO oO oO 0 0 0 ° -1 0 1 ° 0 0 0 oO oO oO v1 0 1 oO 0 oO oO oO -.0324 .0967 -.0! +2892 oO 0 0 oO oO oO 1 oO -1 0 0 0 ° 0 0 0 -1 ° 1 0 0 0 0 0 +1508 .0187 -.1012 .0126 Column Matrix X Column Matrix C rc 5 Next: Use any matric Fiex 10,161 software to form Aq* by Fiey -10,161 matrix inversion of T. 0 column matrix A; Fesx 70,334 then premultiply the Fesy = - 104,242 column matrix C by A-?, Fan -707.3 which yields the values Esa 65,802 of solution-matrix x. Faas -5,829 Fiey 758.9 114 Tsss*00e*L? €S89°00T‘Ey- TSSS"TLP‘ TP LYTE* TOL eZ- 6PPPOLL‘Z9 LYTE*SEOE6- TOET*S9S*TT 6PTH EG TL LYTE“96T'COT-| a 0006°8SL 0000°6z8'S- 10000" z08‘S9 ooo LoL (0000°zvz' vOT-| 10000" PEE’OL 10000°9 0000" T9T’OT- 0000" TST‘OT 2 debted to Dr Stephen Gergely, m on the Coventry Folybechnic’s Smart” ri of the Polytechnics EES Dept.) le, The authors are is probl GERGELY 18 Heap @ F (continued) thi 59, PS. Acknoledgment for Tenn SoFRVARE. laooo-T 10000°0 10000" ja000°0 1000070 10000°0 10000°0 10000°0 jo000°O e6tE"T- e9€6°E- 66TE“T e9C6°E 66te"T Bes jtest"o- J66TE“T |E9e6°€ zto-o 000° T- 1000°0 000° jooo0"o joo00-o 000° 0 000° 0 000°0 0000°0 0000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 99T0°T- 960°0- 99T0°O 9600°0 g99T0°O 9670°0 ¥z00°0- 99T0°O 9670°0 etot‘o~ 0000°0 0000°T- 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 000°0 000070 0000°T 9000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 9EET“O 9T09"0- 9EET*O- pE6e"O- 9EET"O- vE6e"0- 06T0°O 9EET“O- ye6e°O- 48t0°0 0000°T- 0000°0 268Z°0 0000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 000070 9000°0 9000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 SOLS*Z- 7z90°0 SOLS"Z 2z90°0- soLs*t %z90"0- €68T"0 sols" zz90°0- g0ST"O 0000°0 0000°T- 0460°0- 0000°0 0000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 000070 0000°0 0000°0 9000°0 0000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000 b 989Z°0- 0900°0 g98vz-0 0900°0- vTSL"0- 0900°0- 9€S0°0- pts. 0- 0900°0- 0000°0 000070 0000°0 4960°0 0000°T- 0000°0 6£S0°0 0000°T 0000°0 Vv 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 €£80°0 0Z00°0- €£80°0- 0z00°0 €£80°0- 0866°0- 9s90°0 €£80°0- 0866°0- 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 PZE0"°0- 0000°0 0000°T- 6£S0°0- 0000°0 0000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°T 9000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 000070 0000°0 0000°0 0000°I- 0000°0 0000°0 000070 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°T- 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 000070 0000-0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°T 0000°0 9000°0 9000°0 0000°0 0000-0 0000°0 000070 O8TO"0- 0000°T- 000070 000070 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 osto"o 0000°T- 0000°0 0000°0 geea-a| 000070 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°T inecces 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 osto"o 0000°0 0000° T=] uw 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0000°0 0sto*o- 0000°0 0000°T-} us 115 PROB 5.10 Scaling Fig.5.10, GA= 1-911 in 7 From vector triangle : \p = 15.3in/sec—, Yon=iT-4in/sec f Assume Constant Wa. then An-—ha—- 8 = 209.3in|seco~ Un=qt-=729 = 10.47 rad/sec , a= Ba Ashe Ala sav = 15.69 in/sees~ —, From vector quadrangle : Abn= (2.2 