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Interview with Arun Jaitley 01-02-17

Highlights of budget:

Combined with rail budget

Tech India to transform quality of govt and lives of people

Ten themes- doubling farmers income(in 5 years and also 24% increase in rural allocation), rural
employment and infrastructure, energizing youth, care for poor and under privileged, infrastructure,
stable financial sector, digital economy, effective public service, prudent fiscal management and tax

Overall approach is to spend more in rural areas infrastructure and poverty alleviation and yet maintain
fiscal prudence

Lower tax for income below 5 lakh rupees and for medium and small enterprises, more than 96% SMEs
to benefit

10% surcharge on income between 50lakhs to 1crore rupees

No change in service tax

Crop insurance to be strengthened- coverage of Fasal Bima Yojana to be increased by 40%

No change in rail fares and freight rates, no new trains, bio-toilets in all trains in 2 years, greater private
participation in metro trains

Schemes to cleanse political funding, max cash donation limited to 2000 rupees

Aadhar enabled payment system Aadhar pay to be launched

Cash transaction limit to 3lakh rupees to curtail black money

Major steps to promote digital economy

Incentivizing house building, 1 crore houses in rural areas by 2019

Adequate credit to farmers

Measures to stimulate growth and longer tax exemption periods for startups

Foreign investment promotion board to be scrapped

Law to confiscate assets of economic offenders who flee the country

Higher allocation to MGNREGA and other welfare programs

Cashless transaction devices and renewable energy systems to cost less, mobile phones to cost more

Fiscal deficit pegged at 3.2% of GDP

Reforms and funding to political parties 02-02-17

Govt has decide to purge corruption in political parties, acknowledged that there is corruption

Will bring down the limit of cash donation to 2k from 20k rupees-step in right direction but would solve
the problem only partially, some say that it should be zero, at least something is done, lot more needs to
be done, electronic transfer should be there

No previous govt has done this exercise in electoral reforms eg political funding

Raise paperwork for parties

Will this make political parties to get better- they welcomed, will fall in line if govt make serious moves

Parties used to divide large money in small chunks and hence paperwork will increase

SC case was about irresponsible promises in manifestoes (valid document)

SC in 2002- transparency of political funding, affidavit about asset declaration and education

SC has to do activism because parties have failed in this regard

Next step is that every single penny should be accounted via the digital mode

Indrajeet Gupta Committee 1999- state funding of elections, partial in nature, only when internal
democracy within party is ensured, state fund will only subsidize black money used to fight election. So
alternative is state funding of political parties not elections

National electoral fund

Proposed: Issuance of bonds by the govt to be purchased by the corporate houses to maintain
anonymity and secrecy and avoid victimization, details still pending, can be counter-productive as the
govt can see the purchase of bonds

Local body elections in Nagaland and violent protests 03-02-17, 20-02-17

Nagaland in turmoil serious law and order problem, initially seen as a trouble for 33% reservation for
women in local bodies

Naga Mothers association moved the court, but now they are feeling alone as other organizations have
withdrawn support

They see it as a violation of their own rights to decide whether women are in administrative position, Art
371 A-special status to Nagaland, protection of their own laws and customs

Apex bodies of all tribes have condemned this decision as they do not allow women in admin positions

Some sections of women want this reservation so Nagas should first debate among themselves

Naga Baptist church brokered peace earlier- agreed to postpone bill by two months
Firing took place in which people were killed, agitators demand suspension of officials responsible for

CMs fault that common man is suffering irrespective of parties, Army deployed, No telecom and
internet services, very volatile situation

All tribal states are sensitive people so every bill or decision should be taken only after proper debate
and taking people into confidence. Till today no women has been elected in assembly.

Sentiments of people must be taken care of especially by the CM

No effect on Naga Peace talks- its a different issue- its between center and Nagas

Current issue is more of law and order - state issue

Solution: stepping down of CM or public apology or Presidents rule but best is stepping down

CM resigned later on 19th

New rules for national eligibility cum entrance test (NEET) 04-02-17

CBSE will be conducting on 7th May decided by Health and family welfare ministry in consultation with
Medical council of India (MCI)

Upper age limit of 25 years, 5 years relaxation for reserved category, 3 attempts

SC asked whether NEET be applicable to all students hence different exams should not be conducted as
said by MCI

Quality is needed with just and fair, so common test is required as SC has given a lot of time and thought
that this is for the benefit of students as time and money will be saved earlier wasted in applying in
various colleges and giving different exams