in /sec* / As = 218 in /sec* —— (0)From Vector Diagram + Ag =208in/sec* =— os= fel - 2 = 23,05 rad /sec* (b) Fon =—Mafigs = 3S FE. 20Bin/sect = 52 045 —— (C) Tea=—Taols = (2S 1 Et in? 23.05 rad /sec* =-23,05 dbpin 2: 5 2808 og Bi in. Goes ge GAA Ie Fig.2 (e) Assume + No friction at B .then from Fig.2. fie = Eas = Ag Fos = 10 25 | this is the only pin fore at B Pin force at A: F2s=—Fos~ Fea = 51065 =— (f) From the drawing: Tem Feals 136") = 51-94 205i roy (b) Fos =—Mafigs = BE Ge Fe 2aBinfoee = 52 0bp —— (©) Tea=—Taole = 12M SEE L$ in? 23,05 rad /sec* =-23.05 dbp in’ ft 12 Gye ER = 0.44 inf (d) See Fig-2 Fig.2 () Assume : No friction at B .then from Fig.2. Fie= Fass Ag-Fea= 10 2b J this is the only pin fore at B Pin force at A: Fa3=—Fos ~ Fas = S12b¢ —— (fF) From ‘the drawing : Te = Fess 436") = 51.94 2b5-in oN The matrix method. is not applicable to the shdercrank. 116 PROB 5.11 PS! Grophicol super position, (a)From the drawing : Aas=272 Ft/sec* —— Alen= Ada+ Ade = 184 f+/sec* —~ + 331 Ft/sec™ f Aba. 331 ftisec~ e ols AB Tone Fm, 391 rad /sec* (4) tb) we 7 ab - Flosn— gh Aaa 3p PE 22 Felsec = 54-5 tg —— Taos , sect rod o I ea --0.015 SE fe 1397 £25, /54.5 0b = 0.1'=1.2in.4 d . : 1, 0.3608 0.2608 | pb = 92808 5.5 = 2.1709 O65 | 6 & . q.e84 . (e) Ee =—Fos~ Fas = 67.8 Log (H) Te’ = (1.240°)6T8 Qbp = 84.07 Dbg-in FP PROB 5.12 PS! ( fice Ae = OS gh = BE a10a flee fat BB to 25 ate tel . fet _ ME ftisect 2/2 b Aa 0 5 oly Bi = Te erm = 100 rad/sec A (©) Foe =--gh Ae -- Pe 163 ft/Sec* = 25.5 pbp 4 Foe =— “ges = BI.6 Qbp (C) Gg =— Tada /For = O + €4=~Taols /Foa = 0-01(900)/31.6 =O.28 Ft =3-42in. f Os ©) €3=- (©) om Prob 5-11 (f) + Ts (due to link 3) = 84.071 2b5-in AA Foe’ = Foatoe/taa = BI-G (5.69 /4.55) = 34.5 2b¢ —— ES = Epi = 39.5 bp —— 5 Ta’ = Fad as = 34-5(4.01)= 161 2bp-in FV Te = + Ta’ =245.07 Dbg-in FV 17 FROB 5.15 From the drawing: Qs=21" , @4=121" (@) Fos =~ ae =— 0.25240 £m = GO by Aas (b) Es =~ Tools/Fos = 0.02(62.5)/60 = 0.021 ft = 0.25 in *_135° ©) se € A (d) fe = AB Fos = 8.2404 Natt! Ge =-Fo-fe=63ebp © Ta = — = 0.4 in. GB0b5 = - 25.2 og. in OV Z PROB 5.14 Fig, P5.13 (a) Ae= 3. 89 fe/sec* / Bip 72-80 fete 7, Age=l-86febeey as oS A) =2K ae a --fe - 2.2, -48 rod /sec* FF) at ot mY 4" QS = O15 2.6 rad/sec* (b) Ret = — Mage =- 0.4 oe 2.32 felsect = 0.232 abe £ Fes =~ Ms Ags = ~ 0.25 (3.89) = 0.91 Ob¢ # Flot=— Maflgg =~ 0-15 (1-B6)= 0.28 Rdg # (C) Tor =~ Tada = - 0-0416 tee Sec fet 2m LOE, =-0.2614 055 fe Ee = le 0.2614 pa oes TH 26T FR ~ Tos <— Isols =- 0.0651 (2.48) = O-1G142bpFt CV Es = Tos/ Fos = 0.1664 ft \ Toa = - Tgnla 2 - 0.0141 (2.6) =— 0.0361 Qb¢-ft SV Es = Toa/ Fos = O43 ft Fos (d) 54, P53 (continued) Eee 4 For = 0.391 2p —=— al Eas Fes tas = 0.371 (0.08) =0.0302 Ob; Ft RY «tes 0.0882 Ee= ha Fos = eos ger 0.91 = 0.5035 eb¢ # Fei=-Fo- Fed = 0.49 bp / Ta’ = tha Fed = 0.0118 Oby-ft (4) Te" =— [oa Fen = 0.2779 Obe- Ft FY Pin force at A: Fas = Fas + Fes =0.3N—— +047 Sf 0.7195 obs Pin force at B: Fas = Fet+fot = 0.3m a $0.5 / = 0.813 dbp G . Ty a Tele Te'# T= 0.3199 Obp. fe A PROB. 5.14, Fig. 5.13; Analytic solution. Complex number work follows the notation and methods of the TI-68 scientific calc'or, cos a = (.25¢+.1732"-.15")/2(.25).1732 = .8083; a = 36.0704"; @= = 6.0704°; cos b = (.1732%+.15*-.25")/2(.1732).15 = -.1925; b = 101.0981; @4 = 48.9019; = (,1£tZ60°) (.25£t26.0704°) (.15£t248.9019°) TO. = Link 1 = (.2£tZ0°) Position Equation: 2eexpi@etzsexpide-z.expi®@.=z.expiés Velocity Equation: 2aWleiexpiletzatlaiexpids Zul. iexpib.= (.1£t2%r/sZ150 )+(. 25£tWar/sZ96.0704)-(.15£t We L138. 9019) = oO => lg 07112 %, bi =4, 9842 75 CovnleD 119 5,14, P5.13 continued V p= Zoe 2 150= Qt(2M)z 150 = 0.626% £1507 Y+h,-=0; Von=Zs ln < 16. 0704 °= 0.2507 112)2 96.0704 = UT TEL 96.0704" Vg= Za a £138.90 99 = O15 (4.9802) £13B.9019 = O74 Tlie £198, PO1P? Accelera tion, EavaTion: Ar F Zp oly l ie 2 atom 150 = 062th 15 Als-Z, wee! 201(21)%.c60"= -3,94 718 Hs 260° Zyety we =025(6ls)< 96,0704? = ZW 26,0704 = 0,256, 7127), 6.0704=-0126Me-2 60704 Bh =~Z,, $b oly'e* 138.9019 °= DAS Fol y ToL. 198.9019 AS 2 oene, 9014" = O15 AA 9642") 4017 = 2.7204 fils 48.9019° B,the +Ay, thee” “Ao = 0 ola= 2100578, 42 2.2564 Foe Aa = “an a ren 1998 TPZ — 127, 0386° Aaa Ae/2=5/2 *heu/2= 1869 7H A 136.2934" MeAga=— 04 slugli29e 746-124, 0386 )= 0.19987 Lip 50.96 14° 1 BCT hfe 47547, f= 02 805A 43, 7066" Teele, DOM alg p00 =O 26 ED B= -E- = $264 «50 961490" = 1.3079 fb < 140, ety? Tyxtg= 00651 sleg ft" 2, 1605 Te = — 0.1406 Mf 2 5 =Tos/ bjs = O/4060, 8646 LAT ASH "= O1G27 ft ZITA ST? 1.04 EMP); E, = 0.1194 fr 133, 7066” From. FBDA: E,=G4+E_ = Q22<3%0132, ae ! 0.1202, 7 =Q102 5= tia = 033061 «173.42 173.92%6 = 553; Bey= anne rihe 00267 Meg From FBD3: %x=0.08012137,4557; t3'=017<0,-905, F. ie Bh 204074 Mf 4B I0I9° B= Bs i'= 04575 Mfc 139, 18939 Wy = 002394, Te? Be i's 0.0109 Lge) From FBD4: y= 6,+0.05.in9,0386"= L1BHS $e; Te Eaten 0.2267 26f- ft Pin Force at A: f=, + G3 = O7098 Miz — 155.4382° Pint Force Ar B: Beh’ +T” +The” =02643 Lf @ 120 5.4, P5.13 (continued) (7 quaubpaymoupo “a 5b abod #35) 121 oes" Zss | SOE HLS LEZ «ORE «Oreo «CNH $0690 OPED «USED ««Sasez See © Ose © COND «CO caomNO x zass «© Sac wLOEO «GBS ©— «OLED © OrEDT- 0000-0» om ean $6 «GEO ««BHHOD—«EETTO- «TORT TETO © OODT--OSz0- EEO etaaoe 5009 red SEDO. Sessz © see © SEO anon ODT gooTD [zens soceo © wiseo- Gaus Oré0T- 00000-00000 0000 ¥ OOF Seaver a 00+0'0 €6r0'0 s9so'0- 98600 Octro 00000 0000°0 90000 0000°0 0000°0 8E60 0000T- 6000 0007-00000 © 00070 coy}! OwD (HNN 820c0 000° —-0000'T- 90000 + 000T- 00070710! cowDD NT 0000°0 0000 000 9avz0 «woe =v «= zeTOO-~— 00'0-««DD ON oso 000010 ©0000 +000 +=» 0000 ©» CnONT- HON} TTD OTD HON “8s'0 00000 ©0000 ©0000 -«aomNT©=— 00070 -«ODT- oD! COTO) waco 000° 0000 «0000-000 «B9RTT- CONNT-OKeDD «EEF Sesto 0009 99009 9900 00° ONT amo auOTD NNT. oogD 08zt'0 1.0000°0 0000°0 00000 0000°0 0000°T 0000°0 0000°0 0000'I- _| 9 eae sansa 40 ee ge ne Mea ‘DeXV -NOMATOS KALA (rannquoy) ersd “WS PROB 515 Fig 4+ Ap @Ap+AR=-uttp / telpe~ = 25228 o.102m +200 894, 0.108m = 20,5588 m/Ssec* sey 157-125" Fe-- “Ap =- GAN 520-5588 = 93.2586N “K -22.895° Too =~ Tavle =-0.0212 ty-m*-200 $23, Ea & =-424N.m FV €: = -= = qe 7° 20455 m & 61125" [ea = 0-102 608.125 + 0.0455 = 0.1467 £ 61125" [ga = 0. 