Challenge is regulation- course content is not same throughout the country, need to bring maximum
degree of uniformity

Issue of language of exam- does regional issues should be there- learning medical in own language

Ideally one course, one language, one ethics should be there but considering the situation of our
country issue of language should be accommodated instead of getting into trouble and debate

There should be a reservation for remote tribal people and peoples from NE and attempt must be made
to construct colleges in remote areas where most of the doctors are from those areas

Faculty from NEET can train and visit different and remote areas

Central govt can start relevant digital coaching or through TV channel

Chennai oil spill 05-02-17

20th Jan, two vessels collided, seemed small to begin(20 tons but now 65 tons) with but spread to 22 km
(may increase 30-40 kms)of Chennais coastline, affected fishes, turtles and fishermen badly, took 7 days
to cleanup

Nature and impact of oil spills is very complex

Indian national center for Ocean information sciences Hyderabad say that because of winds from NE this
may go from 30-40 km along the coastline

Gets thickening due to waves, wind pattern

5700 people joined to support in cleaning this disaster which is a silver lining

This particular oil does not affect fishes, they can be eaten,

Coastguard is the nodal agency

What should be done for oil spills in future?

Action against vessels

Maps of coastline and wind, wave pattern data should be there

National centre should relay the information to local authorities

This is a learning example eg after gas tragedy in Bhopal guidelines were designed

We had two agencies dealing with coastguard and INCOIS

Right kind of policy framework should be there

Capability building is required like US and Europe for which we need historical data

Ecologically sensitive areas along the coastline

NGT has asked for a report from the govt

PMs reply to presidents address 07-02-17

Customary motion of thanks, democratic process

PM defended his policies, explained achievements

Delivery is improved

Developed a sense of history- every PM has contributed

There is a continuity and change in different govt and a balance has to be made
Agriculture in crisis


Green revolution in east is required eg in Bihar very fertile lands are there

We have a demographic advantage but it needs some conditionalities which have to be worked out to
make use of it

Preparing for a long comprehensive planning

Emphasis on accountability

Simultaneous elections- desirable but is it feasible

Intricate details relating to stability etc has to be worked out

PM can dissolve house earlier etc things are there

So electoral reform will have to be accompanied with constitutional reforms

Not always a time waste or HR (workers and security personnel) as economy is boosted

Technology can help in reducing cost of elections

PM reassured nation that govt is trying to do its best but many faultlines has to be cured, all people
must help

RBI monetary policy 08-02-17

Market is down, no change in rates, playing safe, expectation was of low interest rate, momentum will
pick up as withdrawal limit is increased, and there will be no limit after 30 Mar

There will be better conditions for small scale industries

25 basis pt cut would have stimulated, no change is linked to uncertainty on oil situation and new govt
in US, inflation has to be kept in view apart from growth rate

Rising oil prices and coal inflation- impact on Indian market as we are living in connected world

RBI projected 6.9% GDP lowering from 7.1%- demonetization impact as accepted in budget and eco
survey as market was dependent on cash

If repo rate is not lowered then inflation is checked

NPAs and healthy bank reports time to time by RBI- steps by RBI, NPAs has to be tackled seriously, RBI
was strict on those bank which were not doing good financially so as to maintain healthy banking system
atmosphere, various committees were formed

Market has to understand that borrowing has to be paid back to the banks for good conditions of
CPI 3-4% is healthy but should not go beyond a certain threshold as set by FM and

Importance of oil in agriculture, pharma etc sectors as it is a source of energy- price of product is
increased in other sectors not agriculture because in agriculture, oil is subsidised

From 30 Mar, all limitations will be removed- help in growth

PM gramin digital saksharta abhiyan 09-02-17

Worlds largest digital literacy mission

Union cabinet approved this scheme to make 6 crore household digitally literate

ICRIR- GNP increase by mobile and broadband penetration

Creation of infrastructure and last mile connectivity is required

World Economic Forum constructed annual network readiness index- 68th position in 2013, 91st in 2016
out of 140 nations

Required: bringing optical fibre network to each gram panchayat, increased 4G coverage, Local language
content creation, huge govt records to be brought online and simplified for normal person to
understand, user interfaces to be constructed and also simple to use

2358.31 Crore by Mar 2019 for Bharat Net project

Security and privacy needs to be insured as cybercrimes are increasing- challenge

India needs 1-1.5 cyber security professionals each year

Banks must adhere to ISO 2022 and other standards

Role of private sectors- independent regulator has to be set up for monetary transactions, to go beyond
basic training pvt companies can help