308 Sin BB" = = 0.2448m 145" Fam Prob. §.15, Fig. 5.14. Analitic Solution; -18.1419 + 7.9916i = 19.8241m/s® £ 156.2263° Fea =BANGBO No (-44.5N/9.81m/s®)19.8241m/s® = 89.9258N Z -23.7737° SSS ee -0.0212kg-m* 200r/s¥ =-4.24Nem @ Be = Tee/Fee = 4.24/89.9258 (0.305m £ 60) + (a £-175) = (ren £85) => rem = 0.2537m 0.0471m 2 66.2263° Yee = 0.102 cos6.2263 + Ge = .1014 + .0471i =,.1485m ZL 66.2263 F. 1485/.2537)89.9258 = 52.6369 N Z -175° Fa = (. PROB 5/6 Fig.544 Be ipin ele = 100 Lad Lod 025 Ft +2oool, 0. 25 Ft pe _ = 500.62 Ft /Sec* wer 152.86" Foz = - “ap =- B80 _ 500.62 ft/sec* Be ft/sec* S = 125.16 dbp rra=6.3111inL95° Ea=(roe/tra )Foe=(5.9386/6.3111£8)127 .4428=119.921Lb£2Z-175° BIZ, P5A5 (Q) o2=0 5 Va=4olae if 4:n = 160-3 \\ From the velocity diag. Ve = 193 BN Vea = 13GB Lf; Agn(408 24 4in = 64008, Aan 11,205 / ‘Aah 086 Us Aah =1.559 JN Ag’ =5.218 a fi Ast te As= Le f o3 = 11986 = 1,009 BE FY 5 ole = T = 130 Oo I OF Eos =MeAg = w ote m in 2 th Eon = Snes ne OO in = 103 uy / (c E2=0 3 » PP ~ Bowe OP = 0.52 Bysec*in = 2 0.52 By in - 4004 rad/sec* ean" fs" Ee "2 tbe “tes \ From the resultS of Prob.511,we have [,,=0 mh = 0 Ees="2 bp <6", 2. Foxe ="11-6056 , Foay ="1-5260 ROB. 5I8 Eoast03 tbeo- -115" , .”. Foex =-43.529 . Fosy=-93.34971 To2 =O i Tos =-0-52 tb sectin in 1008 Bet =~ 524.68 dby-in Hana B11 Mbesec*in (~13010L) — 16.843 Db + Teo PaO, Mano, Fogo, Ra=4' Al 29", Rae =3.4985", Ray=1.9392 Les 4"% -58 5 Igoe = 24019". Faay=-3.1945" (continued) 123 518 PAS (continued) Raa To -53: + Raw =4.2121" , Ray =- 5.5904", Wage = 3:5" yo Oda" 5 Fqa=- 0.8104", gay - 33400" Ra = 3.5" ~1044" + Ran =-0.8704" , Ray =~ 3: 3400" For the matrix [L] in 2g. (5109) , Ps31ba216- Lor =-VgesinOz =-gax=O , Lae=O, etc. Luith these eq.5.01is ° “00 1 ° ° o 6 0 Fran oto oO t © © 9 Oo ||Fes °o 0 o 0 “1 M2 Bap 0 OO oO |) Ts "I1.GOSG Ohe 000 7! ° ' o © 0 Fas 7.526 |=| 0 0: 0 O + ° 1-0 © |/Fesy 5 24-68 Bei © 0 © 34745 24013 S590 4227 0 0 || Faex 43.5291 O) Onno o cl Oo 1 0 || Fay 43.344) Ug 000 0 0 0 TF O = [Fix 16.843 Ube 000 0 © — ~ 35400 0.8104 3.3900 “0.81041! Fray By Sloving the matrix ,we Can get the following result Fore 7 "80-800'T bby: Fyey = "37.2904 Ubg ; Te= 26.2282 dbyin Fear = 780.800) Ube; Fesy=~ 37-2404 bog ; Fasc= ~9- 195| Log i Foasy = 729.1644 Lbs Fas = oa tbe 5 Feay = 123.1141 tbe oo” phen BE (3.97 = 0.5411 thy sec in €, = ee a ~ 25 sein = 0.7146 in\ id) aa OF be Ea Eu B We CONTINUED 518, P&A5 (continued) _ (©) Fag = Gog Foe /Tra4 = 0.146" 103 Ob¢/5.6" = = 13.121 bbe \ = Fes! Es Be Tie’ = Eas (33 =13-"1211 (3-48)= 54,6100 dbp int) Fg ~ Melia - Aus o.ISin «2. s4aa ey = FO Tra’ = 2.3438 (3.98)=9.3283 FY bg in Ege” = Foals /1as"="12 bg 3.8/8.1" = 31.4483 Bg f Eaa”= Fos t Eas" = 88-5 lbp Tia" = Fas’ Ga" = 88-5 Dby-0.2"=—1-T Obgin OY Ess"= Waliss /Taa = 10 bg 2.5°/8.1" =2.B136 bbe Fes” = Eos + Eqs” ='13 Mop Tia” = Fs” fas” ='13 bg 1-35 = 100.3915 thpin Total pin force at A= Fatt Fat +Fat+ Fae” = 25 Bop / B= Fas + Pas’ fas"+ Fas” = 155 bbe 7 (FY Tyo = Tia Tia! Tea + Tia = B44 Dp in NV Ma = We = 42 Bt 0.0376 ebpsec’/in = °g ” Bae mise (Reon. 5.19, Fig Pa Aye =-Ws Lge = 10,000 Lo 0.5 in\ =5,000 O18" ese oo Mag ~ 0,03N6 (5,000) = 181.8238 Ob oe Ky > 2.95 f B=25 a3", (= 1OLeE gg bm TENE” B=Sin“'0.171618 = 10.1821" Let Ls = Le = Lert Lax = 71-1618 - 9.8425 = iecioe = 176.18 i - =2502%, Vasa Veny =Vay 16.118 in/sec Nas (Ub Ls, =250 2c 5.6 125 PROB EIQ, 0g Veg = 90° +B ={00.1821° (continued) Man = ~Veny tan =-31150] Y= -Bog.sens 180 Nea = 119.6089 in/see NE 100. 1g2i° + Vaan” Yan 225 49,3928 0 too.tear Mga = Nat Ngan = (-196.1969 ~ 8.9315 ) +(-116.9161448.6145) i = ~ {85.5082 -{28 1622 ¢ = 225,474] in/sec (7 148.3605" Ws =Ver/ts = TEEE — (7.46087 rad/sec On __fe Alon® =~ 3072. 5882 +17107-396 ¢ & Asn A, =Asl= wits =10,000(2.5)\ A, \ = 25,000 in/Sec* 745° . Ron Ag? = WE, = 322.59290) in/sec* = 3.225.929 in/sec* 47 10.1821° Be = Bat Aga + ef = (19691.661 — 1.699.669 2) + (3115-1231 + 510.29071) + (-3072.5882 + 1107-396 i) =11780.201 + 0¢ Aen = 17,381.44 100.1821° ; Alen = 102.5350 + 1,691.666¢ =1,619.952 xe A 80.6607" Asa En 2 Aa, = (1617.66 +28.1948) + (“161.6674 4861.3546)¢ = 1705. 861 ~12,816.312¢ = 21,857.607 2 -35.887" Eos = ~Mofigs = Ate 21,857,607 12, —— bg O_ 144.4013" Eee a7 Ae = 7 aR". Zo4 — 4389 Ob tH0° 386 FBD + E = 322.4584 & ke bx [ET Baton Estx = 1000 + 322.4384 =~ 67.5611 Lop 1__F; 601.5611 P= Fy Ex! at f= Bape = GBB.A029 th FAT 169.8199" = Eas [Las = 2.5°C03(135°—100.1821") =2-0524 in\e_ {oo.1821° Tid = Fass = (412.8984 bby-in (Conrisven) 126 Pros 519, Fig P5.AG (Concluded) Eel = Foaloo /tas = 226.5039 (2.15608 43.9192" V/1OCOoSB = 45.5855 -do" Eco + Eqlt Ei =O Est =~Eoa7 Eas = 1834804~ 89.2258 ¢ ols= flak /ts = 11281611 38 loin = 11 38.115 MOd/sect Too =~ Tadls = sph 4.17 it (1938. 14 Fad y= 302.1135 Bbyin 7) Es’ Tor. 3021995 = 30.7618 Dog K_90" is" 30/1618 fy pe ° Ts {0 cosB (Q) Pin force at A+ Eas w= Fea) + Eas + Eas = C611-5611 +183.4804-4 0) +(C121-6939- 811-2258 ~ 30-618) =~494,0801-239-6815 ( = 549.1415 tata B: Eu = Eur EutEe =(-611-5611+ OF 0) +(4121-6934+ 45.5855 30.1618) ¢ = 691.56 106.B102 ¢=685.9315,-111.036T oy bod k Tom LanKa* linge 1161-0 =1.290-1448 Digi FY 4.081 -239.6815 To = Fests = 12914443 Dyin) Ess PROB 520 Egntooltiy L,--!0" Vga 25008 Ain =-W3 La = 6,250 in /sec* igen ~03 Kas = 1,118.5 in/sec Fg = ~Ma fle =~ guy 81-250 = ~ 566.1093 Ub A= AR=25,000 in|sec* Fal = Eat Foe 493.0002 Up EX 7 Ags = An + Agan = 26,718.5 in/sec* sia 4 Aig = 34250 in/sec* Eos =-MaAigs =~ heene.15 == 216-8182 Lop Eel =0 , Eyl =-216.8182 Up. ofs=0,.. Toa "0 Continued) 127 \go=-t81.257 Wyse 519, P5NE (concleded) oo (Q) Pin force at At Ese = Egat Fan = 156.412 Up —— B: Eqs = Ey + Egy 7433-2902 be tb) Ts =0 PROB 52l Fig, P5.17 X, = OP = 63mm Kole =0,063mq~16" Ein G&S = -4 + 42 i mm = -0.00940,042 i m Age = 30mm Y-46" = 0.03m Y-16" Gin = 22.5imm = 0.0225 0m Tqe = 24 kg-cm" y =24kg-cm'-10,000'm/cm* Nospe : = 0.0024 kg:m* Nps = i Ua, = 05(0.0646 - 0.05441) = 0.0291 + / Come Ban i ey . ena Abe ee Vpaw = (tonne? 0.0348 20.01 Vpe = 0-01001 0.0348 ¢ m/sec = 0.03621 m/sec A13.4611° Mpape.* Ups ~ Npe = 0-019] m/sec —e GaP = Ly 20a? t Opts * (0-0606- 0.0174 i) +(0.009-0. 042i) = (0.0696 ~ 0.0594. )m = 0,0915m yy -40.4190° Aes =~ W5 L5 = 0.25 (0.0915 )m/sec* J -40.4790" = 0.0229 m/see®C_134.52!" = (-0.014 + 0.0149 ¢ )'m/sec* Ajs = Leaf, = 0-17 (0-0696-0.0594i = -0.00594~0.00696¢ = 0.00915 m/sec* er 130.4190" Ua = SE = 9:08621_"s o,5nané rad /see Abe =~ W2Lp = —0.51416*(0.063m) =0. 