Disha- scheme to make people digitally literate- 100% reimbursement if teaching is done to backward
(SC, ST etc) and 75% for general and OBCs, less than 400rs per household

Unnecessary stent implants 10-02-17

Done for coronary heart diseases

Booming business, depends on place of treatment, private hospitals have a lot of overheads and cost
charge for procedures and comfort
Stenting is new treatment, sometimes situation is emergent and a family has to take a call and they
always say to put a stent

Consultation is very crucial, Patients usually read on internet

Post-stent care is very important

Bypass is done by cardiac surgeon and stenting is done by cardiologist, poor victims land up to
cardiologist and hence sometimes unnecessary stenting is done as cardiologist cannot let his patient to
go to surgeon

Angioplasty is required?

Matter of honesty and integrity

Task force to weed out shell companies 11-02-17

Under revenue secretary and corporate affairs secretary

Shell companies- do not have legitimate business but exist on paper only

During demonetization they were used to launder money

SIT under SC gave report in Nov 15 that they need to be tackled in a very serious and strict manner

2600+ plus people are directors in 20+ companies

345 addresses were used by more than 345 companies

Serious fraud investigation office, after demo. 1200 crore deposited in shell companies, hence a new
coordinated approach was needed

Involvement of qualified people in CA and Law are involved

So far not any tangible result

Result should be brought in a time based manner

Out of 15 lakh registered companies only 6 lakh file IT returns

Problem is of getting data from shell companies, loopholes allow them to run

Need to simplify corporate structure in terms of legal obligation

Shell companies are formed to launder money and evade taxes or do illegal work

This kind of special task force will prove as a deterrent for others to involve

A permanent structure can be created under Min of Corp Affairs to avoid such companies- system
should not come in a way of honest people also
Issues before students applying for study abroad 12-02-17

Time for applying abroad for study, perception that foreign degree helps, countries in western are
growing protectionist and anti-immigrant feelings


Fee structure, possibility of part time work (will not be allowed in most of the countries)

Keep track of students going abroad

Taking advice from bonafide institutions

Security issues

Start building good brand of education in India itself

Focus should be on studying not on working afterwards as the chances are thin

World Radio Day 13-02-17


Played role in calamities as well as development

Entertainment of various forms

Awareness as it has a vast reach

Cultural civilization

Radio was started on this day

As innovative as was in the past

Limitation as only an audio medium so feel is not there compared to TV- hindrance in earning revenue

Digital audio broadcast and community radio is going on, what is the future of traditional radio?

Future is in the reach that radio provides eg tribal, farmers etc

Medium wave is not going to survive and short wave is already out

ISRO record satellite launch 15-02-17

104 satellites in orbit within 30 minutes

PSLV-C37, 39th launch of this vehicle, known as work horse of ISRO

Previous record was of 37 of Russia, 29 of US

2021- rover on Mars surface and exploration by orbiter on Venus

Chandrayaan 2 next year, vehicle on moon

IRNSS- Indian



Operation Clean Money 16-02-17

Disclosure >5lakh Rs, 18 lakh peoples, will have to disclose sources

Money tracked using PAN, form sent electronically

Sec 133c of IT act, govt can ask under other sections also

Can park money to PM garib kalyan yojana

Cases of money laundering, benami transactions and hawala operators

Liquidity situation in the country post- demonetization 18-01-17

Initially asked for 50 days time

After nearly 100 days, things are now normal by hard-work of security printing press

Aimed at 86% of currency in circulation

Now the situation at ATMs are better, withdrawal limits are good, overdraft facility is also good

Common people supported this step

Black money, counterfeiting, corruption and terrorism funding were areas of target

Sufficient number of 100 Rs notes were not there to meet liquidity demands

Plastic money can reduce counterfeiting

17 security features in the new notes

Violence in TN assembly 20-02-17

Air pollution- a serious hazard 21-02-17

Intensity and seriousness has grown in time

Delhi- most polluted however other cities are also polluted since no data about other cities, Badarpur
thermal power plant near Delhi
Particulate matters(construction and demolition are major sources of this) are high, furnace oil and
Sulphur oil, Large mounds of solid wastes, crop residues- during winter, heavy air and alaav so smoke
remains confined, truck fuels BS 2 and 3, by 2020 well have BS6 although 8-10 years late as compared
to Europe