0208) m/sec* W_ 164" =(-0.02 + 0.00574 ) m/sec* : e : 7 . Aap 7 Wa Vpops = ( (0.5146 ){- 0.01971) ~~ 0.01182 ¢ m/sec rat an pt ne ont Ae > Bre + Ape = Bis * Bes * Bip, * Blogs pex = tan. 16" Aj, = 0.00262 m/sec* CONTINUED 128 Propren 5.21, Fig R517 (conrinven) QR =~ 0.02 + Ajay =~ 0.0114- 0.005944 O + Alpapox => Apapaa = 0- 00072 Im /Sec™ J = 0.00594 + Ajay = 0-0149- 0.00696 - 0.01132 => Ajay 7 —0-00912 m/sec* + Ape = Ap Ap = (-0.02 0, 00262 )+ ( 0.00514—0.00412 ) ¢ =~ 0.02262 -0.00338¢ = 0.02281 m/secae7—-111-50" @) Bye Are : 38 0.02281 = 0.01089 m/Sec* ae7— ~11-50° = (-0.010197 -0.00164%) m/sec* . ofa ~ Fee. 2.008A M/SEC _ _ 9.15063 rad/sec* h 0.063im Ene 77 Mage = 75 kg-0-01089 m/sect =- 0.05445 N, 11.570" = 0.05445 N < 85° ©) Tor =~ Tala =~ 0.0024 kg-m ("0.45063 rad/sec*) = 0.000 36 N.-m FF) E, = EE = 9.00036, es f2-—Ba 7 0.05qae OOOESt Im e B15 td) See the drawing ©) rep 2 O= Fae (0.063 C05 16") + Yor Foz ~ Wa 0.03 CoS16") Wa (0.03 COS 16°) — For Foz Eee Fae 0.063 Cosié* P __ 4A:.054(0.02 884m) 0.01905m(0.05445N) 0.06056m = 23.34156Ni We Ex=Ee = Fas = ~ 23-3456 iN (Pin Force at P) Fin (0.0225 m) = 23.34156 (0-009 + 0.06056) Fin = -1Z.16113 N Fis + Ein + Eqs =O =9 Es =~ Ein Eas = 12-16113+ 23.34156¢ = "1B.R4280N cf 11-9244" ) : (Pin Force at Os) Tin = Fin( 6.0225 m) = 1.62364 Nem 129 PROB 5.22, Fic PS17 . . Ag= Aap = Aye = -WLye + Cols Le = -(0.5°14165°0.06 + F015063)-0.06 = (-0.0198- 0.009 i )m/sec* =0.021'T m/sec’ ~~ ~ 155.556" Eay=—MeAge =-10 kg- 0.0211 4 =O.21T N a 24.444" &, =- Tayol / Ezy 770-002 kgn?(-0.15063 BS) fozrn = 0.0014m QO 65.556" T,noososem +E ly W Lay= {yn0-06m Ei --Witec fala = Additional ' 0.06056m guide force Eee = 13:1(0.06 0.21 0.06Sin2z4.444" Ex) Sy 0.06056 Ww, 481N P =91.2868N fy, 40" (Additional Pin Force at P) 2_ 0.06456 300. Boe Soe ee AT.2868 ~ 300.1615 N «180 Additional Pin Force at O3: Fs7-Es-Fa = 300.1615 + 91.28681 N Les = 0.04m & ay ((0.009 + 0.063C0S16" )-( 0.042 + 0.063SiN16" )i ) =0.04m Xx ang (0.0696 - 0.05941) = 0.04m tv 40.419" Ags = Baas Ags =-Wh Lye * als = -0.25 18> - 0.1, (004% ~40-4007 = (0.26437 ~158.1986" (0.04 SO -40.419" )=0.0108 BO 161,3324" Eos =~ flgaMMs = 0.0216N NZ -18.6796" Toa = - Us Tg = 0.1 BS 0.0015 kg-mi = 0.00015 Nm €3= = = OEE 7 00069 ~~ -108.616" Ee i Lin Walar* Eos oy =° in a @ _ Walia ~ Faslos 7 0.0225 . 2kg 7.81 ix 0.03043 — 0.0216 (0.02116 M) - 0.0225. = 26.51407N. £\_ 180 Apo’. pus Force AT Os: eo Ea? =- Ws Es-Eis =(0 +19.62 0 )N +(-0.02046 + 0.006921 )N P +(26.51407 + O8 JN continued = (26.49361 + (9.62692 i) N 130 522. P5I7 (continued) Prob 5.21 Abit due tbo We & We (5.22) PW FORCE AT Os: E,g=(I2.6(T3+23.34156)N (300.1615 +97. 2868()N TOTAL FORCE AT Os: (312.92923 +{20.62836i)N= 34195332. <4 11.9244" Prob 5.21 Prob 6.22 Pw Force AT P= Fy3=-23.B41560N 4.28681 N TOTAL Force AT p= -120.62836iN Prob_5.21 Prob 5.22 Fin 4216193 U Fite —324.28157 N “TOTAL — 399.4433 N PROB 523 Vani te =15(0-5)=192.5 f in/sec A, Bn A nme het (ale C225 +2501) (159 HY) = 336,3406 0 AMA Qi = 3,867.9169 @ EAE” in coer WW He = a mis. Be On Ve. 855.5556 fo We" T5553 Alem Ban * Ban * Aa = Be +B - i \ Nz Aa ~US AB = {522.5314 gn = Ah =- Ue OB = 412.2291 ges § B5 = 3,960 in/sec* a ~f- 258.8 rad /sec* (0) ft = 6.195 in/sect 5 y= fie 421.6 rad/sec* AV + F-6360= 1.134 Ags = 4,970 in /sec* I ) Eog=- Mays =~ 3863 ae -LBab OAin dg sec*- 921.6 rad/sec* . © 6.26. Se’ =5.6 & Fos 1468 Os 5.650 in \ 4.910 in/sec* = {46.8 Ube 4 131 d) 04. Pros, 5.23, P58 (continued) e) Pin force ot B= , feaFoa _ 11-50146.8) _ ana, Esa Re BVA te Alt Ens = 414 Up \ F) Tin Fass = 414 tay-0.2in = 82.8 Bby-in CV So far we treated the effect of link 3 inertia .Now for its weight Ex ~ ti Wee 18 = = 20,24 Ue oF B at A: Fy, =144 fr ~ Tit = Fad ts! = 14-4. 1.2") =17-28 Ug-in FY Total for B: E+E, = 319.4- 20.24 = 359-16 Mbp we A: Eas + Exes = 400 Qbe Tin total = Tin + Ti, = 65.52 Opin OV PROB, 523, 8 Analytic Solution, Ap “An, tA tan = C115. 186596720°)+ (6, 7ot,< 90°) +(3867.9 1692114. 2683) = C1545, 2195 W52z OV +(6.7ol42 90) + (B86B< 1149 Ab= (-(6,33837)15.3 in <-40°) = (4362-40) As =(15,30l4< 50) 6 Fol 290) — 18: Belg 2 50) = (436 2 4O HO 54 520) +(B86B.2 114°) ea (15.3 (286)2.50) = (4,375.50) Aja (6.1198 2) ey =6.579ivs12 90) heed Agsa =€2, 787, 52-17, T18V+(718, 1502 72.2810) +E TUE BES) O)4(2U-64030.4462)20) an, ay ag 322? 3e73 418, 6335.2 40.0008) ANAL +At, thin =AB; he : ols = =Apa/AB = =~ 98267352, o¢ = Aa/OB=- 284.805 775A Age Ae t As = 379.286 3p 135.714) Ay= (9.6 LEV 114.2685) Ay~Aa=(6, 162.804 7. 103, 2080; Aga= Aut Ap AN 2/6. DA5439.9095E 108.8109) (0) By = 1g Ags 2 M4 LY, (3864 '952)5439.9092 = Meas a2 Llc 511571 °) ©) Iyols [Big = Eq = C0 9 Lf s0c*® 182.6735 Go CON AM (G5 in BEY) (A) FBD3 Force balance: f,+f;, +470; for tis, weneed points E, and Cy? En =QstE aU Se 1218+ (Z8 Fi, =(262.4508 Me 40), Fi =(377. B48€2 160.4022") B find Yes frome (Ts — 109.5978") = Esithe< 160.4022) Gi =C0.3772 - 109.5978 *} Of): Tin Tin = BEE, = 03713778 486)=142. Mpls Ele WhAB gS jy = MALY 79:0) [0.7t0550°=2.0.9 1 Mia 140) pins of weight on link 3: From FBD3: WtGi=-5'> =66.14892-7,2637 Tr = gg XE = 17. 5 704 Lift % ital force atpomtB: fy,+ Gp =241.53U Lia -”) Blalforee at Afr p(62. weBRisaseey T= Ta im 160.0995 Ltn 23/23 PROB 524 = Fa Psus Va" tual = 15 1-5) 8172.5 / in/sec Anam Ag+ Ad =-Ub Let i oles = (22542501 (11.5 € = 336.3406 27-18 11 5 ICI 3 gen gigg a N24 A -32 Aa = 1,849.9 in/sec* 061" NP Aye 5 6 Ay 2241-1 in/see / ) = 6-4 ~ ier) Fee =~ MaBga "asin Pe 33.1 Uy @ \ Ep = “IM Ban = “Sec injsee ~actttan Ags = B23 M7 (0 qm Hat = RENAE EEOM 51 in QO" Gy = Este OSS C258) a zen in \ ota ) in/sec* e Ot Bs Enc Fotlee 52.318 6r22) Tae" oa = B71 Lop 180" AS Eos” = Fag =-51-4 Lp OO F) Tin” = Eas” 3-5” = 199-9 Bbg-in NV Tin! =— Foz fox =- 33.1 thy 5.60"= ~ 185.4 Dbg-in AV So far we treated inertia effects of links 2 & 4 for the load W=Z5 Lb; : Tee = 12380" n.2n1092 Lfeser Tyy ~ bear at ae =15.36533 Reo J = Tax + Ty = 23-33625 134 a J, 2333625 ay i 5,24, P&B & a ~2.02501 , 8 =1-42303in aa T= He" = “Sac hast FOI in? = OABNE Dyin Sec* From the drawing + fl 9.100 in/secr J Boye —MeAgs= 23-00 = 584 Uy 4 Eso et = 0.13115(9216) _ o 2o5in Se 7 Fag = —Teetor Te = SEEN) 66234 woe Fog 716234 uO B88" Fad + Eat Eas0 i fos =-Eia- Ear = 1420 01598" Tin’ Fa GY =1420(0.32")=454 My-in fh 2513-8) Eas = ee = BBA ON gi 18.41 OS 1B.8 ie By Wa Ftp Oe BS Tin! = Fes" 3! = 91 (645 )=626 Uyin Effect of US: Ti =U tg.cosig® = 6.9(5.5Cos1q") = 35.88 Dyin Ui: Eni Utgg cols /9.9 = 95.65/99 =5 Oy Fase Tem 5 (3.5) = 11.5 Dy-in HY Total for Prob.5.24 ; (Pin Force at A) =F,,'+ Es +Ees' +E = (51-1 ~1332.66-58.1+ 5) + (0490.32 +19.6140)i = - 1442.81 + 567.99 ¢ = 1550.64 Shp e_158.51" Pin Force ot B = Fsa"+ Fy,” + Exe" + Eel = (59.4 ~1221.274-58.0145) $(041069.12 +52.67+ Oi = ~1334-43 + 1(21.19 ¢ = (741 -01)_139.88" Tin (Prob5.24) = Tin" Tin'”+ Tin’ + Tin! Tin + Tin . ='148.08 Dbe-in FAY Analytic approach: Let 0, be the origin. (22 <0,)+ (z,<0,)-(296, )=(<6) (us<-12.7189) +G120)-$5 3-40) = (8.662 46,8706) : ie ES ‘7,2! iit FED3 Zp=0, 2M=0 Watt Bat a7? wR 4 7 Continued 135 5,24, P5.18 contiped — FBD3: z . (Ha ep 254-0) + (BMP <- 17.7189) + (yg Lf 2-40") =0 Solving: Fx =(7a.5433Mb- 162.2611); FE=(91,4497<- 40); — at h ca ttollez| [25xen—20] L2.