CPCB are above international standards and even they are breached

2-3 thousand deaths every year, 50% increase in 1990 - 2015

Precautionary measures must be taken, public transport, mechanical cleaning of roads, thrust towards
renewable sources eg solar energy, sensitization of society and peoples is required and making people
committed to reduce pollution is required

Poor implementation, low availability of equipment

Climate change is also related

Permafrost in high Himalayas is getting melted-landslides, may cause flood ad bursting of lakes

H1B visa curb, India raise concern 22-02-17

Not a new issue, issue related to outsourcing, increase in unemployment in US

Upper salary limit for qualified people, abuse of visa

Trump talking about illegal immigrants

Effect on Indians

Ind-US relations will improve

Govt to monitor progress on Ease of doing business 23-02-17

Crucial subject of Indian economy, 130th rank

A nation's ranking on the index is based on the average of 10 subindices:

Starting a business Procedures, time, cost and minimum capital to open a new business
Dealing with construction permits Procedures, time and cost to build a warehouse
Getting electricity procedures, time and cost required for a business to obtain a permanent
electricity connection for a newly constructed warehouse
Registering property Procedures, time and cost to register commercial real estate
Getting credit Strength of legal rights index, depth of credit information index
Protecting investors Indices on the extent of disclosure, extent of director liability and ease of
shareholder suits
Paying taxes Number of taxes paid, hours per year spent preparing tax returns and total tax
payable as share of gross profit
Trading across borders Number of documents, cost and time necessary to export and import
Enforcing contracts Procedures, time and cost to enforce a debt contract
Resolving insolvency The time, cost and recovery rate (%) under bankruptcy proceeding

Focus of govt appreciable

FDI may increase in coming time

Increased labour availability after labour reforms

After GST, exporters will get refund in 90 days, common market across India, rank will go below 100

States should come forward in implementing of reforms

BJPs victory in urban bodies election 24-02-17

Kansas killing and safety of Indian Americans 25-02-17

Reflection of changing race equations in US primarily after Trump victory in elections

Also problem of immigrants- certain conflicts between already residing and recent ones

May also be just because of individual action exemplary punishment should be given

US is a sovereign nation to make policies on immigration

Serious concerns about job losses

Capital is mobile but not labour some balancing is required eg Brexit and trump victory

Will hamper the perception in masses about US

Such incidents would not affect Indias bilateral relations with US because they are based on mutual

What could be repercussions if such incidents continue- state administration will be able to address the

Mann ki baat 26-02-17

Various issues discussed, theme was mass connection and stressed S&T achievements

Started with mention about Vasant ie spring season

Female scientists played role in ISRO launching cost effective with a world record of 104 satellites

Now we have interceptor ballistic missiles

Satellites help in farming and weather, mentioned Gandhiji said that spirit of enquiry is required for

Fishermen app to get info about dangers and fishes

S&T empowers, it is not a show piece

Beti bachao, beti padhao

His appeal was to get ambassadors for Digital India programme

Poor people should get proper food from the food surplus that we have

Ind won silver in Asian rugby and won 20-20 of blinds

Launch of new catering policy in Railways 27-02-17

IRCTC been given back the task of catering

In 2010 Mamta Banerjee gave catering from IRCTC to zonal contractors

IRCTC was set up primarily for catering, now it has got back the job

Involvement of internet is crucial

Cooking and distribution would be two different functions in which contractors will take care of

IRCTC to have base kitchen at major stations and it cannot go to outright outsourcing

33% reservation to women to have stalls at stations

Milk stalls will be increased on station

Lot of complaints about quality

Hamsafar train launched upgraded form of garib rath

Antyodaua unreserved

Tejas - semi high speed mode

Uday double decker

National science day 28-02-17

Theme- S&T forspecially abled persons

Celebrated in memory of CV Raman (Ist Asian to win Nobel also last Nobel in this category for India)
discovered Raman effect on this day in 1928

World Science day 10th April

Current method of teaching in school is not ideal- practicals should be emphasized and schools must
encourage students to handle apparatus and equipment

Fear of science and maths must be removed

Students must feel excitement of science and maths teachers have the responsibility

Many parents think if the students go for research then they will not be able to earn as much as

Doing science is not for earning money but for a higher cause

Schemes : CSIR and other fellowships

How to create scientists, already we have many science graduates

Mindsets for research must be created in children at a young age

More funding in R&D

Low research ratio

Corporate sectors should invest resources in research in India

Attitude of lack of accountability in govt sector is hampering research

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