£088 aL | 6 505105 2-12-7169 ° 5223023282 127189" 93 yo a fi 21.51620 2 64 ; 6 USS 162,281 (U5 (A72.281) + (6.72.0) — (15.2 Wy 50) =O 6.7 e030. _ 15-3 ces 50! | Ws. 67XsinQ = 15.3 xsin 50 lady 7 [istseenraee = 127430 ly —Usli)* gw7LZ 28M 136 = 14.019 continued 5.24, P58 carne feceleration Evo sz 2 ei 0 Zao, sen angi gs Baad Zack: tet %_zuze' A_z,tem Ay (rene ena. 2eu)- seas c MED HET 240) (AES. 0) Ul = 50) (RRO HD) <4 =O [erect _. une - ie sin f 67x Sin 90. _—16.3.x5in 50 | \o%y : o =- 304.3169, Ly=- = Giesn ae) -%)= (22038: meinen Zyl KIB, ISH. 50) ee AB 587i = 12-18) bc it 787-4986 Ld. ase 4) & fy 78-75 Here 72,2 811) =(, a74,a106+2,78,61304)) Asa” 4,282.9728%><0) = 4,087.9 728+ Di). etd Arh z =¢20989212%.<1) =(0- 2038.92 ag) =G 048-151) A, =@,007. 2025% <140') = 303, 6508+ 1,932. ssi (30632454) a. (6581. a (-374.0737 465.8037) J. Age An = Al)=C4 3502-177 189) — = Ape Ailsa 72,281") 1'\c00%— Arshalpglel—15<.0) __ er 7 Laps _ 375g ew" (25-3 ells) Vo bayen /A( \Odem/on c) Se€ Boa cam 3) Pot x Bg = 4.005” = = fg= 2,20 720° ~ E, E'= 13.201 G40° i's .6n £0* 140 fede 8:28 cold ghey“ dy Rat c cn B 4 (320) gt a fd . yp Ren Br 10" it ar Lo" | N’. 27 LO ’ Proao i, o scale aug = 32M ee =20v E,” i tem = 20 Fy = 56N £7 Ea = B2N 235° Fin Faeces? ar . 7 iw E -/ =" ° ed y32Ee tbe ~EtE + 32 a pt 23 7 fa es Bre es) 2 . 8 - S| Zsa BIW By > 34a A0 a — — ; Ore =) zs’. 7120 ef tlS as PM 7 eB that 2te” + Be — apa) 20") iB) nsee 5794-10) = coe! = =) =e Es F's fig #228 le = GON 2-15" 141 Problem 586 (oe alma FOmm) 0, 8 =e 153.683) 0,8 = 80mm ke \C so BC = 160mm + 41 gn as O4C = 100mm. logon 0 50) Fou © ‘ae 4G, = 50mm " an 44 0,04 = 200mm 168,000 mm/sec? 261 : ev ey" Lay Ray Coke) (15a 3uels®) tu 4000 mm/see® b"" &c = 45 +Ace 578,009 mm/sec* aatadalase a = -douCiomm) =-3 O40 Nemm T,, = 3.0 8m cw — 142 Le 24, P58 Conctuvep 2650 : 2660 REM **DO GAUSS-JORDAN ELIMINATION STEP** 2670 : 2680 : 2690 FOR I = 1 TO NROW 2700 IF I = K GOTO 2740 2710 FOR J = 1 TO NCOL 2720 B(I,J) = A(I,J) ~ ACT, K) * B(K,J) 2730 NEXT J 2740 NEXT I 2750 : 2760 : 2770 REM **UPDATE 'A' MATRIX WITH 'B' MATRIX ** 2780 : 2790 : 2800 FOR I = 1 TO NROW 2810 FOR J = 1 TO NCOL 2820 A(I,J) = B(I,d) 2830 NEXT J 2840 NEXT I 2850 NEXT K 2860 RETURN X(F1IQO= 14.5474 K(FRY)= 50.25479 402.4233 29.5474 4.35479 87.5474 (2) Average velocity during rise + Yay =1°/Q0" - Ymax = 2°/90* This is reached in 90° .. §=2°/(90")* =2/8100= {450042 =0. oe in/deg* , During the first ‘To’ of the descent : aie She", j-2-T2 (roy =2 =1-/4900 in /deq* Duri 5 the second part of the descent : ay==8ee ate joe 2 / (80° , Thus the acceleration schedule is: inideg* O° §=0.000241T infbes~ e $=-0.000247 + - ij =-0.000,331 « 25 30,000,333 ¢ 330° 5. 3gor P7O-OOmORS * CONTINUED 143

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